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Synchronization Algorithms

and Concurrent Programming

Gadi Taubenfeld
Chapter 7
Multiple resources
The dinning philosophers problem

Version: June 2014

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 1
Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
Synchronization Algorithms
and Concurrent Programming
ISBN: 0131972596, 1st edition

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Gadi Taubenfeld
All material copyright 2014
Gadi Taubenfeld, All Rights Reserved

To get the most updated version of these slides go to:
Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 2
Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
Chapter 7
Multiple Resources

2.1 Deadlocks
2.2 Deadlock Prevention
2.3 Deadlock Avoidance
2.4 The Dining Philosophers
2.5 Hold and Wait Strategy
2.5 Wait and Release Strategy
2.6 Randomized algorithms

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 3

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Section 7.1

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 4

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A set of processes is deadlocked if each
process in the set is waiting for an event that
only another process in the set can cause.

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 5

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Multiple resources
How to avoid deadlock?

account A account B

Transferring money between two bank accounts

semaphores A and B, initialized to 1

P0 P1
down(A); down(B)
down(B); down(A)

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 6

Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
Multiple resources
How to avoid deadlock?

Bridge crossing

q On the bridge traffic only in one direction.

q The resources are the two entrances.

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 7

Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
Two Simple Questions

Question: A system has 2 processes and 3

identical resources. Each process needs a No
maximum of 2 resources. Is deadlock possible?

Question: Consider a system with X identical

resources. The system has 15 processes each
needing a maximum of 15 resources. What is the
smallest value for X which makes the system
deadlock-free (without the need to use a
deadlock avoidance algorithm)?

15×14+1 = 211

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 8

Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014

Question: Two processes, P1 and P2 each need to hold

five records 1,2,3,4 and 5 in a database to complete. If
P1 asks for them in the order 1,2,3,4,5 and P2 asks
them in the same order, deadlock is not possible.
However, if P2 asks for them in the order 5,4,3,2,1
then deadlock is possible. With five resources, there
are 5! or 120 possible combinations each process can
request the resources. Hence there are 5!×5! different
algorithms. What is the exact number of algorithms
(out of 5!×5!) that is guaranteed to be deadlock free?

5!(4!×4!) = (5!×5!)/5

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 9

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Strategies for dealing with Deadlocks

q Just ignore the problem altogether

m UNIX and Windows take this approach.
q Detection and recovery
m Allow the system to enter a deadlock state and then
q Avoidance
m By careful resource allocation, ensure that the
system will never enter a deadlock state.
q Prevention
m The programmer should write programs that never
deadlock. This is achieved by negating one of the
four necessary conditions for deadlock to occur
(mentioned in the next slide.)

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 10

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Deadlock Prevention
Section 7.2

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 11

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Deadlock Prevention
Attacking one of the following conditions for deadlock

q Mutual exclusion condition

m one process at a time can use the resource.
q Hold and wait condition
m a process can request (and wait for) a resource
while holding another resource.
q No preemption condition
m A resource can be released only voluntarily by
the process holding it.
q Circular wait condition
m must be a cycle involving several processes, each
waiting for a resource held by the next one.

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 12

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Attacking the mutual Attacking the no
exclusion condition preemption condition

q Some devices (such as q Many resources (such as

printer) can be spooled printer) should not be
m only the printer preempted
daemon uses printer m can not take the
resource, thus
deadlock for printer printer from a process
eliminated that has not finished
q Not all devices can be
printing yet
è attack is not useful in è attack is not useful in
general general

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 13

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Attacking the Hold and Wait Condition
Processes may request all the resources they need in advance.

q Problems
m May not know all required resources in advance.
m Inefficient : ties up resources other processes
could be using.
m Starvation is possible.

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 14

Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
Two-Phase Locking
(Notice similarity to requesting all resources at once)

q Phase one
mThe process tries to lock all the resources it
currently needs, one at a time
m if needed record is not avaliable, release
and start over
q Phase two: when phase one succeeds,
m performing updates
m releasing locks

“livelock” is possible.

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 15

Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
The time-stamping ordering technique

Time stamps:
q Before a process starts locking a unique new
timestamp is associated with that process.
q If a process has been assigned timestamp Ti
and later a new process has assigned
timestamp Tj then Ti <Tj.
q We associate with each resource a
timestamp value, which is the timestamp of
the process that is currently holding that

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 16

Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
The time-stamping ordering technique
Phase one: the process tries to lock all the resources it
currently needs, one at a time.
q If a needed resource is not available and the
timestamp value is smaller than that of the process,
m release all the resources,
m waits until the resource with the smaller
timestamp is released,
m and starts over.
q Otherwise, if the timestamp of the resource is not
m waits until the resource is released and locks it.
Phase two: when phase one succeeds,
q performing updates; releasing locks.

Prevents deadlock and starvation.

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 17
Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
Attacking the Circular Wait Condition
Impose a total ordering of all resource types, and
require that each process requests resources in
an increasing order of enumeration.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


account A account B

Solves transferring money between two bank accounts

Chapter 7 We will see other interesting usage of this observation

Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming
Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
Deadlock Avoidance
Section 7.3

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 19

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Deadlock Avoidance
Safe and Unsafe States


All terminated!
Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 20
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Basic Facts
q If a system is in safe state è no deadlock.

q If a system is in unsafe state è deadlock

now or in the future.

q Deadlock Avoidance è ensure that a system

will never enter an unsafe state.

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 21

Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
Example: Prove that the state below is safe


P1 1 9

P2 4 5

P3 2 8
available : 2

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 22

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P1 1 9 P1 1 9 P1 1 9 P1 1 9 P1 1 9

P2 4 5 P2 5 5 P2 0 - P2 0 - P2 0 -

P3 2 8 P3 2 8 P3 2 8 P3 8 8 P3 0 -
available : 2 available : 1 available : 6 available : 0 available : 8

P1 9 9 P1 0 --

P2 0 -- P2 0 --

P3 0 -- P3 0 --
available : 0 available : 9

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 23
Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
Example: safe and unsafe


P1 1 9
q If process P1 requests one (out of the 2 avaliable),
P2 4 5
resources the Banker will not allocated it.
P3 2 8
available : 2

P1 2 9 unsafe
P2 4 5

P3 2 8
available : 1

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 24

Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
The Banker’s Algorithm

q When there is a request q A state is safe if there

for an available resource, exists a sequence of all
the banker must decide if processes <P1, P2, …, Pn>
immediate allocation leaves such that for each Pi, the
the system in a safe state. resources that Pi can still
request can be satisfied by
q If the answer is positive,
currently available
the resource is allocated, resources + resources held
by all the Pj, with j < i.
otherwise the request is
temporarily denied.

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 25

Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
The Banker’s Algorithm: commensts

q Can handle Multiple instances.

q Each process must a priori claim maximum
use -- a disadvantage.
q When a process requests a resource it may
have to wait.
q When a process gets all its resources it must
return them in a finite amount of time.

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 26

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The Dinning Philosophers Problem
Section 7.4

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 27

Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
Dining Philosophers
q Philosophers
m take forks
m eat
m put forks
q Eating needs 2
q Pick one fork at a
q How to prevent

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 28

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An incorrect solution
( means “waiting for this forks”)



Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 29

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An inefficient solution
using mutual exclusion

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 30

Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
Proving deadlock-freedom & starvation-freedom
Impose a total ordering of all forks, and require that
each philosopher requests resources in an increasing order.

1 2


6 3

5 4
Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 31
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The Hold and Wait Strategy
Section 7.5

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 32

Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
The LR Solution



Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 33

Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
The LR Solution
Proving deadlock-freedom & starvation-freedom

1 4


6 2

3 5

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 34

Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
How many can eat simultaneously?

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 35

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At most half can eat simultaneously

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 36

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Only one third can eat simultaneously
Any algorithm is at most én/3ù-concurrent

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 37

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In LR only one forth can eat simultaneously
The LR algorithm is at most én/4ù-concurrent

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 38

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If all want to eat, there is a case where only én/4ù
will be able to eat simultaneously.

( means “waiting for this forks”)




Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 39

Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014

k-robust: if all except k consecutive

philosophers fail, then one will not
q Any algorithm is at most
q The LR algorithm is not 4-robust.

q The LR algorithm is 5-robust iff

n is even.
q There is no 4-robust algorithm
using a hold and wait strategy.

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 40

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The LLR Solution



Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 41

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Proving deadlock-freedom & starvation-freedom

3 2


0 1

5 6

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 42

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In LLR one third can eat simultaneously
The LLR algorithm is én/3ù-concurrent
A tight bound

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 43

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k-robust: if all except k consecutive

philosophers fail, then one will not
q The LLR algorithm is not 4-
q The LLR algorithm is 5-robust iff
n º 0 mod 3.

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 44

Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
The Hold and Release Strategy
Section 7.6

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 45

Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
The LR wait/release Algorithm

The LR wait/release algorithm is:

q deadlock-free but not L
q ën/3û-concurrent.

q 3-robust iff n is even.

q Recall: There is no 4-robust
algorithm using a hold and wait R

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 46

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Randomized Algorithms
Section 7.7

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 47

Gadi Taubenfeld © 2014
Two Randomized Algorithms
The Free Philosophers algorithm is:
q deadlock-free with probability 1,
but is not starvation-free and is
not 2-concurrent.
q 3-robust with probability 1.

The Courteous Philosophers

algorithm is:
q starvation-free with probability
1, but is not 2-concurrent and is
not (n-1)-robust.

Chapter 7 Synchronization Algorithms and Concurrent Programming 48

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