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Gabay, Margosatubig Zamboanga Del Sur

Toribio Minor National Highschool
Senior Highschool

“Waste Segregation Practices of Wet Market

Vendors and Nearby Residents at the Fishing Port in
Barangay Poblacion Margosatubig”

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 1
(Qualitative Research)

Presented By:
Binghot, Harold Joey E.
Asilo, Ela Mae C.
Mascardo, Jessebel E.
Mesias, Lourd Vincent H.
Suya, Leame

Presented to:
Ms. Brenda R. Cantil
Table of Contents
TITLE PAGE.......................................................................................................................................................................1
Chapter 1.......................................................................................................................................................................3
Conceptual framework.........................................................................................................................................5
Theoretical framework.........................................................................................................................................6
Statement of the Problem:....................................................................................................................................7
Significance of the Study.......................................................................................................................................7
Scope and limitation of the Study.........................................................................................................................7
Definition of Terms................................................................................................................................................8
Chapter 2.......................................................................................................................................................................9
Research Design:...................................................................................................................................................9
Research Environment:........................................................................................................................................9
Research Informants:..........................................................................................................................................10
Sampling Design:.................................................................................................................................................10
Research Instrument:..........................................................................................................................................11
Data Gathering Procedures:...............................................................................................................................11
Ethical Considerations:.......................................................................................................................................12
Chapter 3..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data...............................................................................................12
Chapter 4..................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations...............................................................................17
Summary of findings...........................................................................................................................................17
Chapter 1

Improper waste management poses many hazards that vary in scope and severity.

Lack of proper waste management can contribute to problems such as environmental

pollution, public health risks, resource depletion, and climate change.

In recent years, the global community has recognized the need for sustainable waste

segregation practices to mitigate environmental degradation. Among these practices, waste

segregation emerges as a critical strategy for reducing pollution. The urgency of addressing

waste management issues is highlighted by the escalating global waste crisis, characterized

by rapid urbanization and population growth. Waste and recycling management plans should

be developed for any construction project prior to the start of work in order to sustain

environmental, economic, and social development principles (Demirbas, 2011,).

Waste segregation refers to the practice of separating wet waste from dry waste. It is a

process of dividing, identifying, classifying, and sorting garbage and waste products to

facilitate recycling and proper disposal. Sustainable waste management is undeniably

important for both the environment and human health (Graham, H. 2022). The practice of

waste segregation also helps in maintaining a healthy environment.

Japan is a model for waste management due its integrated and effective approach. In

Japan in the 1950s and 1960s, high economic growth and rapid urbanization led to an

increase in waste volumes and worsening of the sanitation environment due to inappropriate

management of waste. In response, the government revised and made various laws for the

management and disposal of waste. Construction of disposal facilities and development of

technologies were completed. Still there were difficulties in securing disposal facilities and

handling sposal volumes. To improve the situation, recycling laws were created during the
1990s and implemented for promotion of recovery of valuable materials which had been

incinerated previously i.e. Containers and Packaging Recycling Law, 1995;Home Appliance

Recycling Law. (Singh et al., 2015). Similarly, the country of Brazil is also one of the

country’s leading the way in recycling and waste management. Municipal solid waste

management in São Leopoldo, Brazil is held by the municipality, through the Municipal

Public Cleaning Office (SELIMP), created in August 2010. SELIMP [14] has 51 employees

operating directly on supporting of weeding, mowing, sweeping, and removal of debris. The

other operational activities relating to solid waste are outsourced, under contract with a

private company supervised by the municipal administration. (Ghesla et al., 2018). Also, the

system of collection and separation of municipal waste in Maienfeld is modern and eco-

friendly. It is confirmed by the high rates of collection of municipal waste (more than

50,00% in each scenario), and by waste sorting into four containers. In view of all that has

been mentioned so far, it would be interesting to consider the possibility of implementation

of the waste sorting system in towns of Russia.

However, Solid waste management in the Philippines is a pressing issue. The

Philippines is among the top waste generators in Southeast Asia, and one of the top

contributors to plastic waste pollution in the seas. This is a result of various factors

including low recycling rates, issues in collection, and inconsistency in plastic packaging

segregation in many local government units (LGU). A continuous rise in the amount of

waste is expected in the succeeding years as the population also increases There is existing

law and framework on addressing waste problems but will only be possible if implemented

properly and strictly. Not only in the hands of the government will it be addressed but also

with the help of the citizens through active participation and whole hearted application of

the strategies being taught by the experts. (Coracero et al., 2021,).

Locally, at the municipality of Margosatubig, the lack of practice of proper waste

segregation at the local wet market and fishing port is evident. This research aims to

examine the waste segregation practices of the local wet market vendors and nearby

residents of the fishing port. By conducting this study, we will be able to discover the waste
segregation strategies and what challenges the wet market vendors and nearby residents face

in conducting proper waste management.

The researchers decided to study this topic as they would like to help in developing

cleaning programs by providing information as they have seen the need for proper waste

segregation in this locality.

Conceptual framework

Level of
knowledge about
waste segregation

Independent variable:
Community engagement
and participation in waste
Waste management

This study revolves around the waste segregation practices of the wet market vendors

and nearby fishing port residents. Waste segregation practices can be enhanced by developing

cleaning programs developed by the local officials of the municipality. The development of
the action programs can be affected by the community engagement and participation while

the effectiveness of it can be affected by the level of knowledge about waste segregation by

the vendors and residents.

Theoretical framework

The theoretical framework of this study is anchored on Resource Conservation Theory,

Environmental Justice Theory and Behavioral Change Theory.

Resource Conservation Theory posits that segregating waste at the source allows for the

recovery and recycling of valuable resources embedded in waste streams. By separating materials

such as paper, plastic, glass, and metal, these resources can be diverted from landfills and

reintroduced into the production cycle, reducing the demand for virgin materials and conserving

natural resources.

Environmental justice theory: Waste segregation can also be viewed through the lens of

environmental justice, which emphasizes the fair distribution of environmental benefits and burdens

across society. In many cases, marginalized communities and low-income neighborhoods bear a

disproportionate burden of waste disposal facilities and pollution. By implementing effective waste

segregation practices, communities can mitigate the adverse environmental and health impacts

associated with improper waste management, promoting equity and social responsibility.

Lastly, Behavioral Change Theory states that waste segregation relies on modifying

individual and collective behavior to encourage responsible waste management practices. Behavioral

change theories emphasize the role of education, incentives, social norms, and feedback mechanisms

in influencing people’s attitudes and actions towards waste segregation, communities can foster a

culture of waste reduction, reuse, and recycling.

Statement of the Problem:

This study will examine the segregation practices of the Market vendors and Nearby

residents of the Barangay Poblacion Wet Market and Fishing Port.

Specifically, this study aims to answer these following questions:

1.What segregation strategies do market vendors and nearby residents utilize?

2. What are the main challenges faced by wet market vendors and nearby

residents in implementing effective waste segregation practices?

3. Based on the results of the study what action program can be designed?

Significance of the Study

The following will benefit from the paper's overall success:

Wet Market Vendors. The results of this study can help the vendors enhance their

segregation strategy, serve clean and safe foods for the people of the Municipality of


Margosanon: This study can help nearby residents of the fishing port in enhancing

their segregation strategy and in maintaining the cleanliness of their surroundings.

LGU Officials: This research will guide the LGU officials of the Municipality of

Margosatubig in understanding the needs of the vendors and nearby residents of Wet

Market and Fishing Port Area in maintaining the cleanliness of the said place.

Future Researchers: This study will guide future researchers in their research

connected in segregating strategy and cleanliness.

Scope and limitation of the Study

The study took place in the Agora Wet Public Market and Fishing Port of Poblacion

Margosatubig, Zamboanga Del Sur. The informants of this study are the wet market vendors

and nearby fishing port residents who answered the interview questions provided by the

researchers. We selected only a few participants who can serve as the representatives of the

population in providing us with the information needed as surveying all the wet market

vendors and residents requires a lot of time and financial needs.

Definition of Terms

The researchers defined the following terms to avoid misunderstanding, and

miscommunication by providing clarity and ensuring that everyone interprets the terms in

the same way.

Landfills: a system of trash and garbage disposal in which the waste is buried between

layers of earth to build up low-lying land.

Nearby residents: Refers to the residents residing near the municipality’s fishing port.

Waste. Refers to a material that is not wanted; the unusable remains or byproducts of


Waste generators: In this study, this term refers to refers to a place whose act or

process produces hazardous waste.

Waste segregation: Refers to the sorting and separation of waste types to facilitate

recycling and correct onward disposal.

Wet market Vendors: Refers to the vendors of the municipality’s local Agora Wet

Chapter 2

Research Design:

The case study approach developed by (Yin 2003) is used in this qualitative study, enabling

the researcher to examine and analyze the data. He stated that case study contains data from

six potential sources: documents, archival records, first-hand observations and interviews,

and related things. In addition, as the study (Zainal, 2007) notes, the case study approach is

used to understand and research a variety of complex circumstances. Because of this, this

approach is also referred to as a robust research method when it entails a thorough

investigation of a particular subject.

Research Environment

The research will be carried out within the Agora Public Market situated in Poblacion

Margosatubig, Zamboanga Del Sur, with a specific focus on the wet section, adjacent

residents, and vendors operating within the wet market area. Serving as the sole public

market in Margosatubig, it has experienced a significant increase in the number of vendors

compared to previous years. Moreover, there has been a noticeable improvement in

cleanliness within the market premises, attributed to the collective efforts of vendors and

residents who have begun actively maintaining the cleanliness of their surroundings. This

includes adopting responsible waste disposal practices, thereby mitigating the issue of

indiscriminate garbage disposal that was prevalent in the past.

Research Informants

This study’s informants are the selected group of wet market vendors and nearby fishing

port residents from Poblacion Margosatubig, Zamboanga Del sur using the snowball


Sampling Design:

This study uses the snowball sampling process. Snowball sampling, also known as chain-

referral sampling, is a non-probability sampling method where currently enrolled research

participants help recruit future subjects for a study. Snowball sampling is often used

in qualitative research when the population is hard-to-reach or hidden (C Parker · 2019 ). A

sampling procedure may be defined as snowball sampling when the researcher accesses

informants through contact information that is provided by other informants. This process is,

by necessity, repetitive: informants refer the researcher to other informants, who are

contacted by the researcher and then refer her or him to yet other informants, and so on.

(Noy, 2008)
Research Instrument:

The research instruments are the tools that the researcher uses to collect data. There are

different types of instruments based on the structure or format, purpose, nature, and

availability. (M Sathiyaseelan · 2015). The primary instruments of this study are the researchers

themselves with the guide questionnaires. A questionnaire is a research tool for conducting

surveys. It includes particular questions designed to help respondents comprehend an issue

from their point of view. The questionnaires need to be open-ended to make the participants

be able to answer as much of the interview ranges from 20-30 minutes.

Data Gathering Procedures:

To conduct the study, the researchers will send a letter to the principal of the school

requesting permission to carry out the study. To administer the study, the researchers will

approach the adviser who work with Grade 11 Senior High School students in the target

school who specialize in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). After

receiving permission from the principal. The researchers will send a letter to the Barangay

Captain for approval to conduct a survey to Public Wet Market Vendors in order to

administer the study. The researcher distributes a questionnaire survey to the target

responder. However, before administering the test, the researchers will explain the goal of

the study to the respondents and the manner of answering the questionnaire.

Ethical Considerations:

In this study, researchers followed a few ethical guidelines and best practices. The

researchers acknowledged the participants' full and willing engagement. The latter, however,

is free to revoke their consent at any time and no longer participate in the study. Participant
written informed consent was obtained. In accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012,

the researchers took into account the participants' confidentiality and privacy. Aside from

that, the interview guide questionnaire did not contain any derogatory, offensive, or other

inappropriate language.

Chapter 3
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter reviews the results and analysis of the qualitative data on the waste

segregation strategies practiced by wet market vendors and nearby fishing port residents.

The researchers used thematic analysis in interpreting the data gathered by the study.

What segregation strategies do market vendors and nearby residents utilize?s

Waste segregation is the process of separating your waste into different types. Waste

management is a subject which should be a censorious issue for every citizen of the country.

It is not just up to the municipal authority to take care of the waste generated. (Anshuman,

P., & Pankaj, R. 2019). Based on the data gathered, there is 1 emerging theme which is:

Theme 1: Proper waste segregation

Waste segregation is vital for efficient waste management, involving the separation

of diverse waste types at the source. (Sivaranjani S et al., 2024)

“Syempre nakay lain lain nga mga sako para sa mga mabulok ug dili mabulok

butngan nimo” [Of course, there are different bags for biodegradable and non-biodegradable

items, so you can put a label on it to make it more visible] P20

“Mag butang mi og basurahan para ma segregate ug ilargo dayon ug butang dadto

bago pa siya malata.” [We will make a garbage can to be segregated and throw something

in there before he gets sick] P18

“Naa lang mi cellophane, kana lain pareha ana oh lain mig cellophane, dayon wala

man mi malata diri kay puro man gyud ni cellophane amoa sa karnehan.” [We only have

cellophane, so if there’s a different type, we use a different cellophane. We don’t have

biodegradable waste here because it’s all cellophane from the meat section.] P17

“Ilahi ang butanganan [sako] kada isa ka sako para sa malata, dili malata.”

[separate the garbage bags, each bag for biodegradable and nonbiodegradable]P12

“Ginapili, ginalahi jud namo.” [We select and separate them] P7

“Ibutang jud sa sako I lahi lahi sya nga sako.” [We put them in separate bags.] P11

Management of biodegradable and non-biodegradable strategies varies from country

to country. (Freedman, B., Dorsey, W., Frazier, A., Kambhampati, M., Galiotos, J., &

Mukherjee, S. 2024). Based on the narratives, the wet market vendors and nearby fishing

port residents of the municipality of Margosatubig, conducted proper waste segregation by

separating the waste into separate garbage bags for biodegradable and non-biodegradable


challenges faced by wet market vendors and nearby residents in implementing effective

waste segregation practices

Waste segregation is the process of separating your waste into different types. Based

on the data gathered, there are 2 emerging theme which is: lack of cooperation from the

people, and mixed waste.

Theme 1: Hardheaded people

As the world’s population continues to expand over the years, irresponsible waste

disposal among residents in urban or rural communities has become one of the most serious

social issues that has affected not only public health but also the environment to a great

extent (Brennan, 1999; Edjabou et al., 2016; Han et al., 2016; Najam et al., 2015). This

theme is supported by the following narrative:

“Isa sa lisod sa pagpatuman sa segregation kay ang tawo kay

dugay sila maka sabot kung kanang I segregate Ninyo dapat sa
saktong basurahan dili sila kasabot dapat pasabton pajud Ninyo
kay para maka ingon ka nga unsay effect ani sa mga bata kung
ang mga basura pataka ra silage labay dapat I sakto jug labay sa
basurahan para dili mag kalat.” [One challenge is getting people
to understand how to segregate properly. They don’t understand
where to dispose of each type of waste, so we have to educate them
about the effects on children if waste isn’t disposed of properly.]
“Sagol sagol jud ang mga basura, dayon dili pod kasabot ang mga
tawo. Gi badlong na nga dili isagol pero mao ra gihapon.” [The
waste are all mixed, people also don’t follow proper segregation no
matter how many times you warn them.] P2

Based on the narratives provided, one of the challenges wet market vendors and

nearby fishing port residence face is the hard-headedness of other residents/vendors towards

proper waste segregation. This is also true to the other countries such as India. According to

(Bhawal Mukherji et al., 2016), the primary problem regarding waste management in Delhi

is a lack of segregation at the source. This is inevitable, as most residents do not know the

difference between biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste. Their attitude towards

appropriate medication disposal is largely positive. However, despite this favorable attitude,

the actual practice of the public remains unsatisfactory due to the limited understanding of

disposal methods. (Hiew & Low, 2024)

Theme 2: Mixed waste

Unsegregated municipal solid waste has become a challenging issue for developing

countries. Challenges in this process vary across regions, urban-rural dynamics, and

industrialization levels. Key challenges encompass a lack of awareness, inadequate

infrastructure, recyclable contamination, inefficient collection systems, and resource

constraints. (Shukla et al., 2021,). This theme is supported by the following narratives.

“Diha sauna pa jud nga wala bitaw gi segregate ang mga basura daghan jud kay

makuan diri sa mercado nga baho siya ang palibot maka langhap jud ka nga baho nga

sama anang isda kinahanglan jud to nimo siya i segregate, ang kuan nga baho para dili

bitaw makuan sa tawo, kay mao man to siyay usa sa malanghap ug sakit nimo.” [Before, the

garbage wasn’t really segregated, there were a lot piled up around the market, emitting

strong doors. You could smell it, like rotten fish. You really had to segregate it, especially

the fish waste, to control the smell and prevent people from getting sick, because that’s one

thing you could catch from the smell.] P13

“Hago baya I bulag bulag pa ang malata sa dili malata pareha anang plastic.” [its

hard to segregate biodegradable with non-biodegradable such as plastic]. P12

“. Ang ubang basura kay ipang ipon, dili ma segregate dayon dili kargahon sa

basurahan” [Waste are mixed together, and if not segregated then the garbage truck won’t

take the garbage bag] P1

“. Ang kalisod syempre ang kanang mga nasagol na ang mga mabulok sa dili

mabulok ganon then imo pang kamuton syempre, kailangan magsuot ug gloves or

cellophane nalang para maka iwas pud sa sakit.” [The difficulty, of course is that those that
are mixed with the ones that are stained with those that are not stained, then you have to

clean them of course you have to wear gloves or cellophane to avoid getting sick] P20

“. Kanang kuan gang oy,kanang mga cellophane nga Ilahi lahi labi nang mga inana

diara, maglisod nya dili nimo ibulag kay dili puniton sa mga basurero” [The problem is

those cellophanes and other stuff, it’s difficult because if its not segregated then the garbage

collector will not take it.] P9

Based on the narratives, the challenges that wet market vendors and nearby fishing

port residents find difficult when segregating waste are when biodegradable and non-

biodegradable waste combine. They find it difficult to segregate the waste because the

biodegradable waste generates a strong odor over time. They also stated that if their waste is

not properly segregated, the garbage collectors will not collect their garbage bag.

Chapter 4
Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

In this chapter, a brief summary of the research paper will be presented. The

recommendations that will serve as guidelines to improve the cleanliness of the Agora Wet

Market in Población, Margosatubig will be made.

Summary of findings

This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and recommendations offered.

1. Waste segregation strategies practiced by wet market vendors and nearby fishing port


Based on the narratives, it is revealed that the wet market vendors and nearby fishing

port segregate their waste by separating the biodegradable waste and non-biodegradable

waste garbage bag.

2. Waste segregation challenges faced by wet market vendors and nearby residents.

The study reveals that wet market vendors and nearby fishing port residents face 2

challenges in segregating their waste. One of said challenges is the hard-headedness of the

people, some residents/vendors does not follow the proper waste segregation resulting with

the garbage collectors not collecting the garbage bags that were not segregated. Another

challenge the vendors/residents encountered is when biodegradable waste and non-

biodegradable waste mix together, they find it hard to segregate because of the strong odor

the biodegradable waste omits.


Based on the findings of this research, the researchers found out that wet market

vendors and nearby fishing port residents are facing challenges every day on how to segregate

waste properly because of:

1. Hardheaded people—the majority of the researcher’s participants—have problems with

hardheaded people violating the rules of the wet market and fishing port in properly

segregating waste. Hardheaded people are throwing their garbage everywhere.

2. Researchers found out that not all the time, the wet market vendors and nearby residents

segregate their waste properly. They just put it in one garbage bag and let the garbage

collector segregate it.

3. Based on their answers, researchers can conclude that not all of the vendors and residents

of the wet market and fishing port are knowledgeable about properly segregating waste.
Even though the Municipality of Margosatubig has a "SILHIG" program with the goal of

improving the cleanliness of the municipality of Margosatubig,


 Conduct a gathering for both nearby residents and wet market vendors and address the

problem about the management of their waste, discuss about what will be the

consequences and benefits of proper waste segregation.

 Provide Proper Infrastructure, Ensure that there are enough bins and containers

available for different types of waste—recyclables, organic, non-recyclables,

hazardous materials, etc. Clearly label these bins with instructions to avoid confusion.

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of Zamboanga del Sur
Gabay, Margosatubig Zamboanga del Sur


Dear Participants,

The undersigned students are asking for your permission to participate in a survey that
will be administered herein. The purpose of this study is to determine the waste segregation
strategy of the Wet Market vendors and nearby Fishing Port residents.
Results obtain herein can be beneficial for the municipality as it can help in
developing waste segregation programs that can help in maintaining the cleanliness of the
community. Your participation in the survey is completely voluntary. There will be no cost
or risk to you as a respondent.
During the course if this study, this will be conducted by Harold Joey E. Binghot,
Jessebel C. Mascardo, Ela Mae C. Asilo, Lourd Vincent H. Mesias, and Leame Suya who
are students-researchers currently enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics {STEM} at Toribio Minor National High School, Gabay, Poblacion,
Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur.

Please check the box below if you want/do not want to participate in the study.

 I DO NOT want to participate in the study.

 I want to participate in the study. {If check, lease proceed and read the statement below}.

I have read this consent form and I understand what is being requested of me as a participant
in this study.

1. Confidentiality: I understand that the information I provided in this study may be utilized
for research purposes. I also understand that the personal information I gave may be
coded of which in unavoidable circumstances may eventually reveal my personal identity.
2. Voluntary Participation: I have read this consent form and I understand what is being
requested of me as a participant in this study. I freely consent to participate. I understand
the nature and purpose of there will be no penalty/ consequences of any kind that will be
charged against me.
3. Termination of Participation: My participation in this study may also be terminated if I
do not conform to the etiquette of this study and if in any part my involvement may lead
to unjustified risks.
4. Consent to Participation: I have read this consent form and I understand what is being
requested of me as a participant in this study. I freely consent to participate.
Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of Zamboanga del Sur
Gabay, Margosatubig Zamboanga del Sur


School Principal
Toribio Minor National High School
Gabay, Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur
April 5, 2024

With utmost respect, the STEM 11 students of this Toribio Minor National Highschool would like to conduct
a study regarding the Waste Segregation Strategies of the Municipality’s local wemarket and fishing port.
Proper waste segregation and disposal are critical for maintaining the environment and public health. As
concerned members of our municipality, we believe that this initiative will greatly benefit our community in
maintaining a clean environment. Hoping to gain support for this educational task. Thank you very much
and God bless.

Very truly yours,

Harold Joey E. Binghot
Ela Mae Asilo
Lourd Vincent Mesias
Leame Suya
Jessebel C. Mascardo
STEM 11 Students

Noted by:
Teacher III

Approved by:
Appendix C. Interview Guide Questions

Prefaratory Statement.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your participation in this study. I
would like to inform you that the primary purpose of this research is to gather valuable
information about the waste segregation management of the wet market vendors of the
Agora Public Market and nearby residents of the Fishing Port. You have nothing to worry
about because there is no wrong answer here. You may withdraw your participation in this
research if you have any doubts about it or should you feel your privacy is invaded.

This interview may take 20-30 minutes. You can be assured that all the information
you will share will remain confidential.

Now, would you allow me to open the “audio recorder” while we talk?

Engage: Subquestions: Descriptive: Probing:

What are the What segregation How will you describe Does improper waste
main objectives of strategies do Wet the cleanliness of your segregation affect the
waste Market Vendors and surroundings? quality of the products?
segregation? nearby residents
utilize? How did you cope up How well informed are you
Why is waste with the challenges? about the importance of
segregation What are the waste segregation?
important for the challenges faced by Can you describe the
environment? Wet Market Vendors current waste What types of waste do
and nearby segregation practices you find difficult to manage
How do you think residents in among the wet market and dispose of?
waste segregation implementing vendors and nearby
impacts the effective waste residents?
environment and segregation
community health practices?
in Margosatubig?
Based on the study
results, what action
program can be
CATEGORY 12-15 points 8-11 points 4-7 points 0-3 points
Introduction/Topic Exceptional introduction Proficient introduction Basic introduction that Weak or no
that grabs interest of that is interesting and states topic but lacks introduction of
reader and states topic. states topic. interest. Thesis/topic is topic.
Thesis/topic is Thesis/topic is clear somewhat clear and Paper’s purpose is
exceptionally clear, and arguable arguable. unclear. Thesis/topic
well-developed, and a statement of position. is weak or missing.
definitive statement.
Statement of the Problem
5 4 3 2
Identification The problem is clearly The problem is clearly The problem is clearly The problem is
and and objectively and objectively and objectively identified and
Definition of identified with concise identified with identified and defined; defined in a manner
Problem language and defined concise language and some detail may be that is sometimes/
with consistent precision defined with some imprecise (general) or somewhat unclear
of detail. precision of detail. unelaborated. and/or may manifest
some subjectivity
Level of Who, what, when, Who, what, when, Who, what, when, Some answers to
Detail where, and how are where, and how are where, and how are who, what, when,
specifically addressed in addressed adequately. addressed but answers where, and/or how
substantial detail may be unclear are missing or are
Limits on The problem statement The problem The problem statement The problem
Solutions is worded to allow an statement is worded to is worded to allow a statement is worded
unlimited number of allow several possible few possible solutions. to allow only a
possible solutions solutions couple of possible
Methodology Identifies appropriate Identifies appropriate Identifies appropriate The methodologies
methodologies and methodologies and methodologies and described are either
 Sample research techniques research techniques research techniques not suited or poorly
(e.g., justifies the but some details are but many details are suited to test
 Procedures sample, procedures, and missing or vague missing or vague. The hypotheses. The
 Measures measures). Data analytic methodology is largely methodology is
incomplete. under-developed
and/or is not
9-10 7-8 5-6 4-3
Maintains The proposal is well The proposal has an The proposal is The document lacks
purpose/focus organized and has a tight organizational somewhat focused or focus or contains
and cohesive focus that structure and the focus has minor drifts in the major drifts in focus
is integrated throughout is clear throughout. focus.
the document
Supporting evidence Provides clearly Provides adequate Provides inappropriate Provides little or no
appropriate evidence to evidence to support or insufficient evidence to support
support position position evidence to support position
References and Citations
References and Properly and explicitly Properly cited. May The manuscript has The manuscript
citations cited. Reference list have a few instances several instances of lacks proper
matches citations in which proper improper use of citations or includes
citations are missing. citations. Contains no citations.
several statements
without appropriately
Grammar, clarity, The manuscript is well The manuscript The manuscript The manuscript is
and organization written and ideas are effectively communicates ideas poorly written and
well developed and communicates ideas. adequately. The confusing. Ideas are
explained. Sentences and The writing is manuscript contains not communicated
paragraphs are grammatically correct, some grammatical effectively.
grammatically correct. but some sections lack errors. Many sections
Uses subheadings clarity. lack clarity.

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