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Standard Method of Test for

Softening Point of Bitumen (Ring=and=Ball


AASHTO Designation: T 53-96 (2000)
ASTM Designation: D 36-95
AASHTO T 53-96 (2000) is identical to ASTM D 36-95 except for the following provisions:
1. All references to the ASTM standards contained in ASTM D 36-95, listed in the following
table, shall be replaced with the corresponding AASHTO standard:
Referenced Standards
D 92 T 48
D 140 T 40

2. Replace Figure 1 of ASTM D 36-95 with the figure on the next page:
3. Change boiling point of ethylene glycol to between 193 and 204°C.

Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials T 53-1 AASHTO
Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
# 120" u


EI ; w e H

+ A 4
Figure 1 (a) Shouldered Ring Figure 1 (c) Ball-Centering Guide
A 23.0 mm f 0.3 mm (0.91" f 0.01") A 23.1 rnm (See Note 3) (0.91" (See Note 3))
B 19.8 mrn f 0.3 mm (0.78" f 0.01") B 9.7 mm (See Note 4) (0.38" (See Note 4))
C 18.8 mrn f 0.3 mrn (0.74" f 0.01") C 1.5 rnrn f 0.5 rnm (0.06" f 0.02")
D 15.9 mm f 0.3 rnm (0.63" f 0.01") D 24.6 mm f 0.3 mrn (0.97"f 0.01")
E 4.4 mm f 0.3 mrn (0.17" f 0.01") E 0.8 mm f 0.5 mrn (0.03" f 0.02")
F 2.0 mm f 0.3 mm (0.08" f 0.01") F 3.0 rnm f 0.5 mrn (0.12" f 0.02")
G 6.4 mm f 0.4 mm (0.25" f 0.02") G 1.5 rnrn f 0.3 mrn (0.06" f 0.01")
H 3.6 rnm f 0.3rnm (0.14" f 0.01") H 4.8 rnrn f 0.3 mrn (0.19" f 0.01")
I 2.8 mm f 0.3mm (0.11" f 0.01") I 4.3 mm f 0.3 mm (0.17" f 0.01")

Figure 1 (b) Ring Holder

A 19.0 rnrn (See Note 1) (0.75" (See Note 1)
B 23.9 rnrn f 0.5 mm (0.94" f 0.02")
n -.e"--.
I 0 . L l l l l l l I U.D 111111
ia n n a
A n nv\
J.U.UL ,
D 5.6 rnm f 0.5 mrn (0.22" f 0.02") (d) Two-Ring Assembly
E 5.6 mrn f 0.5 rnm (0.22" f 0.02")
,F f i R i r i r n r n + n S r n r n 12.62"f 0.02"ì
\---- --~ ~ I

Notes: 1. niis diameter is to be slightly larger (approximately0.05 mm (0.002 in.) than dimension "C" of Figure 1 (a) to permit insertion of ring, In final
assembly, the thermometerbulb shall be within 12.7 mm (0.50 in.) of, but not touching the ball centering guide.
2. The shape of the ring holder in Figure l(b) is not critical in respect to the test results; therefore any shape is acceptable provided it is of a suitable shape
to support the test apparatus.
3. niis diameter is to be slightly larger (approximately0.05 mm (0.002 in.)) than dimension " A of Figure l(a) Shouldered Ring to slide over ring.
4. This diameter is to be slightly larger (approximately0.05 mm (0.002 in.)) than 3.6 mm (0.38 in.) to allow placing and centering of the steel ball.

Figure 1-Shouldered Ring, Ring Holder, Ball-Centering Guide, and Assembly of Apparatus Showing Two Rings

Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials T 53-2 AASHTO
Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
0) Designation: D 36 - 95

Standard Test Method for

Softening Point of Bitumen (Ring-and-Ball Apparatus)'

1. scope bitumens, as one element in establishing the uniformity of

1.1 This test method covers the determination of the shipments or sources of supply, and is indicative of the
softeningpoint of bitumen in the range from 30 to 157'C (86 tendency of the material to flow at elevated temperatures
to 315T) using the ringand-ball apparatus immersed in encountered in service.
distilled water (30 to 80'C), USP glycerin (above 80 to
157'C), or ethylene glycol (30 to 1 IO'C). 5. Apparatus
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the 5.1 Rings-Two squan-shouldered brass rings con-
standard. forming to the dimensions shown in Fig. i (a).
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the 5.2 Pouring Plate-A flat, smooth, brass plate approxi-
safety concerns, i/ any, associated with Ìtr use. It is lhe mateiy 50 by 75 mm (2 by 3 in.).
responsibility of the user of IhÌs standurd IO establish appro- 5.3 Balls-Two steel balls, 9.5 mm (Hin.) in diameter,
priute safity and health practices and delermine the applica- each having a mas of 3.50 i0.05 &
bility of regulatory IimÌtations prior to use. 5.4 Bail-Centering Guides-Two brass guides for cen-
tering the steel bails, one for each ring, conforming to the
2. Referenced Documents general shape and dimensions shown in Fig. I (b).
2. I ASTM Standards: 5.5 Bath-A glass vessel, capable of being heated, not Iss
C670 Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Slate- than 85 mm in inside diameter and not less than 120 mm in

menu for Test Methods for Construction Materialsz depth from the bottom of the flare,
D92 Test Method for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Narc I-An 8ûO-rnL, low-ïormGnfin beaker or heal-resistant giass
Open CUP' meets ihir rcquiremcni.
D 140 Practice for Sampling Bituminous Materials4 5.6 Ring Holder and Assembly-A brass holder designed
D3461 Test Method for Softening Point of Asphalt and to support the two rings in a horizontal position, conforming
Pitch (Mettler Cupand-Ball MethodP to the shape- and dimensions shown in Fig. I (c), supported
E 1 Specification for ASTM Thermometers6 in the assembly illustrated in Fig. 1 (d). The bottom of the
shoutdered rings in the ring holder shall be 25 mm ( I .O in.)
3. Summary of Test Method above the upper surface of the bottom plate, and the lower
3.1 Two horizontal disks of bitumen, cast in shouldered surface of the bottom plate shall be 16 f 3 mm (55 f H in.)
brass rings, are heated at a controlled rate in a liquid bath from the bottom of the bath.
while each supports a steel ball. The softening point is 5.7 Thermometers:
reported as the mean of the temperatures at which the two 5.7.1 An ASTM Low Softening Point Thermometer,
disks soften enough to allow each ball, enveloped in bi- having a range from -2 to + 80'C or 30 to I80'F. and
tumen, to fall a distance of 25 mm (1 .O in.). conforming to the requirements for Thermometer 15C or
15F as prescribed in Specification E 1.
4. Significanceand Use 5.7.2 An ASTM Ki& Softening Point Thermometer,
4. I Bitumens are viscoelastic materials without sharply having a range from 30 to 200'C or 85 to 392'F. and
defined melting points; they gradually become softer and less conforming to the requirements for Thermometer 16C or
Viscous as the temperature rises. For this reason, softening 16F as prescribed in SpecificationE I.
points must be determined by an arbitrary and closely 5.7.3 The appropriate thermometer shall be suspended in
defined method if results are 10 be reproducible. the assembly as shown in Fig. 1 (d) so that the bottom of the
4.2 The softening point is useful in the classification of bulb is levei with the bottom of the rings and within 13 mm
(0.5 in.) of the rings, but not touching them or the ring
holder. Substitution of other. thennometen shall not be
a Ths teu method is under the juridiction of ASTM Commiiicc D 8 on
Roofing. Watcrpmofing and Bituminous Mntcri~lrand is ihe d i m rerponsibility
of Sukommitiee WB.03 on Surfacing and Bituminous MauriaL for Membrane
Watcrpmofing and Builtup Roofink 6. Reagents and Materiais
Cumnl edition appmvcd On IO. 1995. PuMished December 1995. originally
puMished Y D M 627. h -
l previousedition D 36 86 (1993)". 6.1 Bath Liquids:
'A I I W ~ B I t?fASTM
~ S/UIIdUdd.Vol 04.02. 6.1.1 Freshly Boiled Distilled Water.
'Annual BUJ; qfASîM siondrrrds. Vol 05.01.
+Anmal Book ylASI'MStandardr. Vol 04.03. NOTE2-The usc of W y boiled distilled water is essential io avoid
'Annual B w k oJASTM i n n d a d . Vol 04.04. trapping air bubbles on the surfacc of the specimen which may aff- the
Annuul Bixk o J A S M Sfundardr, Vol 14.03. results

Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
6.1.2 LISP Glycerin, or in other tesu such BI thosc for pnctration and flash point.
NOTE 3-CALmON-ûlyœrin has a flash point of 160% (320'F)
7. Sampling
in accordance wich Tesi Method D 92.
7.1 Sample the material in accordance with Practice
6.1.3 Qhyfene Glycol, with a boiling point between 195 D 140.
and 197T (383 and 387.F).
NOTE 4-CAUïION-Ethylene glycol is toxic when laken inter- 8. Test Specimens
nally or inhaled at a vapor. Avoid prolonged or remtcd skin contact 8.1 Do not start unless it is planned to compiete prepara-
and inhalation of vapors Its flash point is I I S T (239'F) in accordance
with Test Method D 92. When using this bath liquid. conduct the tesí in tion and testing of all asphalt specimens within 6 h and ail
a vented laboratory hood with adquace enhaus! Fan capacity to ensue coal-tar pitch specimens within 4% h. Heat the bitumen

removal of toxic vapors. sample with care, dimng frequently to prevent local over-
heating, until it has become sufficiently fluid to pour (Note
6.2 Release Agents: 6). Stir carefully to avoid incorporation of air bubbles in the
6.2.1 To prevent adhesion of bitumen to the pouring plate
when casting disks the surface of the brass pouring plate
may be thinly coated just before use with silicone oil or NOTE 6-An electric hot plate having a minimum power to uni!-
grease (Note S), a mixture of glycerin and dextrin, talc, or- surfaceam ratio of 37 kW/mz has been found satisfactory for this
china clay. purpose.

Narr S-CAUTION:-Isolate silicones from other biruminous 8.1. I Take no more than 2 h to heat an asphalt sample to
testing equipment and samples to avoid contamination. and wear its pouring temperatm; in no case shall this be more than
dispoabk rubber gloves whenever handling silicones or apparatus llo'C (2WF) above the expected softening point of the
coated with them. Silicone contamination can produce erroneous muh asphalt.

Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials T 53-4 AASHTO
Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
!@ D36
8.1.2 Take no more than 30 min to heat a coal-tar pitch est in which the rate of temperature rise
(I 1.o"F).Reject any t
sample to its pouring temperature; in no case shall this be does not fall within these lim¡ts.
more than 55% (IWFabove ) the expected softening point NoTe 7-Rigid adherence to the prrsaibal healing rate is essential
of the coal-tar-pitch. to nproducibili~yof rrsultr Either a gas burner or elecuic hailer may k
8.1.3 If the test must be repeated later, do not reheat this used, but the latter mua k of the low-lag variable outpul lypc to
sample; use a fresh sample in a clean container to prepare maintain the prescribed rate of heatink
new test specimens. 9.6 Record for each ring and ball the temperature indi-
8.2 Heat the two brass rings (but not the pourhg plate) to cated by the thermometer at the instant the bitumen
the approximate pouring temperature, and place them on surrounding the bail touches the bottom plate. Make no
the pouring piate treated with one of the release agents. correction for the emergent stem of the thermometer. If the
8.3 Pour a slight excas of the heated bitumen into each difference between the two temperatures exceeds 1°C (2°F).
ring, and then allow the specimens to cool in ambient air for repeat the test.
at least 30 min. For materials that are soft at room
temperature, cool the specimens for at least 30 min at an air, 10. Calculation
temperature at least IO'C (i8'F) below the expected soft-
ening point. From the time the specimen disks are poured, 10.1 For a given bitumen specimen, the softening point
no more than 240 min shall elapse before completion of the determined in a water bath will be lower than that deter-
test. mined in a g i y d n bath. Since the softening point determi-
8.4 When the specimens have cooled, cut away the excess nation is necessarily arbitrary, this d i f f i n c e matters only
bitumen cleanly with a slightly heated knife or spatula, so for softening points slightly above 80°C (176°F).
that each disk is flush and level with the top of its ring. 10.2 The change from water to glycerin for softening
points above 80% creates a discontinuity. With rounding,
the lowest possible asphalt softening point reported in
9. Rocedure glymin is 8 4 . X (184"F), and the lowest possible coal-tar
9. I Select one of the following bath liquids and themiom-

pitch softening point reported in glycerin is 82.0'C (180'F).
eten appropriate for the expected softening point: Softening points in glycerin lower than these translate to
9.1.1 Freshly boiled distilled water for softening points softening points in water of 80% (176'- or less, and shall be
between 30 and W C (86and 176"); use Thermometer I5C so reported.
or I SF. The starting bath temperature shall be 5 f 1C (41 f
' 10.2.1 ïhe correction for asphalt is 4.2T (-7,4'F), and
2'F). for coal-tar pitch is -1.7'C (-3.o"F). For referee purposes,
9.1.2 USP glycerin for softening points above 80'C repeat the test in a water bath.
(176°F)and up to 157'C (315°F); use Thermometer 16C or 10.2.2 Under any circumstances, if the mean of the two
16F. The starting bath temperature shall be 30 f 1°C (86 I temperatures determined in glycerin is 80.0"C (176.0'F) or
TF). lower for asphalt, or 77.5"C (i 7 1.YF)or lower for coal-tar
9.1.3 Ethylene glycol for softening points between 30 and pitch, repeat the test in a water bath.
11o'C (86 and 2u)"F); use Thermometer i6C or 16F. The 10.3 To convert softening points slightly above 80'C
starting bath temperature shall be 5 f I T (41 f 2'F). ( 176°F) determined in water to those determined in glycerin,
9.1.4 For referee purposes, all softening points up to 80'C the correction for asphalt is +4.2'C (+7.4'F) and for coal-tar
(176°F) shall be determined in a water bath and all softening pitch is + I .TC (+3.0'F). For referee purposes, repeat the test
points above 8o'C ( I 76°F) shall be determined in a glycerin in a glycerin bath.
bath. 10.3.1 Under any circumstances, if the mean of the two
9.2 Assemble the apparatus in the laboratory hood with temperatures determined in water is 85.o"C (i85.0'F) or
the specimen rings. ball-centering guides, and thermometer higher, repeat the test in a giycerin bath.
in position. and fill the bath so that the liquid depth will be 10.4 Results obtained by using an ethylene glycol bath
105 f 3 mm (4Yn.t a!' in.) with the apparatus in place. If will vary from those using water and glycerin. The following
using ethylene glycol. make sure the hood exhaust fan is formulas shall be used to calculate the differences:
turned on and operating properly to remove toxic vapors. Asphali:
Using forceps, place the two steel balls in the bottom of the
bath so they will reach the same starting temperature as the
SP (glycerin)= 1.026583x SP (ethylene glycol) 1.334968%
SP (water) = 0.974118 x SP (ethylene glycol) - 1.44459'C
rest of the assembly.
9.3 Place the bath in ice water, if necessary, or gently heat C d Tar:
to establish and maintain the proper starting bath tempera- SP (glycerin) = 1.044795 X SP (ethylene glycol) - 5.063574.C
ture for I5 min with the apparatus in place. Take care not to -
tSP (water) = 1.O6 1 I I I x SP (ethylene glycol) 8.4I3488'C
contaminate the bath liquid.
9.4 Again using forceps, place a bail from the bottom of 11. Report
the bath in each ball-centering guide. 11.1 When using ASTM Thermometer 15C or 15F,
9.5 Heat the bath from below so that the temperatu= report to the nearest 0.2T or 0.5'F the mean or corrected
indicated by the thermometer rises at a uniform rate of 5°C mean of the temperatures recorded in 9.6 as the softening
(Y'F)/min (Note 7). Protect the bath from drafts, using point.
shields if necessary. Do not average the rate of temperature
rise over the test period. The maximum permissible variation
for any I-min period after the first 3 min shall be O S T t Ediioriaily corrmcd.

Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
11.2 When using ASTM Thermometer 16C or 16F report same sample of bitumen from two laboratories should not
to the nearest 0.W or i .O'F the mean or corrected mean of differ by more than 2.0'C (3.5.R.'
the ternper<ituresrecorded in 9.6 as the softening point. 12.2 With ethylene giycoi, the following criteria shall be
i 1.3 Report the bath liquid used in the tat. used for judging the acceptability of results:
12.2.1 Single-Operator Precision-The singleoperator
12. Recision and Bias standard deviation has been found to be 0.72'C ( I .29'F).
12.1 With diftiiled water or USP glycerin, the foilowing Therefore, results of two properly conducted tests by the
critena shall be used for judging the acceptability of results same operator on the same sample of bitumen should not
(95 Sb probability): differ by m o n than 2.0% (3.ST).7
12.i. i SìngìeOperator Precision-The singleoperator 12.2.2 Muitiloborcllory Precision-The multilaboratory
standard deviation has beco found to be 0.43.C (0.73W. standard deviation has been found to be L O S T (1.95'F).
Therefore, m l t s of two properly conducted tests by the Therefore, results of two properly conducted tests on the
same opuator on the same sample of bitumen should not same sample of bitumen From two laboratories should not
differ by more than 1.2% (2.0m.' differ by more than 3.0'C (5.5'F).'
12.1.2 Muliilaùoraiory Precision-The multilaboratory 12.3 Bim-The proadure in T m Method D 36 has no
standard deviation has been found to be 0.70T (1.26'F). bias because the value of the softening point of the bitumen
Thenfore, results of two properly conducted tests on the test is defined in terms of this test method.
13. Keywords
13.1 asphalt; bail and ring; bitumen; coal tar; softening
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Copyright American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

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