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Full name ____Le Thi Thuy Tien_______Class____K25ATCB_____


Unit: ___ Reading Title: MOCK TEST 2_ RISING SEA

1. What is the reading passage mostly about?

The passage explores the challenges of predicting sea level rise and ocean
temperature changes due to global warming. It discusses the limitations of early
ocean models and the role of ocean currents in heat distribution. Estimates
suggest sea levels could rise between 15 cm and 70 cm by 2050, considering
various factors including melting ice. The greenhouse effect will intensify heat
distribution in oceans, potentially leading to uneven sea level rises unless winds
help distribute the water expansion.

2. What places are mentioned in the reading?

The reading mentions several places:
1. Equator and Poles: These are mentioned in relation to the distribution of heat
from the Sun and ocean currents.
2. Gyres: These massive ocean currents are not tied to specific locations but
play a significant role in ocean circulation globally.
3. Southern Hemisphere: The clockwise ocean currents are described as flowing
in this hemisphere.
4. Continental regions: The positions of continents affect ocean currents,
influencing the movement and direction of water.

3. In a few words, give the topic or main idea of each paragraph

1. Rising temperatures and potential sea level implications.
2. Traditional ocean models and their limitations.
3. Predictions of sea level rise based on temperature changes.
4. Challenges in modeling heat entry and diffusion in oceans.
5. The role and importance of ocean movement in heat distribution.
6. Ocean currents, gyres, and their heat storage capabilities.
7. Description of global ocean currents and their circulation patterns.
8. Impact of the greenhouse effect on ocean temperatures and heat distribution.

4. Make a list of 10 highlighted words in the text. Then make a sentence for

Greenhouse The greenhouse effect affects Earth's climate by trapping heat.

Equator The Equator receives more direct sunlight, affecting global
heat distribution.
Sea level Sea level is expected to rise due to melting ice and thermal
Heat Heat from the sun and atmosphere affects ocean temperatures.
Groundwate Changes in groundwater storage can influence sea level rise.
Winds Winds play a role in distributing heat and regulating ocean
Gyres Gyres are large-scale ocean currents that circulate water
Diffusion Diffusion is a process of heat transfer from the atmosphere to
the ocean.
Atmospheric Rising atmospheric temperatures contribute to ocean warming.
Oceans Oceans cover a majority of Earth's surface and regulate its

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