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Personal letter can be describe as a type of informal letter that usually contains

personal matters between sender and receiver who know each other. They can

be friends, family members or relatives.

Generic Structure

1. Date of Letter. It is contains the date when the letter is written by the writer.

2. Salutation. This part of personal letter is the greeting and the person’s name

you are writing to.

3. Body. Body of personal letter is the main part of the letter.

4. ClOssing greeting

5. Signature. It is a final paragraph of personal letter.

6. Sender'"s name. The part where the writer writes his/her name.

7. Postscript. It is the optional part of personal letter.

Social Fuctions

The goal of personal letter is to strengthen the personal relationship between

two personal or more. The way of the sender to tell or communicate an

important feeling like personal feelings or thoughts to be read by a specific

person in a safe way.

Language Features

1)Focuses on exchanging personal current news, feelings, and conditions.2)Use

of pronouns, simple present tense, and past tense 3)Use of date and

address.4)The use of idioms and slangs are allowed.5)Informal greetings or

salutations. The language must be friendly.

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