Greetings Lesson Plan Fb65ca2c

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Greetings for Elementary School Grade 1


Level of Student Elementary School Grade 1

Time allocation 45 minutes
Learning objective  Say appropriate greetings in a conversation
 Determine the appropriate greeting while reading
a conversation
 Use appropriate greetings in writing
Structure “Hello..”
“Good morning/afternoon/night”
Vocabulary Hello
Good morning
Good afternoon
Good night
How are you?
I’m fine

You will need to download :

Printables  Students worksheet

Songs 
Videos 

You will also need :

- LCD projector
- Speaker
- Laptop
- Ball

Your students will need :

- Colored crayon or pencil

Lesson Overview
1. Greeting
1. Pray together
2. Check the student attendance
3. Review the previous lesson

Main Activity
1. Play a video about the material
2. Introduce the Greetings activity
3. Pass the ball games
4. Thicken and fill in the gaps

Wrap up
1. Review the lesson
2. Homework
3. Closing

Lesson procedure
Warm-up (5 minutes)
1. Greeting Saying “Hello my student good morning..” then ask the
student feel today “how are you?”
2. Pray The teacher asks the student to pray before starting the class
and choose one student to lead the prayer “Before we start
our lesson today let’s pray first.. student with initial... please
help me to lead the pray”
3. Check the student The teacher asks the student to count one by one to check the
attendance student’s attendance “start from (name of the student) is one,
then two, three.... etc.”
4. Review the The teacher reminds the student about the previous material.
previous lesson “Ok, my student, do you still remember what we learned
yesterday/previous meeting?” if the student can answer your
question, appreciate them by saying “Good, nice, thank you,
etc.” Or if the student didn’t remember the previous material,
you can give them the clue.
Main Activity (30 minutes)
1. Play a songs Before introducing the material, the teacher asks a
question to the student “what will you do if you meet
your friend, family, or your teacher in some place?”..
and then the teacher plays a song to give a little clue
about the lesson and then ask the student to sing the
song together.


2. Introduce greetings The teacher explains about greetings.

“Greetings are greetings when we meet someone, it
can be family, friends, teachers, neighbors, and
others. There are 2 greetings, namely formal and
informal, if we meet with older people we use polite
language or formal greetings, and if we meet with
peers we use relaxed language or informal greetings”.

 Hello/Hi (halo/hai)
 Good morning (selamat pagi)
 Good afternoon (selamat siang)
 Good evening (selamat sore)
 Good night (selamat malam)
 How are you? (apa kabarmu?)
 How do you do? (kalimat sapaan jika kita baru
saja bertemu dengan orang tersebut)
 Nice to meet you (senang bertemu denganmu)
 Hello/Hi (halo/hai)
 Good morning (selamat pagi)
 Good afternoon (selamat siang)
 Good evening (selamat sore)
 Good night (selamat malam)
 I am fine, thank you (aku baik baik saja
 I am fine thank you, how about you? (aku
baik baik saja, bagaimana denganmu?)
 I am very well thank you (aku sangat baik,
terima kasih)
 How do you do?
 Nice to meet you too. (senang bertemu
denganmu juga)

3. Pass the ball The teacher passes the ball games using “Hello songs”,
the teacher asks the students to stand in a circle, then
gives 1 ball to rotate. Before the game starts the
teacher gives an example by playing the song 1 time
and giving some vocabulary related to their condition
(tired, sad, happy, hungry, sleepy, fine, etc) then when
the song is played and then stops, the student who
brought the ball answers the question from the lyrics
"how are you today?" students will answer "I'm
fine/good/tired..etc) then the ball spins again until it
gets 5 students.


4. Thicken and fill in the gaps After playing the game, the teacher gives a worksheet
to the students and asks the students to match
sentences to the picture and trace the greetings then
paints the pictures.
Wrap up (5 minutes)
1. Review the lesson The teacher asks the student about the lesson today “I
think the time is up, so are you happy with the lesson
today? Students will answer “yes”. Then the teacher
asks “Good, then what did we learn today?” if the
student answer your question, appreciate them by
saying “Alright, good, excellent, etc” and if no one
student answer your question, a teacher can choose
one student to answer. Then the teacher concludes
the lesson.
2. Homework The teacher gives students worksheet homework and
asks them to bring the worksheet to the next meeting.
3. Closing Before closing the class, the teacher appreciates the
student’s participation by saying “Thanks for your
great attention today my students, you are all so
amazing today, don’t forget to do your homework dan
bring it next meeting”. A teacher close by asks one
student to lead the praying and then say goodbye
“Stay healthy and see you again my student”
 Sources
1. Worksheet exercise
2. Homework worksheet

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