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Practice Teaching II
Assoc. Prof. Safiye Ipek KURU GÖNEN
4th Lesson Plan Introductory

Name Rüfet Binyaminov

Grade 8th Grade

Subject The Internet (Revision)

Duration 40 minutes

Materials Smart Board: Presentation

Worksheets, Whiteboard-Markers.
Game – Quizizz (Paper mode)
QR Cards

Outcomes By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

• Play the Taboo Game in English
• Answer questions about the internet
• Identify Internet-related LGS questions

T: Hello, how are you doing today?

Ss: I am fine. And you?

T: I am also fine. Do you remember the 5. Unit in your book? What is it about?

S1: I remember it. It is about the internet.

T: Good! S1. So, what is the internet? Why do we need it?

S2: Internet is everything. We can use it to communicate, learn new things and watch videos.

T: Yes, that is right, S2. We can use the internet almost for everything nowadays. Do you think it

is a discovery or an invention? (This question refers to 9. Unit in the book)

S3: I guess it is an invention because we cannot find it in nature. Someone must have created it.

T: All good, S3. So, who invented it? Where does it come from?! We will learn the answers of

these questions and more about the internet from a video.

1. Activity
(The teacher plays the video, asks the questions in the video activity, and explains unclear parts

to students).

2. Activity

The teacher tells the rules of the game to the students.

"Some of the Taboo cards will be blue, and some will be red. If a card is red, the student must

explain the word on the card to their group (groups of four). If the card is blue, the student must

draw the word on the board, and their group will guess it. They don’t know what color is the card

because they are eyes closed and back turned. They will have 1 minute for each card."

T: Great! Let's get started. Close your eyes and turn your backs to me. [Teacher walks around

and students can pick the cards without looking at them] Okay,you can open your eyes now.

Student with red card: [Looks at the word on the card and explains it to their group]

Student with blue card: [Draws the word on the board while their group tries to guess]

Teacher: Time's up! Did you guess the word? Let's switch roles and play again!

Taboo cards
3. Activity
(I found the LGS questions on the internet, chose one by one for students, and created a
Quizizz Paper mode game to have fun with the students while answering the questions.)

T: Now, we're going to have some fun with a Quizizz game about the internet. I've selected
questions from the LGS exam for you to answer. Are you ready?

S: Yes, we are!

T: Great! Let's start with the first question. (Reads the question)

Ss: (Answer the question)

T: (Checks students’ answers and explains the correct answer)

(Repeat this process for each question)

Paper Mode Game:

(The teacher starts the game. Students will also be given the questions in hard copy without

answer keys.)

The link of the game:

LGS Questions:

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