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Tort Law Terminology

claimant / plaintiff tortfeasor / defendant to bring an action / to initiate legal

proceedings / to sue limitation period the plaintiff argues /contends that…
civil wrong tortious conduct to owe a duty of care
reasonable care to breach a duty / a breach of a duty
act or omission chain of causation to be liable for one’s acts
liability – vicarious liability - strict liability negligence
contributory negligence to be reasonably foreseeable reasonable person test
to harm / injure to suffer harm / injury / damage
to provide a remedy damages / compensation compensatory damages
punitive damages to award damages / compensation
an injunction to grant an injunction defamation
slander – oral defamation libel – written defamation false imprisonment
nuisance – infringement of the claimant’s enjoyment or use of his land

Criminal Law Terminology

Insert the terminology below in the correct places in the text:
When a crime is (1)_______, the police will (2)_________ the (3)_________ as soon as
possible. Following the arrest the (4)___________ must be read to the suspect straightaway.
Then the suspect must be conveyed to the police station for questioning. The suspect is
entitled to (5) _________ by a lawyer during the interview. He or she may be held for up to 24
hours in the first instance, and this period may only be extended on application to the
magistrates court. At the expiration of this period the suspect must either be formally
(6)________ with an offence or (7)________. If charged, the suspect may either be released on
(8)________, or he or she may be (9)_________ if the offence is serious enough. If the latter
occurs, his lawyer is entitled to make an (10)________ before the magistrates court. If this
application is successful, conditional or unconditional bail may be granted.
Examples of conditional bail might be that the accused must reside at a particular address
(such as a bail hostel) or submit to a (11)________. Typically, the (12)_________ will involve
several court hearings before final trial of the matter. At one of these preliminary hearings, the
defendant will be required to (13)_______. If he or she pleads guilty then his or her (14)
__________ will make a (15)_________ to assist the court in deciding about (16)___________.
If the defendant maintains his or her innocence there will be a trial. At the trial, the
(17)_________ will first be (18)___________. After that, prosecution counsel will open the case
and evidence will then be heard from (19)___________. Once all the evidence has been heard,
both counsel will have the opportunity to make closing speeches to the court. The judge will
then direct the jury to retire to consider their (20) __________.
jury charged remanded in custody curfew
verdict sentencing enter a plea application for bail
released plea in mitigation prime suspect arrest
sworn in proceedings counsel caution
committed witnesses police bail legal representation

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