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Read and study SPP Document 209: Professional Architectural

Consulting Services. Briefly answer the following questions.
a. What is the scope of the SPP Document 209?
 A professional consulting architect (PCA) who is a member in
good standing of the IAPOA shall define and determine the
scope of professional architectural consulting services (PACS)
in accordance with the charter, bylaws, policies, rules, and
regulations of the Commission and the Board through the
IAPOA. It includes, but is not limited to: conceptualization and
development of programs and projects; provision of technical
advice, consultation, and/or counseling; preparation of
schematic/concept-level through preliminary plans, drawings,
designs, and technical specifications; teaching, lecturing,
coaching, and mentoring; site selection, analyses, evaluation,
ranking, and development; research and development (R&D);
documentation; pre-investment/pre-feasibility and feasibility
studies; marketing and promotional studies; land use and
multi-sectoral development planning, development, and
management; construction; project/construction
management; administration; monitoring and evaluation of
post-construction work.

b. What are the objectives of the said document?

 The goals of the SPP document 209 are to encourage Filipino
professional consultants to practice, further develop, and/or
extend their services in the country rather than abroad, and to
propel them to the same level as; develop and nurture PCAs'
competencies, credibility, and integrity in their respective
fields/areas of specialization; full compliance with the
applicable advisories and guidelines on the selection,
commissioning, and engagement of foreign architects

c. Who are affected by the SPP Document?

 Filipino Professional Consulting Architects and the Foreign
Consultants or Foreign Architects are those who are
affected by this SPP document.

d. What are the responsibilities/liabilities under this SPP?

 Any individual, partner, firm/corporation/consortium or
joint venture that engages in the practice of professional
architectural consulting services (PACS) is legally
responsible, i.e. professionally responsible before the
State and civilly liable before the State, the general public,
and the Client, for the conduct and performance of
his/her services to their Clients, whether in the
Government, private s (with projects on Philippine soil).
 Where applicable, a Professional Consulting Architect
(PCA) must obtain a Professional Liability Insurance Policy,
professional indemnity insurance, or equivalent in bond
form commensurate with the scale and scope of project
engagement, as well as the related salary. This cost shall
be included in the overall project cost billed to the Client.

e. How is the applicable to our profession as Architects?

 This Standard of Professional Practice (SPP) for Professional
Architectural Consulting Services (PACS) shall be adopted by
the IAPOA, which shall thereafter formulate the covering
guidelines and Manual of Procedure (MoP)

1. Identify five (5) acronyms mentioned under SPP Document 209. Give the
meaning and a short description of each acronym.
1) FPCA – Filipino Professional Consulting Architect
 refers to a Filipino citizen, a natural person who
possesses the qualifications of a Filipino
Professional Consultant (FPC)

2) PCA – Professional Consulting Architect

 refers to a person, whether natural or juridical,
duly certified/recognized by the concerned APO
under the PTC or CBNE as one who possesses the
appropriate knowledge and, skills, training, and
relevant experience i.e., specialization/s required
to perform and/or render the service/s required

3) FCs – Foreign Consultants

 refers to an individual, not a citizen of the
Philippines, who has acquired a permit to work
and/ or do business in the Philippines in
accordance with the rules and regulations of the
Commission Guidelines for the Registration of
Foreign Professionals.

4) PACS – Professional Architectural Consulting Services

 means the rendering by a professional consulting
architect (PCA) or by a consulting firm (i.e. a RAF),
of independent advice, extension of technical
assistance and services, as well as undertaking of
activities, requiring appropriate knowledge, skills,
training and experience, recognized competence,
integrity, and/or financial and logistical capability.

5) APO – Professional Organization, Accredited

 refers to any organization under the umbrellas of
the CBNE and PTC; in the case of professional
architectural consulting services (PACS), the term
shall specifically refer to the IAPOA;

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