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Kabupaten Pidie Jalan Tgk Di Reubee No.15


Mata Pelajaran : B.Inggris
Kelas : VI
Semester : II

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d!

1. I am …. of elementary school
a. Thirth grade c. Fifth grade
b. Fourth grade d. Sixth grade
2. Miss Vina is my …
a. Teacher c. Freiend
b. Student d. Mother
3. My mother cooks in the ….
a. Dining room c. Bathroom
b. Kitchen d. Bedroom
4. A time for breakfast is in the ….
a. Afternoon c. Morning
b. Midnight d. Night
5. Radin : What does she …. At the post office?
Rully : She buys a post card.
a. Make c. Buys
b. Buying d. Buy
6. Would you please show me the way to the…..?
I need to post these letters
a. Airport c. Post office
b. Harbour d. Museum
7. I want to go by train. I go to the ….
a. Railway station c. Church
b. Bus station d. Mosque
8. There are ….days in a week
a. Five c. Eight
b. Seven d. Six
9. Rina is sick. She have to go to ….
a. The nurse c. The doctor
b. The teacher d. The police
10. He is eleven years ….
a. Old c. Big
b. Twelve d. Young
11. Dibawah ini yang termasuk minuman adalah ….
a. Bean c. Milk
b. Carrot d. Pineapple
12. Uniform artinya ….
a. Kaos c. Jas
b. Kemeja d. Seragam
13. My classroom is big artinya ….
a. Ruang kelas kecil c. Kantin itu besar
b. Rumah saya besar d. Ruang kelas saya besar
14. My brother is …. a glass of milk right now.
a. Drink c. Drinks
b. Drinking d. Drink
15. In a year, there are twelve …..
a. Months c. Days
b. Weeks d. Minutes
16. If you want to buy something to eat like vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, etc you should go to ….
a. School c. Canteen
b. Post office d. Market
17. Alya has a hobby. It is reading a book. So, Alya usually goes to …..
a. Library c. Market
b. School d. Mall
18. Kata ganti untuk She adalah…
a. Her c. I am
b. His d. You
19. Belt artinya …..
a. Kemeja c. Jaket
b. Sepatu d. Ikat pinggang
20. Dibawah ini yang termasuk clothes adalah …..
a. Shirt, jeans c. Book, dictionary
b. Flower, vase d. House, classroom

II. Fill in the blank by correct answer !

1. Miss Vina is ….. teacher
2. Student play in the …..
3. Every Monday to Saturday, student go to …..
4. A doctor works in a …..
5. The whiteboard is ….. the wall

III. Answer this questions !

1. Sebutkan benda - benda yang ada di kelas ( dalam bahasa Inggris )
2. Sebutkan jenis - jenis makanan ( dalam bahasa Inggris )
3. Sebutkan jenis - jenis minuman ( dalam bahasa Inggris )
4. My school is beautiful artinya !
5. Sebutkan anggota tubuh ( dalam bahasa Inggris )

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