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Hello, my name is Aroa and in this oral presentation I´m going to

talk about Christmas in France.

Why I chose this country?

I chose this country because I love it, his language, his traditions,
his customs and I have always been interested in this country.
In the future I would like to go.

Their traditions are very simple.

One of them is that the 24th of December they put her or his
sneakers in front of the chimney, so Santa can give them their
The second one is that when they are decorating the Christmas
tree they put nuts and candy canes.
And the last one like a very loving law of the country is that Santa
has to respond to the letters of the children.

What are his festive foods in Christmas?

They have lot of shellfish, but specially oysters, they have foie
gras (fuagrás), turkey with chestnuts, a lot of cheese, fresh fruit,
candied fruit and what stands out of the rest is the Christmas log.
What is their religious background?
The majority of the French people are Christians and the
representation of Christmas in France is the birth of Jesus.

They wait for their presents?

Normally, here in Spain we open our presents the 6th of January,
but in France they do it before, they open their presents the 25th
of December at the morning.

What kind of activities do they for Christmas?

One of the activities is to look for the lanterns that have light.
Some people go to Disneyland Paris to celebrate Christmas.
Others, go to the Street markers and also they also ride in
And the last one, is ice skating.

Do they go caroling?
Normally they doesn´t go to the houses to sing, but from the 1st
of December to the 24th of December people gather in a specific
place with family and friends to sing typical songs of that season.
(Here you have a carol and then you can listen to the song).

It is just 2 days? Or does Christmas last longer?

The Christmas in France starts the 6th of December, but from the
night of 24th of December there is presence of Christmas, so we
can say that it is more than two days.
Do they celebrate the 3 Wise Men?
They have Santa instead of the 3 Wise Men, but in the absence
of the 3 Wise Men the chefs prepare a dessert called ``Galette
des Rois´´ (yalette de gua)

What traditions of France I like for Spain?

I would like that Santa responds to our letters, that in our
Christmas trees we can put nuts and apples, because in France it
is very common and in Spain we doesn´t do that.
And the last tradition that I like from France for Spain is that they
do a typical dessert called ``spice bread´´ that represents the
homesickness of the moments that we had in our childhood.

I hope you liked my presentation and thanks for listening to me.

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