Soal Pas Big Kelas 4

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JL. Kembang Jambe No. 30 telp. 081 937 306 063 Bangkalan


TAHUN AJARAN 2021/2022

Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris Nilai

Kelas : IV (Empat)
Hari/Tanggal : Selasa, 12 Oktober 2021
Waktu : 90 Menit Tanda Tangan Orang Tua

Nama Siswa :

I. Choose the correct answer!

Text for number 1 - 3

This is Amalia. She is fourth grade student. She studies at Elementary
School. She is ten years old. Her hobby is reading novel. She lives at
Sudirman Street Number 9.
1. The name of the girls is ....
a. hobby
b. school
c. Amalia
d. elementary
2. Amalia studies at ....
a. Elementary School
b. Junior High School
c. Senior High School
d. Kindergarten
3. Amalia is .... years old.
a. 9
b. 10
c. 11
d. 12
Text for number 4 - 6
The family of Muhammad saw.
Abdullah is his father. Aminah is his mother.
Abdul Muthalib is his grandfather. Abu Thalib is his uncle.
Khadijah is his wife.
He was born in Mecca, and he passed away in Medina.
4. Muhammad saw was born in ....
a. Indonesia
b. Mecca
c. Medina
d. America
5. Name of Muhammad saw's father is ....
a. Abdullah
b. Aminah
c. Abdul Muthalib
d. Abu Thalib
6. Abu Thalib was the name of his ....
a. aunt
b. father
c. uncle
d. brother
7. A bufallo is big. But, an elephant is .... than a bufallo
a. Bigger
b. Longer
c. Biggest
d. Longest
Text for number 8 - 9
Naila is 6 years old
Rahma is 6 years old
Budi is 12 years old
8. Naila is as ..... as Rahma
a. young
b. younger
c. youngest
d. more young
9. Budi is the .... in his class
a. Highest
b. Oldest
c. Old
d. Older
10. We can catch fishes in the .....
a. Mountain
b. Beach
c. River
d. Hill
11. Tangkuban perahu, Sindoro, Merapi, and Jaya Wijaya are the name of .....
a. Mountain
b. Beach
c. Waterfall
d. Lake
12. Kuta, Parangtritis, Baron, Samas are the name of .....
a. Mountain
b. Beach
c. Waterfall
d. Valley
13. Ice tea, milk, and orange juice are kinds of .....
a. Foods
b. Bavarages
c. Fruits
d. Vegetables
14. I am hungry. I need .....
a. a cup of coffee
b. a plate of fried rice
c. a glass of tea
d. a bottle of syrup
15. I am thirsty. I need .....
a. a bowl of candy
b. a bowl of noodle
c. a glass of candy
d. a glass of ice tea

II. Fill in the blanks below with the correct answer!

1. What is your name?

2. What is your favorit drink?

3. How old are you?

4. The correct arrangement of T - E - I - S - S - R is ....

5. Translate into Indonesian. Lia is my sister ....

6. Uncle in Indonesian is ....

Text for number 7 - 9

Riani is 140 cm tall.

Indah is 150 cm tall.

Beni is 160 cm tall.

Ahya is 160 cm tall.

7. Indah is .................... than Beni and Ahya

8. Beni is as ............... as Ahya

9. Riani is the ............... of her friends.

10. Where is the best place for camping?

11. Bengawan Solo, Mahakam, Kapuas are the names of .....

12. Semarang, Yogyakarta, Jakarta, and Samarinda are the names of....

13. The Madura's icon food is ....

14. Translate into English. Segelas jus mangga ....

15. Translate into Indonesian. The candy is sweet ....

III. Answer the questions!
1. Mention 2 things to introduce your self, for example name!

2. Tell me 4 members of your family!

3. Amalia is 155 cm tall.

Rani is 160 cm tall.
From the text above, please make the comparative and superlative degree.
Comparative : .......................................
Superlative : ........................................
4. Write the meaning of the words!
A. Mountain
B. Sea
C. River
D. Beach
5. Write the meaning of the words!
A. Orange juice
B. A glass of tea
C. Noodle
D. A plate of rice

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