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Subject Code: KCA101

Ill Illlllll0lllllllUIII Ill

IIIIIII I10-41159
Roll No: Ii il IoloI \I\ Ioi l I~lolili.liJ
Total Marks: JOO
Time: 3 Hours
nny mlssing data; then choose suitably.
Note: 1. Attempt all Sections. If require
1. Attempt aII questions in brief. 2 X .10 ., 20
Mar).;s co
Q)IO, Question
2 I
<1/8 ✓ Which is the fustest memory unit? ,-
2 I
v&/ Write an algorithm to check whether a given number is even or odd. ·-
2 2
1/c. - Give the advantages of Graphical User Interface (GUI).
I ,-

- --1( Discuss some differences between LANs and WANs.

rV. Discuss crawling, indexing, and ranking in context to search engines.


,.. ~ In what ways is IoT energy efficient? ~

,~ Name the two types of records that are present in the blockchain databas
e. 2
h. Summarize the applications of cloud computing.
l. Define big data analytics. 2 5
2 5
j. Compare quantum computing with classical computing.
2. Attem t an three of the followin 10x3=30
Question Marks
Q no.
Build a flowchart to calculate the factorial of a n
What are the advantages of a Mesh topolo
Summarize the applications of Industrial e et of Things (IIoT).
t Explain the architecture of Amazon ervices (A WS).
veryday life? Summarize. 5
How can augmented reality be u
Marks C70
10 I
What do you mean by memory? Classify memory hierarchy in t
and cost. •
application software and . e lO I
b. Outline the difference between
exam Jes.
4. Attem t an one art of the followin :
· how hard 10 2
a. What is the role of an operating syste
· stems are differe stems?
real time o
10 2
What is meant by Data Comrnunicatio
10:.d=l 0
s. Attem art of the followin
10 3
What are the elements of Internet architecture? Summarize.
_..,.,...._.-..,ity? Illustrate the role of technology for 10 3
b. On w · an a city b

:· Atte PaaS and IaaS related to cloud ~~• 1=11 4 I

1--·--+ _;;c.;om :.;-"'-'-?_ _ _ _ ___,.~-: --:-:--: -----:-: :-=--:-- -:---:-- --::--:- --::::---
the Genesis 4
What is blockchain? How is the blockchain created? Explain the use of
10 X 1=10
7. Attemp t any one part of the followin 2:

a. Explain the architecture of Brain Computer Interface. Give its applications. -
Explain in 10
y Explain the terms recycling and reusing in context to green computing?
\ detail.

ljPag e

I 28 -M ,ir-2022 0'8:53:51 \ 103.19 9.215.1 42 /


Subject Code: KCA102

111 nm 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111
PAPER ID-41172.5 . Roll No: I 2.. 11 Ia I d j Ii I O I 14 I () I I I 9 I
j O 3

Total Marks: 100
Time: 3 Hou rs
Note: 1. Attempt all Sections. If requ
ire any missing data; then choose suit ably
2 X 10 = 20
1. Atte mpt all que stio ns in brief.
Marks CO
Qno . 2 1
inter preter.
/ a. Differentiate betw een com piler & 2 l
, b. How keyw ords are diffe rent from iden 2
t and formal argument. 2
Diff eren tiate betw een actu al argu men
logical expressions if a=5, b= 10 2 2
Dete rmin e the valu e of the following
i. a > b && a<b ii. a>b && a>b
Wha t will be the outp ut of the code?
void mainO
{ 2 3
int a,b *p;
a= 10; p=& a; b = *p+2 0;
prin tf("¾ d", b);
ess of the arra y is 5000,
An arra y is decl ared as int a
chin e architecture .
wha t will be the addr ess of a 5
h. Diff eren tiate betw een dot oper ator and
i. Exp lain the state men t fsee k (fp, m, 1
Illustrate the function feofO.
. ,• ION B ~-
"<:) 3~10 =30
2. Atte mpt any thre e of the fo owing:
e-,-s_tio_n_ _ _ _ _-,--- --;,., ,n:-+ ,-::-:
--a-n+-M CIA')
- larO_k_s +-
--:-- ----: --
__n_o_.-+-= --=- --,-- ----- :-:-- ----- :----
Defi ne algo rithm and expl ain the characteristics
e uation.
al orith m to find the root s of a uadratic
is diffe rent from exit-con~ i1J)
How entr y-co ntro lled loop
rog ram to prin t the patte rn
<::::,'c, .
10 2

7 8 9 10
,' -J
func tion prot otyp, ~ ow call by valu e is different from 10 3
Wha t do you mea n by
e with a suita ble exam le.
call b refe renc e? Illus trate call b r
array? Writ e a C prog ram to store
How a struc ture is diffe rent fr and 10 4
e, Sala ry and Age for 50 emp loye es
emp loye e deta ils such as Em pi~a
dis la the sam e for the use . ~
ents of one file to anot her file. The file 10 5
e. Dev elop a C prog ram to ~y he cont
line ar uments.
nam e mus t be ass thro u h ~mm and
lxlO =10
3. Att emp t any one par t of the followin
Marks co
Qno . w
the sym bols used in a flow char t. Dra 10 I
a. Wha t is the use of flow char ts? Exp lain .
ng thre e inpu t num bers
a flow char t to find the max imu m amo
llP ag e

OP22P2 138 I 30-Mar-2 022 08:53:28

-· · _., ... • ••.,. •• • •• ■1111
1111 . . • • • • • • NIII JIIU I Ill
PAPER ID-411725

ON 2021-22
b. Wh at do you mea n by ope rato
:'...!i~se::._o~ e~ra~t~o!..::
rs~w ~i~th~su~i~
r precedence ond associativity?
ta~b~le~e~x~a~m~ le?.:.._ _ _ _ _ _
Exp lain all bit-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......__ _
4. Attempt any one par t of the folJ
owlng: txl 0 =10
Qno .
Question Marks
a. Giv e the syn tax and exp lain the co
working of switch-case stateme
oro irram to imo lem ent the men us nt. Wri te a
\,w. Iden tify the use of mod ular prog
bas ed basic calculator using swi
ramming?Write a pro gram by
tch case
10 2
defi ne func tion to che ck give n num usin g use r
ber is prim e or not. 10 2

Att em pt any one part of the foll

owing: lxl 0 =10
a. Illustrate the diff eren t way s to inpu Marks co
t a string in C lang uag e. Wri te a
cou nt the num ber of wor ds and pro gra m to
, vb. num ber of characters in an inpu t
stri ng. 10 3
Def ine a poi nter. How do you dec
lare and initialize a poin ter? Wri
to add the con tent s of an integer te a pro gra m
array using poin tet:L 10 3
6. Att em pt any one par t of the foli
o · · ~ lxlO =10
a. Def ine sco pe and life tim e of co
. Exp lain in deta il abo ut all stor
clas ses sup por ted in C lang u e e
'th reference to sco pe and life tim
e. ~ 10 4
How a stru ctur e is diff eren t from
union? Wri te a pro gram to stor
deta ils suc h as Pla yer Nam e, e SQ. play ers'
Cou ntry Nam e and batt ing av
data bas e Dis play the deta ils of e~ U) ing the
the play ers who are play ing for 10 4
4'~ n cou ntry

7. Attempt any one par t of the foll
lxl O =10
Ques ·
Wh at are the dr Marks
of stat ic co~
ava ilab le in C Ian
b. Exp lain the foli o . 10 5
1. init ii. rec
10 5

21 Pa ge
OP22P2_138 I 30-Mar -2022 08:
53:28 I 103 .199 .215- 1
111 111111 IIII II IIIII II IIll 11111111111111111111111 . .-..---r---r--r-- Subject Code: KCAI03
PAPER 10-411439
Roll No: 1 I II IOIOIi [i lo Ji IL1 Ib loJ3 I¼I
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100
Note: l. Attempt all Sections . If require any missing data; then choose suitably.

Attempt a II questions m ' f.
. b ne 2 X 10 =20
Qno. Question Marks C
,a. Define Management. 2 I
( l]J. Explain various level of Management. 2 I
,...c. Discuss any two advantages of organizational chart. 2 2
1.9- Explain Intuitive decision-making model. 2 2
~ List out the qualities of a good leader. 2 3
Lv Discuss the need of Directing . 2 3
lg. Describe grapevine in short. 2 4
"-' h. Describe the meaning of interpersonal communication. 2 4
I. Explain the concept of glossary. 2 5
J. Discuss the concept of pitch. 2 5

Attem t an • three of the followin : ~
Explain the techniques of Scientific Managemen1:
Discuss Importance and Nature of Pla~ g / /
Discus:; Maslow·s and Herzberg·s t'¾ ai,;tor principies theory of Motivation. .h '..)... .
'Use of technology makes our co, cation effective. ' Illustrate. ~~ 01 4
e. 'A job interview is not a testf -9ur knowledge but your ability to use i~ ~ 10 5
time.' Examine the given sta ement and guide the preparation for be.[gre,
durin and after an interview. 1
, '\.
lxlO =10
Discuss Fayol's General Principles of Management. ✓- 10
Summarize the Hawthorne Experiments conducted by ¥:EY?) 10
4. Attem t an one art of the followino : ("\ lxlO =10
Explain Functional Structure and Divisional Stfi)ctllre of organization \vith 10
their merits and demerits. _ ("\ _V
b. Examine the importance of Delegatio n. ap . lsons why a manager fails to 10
dele ate. _•
5. Attem t an one art of the followjl\ :°'
Express various steps involved in GQ_) trr, ling process.
lxlO =10
10 3
b. Discuss the various types of le,~s ·p style. 10 3
6 A ttempt any one part o f th e loJI'·owm2:
. 1X 10 =10
a. 'Communication is only "e~ective when we communicate in a way that is 10
meaningful to the recipient. Evaluate the statement for various barriers of
/' communication process.
' .A'- Evaluate the flow of communication at workplace with the help of a diagram. 10 4
7. Attempt any one part o f the toII owmg:
lxlO =10
v ~- Design a resume by creating the necessary details yourself and a covering letter 10
for it in block format.
b. Evaluate the format of a technical proposal with all the necessary entries in 10

QP22P2_ 13a I 25-Mar-2022 0 8:55:0€ I 103.199.2 1 5.142

& IU..t.G-U • •,;~• £ va •

tr 11111B11111111111111 HI 111 IR Ill

'" ·it" ·. r_ ,. •·s·ub.Jeet' ,.;..t.. _.,.. KCA104
• ' ,, I ' I '

Roll No::,!..__'...___I·,__I..J.--1_,____
·) _._ ·I ·__._I-+-I___.._
I __I _......l___,I___.____.II
Tune: 3 Hours , · Total Marks: 100
Note: 1. Attempt all Sections. All the symbols have their usual meaning.

Qno. Question Marks co
What is the cardinality of the set? 2 1
Find the cardinali of the set 1, 2, , ,
Let the two following functions be defined on set of real numbers be as: 2 I
x = 2x+3 and x = x2+ I. Find the fo x .
Define the well-ordered set? Give an example of well-ordered set. .i 2
Draw the Hasse diagram of the lattice of (D6, I). :l 2
Define Tautology and Contradiction.
,L 3
Discuss the truth table of p ~ q . 2 3
What is the generator of a cyclic group? 2 4
Find the order of each element in the group ( { l, -1 }, .) . 2
Find the number of handshakes in party of 1 ~ple, where each two of 2
them shake hands with each other.
j. Discuss the pigeonhole principle?

Qno. co
a. Pro e that the relation (x, y) e R, if x 2: y defined on the set of 1
in ers is a artial order relation.
b. If B = {l, 3, 5, 15}, then show that (B, +,.,') is a Bool 10 2

15 0... •
where a+ b = 1cm (a, b), a .b = gcd (a, b) and a'=- . <;..:..J
a .-.J
C. (i) Prove that conditional proposition and ~ ntrapositive are 10 J
equivalent, i.e. (p ➔ q) = ~q ➔ ~p.
(ii) Prove the equivalence: (p ➔ q) ➔ q=
d. Show that set 7l6 =
{0,1,2,3,4,5} forms up with respect to addition 10 4
modulo 6. '
e. (i) State all PEANO's axioms. ~ 10 5
(ii)In how many ways, can 7 b~»-1n.d 5 girls be ,,;eated in a row, so that
no two irls ma sit to ethe

3 . A ttempt anv one pa rt 0 fth e tioIIowme:
Qno. Question Marks co
a. In a survey of 60 people, it was found that 25 eatApple, 26 eatOrange 10 1
and 26 eatBanana fruit. Also 9 eat both Apple and Banana, 11 eat both
Orangeand Apple, and 8 eat both Orangeand Banana. Beat no fruit at
all. Then determine
i. the number of people who eat all three fruit.
ii. the number of people who eat exactly two fruit.

QP22P2_138 101-Apr-2022 08:53:59 I 106.214.69. "

IJUll8 11111 Ill II
11 llffll ID II~PER S~brect Cod,: KCA104
I II \ \T l \ \ \J

Roll Nq:I .__..,__ _.___._ _~_..,___--1.._1...-_,.___,______,_~__,_---.,

\ \


m. the number of eo le who eat exactl

~ e ~M~o~r~g~
~ v~e~D
~ d~Pro
one fmit I
an~.-s Tla~w~s~fi~or~ s~e~t ~the~o~ry~.~~- - - - -- -1-0- l..LJ
t,bL.- ~~

4. Attempt any one part o f the followin2:

Mo.rks co
Qno. Question
a. (i)Write the definition of the maximal, minimal, greatest and least 10
element of a Poset.
(il)lf S = {10, 11, 12} . Detenn ine the power set of S. Draw the Hasse
diagram of Poset (P(S), ~ ).
et in
(ill)Find the maxim al, minimal, greatest and least element of the Pm1
Part (ii). ·-
10 2
b. i) Determ ine the DNF of Boolean expression f(x,y,z )=x+ y'. z
V ii) Simpli fy the following Boolean expression using K-Map method
A'B'C '+A'B 'C+A' BC+A 'BC'+ AB'C+ ABC .

s. Marks
e value of 10
a. (i) Given the value of p -+ q is false, dete
(~pV~ q)-+ q.
(ii) Prove the equivalence: (p ➔ q) 4q.
State and Prove De Morga n's la

6. Marks co
,'0 4
Show that set of all integers Z forms a group with respe c~
o eration * define d as a* b = a+ b + 1, where a,b E Z .
b. (i)Defi ne Ring and Field. Give an example of a Ring

ield. 1(.' 4
ii)Prov e that eve c clic ou is abelian.

7. Marks co
10 .5
a. State Mathe matica l Induct ion. Using th
n(n+ 1)(2n+ 1)
that I2 + 2 + 3 +...+ n =
2 2 2
10 5
b. Use genera ting functio ns to solve e recurre nce relatio n,
an -9an-l +20an-2 =0 w~ ~o =-3 and al =-10 . _J

O:P22P2_138 I 01-Apr -2022 08:53:5 9 \ 106.2

rrmteo rage: 1 01 1

Subject Code: KCA105

lllllll 111111111111111
111111111111111111111 IIll I
PAPER 10-411334
Roll No: 5J(T~ 1~ I\ I\ IC}1~_1 '\ I I I 3 I O O
1 \

Total Marks.: 100
Time: 3 Hours
• Attempt all Sections and assume any missing data.
• Appropriate marks are allotted to each question, answer accordingly.
~ tT~,,,~~t~\
!_9F ,, ii.ti e_L~'· :~ 'm'.<1X2'#20' rinb~
,...., .11l.A-~- ·t.lA_tti,mn't>AU.~er'fQllmN,ilig _ L...!.~ ~:.-.-~• ._,;._ _,::.i

Ql(a} What are the various facts related to bus and bus svstem?
Qllb) What is arithmetic and lol!iC circuit?
Ql(c) Describe the micro-programmin11: sequencing.
Ql(d) What do you mean bv orogramming of ROM?
Ql(e) What is the function of 1/0 interface?
Ql(f) Discuss the basic component of register transfer logic.
Ql(g) What is the main advantage of RTL?
Ql(h) Define the goal of CISC architecture.
Ql(i) Define the goal of RISC architecture.
Ql(j) What are the modes of data transfer? ·-

~0~1!;[~=.i1&t~~2t ~J!:jlREE,6'~ ~116Wilii~lil~~~~i~!1S·~s:1i~~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Q2(a) What is programmable logic device? List various techniques to program PLO. Explam any \ ~
one techni ue with exam le. \:x
Q2(b) Write Short Notes on any two of the following: (~ ,.
i) Central Processing Unit (CPU). iii) Inpu~u(put Interface. \) •
ii In ut/ou ut Ports.
Q2(c) Show step by step the multiplication proc~\ :b booth's algorithm when (+15) and
numbers are multi lied. () <
Q2(d) Assume 5 - bit re isters that holds· ,..? humbers. I\..
Q2(e) lain vario of rocessg.r ·zation.

"'·-;'!, ."<·Js. . . · ?foUcwSit•,: :U¥jtloti~~\1,~--4~i?f~t~~-;~~;·r}~~ ·

lain Gener or anization.

t is are re ister stack and me yk.

Q4(b) rfo rocess of0000l l l dend of8 bits2.

,:-a. _-· .."'•

~ . ~
.. ,~-,,~~-,
. " ' ~™,~1,•£ i,i;,1..~11ow·.
•,,,~· o
.. , 1 ....,.,.,,r.,;;-..1rl•'t"~•c;•. -.• •, • .. ». s..:~~.- .....
es iJJ-h..f~~ . ~ ~~:-,~~1~~~~t4'~\l~~-E~,
•,1 ·

Q5(a) Evaluate the arithmetic statements X={A+B)1( ) using a gt~neral register computer with
three address, two address and one address~ ction fonnat a program to evaluate t.h@ .,
ex ression. - • :0.. ' \
Q5(b) Ex lain hardwired control unit. Wba . ~~t'fie methods to desi hardwired controllers?

Ja:l~~~~~ c:..J;.,~~~ffiIB~~~~m~,m:;w.r.
t inputs and opefates from a Svolt power supply. How
many pins are needed for the I ackage? Draw a block diagram and label all input and
terminals in the
Q6(b) 2D, 2 ½D me

ve e block diagram of OMA controller. Why are the read and write control lines in a
DMA controller bidirectional?
Q7(b) What do you mean by serial communication? What'are the transmission modes of serial
Printed Page: 2 of 2
\ It ID~ IDi U11111111 I II111111111111111111 IR ,Siar I Code: ,l{C.'12qt
PAPER ID-421193
Roll No: I I I I I I I I I I I f I' I
. 3. Attem t an one part of the following:
Qno Questions
(a) Construct the Moore Machines that will count occurrences ofsubstn:ng
'ub' over the in ut = a b and convert into Meal Machine.
(b) What is need minimization of DFA? Minimize the given DF A
0 I

4. Attem art of the followin 10 "''1 = 10
Qno co
(a) What is regular Expression? Usin 2
given transition diagram into regu
a b

(b) · gs accept 2

5. Attem 10*1 = 10
Qno Questions co
(a) Define grammar. Construct a grammar G for: 1' , 3
(i) Set of odd length palindromes over iu~ {O, 1} .
(ii) L.CG) = {w s {a. b} I w has an ~rnumber of a's and
bs . , .
(b) What is the Chomsk 3
6. Attem art of the folio · 10*1 = 10
Qno ns co
(a) Write the formal definiti Down Automata (PDA). Construct 4
a PDA that ac L = wcwr such that w s a, b * .
· · · ·stic and non-deterministic PDA. 4
7. . 10*1 = 10
Questions CO
What do you mean by Truing Machine? Design a Turing Machine that 5
will acce t all strin s ecified the Ian ua e L = a0 b°, ~ 1
(b) Write the short note on: l. 5
(i) Multi-Tape and Multi-Head Turing Machine
ii Church-Turin Thesis

QP22EP2_138 I 02-08-2022 09:01:181106.21

' Prlnited Page• 1
' ' ' Of 2
-11111.llUIDIII D111111111 11111.11.i Ill ,--,---.,--.-.- r--r-rS_ubj'-e_ctrCode: KC.\lo
! I j [J __j_ I I I IICTJ
· PAPER ID-421193
Roll Nb:
Time: 3 Hours T_otal Marks: I ~ ··
_ Note: Attempt all Sections. lfyou require any missing data, then choose suitably.

1. A ttem :> t aII quest ons i n brle.
f l1'1 l0 = 20
Qno Questions co
(a) Define alphabets and strings. 1
(b) Differentiate between dead state and not reachable stales. 1
(c) What is Kleen Closure? 2
(d) What do you mean by ambiguous grammar? 2
(e) What is Useless Production is Context Free Grammar (CFG)? 3
(f) Discuss the rules for Chomsky Normal Form (CNF). 3
(g) What is an Instantaneous description in Push Down Automata (PDA)? 4
(h) What is the problem associated with Finite Automata and how Push 4
Down Automata (PDA) resolved it?
(i) Discuss Universal Turing Machine. 5
(j) What is Halting Problem in Turing ~ :-.; •~":;,,e. 5

- 2.
/ uestions
(a) Design the Determini ite Automata (DFA) over the inp\"\~~
{O, 1} that will acce:oN.n.e,i,i:ollowing languages. C ·•It•
(i) The set oya· trings having length 7. Provided that~Qgit
from left ls- and yd digit from right is 0. ~
ii Set of all strin s containin 111 as sub strin
(b) Write the regular expression for the following explanation) 2
having input symbols {0,1}* ~•.
(i) The language of all strings containing)l\l~ast two O's.
(ii) The language of all strings whic~tarts and ends with same
digits. ( ' \..J
(iii) T~e language of all strinP)'l,9rii'aining 101 or 010 as sub
iv The Ian a e of all str;n
~v ontainin at most two l's.
(c) Define the syntax tree. Produ<Al_D'S fa grammar 'G' are defined as: 3
s-aB/bA ~'"CJ
A - a I as I bAA (') ✓
B - b I bS I aBB. ('.. V
For the string aaabQ_aBbba, (a) the leftmost derivation, (b) the rightmost
derivation. C Derivatfon tree.
(d) How two stack PDA differs from one stack PDA. Explain two stack 4
PDA with suitable exam le.
(e) Define Post Corresponding Problem (PCP)? Check does .P CP with two 5
lists X= (0101, 000111, 001, 10, 01, 00) and Y= (0101000, 11, 1001,
100, 10, 0 have a solution? .

QP22EP2_138 l 02-08-2022 09:01 :181106.214.2

..._ ·------

'. \lfllffl·i u,l!W'!lli!\!!' 1111111111111

Roll Noi \ 1- \ \

\ O \ ~ I'I I 1 j
· . ,/', Subje~t coh~;:·KCAio2
I l ~ I Ico j t I ' I
O f O

Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100
Note: Attempt all Sections. If you require any missing data, then choose suitably.
1. A tten1 >t aII questions m br ef. 2X 10 = 20
Qno Questions co
(a) Explain difference between JDK and JRE in Java. 1
(b) Object is an instance of class, justify your answer. 1
(c) What is the role of class path in Java Package? 2
(d) Write 3 use of Encapsula tion in Object Oriented Programm ing. 2
✓ (e) Explain difference between throws and throw keyword in Java. 3
(f) Draw hierarchic al diagram of package. 3
(g) Explain types of ways to create thread in Java. 4
(h) Explain generic programm ing concepts in Java. 4
(i) Draw hierarchic al diagram of Java Swing Classes. 5
G) What is the difference between JPanel and JFrame in Java Swing? 5
2. Attem t an three of the followin : 10x3 = 30 ~
Qno co ' :,
(a) What are uses of this keywor ith proper example.
(b) Explain the role of cons d also explain how sub class
constructo r im · · class constructo r in Java. •
(c) Write Java pr ne image to another. ·3
(d) Write generic Java that display sum if pass numeric 4
mer e text if data.
(e) Explain diffe n een A WT and Swing with pro ple. 5
- 3. Attem lOxl = 10
Qno Questions co
(a) Ex lain the compilatio n and execution f Java program with

(b 1
4. . Attem
lOxl = 10
ns CO
(a) olymorph ism? Explain type of 2
(b) What do you mean b nb'S act class? How abstract class is diffewnt 2
from Interface. ~
5. Attem t an one art of e ollowin : H"lxl = 10
Qno Questions CO
~ (a) Write Java program that accepts a temperatu re in Celsius. It should
throw an Exception "Tempera ture Below Normal" when the
temperatu re is less than 20C, throw an Exception "Normal :J
Temperat ure" when the temperatu re above 20C and below 40C and
throw an Exception "Tempera ture is High" when the it is greater than

QP22EP2_ 138 I 30-07-2022 08:5B:07 \ 106.202. U8. 34

Subject Code• kc..u I
11111111111111111II 111
I1111 IIA111ID-421
11111 IIIB II PAPE 076 l.---rl---,-l---,-f---r!---rl---rl--..l--,..Ll]lj1 m
Roll No: /~
Writ er classes with
(b) Explain the use of Buffered Reader and Buffered
suitable exam le 3 Ti1
.. 6. art of the followin : lOJ:t = 10
Attem co 1.
Qno Questions
takes place in java with 4
(a) Describe how inter- thread communication is
thread life c cle dia ram?
an suitable exam le. 4
Discuss eneric bounded class with the bet of
lOx l = 10
- 7. At tern ()t anv one part of the followin g:
Qno Questions co
(a) Write Java Swing program that chan ge back grou nd colo r when ever s
age "We lcom e to Java
user click on button and displays the mess
in Java'? Explain with 5
(b) Detennine event? How is event handling done
(, ,
an examole.

_____\...__-:---- - --- ·-
-- .
Subj1cct Code: KCA203
lfflU llll IIll llllll
IDll lllll IllPAPER 1111111111111
Roll No: I I I I I I I I I I I Il II I
(SEM II) THEORY EXAMINATlO N 2021-22 _ _ _ _ _ __
OPERATIN<;._c;.~.. EMS
:..;;;c.;. ._.:c.__ _ _ _ _ _ _

Tot(I/ Mark.v: :O(I

Ymt': 3 Hours
◄ote: Attem pt 11\1 Secti ons. If you requi re any mi ssing data, then choo se su itably .
2x10 = 20
Attempt all ques11ons In brier.
--- co
Qno Q'L~stions
-;:orv icc;,- --- I
(n) Desc ribe nil opcrnting syste m
f 110 how'l I
b) Defend times harin g differ frorn multi ero~r ammi iiii?i'
(c) Discu ss the uses of mutex'? .r .. 2
sses. --\
(d) Desc ribe race condi tion for ~oop crutin g proce
cndcd and multi -threa ded procc11s. 3
(c) Compnrc and contr nst Sing:lc-thr
ded proce sses. 3
(t) Disti nguis h betw een CPU boun ded, I/O boun
ion may arisc?l 4
(g) Whnt are the conditions 'Jndc r which u deadl ock situat
(h) What is rcsource-alloco.tion graph ?
(i) Defin e Belnd y's Anom aly.
physi cal address space 5
U) Expla in logic al nddrc ss space and ('i,
dial!f amma ticall y. I I


2. Attem pt any tl,ree of thl'; following: ( I,

~ - ~ - - --- - ,,''
,"Que stion s co
Desc ribe opera ting syf , unctions. Also, expla in mono lithiq,;-,
, ..... V
micro keme l '• stem .
son's solutidn·t solve 2
(b) Defin e criti1.;al sef~ ! probl em. Write the Peter l'>,, ..._
critical sec.lio n rbbfem.
diagr . ',. 3
(c) Illustrate proce ss states and proce ss transi tion
gien,i .jth suitab le 4
(d) Discu ss the follow ing stora ge place ment strate
,A• .J
exam p'1 es:
(i) Best fit <r:p
(ii) F irst fit 2)
iii)W orst fit ('
space ? Expla in. 5
(e) What are the three meth ods for allo,Qffet' . g disk
SECT!.~N,C' .
lOxl = 10
3. Attem pt any 011e part of the follo~pg: l.;· ..
J (~'•'..,Que stions ~O
Qn o I
with diagr am
('a) Expla in the follow iq~p ns and their work ing
Distr ibute d s stem
i Buffe rin ii S octlm iii Time shari n iv
betw e n multi proce ssor, multi user, and Batch opera tin
(b) Diffe rentia te
s stem.

lOxl "" 10
4. Attempt any 011e part of the following:
Ques tions co
Qno 2
(a) Interp ret Dinin g philosophe r probl em.
opera ted on by four 2
(b) A share d varia ble x, initialized 'co zero, is
of the proce sses W
concu rrent proce sses W, X, Y, Z as follows. Each
1111111111111'~ IIUIIIIIIIDIUll 1111 Subject Code: KCA203
PAPE!\ IO-C21311
Roll No: QJ \ \ I I \ \ \ \ \ \ J
MHlilATION 20 -
21 22
--- -- -- --- ~ _ __:_J;o~r~E~R~A~1[!.'l~N~G~S~Y~~ ;_
~, T=E=M=S======~~~;;~-=-=:- .=--=-=-::---
- -- - - -- -,--:: --- - - --
und X rend -, - -_--en-- I·s by one stores it to mem
s x from memory, ~ncrem ory ,
und then tcrminutes, Euc h of the . : _ . y \md z reads x
~10, ,csses and then tenninaMs.
memory, decrements by two, stores
it lCI memory'. , ,
,._ rc d'
Enc h process bc,o ·
rcn mg x 111v okc s t he p ope1nt1on (1. c·• wa1't) on a
counting scmnphore San d invo . • I) the
scmnphorc S after stormg . x to kes the V sopemnp ration <1·0 ·: s~g~? .0 nd to
horc 8 1s 101 11a11ze
two. Wl1nt is tho maximum pofi memory. c _
siblc •,uluc of x afte r a II proces s's
complete execution?

5. Attempt uny (Inc purt of the foll

owing: d-..ta.d lo c)<... lOx l = 1O
t- C\. 1,voJ:r- <l)ii q_uesti01~s
.. ~
- --:------t-~Q
lllustrnte process states and process ]
Consider the set of 4 processes who
ivcn below-
trans 1t
..:'. : 10:'.:n'. .~•~ag
'd ~r-=u::
se arni- val time and burst time are
m:.:.,. ;3--=-J
--1· Bu;s~~ ~~-
___ ____ __ __ _ __

( r ,,
Pro cess • •~J
Time CPU I 1/0 Burst I
Burst ,
CPU Bur st 1 't~
I ;
-· -- -- - - -- ---~
Pl 0 3 I 2 2

P2 0 2 4
- - l - - - - - + - - - - - --

If the CPU scheduling policy is ~h~

~ -e~t Remaining Time First,
calculate the average waiting tin)
,.._ - .
e and average turnaround time.

AttE'.mpt uny one part of t

tox l = 10
(a) Considering a system with five
resources of type A, B, C. Resour
-- Po thro
processes-- -- -- --thre
ugh p4 and --e~4co ~
ce typ e A has 10 instances, B
instances and type C has 7 inst has 5
ances. Suppose at time to foll
sna shot of the s stem has been owing
(SltM 11) TIIF.OltV 11:XAMINATlON 2021· 12
--- -...OPI\RATINO
... -- svs·n :l\1S

l' IOCtt l!i.ll

Allur Hll111, Mnx l\v1.1llnhl,1

" (.: I\ II ~ I\ II l

. eo () I 0 ,_r, .I
'' .I ')
fl l 2 0 0 .I :.I }
l'.1 'l ()- 'J. 'I 0 'I

·~ :l
1 l.
o· 2 ---·

..I :,

I. Wh11t will he lhc contl:111 or thi.: Ncl•d 111111rlx'/
II. ls the syshm1 in II snk stt1tl·? tr 'l' cs. tlwn• whnt is the snfo
lll. Whnt will l111ppcn if pro1icss P1 rcqucsts one additionnl inst1111co
of re sou.rec typo /\ 11ml two instnm:os or resourcl1 type ('.?

(b) Apply bunker's nlglJrithm ti.,r II system in which, thl·rc url~three typos or 4
rosourccs: G. F iU\d 0 . Four pn.K:l:sses PO, PI. P2 m.,d PJ cxccuk
concun-cntly. At the outsl'I, thl· 1m1ccss~s hnvc declared th,·ir mnximum ./1:,;
resource rl·quircnu:nts using II mutrix nnmrd Max as given below. For -0
exnmplc, Mnx rP2. rJ is the mnximum lllllllbl·r uf insl;mco.~ of F thut (.,/\
P2 would require. The number or instunci.:s or the n.:sources al located lo t : \,-
the vnrious prnccssl'S nt nny given stntc is given by II nrntr i.x. nmned
l\llocntion. Consider u stntc of the system with the Allocation mutrix us
shown below, t\nd in which 3 instnm:es nf E mH.l 3 instances ofF arc the
only ~sources nvt1il~~c: __
Allocntiou ~-f ax
Po l 0 1 Po -4 _'\ 1
., .,
Pi 1 1 -
Pi 1 0 3
-1 l
PJ 2 0 0 PJ 5 4 1
Find the safe se uence.
, ..
•t··•\ ,.'
J· Attempt nny one pnrt of the follb~ ug:
. .• lOxl = 10
Qno Questions co
(a) A system uses 3-puge frames for storing process pages in main 5
memory. Assume that all the page frames are initially empt:,. What is
the total number of page faults that will occur while proc•!Ssing. the
page reference string given below for FIFO, LRU and Optimal P..,ge
Replacement algorithm? Also calculate the hit ratio and mis:; ratio.
4 7 6 1, 7 6, I 2 7 2
b Ex lain the three methods available for allocatin disk s ace? - - ~I5
Pdnted P•f'e: I 11( J

l] ·-r-[ J 1-1·-1.__r _[]~[~

Surct Code: KCA204
I1111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111
PAPER 10-421678
Roll No:
-------- ---'-'-;.....;.._;___ -- ·-----· - - - ---- - - ----

Time: 3 1/011r.v Total Morlc111 I/JO

Note: Attempt ull Sections. rr you require n11y mi ~~lnu daln, 1h cn chm1sc ~ull.:ihly


qi;~ - __-
=·- ·
Attempt. all questions In brief.
·- - - -
--- -- .
Questions· · - - - - -
Whal do you mean by logical cln11; indcpendc~c~·7
z1r 10 - 20
(~)_ - _Y."hnl c!_~ you mean by dom~i~nt~grity'l _ _ - =_ I
(c) Define cnt11~ and entity sci _ _ _____ _ 2
(d) Ex pl,1111 w11h su1 1able cx<1111plc Si111pk l'o111 p11·,1tc i\ !I 1h11tl:
l 2
(e) Dctcrn1inc the Rclationol i\lgcbrn expression for fo llowing- 3
For u rclotion Employcc(EID, Enumc, city), find the nomc of
cmeloyccs who either live i~ Delhi or live in_Mui ~bai.
(f) There is u table named CUSTOMER (ID, Nume, DOR). Write the sql 3
query to display nll the customer dctall~. (Note - Early Date of
rel!.istra tion_~_!IISI hl' displ:iy~ lir~ - -
(g) What will be th(' possible supcrkcys for th,; rclauon schema 4
R(E.F,G,H) with El-'.,~ ke y ·> _
(h) Consider a rclntion R (A, B, C, D, E) with following FO 's: 4
A ->BC, CD-> E, B -> D, E -;> A
Docs B -> CD'l Exists ovcn,th'c relation R?
(i) ab
"A trunsactlon mu~t r611ow D_u.c.r"" ll_ty_p_ro_p_e_r_ty". What1d~ ,you
.c.;l;._ 5
mean bv Durability? - -- -- ·- - - - - - ----+--
(j) There 1s a schedule S havmg 5 transac11ons. How many serial ~chcdules 5
can be made poss1blc'1


2. Attempt any three of the following: 10*3 = 30

Qno Questions . co
(a) "Data redundancy leads to data incomistency". Justify your 1
(b) Explain participation cons_traint in E-R diagram ,with a suitable 2
(c) Write the SQL command to Create the table named STUDE:NT 3

Column Name Datii T ype Size Remark

Roll Number 5 Primary Key, musl star,~
Name Varchar2 25 Null •,slues arc not allowe<!__
DOB Date -
Email Varchar2 30 Must take unique values onl v_
DOR Date Must not less than DOB
(d) Suppose a relational schema R (P, Q, R, S), and set of functional
dependency as following
. 4

F: {P -? Q_R, Q -> R, P-> Q, PQ -> R} ___ I .-

Find the canonical cover Fe
(e) What is system log? What are the record entries done into the system
log during execution of a transaction?

3. Attempt ar_iy one part of the following: JO·kJ = 10
Qno Questions co
(a) With a neat diagram c:4,scuss the three-level architecture of DBMS 1
(b) What are the advantages of Database over file system? l
4. Attem pt any a11e pa n of
1.0 --t. -= I r1

the followtn1:
- - - - - - --
Que ,ct1 on1
(a) I (or, ,p1d er the d'>~:;,,p ·- - -
t >(111s 2
al Em plo yee wo ,~ for a dep
art me nl
bl In one dep artm ent the te are
I <) Eac.h em plo yee haw
m-any em plc V~ S
som e de, e-n den u
J d) fmp loy ee wo rtts ,n
wo;feJVoJecU .
Con slderJng the abo ve as~
,n~ tlo n~. dra w an E-Jt O,agra .
/__ the dta p.J rn !_~_!!elation m. '""
_ "ert
!(b} / A rela tlon nam ,.d al Mode!. -------:---:
STU O!N T{R oll. Nar ne, --
I t Em ail) 1s t h"fC' . F,n d out t ~
00 8, Addre-.s, Adhar
No, 2
a) Alt ern Jt•v !! Keys
b } No n key Att ribu tes
,) No n-P rim e attr ibu tes
d Prim e Att ribu te

5. Att em pt any on~ par t of the

foll ow ing : J0- 1 = 10
Qn o
: (a} / .Ho w a tng gcr ,,.
Qu es uon s
d1ffc~ n1 fro m proc.edurc
I I rrig ger 1 Wrrre a lng gcr wh ? Wh al are the U5CS o( a J
ich w,11 m.scrt the upd ate d
/ I salary of an em plo yee alo ~-; ,vit h sal ary , the old
the date of upd atio n int o
1 I nam ed Employee Backup. ' a tab le
(b) Fin d out the tables nami!d _ .
EM P(I d, Name , DO J. De
I f De pt{ De ptld, 'Jam e. ptJ D, Sal ary ), ; 3
Loc atio n/
, Wn tc rhc SQ L qu er., fo r
thet;:;Ti<,·.vmg ·

a) Dis pla y rhe emplo yee
det ails alo ng wit h the dep
j where the em plo yee is wo
art me nt nam e I
b J D isplay the emplo yee s
1 acc ord ing to dat e of joi nin
Jui ns sho uld com e fi rst, g. <Recent I
cJ Dis pla y :he num ber ,
Dc pan me nt
of em plo yee s ,..,orking
in ~C A I
d ) D1~p!a y rb: ern pir; ;, ee
nc.m e,; ;.rn>'>e r.~ t ~tarts wii
e) D1spla y the em plo yee s h ·Ra '.
wh o are get ting mo re sal ary
•Ro han · 1:, tha n wh at •

6. Att em pt any one pa rt of

the fol low ing :
1Qn o .
10* ) = 10
Qu est ion s
, (a) r Wh at do you me an
by lo:.e-less dec om pos mo co
I I Con.sider the relational sch em n c,f " r e!at1on':
e R ( A,B.C.D,.E,FJ and FD
I ' AB -> c. C -> A., D -> E, F -> A, E -> s
I I ls the decom pos itio n of R into R D
/ l <A , C, D J, R2 t B, C, D ) and R3
. f, DJ lossle ss? <E, ,
, \/✓hat is par tial fun ctio '
na l dec end er• q:. E1.o l.;;1n
ana rno ly, upd 2tio n ana rro 1: · m 1::rt 10n 4
mo ly a no aei e,,c n ana
i rela tion is hav ing par mc .1y oi:.c t.-r , ,·1h '::,, .;
tial dep end enc y ?

7. Attempt any on e pa rt of the

Qn o I .,, - 10* 1 = 10
Qu estifjri$·--
(a) ~a t do you ~e an by CO ,. _,_:
i / Dis cus s basic trmest am p con cur ren cy con tro l? Wh at is 1
a tiro est am p? I 5-
I .
con tro l me cha ms m.
and s tric t trm e:,t am r prc.t,x
oi .1, c. l)n ,•Jr ren cv 1 1

(b) Ho w sen al sch edu le 1s dif

fer ent fro m non-seri.:I sch
- , _J
serializable schedule? edu ler• Wh at is a ; 5
A sch edu le is gjv9.n ' as fol
low s
c) --
· 1
.. -- I
S: rl( X), r2( X) , wl (X ), rl{ Y),

Check wh ether sch edu le S

w2 (X) , Wl (Y )

is a conflic t senalizable sch

:'.."'-., I
edu le or not ?
t'rmteo rage: 1 01 i,

111111111111111111111 Ill llllll II Ill II II I
PAPER 10-421452
Subject Code: KCA.205

_ _ __ __ _' . A_NALYSIS OF ALGORl'n.=.:
DATA STRUCTUR·_ES_& 1M S _ _ _ __ _

Time: 3 Ho11r.'i Total Marb: JOO

~ ote: Attempt all Sections. Iryo•J require any missing data, then choose suitably.


Attempt all questions in b1·icf. 2*10 = 20

Qno Questions co
(a) Dis~·uss the limitation of arrays . . -1
(b) Give aool.'1cations oflinked list. 1
(c) Convert following infix expression into p-~stfix expression: 2
A+ (B *·C + D)/E.
(d) What are the 3 different ways in which priority queue can· be
implemented ?
(e) Can we apply binary search on unsorted array? 3
(f) Give an example to demonstrate insertion sort. 3
(g) Draw the expression tree/2-Tree of follq.wing
i ,.,
arithmetic expression:
(2* (4+ (5 + 3))) .
~ '
·'"' -
4r ,
(h) Wbat are threaded binary tree? '' .~
, .5 y
(i) How the graph can be traversed using Breadth First Search (BFS)?
(j) Discuss Strassen' s algorithp1-fo r \natrix multiplicatio n.
. ''
( \
_,, /

< ,I

' ,,__._
2. Attempt any three of the following:
Qno Questions •
' r~ •'<':-,
(a) What is doubly linked list? Write a function to trav~r~e; doubly linked
a 1
list in reverse order. .: ' · •
(b) Write a function or algorithm to imple~ nt~:• enqueue and deque 2
operations on circular queue. ,..~~":,; ·
(c) Use heap sort algorithm to sort the fo~l9wi ng sequence: {8, 5, 45, 24, 3
36, 11 , 43, 21 }. What is the time corfiplhity of the algorithm?
(d) Draw B-Tree of order 3 by insertihgJoll owing keys in empty tree: 4
{78, 52, 81,40,33,9 0,85.,_2Q, ~&}':
(e) Discuss Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) problem solution by 5
using dynamic programmhlg: Give example. . .

3. Attempt any one part of the following: 10*1 = 10

Qno Questions co
(a) Write a function or algorithm to add two Polyp.omials using linked hst. 1
(b) Define header linked list. Write a function to perform insertion at end l
in a sin gly linked list.

l'nnteu 1•8 ,,,
.,e: 1.
Subject Code: l<C A 01 l
L]_J- 1--1---·-·
I i--_[-r-
111 1111111111 II I IIII II IIll II 1111111111111111111
PAPER 10.,s;,1451
Roll No: __I_-i-I Jj'
' · II)
Tr,n:OR V EXAMIN ATlON 2021 - 22
OATA STR\IC' PJ RES ..~ ANALl,:SIS or'_!\_.2
----- - - --'-"------------- ----
- - 1
Attcli1pt I\IIY m,e pnrt of Ihe followl1111:
Qno - -- · - - - -
--Q - ,-1e_s_1i-o-11s-· - -
Whnt is Tower o1··Hnnoi problem'? Explain the solutions ol?owe r of
-=- =-------_-O"'1 • I 0
------1 Co
Hanoi pmbkm u:,ing recursion where number of di!,ks •1"" 3 and
towers urc A. B 1111d C. _ . - --
(b) Whntd o yo~~;lc rstnnd by hashing'! Consider Inserting the k.cys 2
{76. 26. J,7. 59. 2. I. 6_5. R~} into n Hnsh table_ of _size 111 == I I. Using
Ji.near Probing., _£onside.r.t!~e 1?,ril_!~~ )' h~sh_f\mctron 1s h'(k) = k !!_1? d m. ----'

5. Attempt an)' 011e port of the following: 10"'1 ""10

~t -Pe-rf~-m-1 ~ -uic.k sort on the %~;:~:,~1:~ data items ·-st-o-re_d_i_
n_s_i-ng,1e C30
/ (a dimensional n1ny: {6. 9. 5. 8, 7, 4,3. l, 2, O} . Also discuss its tim1~
com lexi •.
(h) Discuss rl,e function to implement merge sort. What is the time and 3
s ace corn lt:xi of the al orithm? , ' ·•
- - - -- - - - -- ---"-
.. :.>"
6. Attempt any ,me part of the following: ;
Qno Que1,tion s . ,· '•,.CO
(a) How BST is different fr_o m sorted array? Discuss the process to li1;1q ati) ,·'"'----
element in BST? ·
(b) Insert the lollowipg:eJement in empty AVL tree:
' "\~ . '\.
4 -
!45. 55. 65. 75 , 80, 90,100, 110, 120. 130, 40, 35. 25, 20, 15,' to, 5}.
. ·,
7. Attempt any 011e part of the following: ., 1O* 1 = H)
Qno Qu·estions - '•, -· CO 7
(a) What is minim~nn spanning tree (-:-M
- )-?:-,D
01~w-,-M- S_T_ o_f_tl_1e_ fo_l_lo_w_i_n_g4-__5:.._i
graph by applymg Kmskal 's algorithm . ,. •·

(b) For ~he given grap~1 ' (weighted, directed) apply Floyd-Warnhall
algomhm for constrncting sho1test path.

- l!

' .
·- . [
- -
Su bj ect \.,O ~n; , n ~ • -·

I Ill~ 1111111 l~!!~ ,~~!~!!~I 1111111111111 Roll No: \ \ \ \ \ \ l 1· I I I~ \~

AM IN AT IO N 20 21~22
(S EM II) TH EO RY EX .::...:::c..::_.:::__
_ __
___ _ ___
__ BE
_ __...;CY ....::.;SE
_;__.R CU RI TY
:::...:::..::;.. * _ _ ____ _ _
1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1'ot11/ Mi. 'rlu : /00
. .
. .
Time: 3 Hours pt all Sect1ous. If req uir e any m1 ssm g dntu;
the n cho ose sui tab ly.
N te: I. Atl em SE CT IO N A
o - - 2-Mn ·--=-..::...::-
rks ._CO
m b I
re f. __
Attem pt aII qu est on s Question - - -- 1
I. 2
Qn o. 1
Sec uri ty. 2
De fin e the tem1s cyb cr - - - -- -- -L2- - - -
a. l of cyb cr Sec uri ty. -- 2
De fin e the var iou s goa ste m.
Int rus ion Dc tcc t·io n Sy
b. I
2 2
Explain the wo rki ng of
c. s. 2 3
Describe the ten n thr eat .
d. of doi ng e-c om me rce 2 3
Explain the adv ant age s
c. of cry pto gra phy . 2 4
Describe the req uir em ent rds and rel ate d po lici es.
f. org ani zat ion al sta nda 2 4
Describe the pur pos e of
g. ,. W pol icy . 2 s
Explain the nee d of WW
h. sta nda rd. 2 s
I. .
Explain the use of ISO
Write a note on IPR. .
j. SE Cf lO N B
: Mi.rks co ..
v thr ee of the fol low in
2. Att em t an Questi on 10 JC - ) ,.
Q no. 'c~ •with exa mp les . .,
ive att ack s & pas siv e atta 10
a. Dif fer ent iate bet we en act ;se r¥ices in det ail.
ego rie s of pos sib le VPN 19~- -.:._! 3
b. Ex pla in't he var iou s cat ou s use s in bus iness.
Ex pla in e-p aym ent sys
tem in det ail wit h)t s.,y .irl
ion wit h sui tab le
·tp . 4
i'ci es are use ful ·in run nin g the org ani zat
\ d. Ex pla in the wa y pol • 10 s
I exa m le. -
I in Ind ia.
' e. De scr ibe the cyb er La ws
SE CT IO N C ··-
the fol low ing : Marks co
rt of
3. At tem pt an y on e pa Question r-·~~~ ~:.~• 1
Qn o.
t sys tem and ma nag eri al s:9P,P.Ort sys tem in
rat ion al sup por
a. .. Dif fer ent iate bet we en ope / -~ - •
det ail.
del s inv olv ed iil dev elo pm ent of an
tur es of all the mo
b. Ex pla in the ma in fea
Inf orm atio n svs tem .
' 4. of the fol low ing : 10
At tem pt an y on e pa rt ll and intr usi oi:i det ~ct ion system . 2
rki ng of firewa 10
: a. , ' Dif fer ent iat e the wo era tio ns for ~T A'R .T- Up s in IN DI A?
uri ty consid
b. De scr ibe the var iou s sec ,· .
f t h e Jo 11ow mg : (~';.,_ 3
At tempt anv on e o art
o sec uri ty of 10
s. CC TV anc f~" at'a Ba cku ps in phy sic al
ful nes s of
a. De scr ibe the use t"""---:. . .1° 10 3
organi zat ion al ass ets . the me ssa ges .
- ital sig nat ure is u'se d dur ing com mu nic ati ng ·-
b.· D esc rib e the wa y dig
of the g: 10 4
6. At tem pt an y on e p art in Ind ia. 4
uri ty pol ici es ,~ 10
i a. \ Wr ite dow n the sec var iou s · ste ps inv olv ed in
pol icy Re vie 7
y and Ex pla in the - .

l-4)efi ne the ter m Po lic
I b. -
pro ces s. _s--JJ
of the fol low in : _ _ _.....j..._l_O_ _
At tem t an on e art P_a t_e_n_t l_a_w_. _ _ _ _

a. Wr ite a No te on Fo llo win
g: (i) Co py Rig ht Ac _):........
t., (ii 10 1S 7
vis ion s of IT AC T 200 0.
b. De scr ibe dif fer ent pro

1 IP a g_e
111 lll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Suhjcd Cmk l<CAIJ21
PAPER 10-410237
HollNo: /1.lolo!c, /1;, lo'. 1 il1 'o :o/11-- i
(SEM Ill) Tlli◄:Ol{Y FXt\Mli'it\TIO\ 2021 -22
Time: J I/ours" Total M11rl1f: I OIJ
l'\oll': I. Attempt all Sections. ll'req111rc Jny 111 issi11g d111 :1: 1hc11 choose ,1111ahly

SfCTIO:--1 /\

I. Attempt all questions in brit•f. 2 x IO ~ 20

-~ n_o_J ____ _ Qtll', tiun
Murk , ( ·o

a. , Whal arc the ach,anlal!CS or using .ISi' ove r .,i:rvkl'.' 2 3

b. 1
Dis~~1; s- advanlage of~spring frn1~1cwork .
2 4
c. -
\Vh; t arc the effects of running Spring Boot Application as .Java 2 5
d. What is /\OP? 2 4
t---------- - -
e. Is COM same as OCOM 7 Comment on it 2 2
r. Differentiate between Web browser mid Web server.
f - - - + - - - - - -- - - - - -
2 l
g. Compare CG! and JavaScript. 2 2
,_h_._-+-\\_1_hat is~tE°i <liff:re~1{c b-ct\~ccn for:; _ard ~~nd scndRed1rcct ta~ in JSP? 2 3
I. Explain marn characteristics of Web Tcam 7 2
t - - - - + -- · -- - ---- - - - - -
J..l.L__ ' Differen~e ?_e~-5~Spring an~p1in_g_~oot 2 5

SF.CTI0.'11 B

2. Attempt any three of the foll r,,,ini;;

Q no
----- - - -
Qucs tion _ __ __ _ ---~~-~ ~- -TM_a~~ _co
a. Can we call a Java class with annot ations as a POJO class or not? IO 5
- -- -
-.9- --- - -- - -
Explain the pro_ccdurc for crc_at1!2_g a~ ~~t;si tefo r·a ~~rporatc world.
i I-
I .-
/ c. What is the functionality of JSP? What arc the advantages of JSP over 10 3
ki d. various server side pr<2_grammingJ~_chniquc'l __ ____ _________ _
Explain the various Fom, object use d by JavaScript. Write JavaScript to 10
demonstrate how data validation ca n~ rfom1cd
i e. What arc the different types or scop cs in Spring7 Explain in detail.
- -- - - -
SECTI0/1,; C
3. Attempt any one part of the following:

- - ___Que? ion
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Spring Boot'l
_ _ _ _ _ __
, IO
--i~~~~O 5
b. Define Cascading. Write the varions approaches of CSS. Lisi cut the IO I -,-
..,c_/_ _,._,._pr_o__.._p_crt
_ ic..s-=
:. o..f:. -=C-=S-=S..·:. _ _ _ _ ___________________ _ . L _

4. Attempt any one part of the following:

~ no.What ts Document ~ bJCCl

lo create text b~x and but~o:~ •·;:ark!\ ~0~
--r-·--- - --- - - ---- -- - . -
. i \Vbt 1s ScrvleO Explam the hfc cycle of Scrvlct.
· -·-- ---- --- -- . -- - ---- -
lO J-
1 I
111 1111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111 Suhjc ct Code : l<C
PAPE R 10-410 237
Roll No: II\ III; I \ 1021
5. Atte mpt any or,e pnrt of the follo wing :
Q llU ' - Q11CQ\lo11
Mark , I l'<) \
a 1-Whai-i:-. Bean 111 Sprin g? llnw bean lire cycle
can be co ntrol led Sprin g; \0 4 \
/ b. What do you mean by session trac kin~·1 ! low a
session can be creat ed' \O 3 \
\_!~~pl ain \~ith exam ple.

6. Attem pt any 011e part of the follo wing :

L no.
Q Q ur st1011
\ :vi arks co
I a. Write short note on
I \O 5
ii . POS T

x ~-
111. PUT
- Lisi the -prop ertie s or for~ll clem ents a nd the
meth od~ or form el ~rnen l; ,

7. Atte mpt any Ofle part of the follo wing :
~Q no. - - . . . - Qucs·u~n -· .. ~ -
a. Wha t is the diffe rence betw een Jav'°a Scrip t and
Marks ~ 'O '
Jscri pt? !fow will yo~ do -10 - 2
clien t side valid ation usin g JavaS cript.
_ _ _ _ ____ ___ _ _
b. Wha t is Sprin g fram ewor k? Disc uss featu re
ofthc Sprin g. _l~ _ 4



rrnncu nsgt·: 1 01 1

111111111111111 !!~!ti !~~!t~J! 111111111111 Ill

Roll No:
Suhjcct Code: KC.A0f4

fu: [QJ~IQIiJ,[olTJ~r~ 1-o [0 -w

Time: 3 Hours Ti·,tal Mllrks: /()(J
data ; then choose suitably .
Note: I. Attemp t all Section s. If require any missing

2 x IO = 20
t. Atkmp t all questio ns in brief.
~ ifferent iale between C loud Compu ting and lnlcrnt.:I.
~ - W1rnt are the Comme rcial C louds?
~ - Discuss the advanta ges of laaS comput ing model.
~ What is mean by cloud sotlwar e?
i>(e. Define the tenn Hunt Calenda r.
~ Examin e the role of Cloud Compu ting in Task Manage ment.
~ efine the hypervi sor.
c__--h-- Detenn ine the reasons used for adoptin g Virtual Machine Monito rs .
~ Describ e main security challeng es in SaaS.
J/ Examin e about the standar ds for develop ers in c loud comput ing.

10 X 3 = 30
2. Attempt any three of the following:
Explain the followin g tenns
1). Cluster Compu ting 2). Utility Compu ting.
Illustrat e
"Salesf orce is the world's number one cloud-b ased CRM platform ",
your answer.
Determ ine the concept ofGrou pware in Clouds. Also discuss its pros and
Differen tiate between Hardwa re Virtuali zation and Server Virtuai iiation.
e. Discuss about the role of DMTF in referenc e to clloud security .

of the followin g: 10 x 1 =-' 10
3. Attemp t any one part
~ Show the architec ture of Nimbus and explain its compon ents.
(b) Explain several properti es & characte ristics exhibit ed by Cloud Compu ting.
10 x 1 = 10
4. Attemp t any one part of the following:
(a) Illustrat e the key compon ents of Amazo n AWS.
~ Explain in detail the concept of Monito ring as A Service in Cloud Compu
5. Attemp t any 011e part of the following: rn x 1 = 10
~ Discuss the role of Cloud in CRM along with various ingredi ents of C RM.
(b) Compa re cloud Task Manage ment with traditio nal Task Manage ment System
_and give some examp~es of Cloud Based Task Manage ment System s.
10 x l = 10
6. Attemp t any one part of the following:
~ Discuss rnultith reading , rnultico re, and Virtuali:
(b) Binary Transla tion is a method for achievi ng Full Virtual ization. Discuss about
the stateme nt. Also compar e Binary Transla tion with Para Virtual ization.

7. Attemp t any one part of the following: lOxl = lO

(a) Discuss the advanta ges of standar ds evolved by DMTF.
\_)PY Explain about testbeds in referenc e to Cloud Compu ting
l'rlnh'tl l'11g1·: I ,,1 2
IIIIII IIll 11111111111111111111111
Ill 111111 IIIIII I Suhjcrl C'Ol l l• ! l(C'A OJI
PAPER 1D-420092
Roll No: [ j l I I 1- 1-_ l I I l I l _I
. :: C...:Y_:&:~.:.. S_F._CU RJ_T_Y !._N _9NLl~~ SOCJ ~L ~ t•:~>JA
.:. . A..:::
- - - - - - - - = -P-=-R;:.l..:.V:.
Time: 3 /lours total /It/ark\·: I IHI

Note: Attempt all Sectio ns. If you require any missin

g datu. llll'n chnPM: .~11i111bl y.


I. Attempt all questions in brief. 2"' 111 ==- 211

-- --- --· -- - ('()
Qno - -
(a) Summarize a brief note about opµorl unitit•s urn~ 1d onli111: socinl m:lwork I
from lhe view of businessman
~oc ial network I
- -
t b) Infer some une:-.p ected dillicultics or pit li1lls around onlirw - -
Summarize soei.11capit.1 1s with suitab le c:-.amp lc 2
(c) - -
ng? 2
(d) Solve, what do you do if you arc a victim of social n;c,tT;iphishi
nrnnugerncnt uncl )
(e) Differentiate .1cccss contro l mechanism in traditional data
OSN .,
Explain U2U and U2R terms with respect to REBAC
(g) Show the Steps of Identity Management
(h) Discuss the importance of Online Identity Management with
( i) Demonstrate security issues for any chat messenger
(j) Demonstrate privacy issues for any customer care call

2. Attem pt any three of the following:

10*3 = 30
Qno Quest ions co
(a) State variou s security issues in Online social network I

around on line social network 2

(b) Summarize variety of trust properties
(c) Explain following access contro l approaches D-FOAF and
(d) Differentiate Identity 1.0 and Identity 2.0
(e) Sketch , Privacy and security issues of Twitter

10* 1 = IO
3. A ttem pt any 0 11e part of the follow ing :

Qno Quest ions co

network I
(a) Classify all kinds of threats related to security in online social
(b) Compare all three main aspect s of security in detail.

I0* l = IO
4. Attem pt any 0 11e part of the follow ing:
Quest ions co
online social media 2
(a) Describe various trust models to evaluate trust m
le examp le 2
(b) Describe, different kinds of social phishing scams with suitab

P1·1t11e11 I•
Illlllllf llll111111111111111111111111111111111111 - - ~~•l~ct Code:•~~: ?'•I l
[_2 \ g_d QL(_LJ_\_o\ _.1j_i JOJ o\ 11 11
Roll No:

MCA f l


Attempt nny om• p11rt of the followin~ :

Qno Questions -r--

Describe access control information lur Data munagcmcnl syslc111. - Co

(a) 3---
(b) Describe following access control models -- 3--
(I) Discretionary
(ii) (ii) mandatory
(ill) (iii) role-based access control

(,. Attempt any 011e part of the following:

111"1:: 10
Qno Questions
(a) Show. how information disclosure enables an attacker to gain valuable
information about a user. ~
(b) Show different attacks on identity to steal identity information.
4- -

7. Attempt any one part of the following:

' -
}0"}:: }0 I

Qno Questioos co-

(a) ~ow to setup two step verification for Facebook with its privacy and security
5 -
(b) How to setup two step verification for Instagram with its privacy and security '
issues.? \, 5
', -


> ) i !, ' I I l; ~ i l)
I Ill 11111111111111111111 Ill I1111111111111111111111
PAPER 1D--420207
Roll No:
1•,-1111rd l'n~r: I of I
Suhjl'CI C'odr: l<C/\043

I~oTo1or1 [1loI1l ~,or01,1,1

_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _l:.:..N--= 'T--=E=--R.c.:.N
JT OF THINGS _ ____ _
Time: 3 Hours Total Mark.,·: /fJfJ
Note: At1empt all Sections. If you require any missing. data. then choose ~uitahly.
1. . bnet.
A ttem Jt aII auest1011s 111 . . 2* IO = 20
Qno l)11esti,ms co
(a) Whal is 1he dilTerence between M2M and loT? I
(b) Deline Internet of Things with suitable example. I
(c) Discuss different categories of sensors. 2
(d) Describe the uses of actuators in devices. 2
(e) Explain the purpose of MAC Protocol. 3
( f) Discuss the features of6LoWPAN. 3
(g) Why is an IDE required for developing a device platform for an loT 4
aoo lication?
(h) Differentiate between Arduino Pi and desktop computer. 4
(i) What are different security challenges in IoT? 5
(j) Write some applications of lloT. 5
2. A ttemnt any t 1ree of the following: I0*3 = 30
(a) I Explain major components of IoT System I
(b) I E Ap
. ,c::n
' . ., n
L•lt: ''-" d'10 1·requcnl:,
~ • . .- . (R'(r~·o)
h,enur1ca11on 1
' .
1ecnn01ogy. 2
(c) Illustrate the features of RPL? How do they enable routing in a lossy 3
(d) Detennine the purpose and functioning of Arduino IDE. 4
(e) Explain how lo T -technology can used in the foll owing application 5
areas: i) Smart Parking ii ) Smart roads in smart cities
3. At t em pt any one part o f t he fioII owmg: 10*1 = IO
(a) Describe the conceptual frameworks using equation which give the I
steps al various levels or layers in loT applications.
(b) Discuss different techniques invol\'ed during data gathering and 1
dissemination while building an loT/M2M Applications.
4. A ttem r1 t any one nart o f th e fioII owmg: IO *J = I 0
/ (a) What is re lation between WSN and loT? Explain with example. 2
1(6) Compare the features oflntel Galileo. Raspberry and BeagleBone 2
I boards for the loT application~.
5. Attem Jt anv 011e part of the followin g: 10* 1 = 10
(a) Discuss various sensor node deployment models or approaches. I3 I
(b) Summarize some ofthe maj or wireless medium access issues in IoT. I 3 l
6. Attem 1t anv one oart ofth e fiOIIO\Vln;::c, ,,. 10*1 = 10
(a) Illustrate how to interface a LED to Arduino and write a program to 4
(b) Discuss arduino board pin with diagram . 4
7. A ttem >t any one part o f th e followm u· ,.:,. 10*1 IO -
(a) Explain the application of lo T in home !!Utomation systems. 5 I
(b) Discuss the desi gning of smart street lightening in smart cities. 5 I
Printed Page: I of 2
Ill lllll I IIII II I111111111111111111111111111111111 Sub_jccl Code: KCA052
PAPER ID-420:1 11
Roll No: i<lo lo_lo l_t lJ loLil IA] o[e~f l, J
_ __ _ _ ____:C
~O~ ~J_l_JT_E_f:!~ ~ II ~ A~_l!~~l~~Tl~!'i- - ----- - -- ---- - -
Time: 3 Hmm, Total Mark~: lflfl
Note: Allcmpt all Sections. lf ynu require any missing data. then choose suitahly.

I. Att empt aII questions in brief.
Qno --Questions
- - -· -- - - -- 2*10
= 20 -
(a) Deline frame buffer. I
(b) Differentiate hctwecn Raster scan system~ and Random scar~-s}·st~~ ---
(c) 11 lustrate the tenn viewing. 2
(d) How Interior clipping is different from Exterior clipping'' 2
(e) Distinguish between Orthographic and Oblique projections. 3
(f) Give the advantage of using B-spline curves over Bezier curves. 3
(g) What is Transparency and Shadow in context to illumination models? 4
(h) Why Ambient light is called as background light? 4
( i) List the different file formats used in animation. 5 I
(j) Outline the advantages of 5
traditional animation.
using computer animation instead of I

2. Attemr.t anv three of the followino·
,.,. 10*3 = 30
Qno .
(a) Scan convert a line segment having end points A ( 12.15) and B (22.23)
by app lying Digital Diffei:ential Analyzer (DDA) algorithm.
(b) Scale a rectangle by reducing its size to half having coordinates 2
P(I 0,10) R(40, I 0) S(40,30) and T(I0,30). Find the resultant
coordinates of transformed rectangle about the origin.
(c) Define mathematically, Sphere and Ellipsoid in context to quadratic 3
(d) What is Back face detection algorithm? How it can be used to identify 4
back face of an object?
(e) Define the term animation and also discuss the applications of 5

3. Attemp any one par t of th e fioII owrng;: 10*1 = IO
Qno Questions co
(a) Draw a line segment by applying Bresenham' s line drawing algorithm. I
The endpoints of line segment are X( I. I) and Y( I 0,9). Also plot the
(b) What is octant symmetry in circle? Discuss Mid-point circle algorithm I
to draw a circle having radius r==5 and center xc= 100 and \'c=200.

4. Attempt any one part of th e fioII owmg: 10 · 1 = 10


Qno Questions co
(a) What is reflection? Reflect a triangle having vertices A(2.4) B( 1.3) and 2
C(4,3) about a line Y=X+I. Find the new vertices of the object.
(b) Define the term clipping? Clip a given line segment AB as show in 1
Printed Pa
. ge: 2 r
111 IIIII IIIII II Illllll 111111111111111111111111111 SubJect Coe.le: l<t o
PAP ER ID-420 311
Roll No: [ 0.---
b -..-- o-1'1-,l-1--r
I 0 ._1-- _ ]-o]r:-1-t-
-----;===:::;:====~ COM ~~
figurc by a~pl ying~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~========r=---
Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm . ::::---
~ Bl 15.10)

1L~ Xmn x = IO
A(- ~.-10 )
5. Atte mpt any one part of the followm g:
Qno 10*1 = O
(a) Discuss the way to display 30 object on 20 co
view plane . Apply 3 -
onhographic parallel projection for the given cube
and find the
projected coordinated of the cube.

t,0.0. 2,

~1ll.2. f l

' 1 J Ill)
•..•···) .11 0.110, ........ /

~(0,] ,111 61? ?.O,

(b) Given below is the Bezier curve having four contr
ol points. Find points 3
on the curve that correspond to u = 0.25 , 0.5 and

6. Atte m pt any one part of the followmg:

(a) Discuss Depth buffer· m,ethod/algorithm for displ
JO*l = 10
aying visible surfaces. 4
Why it is called as depth buffer method?
(b) Define Diffuse reflection. Calculate total inten
sity of light reflected 4
from rough surface by considering ambient light
for illuminating the
surfaces of an object.
7. Atte m art of the follo
win :
(a) 10* 1 = I 0
Illustrate the use of Storyboard in amination;
also discuss the concept 5
of ke framin .
(b) What are the different techniques of animation
s? Describe each of them 5
b takin suitable exam le.

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