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Name : Puji Wulandari

NIM : 202123046
Class : TBI unit 3
Subject : Writing for Academic Purpose
No Contents Explanation
1. Journal Title The Politeness Requesting Principle Found in “Titanic” TV Mini
2. Authors I Komang Tris Prasetya Wahyudi Putra, I Gusti Ayu Mahatma
3. Preliminary Literature often portrays characters interacting in various social
contexts, showasing how they use language to navigate powe
imbalances, respect social norms, and acheve their goals. This
mirrors the politeness principle’s emphasis on minimizing the
imposition on the others nad maintaining positive social relation.
Literature offers a window into diverse cultures and their unique
politeness conventions. Writers can use language to portray how
characters from different backgrounds make request, express
gratitude, or offer apologies. This connects to the politeness
principles’s recognition that face-savinf strategies and politeness
norms vary across cultures.
This article investigates the politeness strategies used in the
titanic TV mini series. It identifies four forms of politeness:
positive politeness, negative politeness, bald on record, and bald
off record.
In contrast to current research, which is about how politeness is
employed in the dialogue of TV series, the study conducted by
Sari et al. focuses on how politeness is used to teach EFL
 Titanic is a 1996 American two-part television miniseries
whiech premiered on CBS on November 17 and 19, 1996
 This film focuses on several characters aboard the RMS
Titanic during her maiden voyage in 1912.
4. Research Method 1. The study employed a descriptive qualitative approach,
collecting data by watching the Titanic TV series and
conducting note-taking of relevant data. The data
collection involved finding request forms from the
characters in the TV series, classifying politeness
strategies of requests, explaining and interpreting to
address the research problems, and reporting or providing
conclusions. The analysis was based on the theory
proposed by Brown & Levinson (1987), which identifies
four politeness strategies: bald on record, positive
politeness, negative politeness, and off record.
2. The findings of the study can be applied as a conceptual
contribution to address issues of direct speech in
pragmatic studies and serve as a guide for future research
in the field of linguistics. The study's results contribute to
the understanding of direct speech in pragmatic studies
and offer a roadmap for future research in the field of

3. The study's methodology and findings provide insights

into how politeness strategies are employed in
communication, contributing to the field of linguistics
and pragmatic studies. The research also distinguishes
itself from previous studies by focusing on how
characters in the Titanic TV series employ politeness
strategies in their dialogue, offering a unique perspective
on the use of politeness in media.
4. The study's approach and findings contribute to the
understanding of politeness in the context of TV series
and film, offering insights into the use of politeness in
audio-visual media as a form of electronic mass
5. Result and Analysis The study employed a descriptive qualitative approach to
analyze the politeness strategies used in the Titanic TV series.
The data was collected by watching the series and conducting
note-taking of relevant data. The analysis was based on the
theory proposed by Brown & Levinson (1987), which identifies
four politeness strategies: bald on record, positive politeness,
negative politeness, and off record. The findings of the study can
be applied to pragmatic studies and serve as a guide for future
research in the field of linguistics.

The results of the analysis revealed the various forms of

politeness strategies used in the Titanic TV series, providing
insights into how these strategies are employed in
communication. The study's findings contribute to the
understanding of direct speech in pragmatic studies and offer a
roadmap for future research in the field of linguistics.
6. Research Discussion In the research results, the author describes the data which in the
data includes four politeness strategies.
Data 1: Mr. Astor: “You can do it, Bella.” This data is a positive
politeness strategy. One of the characters, namely Mr. Astor said
positive things to encourage Bella, hoping that his words would
increase Bella's self-confidence.
Data 2: Mrs. Ellen: “Cold in your condition. It’s chilly out here,
Mrs. Astor”. The second data is also one of the positive
politeness strategies. Mrs. Ellen was worried for Mrs. Astor. She
said this because she cared about Mrs. Astor . Mrs. Ellen didn't
want Mrs. Astor to be sick because the weather outside was very

Data 3: Mr. Park: “Please forgive me. I was wrong”. Mr. Park
apologized and felt guilty for accusing Isabella of her family
problems. The remark lost its decency due to blaming in the
absence of accurate evidence. The apology is classified as
negative politeness because he regrets his actions.

Data 4: Mrs. Bella: “I changed my mind. I am completely

comfortable here. Thank you.” Ms. Bella changed her mind not
to move rooms. At first she wanted to move rooms due to
problems with Mr. Park. But after making up with Mr. Park she
doesn't want to move rooms. This is included in the category of
negative politeness because Ms. Bella was sorry.

Data 5: Mr. Dicky: “Well, played. If you don’t join, I will tell
your rottenness to your lovers. Mr. Dicky said a warning to his
interlocutor that if he didn't accompany him, Mr. Dicky will
reveal his dirty mind to his girlfriend. This is categorized as Bald
On-Record where the speaker expresses his intentions regardless
of his communication style.

Data 6: Mr. Astor: “Why you don’t ask your wife?”. Basically
Mr. Astor didn't want to tell Mr. Park because he wanted Mr.
Park asked his wife. This can be a problem that needs to be
resolved without harming others. This dialogue belongs to Bald
7. Conclusion In the completion of this observational investigation, it was
discovered that the Titanic used a variety of different politeness
strategies. Positive politeness, negative politeness, bald on-
record and bald off-record which are the strategies used in the
dialogue. This research or discovery is expected to be applied in
various contexts in communication and able to overcome
problems such as in pragmatic studies. In addition, by analyzing
how direct speech is used in movies/films/TV series, this
research makes a contribution to the field of linguistics.
8. Advantages 1. Provides a comprehensive analysis of politeness
strategies used in the Titanic TV series, contributing to
the understanding of direct speech in pragmatic studies.
2. The study's findings can be applied as a conceptual
contribution to address issues of direct speech in
pragmatic studies and serve as a guide for future research
in the field of linguistics.
3. The research distinguishes itself by focusing on how
characters in the Titanic TV series employ politeness
strategies in their dialogue, offering a unique perspective
on the use of politeness in media.
4. The study's approach and findings contribute to the
understanding of politeness in the context of TV series
and film, offering insights into the use of politeness in
audio-visual media as a form of electronic mass
9. Disadvantages 1. The study's focus on a specific TV series may limit the
generalizability of its findings to other contexts or media
2. the use of a descriptive qualitative approach may limit the
depth of the analysis and the ability to draw broader
conclusions about politeness strategies in media
3. The reliance on data collected from a single source, such
as a TV series, may introduce bias and limit the diversity
of examples and contexts analyzed.
4. The study's methodology, which involved watching the
Titanic TV series on YouTube, may raise questions about
the reliability and authenticity of the data used for

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