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Chapter 1 : Indian national movement

1. Explain the features of Indian national movement? ( 2023:10M)
2. Explain phase 1’ The liberal’ of Indian national movement?
3. Explain phase 2 ‘The moderaters’ of Indian national movement?(2022:5M) (2023:5M)
4. Explain phase 3 ‘ The Extremist’ of Indian national movement? ( 2023:10M)
5. Explain phase 4 ‘ The Revolutionary ‘ of Indian national movement? ( 2023:5M)
Chapter 2 : Gandhian phase
1. Explain the Non cooperation movement? ( 2022:5M)
2. Explain civil disobedience movement?
3. Explain Quit India movement ? ( 2023:5M) ( 2022:10M)
Chapter 3: Constitutional Development
1. Explain the 1773 Regulations Act ?
2. Explain the 1833 charters Act ?
3. Explain the 1858 Queens Proclamation? ( 2023;5M)
Chapter 4 :
1. Explain the Morley Minto Reform Act of 1909?
2. Explain the Montague Chelmsford Act of 1919 Main Provisions ? ( 2022:5M)
3. Explain the Montague Chelmsford Act of 1919 Dyarchy?
4. Explain the Nehru Report?( 2022:10M)
5. Explain the Jinnah’s 14- point Formula ? ( 2022:5M
Chapter 5 : Government of india act of 1935
1. Explain the main provision of act of 1935? (2023:10M)
2. Explain the Round table conference ? (2022:5M)
3. Explain the provisional autonomy ?
4. Explain the Federal system ?
Chapter 6: Indian independence Act of 1947
1. Explain the Main Provisions?
2. Explain the Simon Commission?(2023:5M)
3. Explain the cabinet Mission plan?
Chapter 7
1. Explain the citizenship’ ? (2022:5M)
2. Explain the state structure?

Chapter 8
1. Explain the minority ?(2022:5M)
2. Explain the rights ?(2022:5M)
3. Explain the Uniformity of civil code v/s Personal law ?( 2022:10M)
Chapter 9
1. Explain the language? ( 2023:10M)
2. Explain the union of states ?

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