NSTP Reviewer - Roshiel bsn1b - 085003

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Housing- the destruction of houses which may be
Disaster Risk Reduction-actions taken to reduce the brought by floods and earthquakes can lead to
risk of disasters and the adverse impacts of natural homelessness.
hazards, through systematic
Health- health care infrastructures in most parts of
DISASTER-originated from the French word “desastre” the developing world are vulnerable to hazards
because of poor facilities.
-serious disruption of the functioning of a
community involving widespread human, material, Education- school facilities often serve as evacuation
economic, or environmental losses and impacts, and relief centers.

-consequences to human lives and not on  Economic impacts- several experts say that
the basis of the disaster itself the basic structure of the economy is a major
determining factor on the degree of the
RISK-The concept of chance or possibility of an event
vulnerability to hazards.
and it’s negative consequence.
 Environmental impacts- trees can be
DISASTER RISK- Refers to the potential, disaster losses
uprooted due to typhoons, hurricanes, and
which could occur in a particular community over some
strong winds, and there could be forest fires
specified future time period.
when lightning hits a dry land.
-can be categorized as either intensive
or extensive, can be considered as “acute” or “slow”
Seismology-Greek words “seismos” which means
HAZARD-“dangerous phenomenon”, substance,
human activity, or condition, that may cause loss of
life -study of earthquakes and seismic waves
that move through and around the world.
NATURAL HAZARD- are phenomena that may cause
severe death toll, damages to property, environment Seismic waves-vibrations generated by a sudden
and socio-economic impulse in the Earth.

 Biological hazard Types of Seismic Waves

 Geologic hazard Surface waves- waves only travel through the
 Hydro meteorological hazard earth’s crust and have lower frequency than body
HUMAN- INDUCED HAZARDS- This kind of hazards
sprouts from technological or industrial conditions Two kinds of Seismic Waves
which include infrastructure failures or specific human
Rayleigh waves- the movement of Rayleigh wave
is through rolling up the ground like waves in
EXPOSURE-This refers to people and properties that oceans. This wave is what we mostly feel during
are affected by hazards. earthquakes.
SENSITIVITY- the degree to which a certain Love waves- faster than Rayleigh wave and can
community can be affected by hazards.
only be felt in the earth’s crust, and shakes the
VULNERABILITY- and circumstances of a community, ground only in horizontal manner.
system or asset that make it susceptible to the
damaging effects of a hazard

ADAPTIVE CAPACITY- as the ability of the individual or

a community to withstand and adapt to continuous
environmental changes.
Body waves- these waves travel only through the  Volcanic earthquake- it happens because
earth’s interior and also the precursor of surface of an volcanic eruption, the stronger the
waves. eruption, the greater earthquake it may
Two kinds of Body waves
Magnitude-Measures the energy released by an
➢ P-waves or the primary waves, is the
earthquake and is assessed through seismograph.
fastest kind of seismic wave, called as
compressional waves
➢ S-waves or the secondary waves, it is the
next wave we feel after the first shaking
of the ground.
Earthquake-quake, tremor or temblor. It is the
shaking of the surface of the Earth, resulting from a Intensity-the actual effects and damages made
sudden release of energy in the Earth’s lithosphere by an earthquake
that creates seismic waves.
Signs of an impending earthquakes
seven primary tectonic plates, (African, American,
Eurasian, Indo-Australian, Pacific, North American  Animal behavior
and south American tectonic plates).  Change in atmospheric conditions
Fault-underground surface were plates slip and  Electromagnetic disturbance
the fault line are located; and were two plates
meet.  Boom sound

Three major types of Faults Earthquake- related hazards

 Dip-slip fault, it moves along the direction  Ground shaking- one of the most
of the dip-plane, downward movement on common hazard.
a sloping fault
 Liquefaction- a process in which
 Strike- slip fault, main movement of this
block along this fault is horizontal and
soft and sandy soils can be behave
which two blocks slide past one another. like a fluid.

 Oblique fault, is manifested when both  Surface rupture- an offset of the

dip-slip and strike- slip fault motion ground surface when fault rupture
happened. extends to the earth’s surface.
Some of the most dangerous fault lines: San
 Tsunamis and seiches- is a huge
Andreas, Southern California, New Madrid,
Central US, and Caribbean plate
series of waves, while seiches are
described as small tsunamis that are
Classifications of Earthquake often happen in lake
 Tectonic earthquake- caused by abrupt
 Sinkholes- found on areas where
movement of earth along faults, these are
rocks below the land are composed
the most dangerous and powerful
earthquakes that we experience. mostly of limestone, carbonate
rock, salt beds, or rocks that can
 Plutonic earthquake- they are less
naturally be dissolved by ground
destructive than shallow ones.
water circulating thru them.
 Landslides and rock falls- cliffs and Different type of volcanoes
steep sloping areas tend to collapse, 1. Cinder cone- simplest type -formed from lava
causing landslides. particles emitted in vent

 Subsidence and lateral spreading- 2. Shield cone – continuous lava flows

the ground surface id lowered, this 3.Composite volcanoes- “stratovolcanoes”-
is due to the downward vertical steepsided and closely symmetrical
motion on one side of fault. Classification of volcanoes
 Fire- follow after an earthquake 1. ACTIVE VOLCANO
because of knocked down power 2. ERUPTING VOLCANO
lines and broken gas lines. 3. DORMANT VOLCANO
Earthquake Readiness
PHIVOLCS(the Philippines institute of volcanology and
 Make an earthquake preparedness seismology)- specialized agency of the dost that
plan monitors volcanoes

 Discuss earthquake preparedness Alert level 1- abnormally observe- low seismic activity
with no imminent eruption
plan with your family
Alert level 2- increasing volcanic unrest with moderate
 Secure hazards levels of seismic activity

 Learn about earthquake risk in your Alert level 3- increasing tendency- possible eruption
areas within two weeks

Alert level 4- hazardous eruption is imminent

 Practice drop, cover, and hold-on
drill Alert level 5- hazardous eruption is in progress

Volcanic hazards
 Protect your properties
Lava flows- midly explosive when release
 Secure important documents.
Pyroclastic flow and surges- hazardous and

Gas emissions- one of the basic components of a

magma or lava.
Volcanology- study of volcano
Ashfall- made up of rock, mineral, and fragments
Volcano- an opening or vent on the earths created during explosion and separation of magma
surface where molten rocks, gases and ashes are into smaller pieces.
ejected Tephra falls and ballistic projectiles- fragments of
Volcanic eruption- resulted in the formation of volcanic rock ejected into air by explosion.
new mountains and landscapes- create hazardous Lahar- flowing mixture of volcanic debris and water.
conditions Formed due to pyroclastic flow mixed with water

Subduction- process where two tectonics plates Debris avalanche- landslide that was triggered by
converge one another intrusion of magma, earthquakes, heavy rainfall or
explosion from volcanoes.

Volcanic tsunamis- series of highwater waves

triggered by disruption of the seafloor

• Make a detailed emergency plan

• Arrange an emergency supply kit
• Store important documents in waterproof
container or resealable plastic bag
• Develop a communication mechanism
• Monitors news updates and coordinate
with local authorities
• Strengthen roofs of the house
Active volcanoes in the world

• Mount Vesuvius, Italy

• Mount Merapi, Indonesia
• Mount loa volcano, Hawaii
Active volcanoes in the Philippines

• Mount mayon, albay

• Taal volcano, albay
• Mount bulusan, Sorsogon

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