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AOA Shaheer bhai,

1.It's being a long time from our last chat and i hope that you are doing well. My
Cies are just at the doorstep and I'm at moments confused to how redesign my
schedule in the upcoming vacations and where to start from and how, especially
Pakistan studies and Islamiyat ( P1 and P2 both subjects). So if there are any tips
or tricks that you have learned from your experience let me know as it is true that
experience beats intelligence. 2.Secondly we have only about a month and 20 days
left for our first paper, how you see this time is good to practice writing skills
as in our school series test and sendup, I usually finished all my paper before the
time and got about near to or sometimes highest marks in those exams , so am i
lacking the writing speed or by writing down every topic I learn will benefit it in
my exams or i can simply start from scratch learn all the topics again till i have
full trust on my prep, how you see this case at this particular situation.

Finally, I'm very sorry to disturb you at this time. I would be anxiously waiting
for your reply.
Regards Abdullah Afzal form O-2.

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