Operation Winter Scar Mechanics 1.1

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The Gilgamesh is Harrison Armory's multirole Legionnaire model chassis, designed to be

distributed to Armory legions and Acquisition & Management Teams across the Purview
and beyond. Built to be fully compatible with numerous hardpoint-mounted tactical
system enhancements and munitions, the Gilgamesh excels at no one task in particular,
but its comprehensive modular construction and rugged engineering allow it to perform a
variety of combat duties without difficulty within numerous theaters. Beyond the
logistical efficiency of a standardized, easy to handle chassis meant to streamline both
materiel concerns and aptitude training across multiple worlds and cultures, the
Gilgamesh has another purpose as well; further reducing the Armory's remaining
dependence on foreign-manufactured chassis designs, in particular the GMS Everest.

Some commissioned officers have a tendency to look down upon Gilgamesh pilots for
using what they view as an unglamorous "trainer" chassis, but other commanders are
fierce proponents of the design, even choosing to pilot it themselves in order to lead by
example, and in certain regions of the Purview the Gilgamesh is regarded with as much
admiration as more sophisticated models such as the Sherman.

I. Legionnaire Battle Rifle, Utility Drone
II. GILGAMESH FRAME, Emergency Repair Module, Thermal Blade
III. Legion Nexus, SPEAR Charges

HP: 8 Evasion: 8 Speed: 4 Heat Cap: 7 Sensors: 10

Armor: 1 E-Defense: Size: 1 Repair Cap: Tech Attack:

8 4 +0
Save Target:


Load-Bearing Hardpoints: The Gilgamesh has +1 maximum use of all Limited

weapons and systems.
Locked and Loaded: The Gilgamesh has a Loadout Die, 1d6 starting at 6. Each time
it expends a Limited charge, reduce the value of the Loadout Die by 1. When the
Loadout Die reaches 1, you may reset it to 6 to reroll one attack, check, or save,
though the second result must be kept. The value of the Loadout Die persists between
scenes but resets to 6 when you perform a Full Repair.


Main Mount Flex Mount Heavy Mount

CORE system

Exoframe Engineering

The Gilgamesh was designed from the ground up to be easy and inexpensive to both
construct and maintain, but to Harrison Armory "inexpensive" does not equal shoddy or
inefficient. Instead, the Gilgamesh utilizes a unique two-stage chassis design in which an
inner "core chassis" is first created before a secondary outer "exoframe" is built upon
that core, including additional armor, brachial/limb extensions, and hardpoints. The end
result is a deceptively elegant design capable of not only extensive customization but
also exceptionally simple field repairs. A series of interlocking clamps and explosive
bolts anchor various exoframe components and appendages in place, and when
sufficient structural integrity is compromised these sections can be swiftly jettisoned
and just as quickly replaced, allowing Legionnaires to continue fighting through
catastrophic damage that would render other chassis inoperable.

This construction also allows power to be selectively rerouted between the core chassis
and exoframe components, bypassing system failures and even enhancing overall
performance for brief periods, though the strain this puts on the exoframe necessarily
limits its use to critical situations only.

Passive: The Gilgamesh has a modular construction framework which allows it to easily
make in-field repairs by blowing off and replacing damaged limbs and components with
spares. 1/scene as a free action, you may choose two of the following:
• Regain all HP.
• Clear a condition that wasn’t caused by one of your own systems, talents, etc.
• Repair a destroyed weapon or system.

If you don't use this ability during combat, then when you next rest you may either
regain all HP or automatically repair a destroyed weapon or system. Using the
Gilgamesh's core passive and core active abilities during combat both count as
expending a Limited charge.

Active (Requires 1 Core Power): Exo Amplification

You gain Immunity to all conditions that weren't caused by your own systems, talents,
etc until the end of your next turn and clear all hostile conditions you already have
(including conditions that can't be cleared normally), clear Exposed, stand from Prone,
gain your Grit +4 Overshield, replenish 1 use of all Limited weapons and systems,
and until the end of your next turn you may Overcharge for no cost. This ability can be
used even if you would not normally be able to take this action, such as being Stunned

Legionnaire Battle Rifle

Harrison Armory's primary model Legionnaire heavy battle rifle is a mainstay of both
regular and auxiliary Armory forces regardless of theater or world of origin, standardizing
logistics and streamlining integration of foreign and local assets. Chambered in a high-
caliber round with a variety of magazine options, the weapon is both inexpensive to print
and easy to operate despite its size, and its robust design allows for sustained volumes of
both precision and saturation fire even across extended engagements without the risk of
mechanical failure. Legionnaire pilots are rigorously trained in fire discipline, but
enthusiastic recruits are still known to make up for a lack of experience with an excess of

Heavy Rifle
Limited (3)
Range 15
1d6+3 kinetic damage
On Attack: You may expend up to 3 charges, gaining either +2 Reliable or +1
Accuracy to this attack for each charge expended.

You may attack with this weapon without expending charges, and whenever you would be
forced to destroy a weapon due to critical damage or other effects, you may choose this
weapon to destroy even if it has no charges remaining.

Utility Drone
Mass produced and distributed to Armory legions wherever they may find themselves
deployed, the "Argonaut" utility drone is a common sight throughout the Purview and
beyond. Each Argonaut is a flexible multipurpose drone platform which is rapidly
assembled prior to deployment from a variety of prefabricated systems and components,
including threat interception arrays, electrostatic discharge area denial/suppression
projectors, and field diagnostic loadouts. Legionnaire doctrine calls for extensive use of
Argonaut drones to supplement and enhance squad performance, and attrition rates
among units involved in active combat tend to be correspondingly high, necessitating
frequent reprint and resupply.

2 SP, Quick Action, Limited (2), Unique

Utility Drone (Size 1/2, 5 HP, Evasion 10, E-Defense 10, Tags: Drone)
Expend 1-2 charges to deploy that many utility drones to free spaces within Sensors
where they create a Burst 2 area. Hostile characters within this area make all checks and
saves with +1 Difficulty, and all allied characters within this area gain +1 Accuracy to
all checks and saves.

The utility drone can be redeployed to a new location as a quick action. It cannot be
recalled and expires at the end of the scene.

Emergency Repair Module

Emergency repair modules are often a mainstay on Armory chassis galaxy-wide. Through
a combination of active nanite slurry, hardpatch welding, and shunting to redundant
systems in response to immediate damage, they ensure that a chassis will be able to
quickly complete nonmassive battlefield repairs in order to remain active without
compromising operational effectiveness or pilot safety. A number of informal celebratory
traditions have arisen throughout the legions to commemorate a pilot's first time taking
damage sufficient to trigger an ERM in combat.

3 SP, Limited (1), Unique

Whenever you Brace, you may expend a charge and spend 1 Repair immediately after
taking damage from the triggering attack to restore your HP to full. If you took structure
damage from the triggering attack, you also roll one less die on the structure damage
check to a minimum of 0 (which results in no effect).

Thermal Blade
Available in a variety of designs extensively curated for maximum wide-reaching cultural
appeal, the Armory's line of thermal blades are considered a status symbol among some
Legionnaires, as well as a valuable close-quarters assault tool. Unpowered the blade is
merely a conventional, if solidly designed, chassis-grade tactical melee weapon, but
when the blade's internal power bank is discharged its striking edge is briefly
superheated to extreme temperatures. In addition to its own internal power supply,
thermal blades can even accept limited coldcore draw through hard-cable or induction

Main Melee
AP, Limited (2), 1 Heat (self), Unique
Threat 1
1d6 energy damage +1 heat
On Hit: If you are in the Danger Zone you may expend a charge to to deal +3 heat, or
if you are not in the Danger Zone you may take 3 heat to expend a charge anyway.

You may attack with this weapon without expending charges, and whenever you would be
forced to destroy a weapon due to critical damage or other effects, you may choose this
weapon to destroy even if it has no charges remaining.

Legion Nexus
The PRAETORIAN combat subaltern is one of the Armory's latest and most advanced
models, designed for shock assault, seize-and-hold, and combined arms doctrines.
Capable of effectively wielding both man-portable and heavier-than anti-mech/anti-
materiel weapons and utilizing a tiered hierarchy/command structure allowing them to
operate at levels ranging from individual fire teams to brigade strength under local
comp/con or NHP command, a squadron of PRAETORIAN subalterns can also be seconded
to pilots under local nexus node control, and one or more squadrons are often assigned
to Legionnaire units during combat operations to provide integrated support. Personality
matrices are customizable by users, and HA offers a variety of preset options to choose
from at time of licensing.

Superheavy Nexus
1 SP, Smart, Limited (3)
Range 10
3d6+4 damage
Each time you print this weapon or during a Full Repair, choose whether it deals kinetic,
explosive, or energy damage. You may attack with this weapon without expending
charges, and whenever you would be forced to destroy a weapon due to critical damage
or other effects, you may choose this weapon to destroy even if it has no charges

As a quick action, you may spend a charge to task a team of subalterns to operate
independently from the main unit. This counts as a Drone with the following profile:

Legion Drone (Size 1/2, HP 5, Armor 1, Evasion 10, E-Defense 10, Tags: Drone)

The legion drone is deployed in a free space adjacent to you. During your turn, all
deployed legion drones may move 3 spaces in any direction and then perform one of the
following as a free action:
• Open Fire: The drone makes a ranged attack against a target within Range 10
using your Grit versus the target's E-Defense, dealing 1d6+2 damage of the
same type as the legion nexus on hit.
• Suppression Protocols: Lay down suppressing fire against a hostile character
within Range 10. That character becomes Impaired and all your attacks with the
legion nexus against them are made with +1 Accuracy until the end of their next
turn. This effect does not stack.
• Assault Position: Move an additional 2 spaces. If the drone ends this movement
adjacent to a hostile character, that character takes 3 kinetic damage and must
pass a Hull save or be knocked Prone.

Legion drones cannot be recalled and expire at the end of the scene.

SPEAR Charges
Only recently approved for widespread distribution throughout Legion forces, the Special
Purpose Enhanced Anti-armor Rocket is a lightweight munition delivery system designed
to be used in place of larger payload weapons such as the GMS MC-RPG or the
Snapdragon ACGM. Designed for ease of use with minimal training and fired from
disposable tube launchers, each rocket can either be used in direct-fire mode or set to
loiter over an area, initiating top-down terminal interception upon recognizing hostile
contact within its established threat perimeter.

3 SP, Limited (2), Unique

Anti-Armor Rocket (Grenade, Range 10): Your target must pass an Agility save or take 6
AP explosive damage. On a success, they take half damage.
Loitering Payload (Mine, Range 5, Burst 2): This advanced munition does not detonate
normally; instead, the next time a hostile character voluntarily moves more than 1 space
or takes any action while within its area, up to 10 spaces high, the payload immediately
launches itself at them, detonating. They take 6 AP explosive damage and must pass
an Agility save or immediately stop and lose all remaining movement (if the triggering
action was movement) or lose the action (if it was any other action). As a quick action,
you can move a planted loitering payload 3 spaces in a direction of your choice. A
character can only trigger one loitering payload at a time.


Metalmark Variant

This variant can be taken at rank II of the Metalmark license instead of the base

Created as an advanced strike chassis for SSC's INSIGHT ORDINAL next-generation

weapons evaluation program, the Amber Phantom represents the culmination of
numerous technologies developed under the BELLA CIAO line into a single hyperspec,
high-performance frame. Based primarily upon the Metalmark platform, the Amber
Phantom incorporates an advanced neural bridge derived from the Death's Head's
precognitive targeting system in conjunction with TACSIM choral processors in order to
amplify the pilot's situational awareness to beyond-human levels.

The result of this synergy is an uncanny level of mind/machine-integrated performance

akin to seeing into the future. Amber Phantom pilots appear to casually sidestep
incoming fire, and their attacks are perfectly timed to intersect enemy positions without
any wasted movement. This system is not without its drawbacks; extended use of the
neural bridge is said to result in feelings of intense déjà vu, temporal dissociation, and
dyschronometria, and pilots are strongly advised to maintain regular downtime rotation
cycles and centering exercises in order to minimize these risks.

Not currently in widespread distribution, the Amber Phantom has seen extensive use
among Constellar special forces, and is also available to select SSC clients under a full-
disclosure data sharing and promotional rights agreement.

HP: 8 Evasion: 12 Speed: 5 Heat Cap: 5 Sensors: 10

Armor: 1 E-Defense: Size: 1 Repair Cap: Tech Attack:

8 4 +0
Save Target:


Possibility Mapping: At the start of each round, choose a point during the PC turn
order to act (i.e. if there are three PCs, you can choose to act first, second, or third
among them). If the Amber Phantom takes its turn during that point, it may deal +1d6
bonus damage on hit with a ranged or melee attack it makes that round against a
target within Sensors. If it takes its turn at another point in the round, it may still gain
this bonus damage by taking 1d6 heat.
Hyperawareness: At the start of each round, until the Amber Phantom takes its turn,
all attacks against it are made with +1 Difficulty and it makes all checks and saves
with +1 Accuracy.



Aux/Aux Mount Flex Mount Main/Aux Mount

CORE system

Tactical Timeline

SSC's precognitive neural bridging systems are not paracausal as the name might
suggest. Using carefully modulated neural stimulation and acceleration, the operator's
ability to consciously process and assimilate even subconsciously-derived sensory input
is greatly amplified, reducing feedback delay and enhancing reaction time to near-
instinctive levels. This then allows users to more accurately predict immediate future
occurrences based on comprehensive sensory awareness and intuitive analysis, hence

To further enhance this system's capability, the Amber Phantom marries precognitive
bridging with a chorus of predictive modeling and tactical simulation systems to provide
the pilot with even more information. The result is the creation of a holistic battlefield
timeline continuously extending forward several seconds in advance of realtime,
granting users an unparalleled ability to choose the precise, optimal moment to act in all
situations, reacting to ongoing events even before they occur.

Active (Requires 1 Core Power): Convergence Point

Protocol, Efficient
Choose one allied character that has not taken their turn this round. That character may
take their turn either immediately after your turn ends, or they may take their turn now
before you do anything else during your own turn. If they choose to act now, they count
as acting before you in the PC turn order.

Manticore Variant

This variant can be taken at rank II of the Manticore license instead of the base Frame.

Despite its recent appearance, the Manticore has quickly become one of the most readily
identifiable HORUS pattern-groups due to its distinctive electromagnetic signature and
indiscriminately destructive energy bleed-off. While this recognition lends itself well to
the Manticore's fearsome reputation, it also limits the design's strategic applications to
direct assaults where early detection and collateral damage are of minimal consequence.

It remains unclear if the Lycan was designed in parallel to the Manticore or if it represents
a subsequent development, but while it's clear that the Lycan is derived from the
Manticore PG, it decouples the base chassis' heavy armor and hardpoint capability from
the Manticore's more volatile systems. The resulting design is far less dangerous for the
pilot, and far more capable of concealing its signature as well as the full extent of its
capabilities, allowing it to operate with greater discretion until absolutely necessary.

As a result, the Lycan excels at ambush and counter-ambush tactics, capable of

masquerading as a more conventional chassis until the opportunity presents itself, then
shedding its baffle-lined outer carapace and shifting into a hyper-aggressive close-
combat mode in order to dispatch its targets.

HP: 8 Evasion: 6 Speed: 3 Heat Cap: 6 Sensors: 8

Armor: 2 E-Defense: Size: 1 Repair Cap: Tech Attack:

10 4 +1
Save Target:


Slag Carapace: The Lycan has resistance to energy damage and burn.
Interference Field: All hostile characters within range 3 of the Lycan take +1
Difficulty on all attacks that do not target the Lycan.
Power Flux: 1/round, when the Lycan takes heat, a hostile character within Sensors
must pass a Systems save or become Impaired and Slowed until the end of their next


Flex Mount Heavy Mount

CORE system

Subversive Signature

As a chassis designed for covert operations, the Lycan leverages the Manticore's affinity
for electromagnetics in order to further obscure its precise nature, wrapping itself in a
layered mesh of sensor baffles and wideband interference signals that disrupt and
distort recognition scans and targeting systems. The effects of this distortion field are so
intense that they even cause sporadic, uncontrolled power fluctuations in nearby
systems, and pilots who have survived combat with Lycan PGs report experiencing
intermittent electronics blackouts and even reduced reactor output upon approach.

However, the most distinctive feature of the Lycan by far is its ability to shift from its
default, heavily-armored configuration to a more aggressive assault mode. This
transformation is dramatic and known to cause panic among enemy forces as the
Lycan's true nature is suddenly revealed in an explosive jettisoning of heavy armor
plating and a violent surge of power diverted towards the chassis' concealed shock
claws, a series of retractable, high-temperature arc blades based on Manticore
armament designs.

Active (Requires 1 Core Power): Go Loud

Full Action, Efficient
The Lycan violently jettisons its external carapace, extending brutal talons and
supercharging its reactor. Its base Armor becomes 0, its base Speed becomes 6, it
gains +1 Accuracy on all attacks against targets within range 3, and both Slag
Carapace and Interference Field are disabled. These effects last until the end of the

The Lycan may then charge forward to unleash an attack on a nearby foe, moving its
Speed and making a melee attack against a target in range with the following
integrated weapon, which can now be used for the rest of the scene:

Integrated Mount: Shock Claws

Shock Claws
Heavy Melee
AP, Overkill
Threat 1
3d6 energy damage
1/round, on hit you may deal 2 AP energy damage to a different character within
range 3 of the target.

Taking stress or structure damage before using this system alters its activation
requirements and effects. If the Lycan has taken either stress or structure damage
during the scene before activating this system, the activation requirement is reduced
from a full action to a quick action, the Shock Claws become Threat 2, and their
effect becomes "you may deal 2 AP energy damage to one or two different characters
within range 3 of the target." If it has taken both stress and structure damage, you
may activate it as a free action, the Shock Claws now deal 4d6 energy damage, and
their effect gains "and you gain 4 Overshield."

Napoleon Variant

This variant can be taken at rank II of the Napoleon license instead of the base Frame.

Following the initial testbed development of the Napoleon and its successful proof-of-
concept demonstration of numerous advanced blinkspace and stasis technologies,
Harrison Armory immediately approved a series of ongoing developmental programs to
expand the application of these systems across a number of successor chassis and block
upgrade packages. One of the earliest of these successor programs, the Kutuzov was
designed for Armory Naval Command as a boarding action force multiplier, taking the
Napoleon's incredible self-sustainability and turning it outwards to create a compact and
maneuverable projected defense platform ideal for accompanying marine or chassis
squads into close-quarters engagements.

Unlike the more iconic Saladin, the Kutuzov remains unsuited to frontline engagement,
and its own personal survivability metrics are notably reduced from the Napoleon itself.
However, its robust array of waveform projectors are designed for sustained operation
under even critical system stresses, and its ability to rapidly disseminate flash-projected
barriers in response to incoming fire have shown extremely promising results both during
training exercises as well as limited live-combat engagements during anti-piracy
operations. The Kutuzov has also begun to see increasing use as a perimeter security and
riot control unit during low-intensity defensive actions on New Madrassa, alongside
chassis such as the Iskander-CC.

HP: 6 Evasion: 8 Speed: 4 Heat Cap: 8 Sensors: 5

Armor: 1 E-Defense: Size: 1/2 Repair Cap: Tech Attack:

10 3 +0
Save Target:


Emergency Blinkfields: The Kutuzov and all allied characters within Sensors
immediately clear Shredded (or ignore the effects of Shredded if the condition can't be
cleared normally) from hostile sources whenever they Brace, and attacks they Brace
against can't inflict Shredded.
Self-Sustaining Shielding: After the Kutuzov Braces, it may choose to continue using
reactions until the end of its next turn and may take two quick actions or one full
action during that turn, but if it does then the only actions it can take are Bolster,
Stabilize, and Activating or otherwise using Shield systems.
Parallel Emitters: 1/round, when the Kutuzov Activates or otherwise uses a Shield
system or takes the Stabilize action during their turn, it grants an allied character
within Sensors a benefit based on the cost of that action (you may choose a benefit
from a lower cost if you like):
• Free Action: You may Bolster that character.
• Quick Action: That character ignores engagement, their movement doesn't
provoke reactions, and they may pass through (but not stop in) spaces occupied
by obstructions and other characters until the end of their next turn.
• Full Action: That character may clear a condition that wasn't caused by one of
their own systems, talents, etc.



Main/Aux Mount

CORE system

Single-Plane Aegis

Among the many challenges Armory engineers have faced since the initial development
of the Trueblack Aegis shielding system, the most significant has been finding a way to
overcome the extreme limitations the blinkspace envelope imposes upon protected
chassis. As incoming attacks cannot cross the barrier, neither can outgoing attacks in
turn, which drastically limits the system's broader applications, and this remains the
biggest obstacle to the wider adoption of the technology across multiple platforms,
something Harrison Armory is keenly interested in.

One of the most straightforward, albeit simplistic, solutions has been to "flash" a single-
plane blinkspace field as a reactive countermeasure, as opposed to a sustained total-
coverage envelope. Without the excessive demands of needing to sustain the blinkspace
envelope, the system's operational range can be more easily extended for wider-area
coverage through a series of point-defense protocols. However, the drawback to this
implementation is immediately obvious, with intermittent coverage only able to
intercept a limited volume of incoming fire before dispersal, and though overall power
consumption is reduced, the field emitters require an extensive cycling period before
they can be reactivated once more.

Active (1 CP): Project Aegis

Quick Action, Shield, Efficient
Choose an allied character within Sensors. Until the end of your next turn, you may
grant them Immunity to a single successful ranged or melee attack made against them
or a save that they fail as a reaction. If this effect ends without being expended by an
attack or save, that character gains Grit+4 Overshield.


The tank remains a core component of modern military doctrine even in the era of combat chassis, with
a history stretching back to the earliest days of pre-Fall armored warfare. Despite the many
technological advances since then, the overall design of modern main battle tanks remains immediately
recognizable; an armored vehicle housing a large, turreted primary weapon supplemented by
secondary armaments, blending firepower, protective countermeasures, and mobility into a
multipurpose unit capable of offensive or defensive maneuvers as necessary. While chassis tend to be
much more flexible and configurable strike platforms, tanks make up for this with the ability to more
easily mount heavier armor without compromising their ability to employ large-caliber weaponry
while on the move. The sheer variety of tank configurations which can be found throughout the galaxy
is perhaps more numerous than even chassis variants, with different nations, militaries, and even
private armies all favoring designs that best suit their preferred combat doctrines.

Tactics: The MBT is a heavily armored and heavily armed "setpiece" unit that can quickly overwhelm
enemies with both their speed and firepower. Barraging with both its main gun and secondary weapon
along with the option of using Tank Shock to run other characters over allows it to quickly deal a
tremendous amount of damage, and Composite Armor makes it incredibly resilient, but it has to
balance this with both the restrictions to its movement and its visible armored facing which makes it
vulnerable to being flanked. Choosing when to fire from range and when to press the attack are key to
getting the most out of this unit.

Vehicle, Striker/Artillery

HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size

20 6 8 10 +4 -2 +0 +2 2 5 10 11 2

Base systems:
Rolling Thunder
The MBT can't take the Grunt template, and only a single MBT may be present in any scene.

The MBT must always move in a straight line, although it can move and Boost in separate directions.
Additionally, the MBT can’t climb, swim, manipulate objects, or make melee attacks other than Ram,
but it ignores difficult terrain and has Immunity to Prone.

Composite Armor
One side of the the MBT is an armored facing (choose one side of its token, icon, or miniature 2 spaces
long) which is visible to all characters. Attacks and effects that trace a line directly to this side treat the
MBT as though it has 6 Armor and Resistance to damage from Blast, Burst, Line, and Cone attacks
and effects. AP damage, burn, and any damage taken by the MBT while it is Shredded is still reduced
by 2 against attacks and effects made this way. Mines ignore this trait. Whenever the MBT makes a
standard move or Boost, it can change which side its armored facing is on.

Tank Shock
The MBT ignores engagement and can pass through, but not stop in, spaces occupied by other
characters and obstructions smaller than Size 3. Objects passed through this way are destroyed, while
characters passed through must 1/turn pass a Hull save or take 4/5/6 kinetic damage and be knocked
Prone. If the MBT would end its movement overlapping with another character, that character is
pushed out of the way as directly as possible, if able.

Stable Body
The MBT can’t be pushed, pulled, or knocked back by smaller characters. If a hostile effect would
move the MBT 2 or more spaces or knock it Prone, even if caused by a smaller character, that
character may change which side its armored facing is on after that effect resolves. Characters may also
Ram the MBT to change which side its armored facing is on regardless of their Size.

Choose one of the following main guns:

Smoothbore Cannon
Heavy Cannon
Knockback 3
Range 10
8/10/12 explosive damage
This weapon deals 10/20/30 AP explosive damage to objects, cover, and terrain.

Heavy Cannon
Line 10
6/8/10 kinetic damage
This weapon ignores hard cover.

ANTARES-Pattern Laser Cannon

Heavy Cannon
Range 10
6/7/8 energy damage + 3/4/5 heat

Anti-Tank Gun
Heavy Cannon
+0/1/2, +1 Accuracy
Range 15
8/10/12 kinetic damage
On critical hit, the target becomes Shredded until the end of their next turn.

"Streetsweeper" Canister Projector

Heavy Cannon
+0, +1 Accuracy
Cone 5
6/8/10 kinetic damage

Then choose one of the following secondary weapons:

Pintle-Mounted Machine Gun

Main Cannon
Knockback 1
Range 10
3/4/5 kinetic damage
This weapon can attack two targets at a time.

Anti-Armor Missiles
Main Launcher
AP, Arcing
Range 15
4/5/6 explosive damage

Marker Nexus
Main Nexus
Seeking, Smart
Range 10
2/3/4 burn
On Hit: The target must pass a Systems save or gain Lock On and become Impaired until the end of
their next turn.

SKYLIGHT Anti-Air Laser

Main Rifle
Range 15
2/3/4 energy damage
On Hit: If the target is flying, they must pass an Agility save or choose one: either take +1d6 bonus
damage, or immediately land (this counts as falling without any damage) and become unable to fly
until the end of their next turn.

Multi-Directional Charges
Main CQB
Knockback 2
Burst 2
3/4/5 kinetic damage
This weapon ignores ranged penalties from Engaged.

Optional systems:
Hover Tank
The MBT ignores dangerous terrain, and its movement no longer needs to be in a straight line.

Siege Mode
System, Quick Action
The MBT extends (or retracts) stabilizers which cause it to become Immobilized as long as this system
is active. While stabilized in this way, the MBT adds +5 range to its main gun, or +5 to the length of
any Lines; Cones gain a range of 5 in addition to their attack pattern, but the Cone cannot change
directions when fired. While the stabilizers are active, the MBT cannot make ranged attacks against or
centered on characters, objects, or spaces within range 5 using its main gun.

Secondary Gunner
The MBT may make attacks with its secondary weapon even while Jammed or Stunned.

Mobile Bunker
Adjacent allied characters can use the MBT for hard cover. Characters gain resistance to damage
from Blast, Burst, Line, and Cone attacks while benefiting from this cover.

System, Quick Action, Recharge (5+)
The MBT creates a Blast 2 area of dense, sensor-jamming smoke within range 5, and may
immediately Boost into it as a free action. This area lasts until the end of the MBT's next turn, and all
characters and objects within it gain soft cover. The first time the MBT and any allied characters enter
this area, they clear Lock On.

At higher levels:
Tier II:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
25 7 10 10 +5 -2 +0 +3 2 5 10 13 2

Tier III:
HP Evade E-D Heat H A S E Armor Spd Sense Save Size
30 8 12 10 +6 -2 +0 +4 2 5 10 15 2


Naval boarding and counterboarding actions are among some of the most dangerous operations that
pilots can undertake in some of the most treacherous environments imaginable, with high casualty
rates on both sides being both expected and accepted by the commanders who order these soldiers to
undertake assaults against ships and stations or against those who seek to take them. Marine pilots
know that preparedness is the key to survival, and outfit their chassis accordingly with additional up-
armoring, breaching equipment, and close-quarters engagement tools to help tip the odds in their favor
when the hullcutter charges blow.

Template Features:
Template Feature
The Marine moves normally in zero-g.

First On, Last Off

Template Feature
Attacks against the Marine made as reactions (e.g. Overwatch) are made with +1 Difficulty.

Marine Systems
Template Feature
When choosing optional systems, the Marine can also choose from the Marine Systems and Traits

Marine Systems and Traits:

Pointman Plating
The Marine gains the Guardian trait if it does not already have it (adjacent allies can use the Marine as
hard cover). If it already has the Guardian trait, then Guardian now additionally grants soft cover to
all adjacent allies from all directions.

Battering Ram
System, Quick Action
The Marine deals 10/20/30 AP kinetic damage to an adjacent piece of terrain, obstruction, or
Deployable. They may move 2 spaces before or after using this system.

Portable Barricade
System, Deployable, Quick Action, Limited (2)
The Marine can deploy a Size 1 barrier in a free adjacent area for each Limited charge expended when
they activate this system. These barriers have 10 HP each, Evasion 5, and a Burst 1 area around each
barrier counts as difficult terrain for hostile characters only.

Deck Anchors
Reaction, System, 1/round
Trigger: The Marine is involuntarily moved by another character's attack or by failing a save forced by
another character. This does not include teleportation.
Effect: The Marine ignores that movement.

Captive Spike
System, Full Action
The Marine deploys a powerful piston spike against an adjacent hostile character and forces them to
pass a Hull save. On a success, they become Impaired until the end of their next turn. If they fail the
save the target is impaled on the spike, and they are automatically grappled and become Impaired for
the duration of the grapple. The Marine becomes Slowed for the duration of the grapple, but is
automatically treated as the larger party regardless of Size. To break free from this grapple, rather than
a contested Hull check the defender must instead pass a Hull save as a full action.
While the target is grappled this way, anyone besides the grappled character who makes a ranged or
melee attack against the Marine must first roll 1d6: on 4+ the attack automatically hits the grappled
character instead (this effect does not stack with Invisible), dealing half damage and heat. This effect
lasts until the grapple is ended or until the Marine takes this action again.

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