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Watch the videos posted in the course modules and answer the questions that follow.

VIDEO 1: List what linguistics is and is not. In the video, linguistics is defined
as "scientific study of language"What does it mean?
VİDEO 2 What is communicative competence. How is it different form
linguistic/grammatical competence? How is the sentence What is
wanted by me is that you get me a glass of water explained based on
these notions? What is the difference between sentence and utterance?

2 VIDEO 1: What term is used instead of denotation in your book?

Do the Turkish equivalents of these words have similar connotations?
VIDEO 2: Compare the definitions in this video with the ones in Yule's chapter.
You must find two differences. What are they?
VIDEO 3: Write one way of using the semantic feature analysis in your
3 VIDEO 1: What term did we us for the term componential analysis used in this
video? How is this contrasted with prototype?
VIDEO 2: What forms of verbs and adjectives does Jerry argue about? Which
aspect of semantics is this case related to?
4 Watch the following video and compare the definitions it offers with the ones in
your book.
5 VIDEO 1: Define pragmatics. Illustrate your definition with an example.
VIDEO 2: Write two things that you have learned about deixis?
6 Watch the following videos and share the most interesting
thing you have learned from each.
7 VIDEO 1: How is the "cake" example in the video relevant to maxims?
VIDEO 2: How does the Cooperative Principle work?
VIDEO 3: Choose at least one of the examples in the videos and explain which
maxim is flouted and how.
8 Watch the following videos and write three things you have learned from them.

More practice …
1. For each of the following exchanges, determine (a) which of Grice’s maxims the second
speaker’s utterance appears to flout, and (b) the implicature raised by the second speaker.
Maxim flouted Implicature raised
BOB: Do you want some
RAY: Do birds have wings?
DIANE: Don’t you think
John is a nice guy?
SUSAN: Yeah, he’s about as
sensitive as Hitler.
JOHN: Who was that man I
saw you with yesterday?
MARY: That was just
have your name?

2. In the movie The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne, James Madden is telling Judith how he
has been wronged by his daughter. The following interchange ensues.
JUDITH : Oh, I’m sorry.
JAMES : You don’t have to be sorry; you didn’t do anything.
James misinterprets Judith’s remark because it is ambiguous as to what illocutionary act (speech
act) it performs. What are the two illocutionary acts that I’m sorry can perform?
3. Which one is performative?
a. I warned you not to open the door.
b. Promise her anything, but give her Eternity.
c. I promise to do as you say.
d. I won’t insist that you leave.
e. He insists that you work late tonight.
f. Apologize to your aunt immediately.
g. I resign.

4. State whether the illocutionary act (speech act) is performed directly or indirectly in the
a. Clerk to customer : “And your account number is….”
b. An impatient husband to wife : Shouldn’t we be leaving soon?
c. Student to teacher : If I don’t get an A, I’ll lose my scholarship.
d. Smith to John : You can give me a hand with this.
e. Smith to John : Why don’t you give me a hand with this?

5. Consider the following exchange:

FRED : It’s the one on the right.
ETHEL : My right or yours?
What is the area of semantics that accounts for Ethel’s confusion?

6. Which of the verbs in the following does not have a deictic component?
a. Fred went to New York last night.
b. Fred came to New York last night.
c. Fred arrived in New York last night.
John gave me all his money.
‘Me’ can be interpreted as:
a. deictically
b. anaphorically?

Mary shot herself in the toe.

‘Herself’ can be interpreted as:
a. deictically
b. anaphorically

8. Specify the presupposions revealed.

a. Fred’s wife is tall.
b. Babam sebzeli pizzayı çok seviyor.
c. Aliye’nin küçük kızı ilkokula gidiyor.
d. I regret having my hair died green.
e. Ana knew that the window was open.

9. Construct scene headers for a script for:


10. Find examples of cohesion-building strategies in the following.

(1) A large proportion of speech disorders in children have traditionally been termed
functional articulation disorders (i.e. their etiology is unknown). (2) There is growing
evidence that chronic otitis media (middle ear infections) may predispose some children to
delayed or disordered speech development, but this possible etiological factor has yet to be
firmly established. (3) At one point, problems with auditory discrimination were suspected
in population; that is, it was hypothesized that children did not articulate sounds properly
because they could not discriminate the difference between their defective productions and
the correct model. (4) However, this theory has been criticized by a number of researchers,
who find that the majority of articulation-disordered children appear to have normal
perceptual abilities.
11. Write a cohesive but incoherent text. Also write an incohesive but coherent text.
12. Is presupposition a speech act?
13. What type of reference is involved in each?
a. Here’s the town we should stay! (pointing to a dot on the map)
b. The White House denounced the agreement.
c. See you later mam! (talking to the beaten male partner in a game of boxing)
d. He is tired.
14. Many of the principles of conversational architecture can be explained in terms of politeness
patterns/politeness needs of others. Can you give some examples to illustrate this point?
15. Who initiates the substance of communication?
16. What’s the problem in the following?
Fred has 23 classes per week. Fred lives in China. They are high school students.
17. Imagine your friend has just obtained her driver’s license, and full of pride and self-esteem,
wants to take you for a drive. Afterwards she asks how you liked the drive. You did not like
it since you felt unsafe. Which of the following would you say and why?
a. You are a danger to everybody.
b. When I started driving after I got my driver’s license, I was much more nervous.
Provide a pragmatic analysis by referring to the following concepts: Gricean maxims, co-
operative principle, politeness.
18. Find examples for the following:
Declarative threat
Declarative warning
Declarative promise
Declarative advice

19. Consider the following advertisement of a phone company.

Your dinner is in the dog!

A simple call could save your liver and bacon.

Provide an analysis of the necessary elements to understand the message above.

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