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Learning Happens Childcare:


Muhammad Hamza Ali


This document elaborates the project specifics, lists the points which need further
clarification, provides a tentative architecture overview of the technical implementation,
usage estimates of such an implementation, and proposes a framework for project and
feedback management.

1. Deliver Learning Happens Childcare application for iOS and Android.
2. Deliver a web (Super) dashboard for Administrators to work with the application.

We start with a concretized picture of the project as described in the requirement
The figure below specifies the main actors, Providers, Administrators, and Parents, and
how they interact with each other and the platform.
A few things that need to be brought into notice here are that:
1) The only interaction Parents have is receiving emails.
2) The means of communication between Providers and Administrators are not
explicitly mentioned whether it is through two way direct messages, audio calls
and/or video calls etc
3) As a specific feature list of a CRM is not specified, we propose an off the shelf open
source CRM integrated with the mobile application instead of a dashboard based
on React.js. The details can be further discussed depending on agreement but are
omitted here for brevity.
4) No details about Home visit automation, Announcements, or Checklist are

Figure 1

Technical Implementation
For the technical implementation, we propose a mobile application developed in React
Native with Firebase services on the backend.
React Native wrapped in Expo and EAS tools will be sufficient for this application. React
Native also has a thriving developer community supporting each other and extending it.
Firebase services are Google Cloud Platform services which abstract away the need for
scaling or maintaining backend infrastructure. Paying only for what is used and a generous
quota for many services on the free tier for this project.

Below is the tentative architectural overview of the GCP/Firebase services to be used and
the interactions between them. The only external service is twilio sendgrid for sending
and receiving emails.

Usage estimates

The data has been classified into text and non-text multimedia.
● Daily logs
● Notes
● Operational Updates
● Profile
● Daily pictures
● Legal and training material
P = 40: Providers, X = 10: Photos per day per provider, S = 5 MB per Photo, C =
20: Children per Provider, G = C = 20: Parents per provider,
Assuming all Multimedia will be kept for at least 7 years, the monthly storage starts
off from
10 pictures * 5 MB = 50MB (size of pictures captured by one provider in one day)
40*50MB = 2GB (size of pictures captured by 40 providers in one day)
2GB * 30 = 60 GB (Size of pictures captured by 40 providers in one month)
It will cap at 5 TB in total in the 7th year if the data is religiously and automatically deleted
after 7 years. IE the storage cost will start at $1.5/Month and then climb to $125/month.
Samples required for more accurate calculations
Assuming the providers send daily activity to one parent per child and the data is
not very frequently used otherwise, the minimum bandwidth.
10*5MB (Data generated by one provider in one day)
50MB * 20 = 1GB (Data sent by one provider in one day)
1000MB * 40 = 40GB (Data sent by 40 providers in one day)
40GB * 30 = 1200GB (Data sent by 40 providers in one month)
Data transfer costs will remain at $150/month.
Samples required for more accurate calculations

Compression and caching techniques have to be used to limit costs associated with
data transfer.
This is by far the most significant cost for the project at the current moment. Other
usage and costs have been ignored for now.

Project Management

It is proposed to use Agile methodology for the project delivery and feedback so that:
1) Periodic weekly and biweekly meetings should be arranged for the delivery of the
product such that the client is up to date on the progress and has a functioning
product at all times.
2) The training, testing and quality assurance can happen concurrently.
3) Any changes in requirements and requests for clarification are communicated
4) The product will incorporate customer feedback at all stages of its life cycle. Costs,
User Experience, Features and Functionality.

Development Estimates

Resources needed

Frontend USD 3500

Backend USD 3500

UI/UX USD 3500

Technical Management USD 3500

Quality Assurance USD 3500

Support Engineer USD 1500

Project duration:
3-4 Months: Design, Development, Testing, Project wrap up
3 Months: Technical Support
Total Project Cost: USD 19.000

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