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Willy Wonka

In England once there lived a lad,

Who often told this horrigust tale which was sad,
My childhood was abominably bad
As I had a fizzwiggler dad
Because he kept me away from chocolates and cakes
That was my punishment without even committing any mistakes
But Oh! The lure of the flavory-savory chocolate was STRONG
I wouldn’t let go even if I were hit by a gong!!!

(Can you see the bumps on my head like blooming flowers 😊)

And as time passed, the awesome-darksome chocolates became an obsession

So much so that I chose to be a chocolatier by profession
Making chocolates is what I daily do
And they are absolutely relished by kids too
But what happens when they gobble too much of it
Well! Soon enough they need to pay my dentist father a visit.
And when they open their mouths wide…
Money flows in like a tide!

Inventing newer varieties of chocolates is a big attraction

It would give me the ultimate satisfaction
Behold! The incredible result of my determination
The Oompa Loompas have helped me with a mind-boggling invention
The Television Chocolate has caught every child’s attention!
A giganticus chocolate from this end of the TV I send
Which shatters into million tiny pieces at the other end
Just then, the television screen flickers
And a miniature version of the chocolate appears
This any child can grab and eat
Oh! Isn’t it an absolutely incredible feat.
A breakthrough invention that truly startles us
Just by virtue of being Lickswishy and Scrumdiddlyumptious!!!

Aashima R Albal

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