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Question 1:
What can you use to establish rules that control the specified size of a sketch object?
Answer: We can use 2 kinds of rules to control the specified size of object
+ Dimension constrains
+ Geometric constrain

Question 2:
Which sketch command will change a sketch dimension from an active expression to a
static value, and vice versa?
Expressions or the Edit Sketch Parameters command.
Question 3:
Which options can you edit the location and shape of sketch curves?

Question 4:
Which command can you use if a dimension in a sketch is applied in the wrong direction?
+ We can use rapid dimension and reapply the dimension
+ Flip dimension arrow
Question 5:
Which of the following conditions must be in place before you can reattach geometry?

1. If the target sketch is internal to a Variational Sweep, Extrude, or Revolve feature, you must
externalize the sketch before you can reattach it. Right–click the parent feature in the Part
Navigator and choose Make Sketch External.

2. Ensure that the target face, plane, or path appears before the sketch in Timestamp Order. If
necessary, right–click the target entity in the Part Navigator and use Reorder
Before or Reorder After to change the Timestamp sequence.

Question 6:
An over constrained sketch condition is the result of too many constraints on your sketch?
Yes, because there are many constrain on our sketch so this can be an over constrained sketch

Question 7:
A sketch on path .
Create a Sketch On Path when you are building an input profile for features like Variational Sweep. This
example shows a fully constrained Sketch On Path and the resulting variational sweep

Question 8:
A(n) spline is a curve with a single set of coordinates representing a location in space. It can be
identified for later use in curve creation or some other modeling purpose.
Question 9:
To add a group of points to a curve, face, or edge you can create a point set .

Question 10:
What is a basic way to create a profile consisting of non-associative lines, arcs, circles and
A spline
Question 11:
In basic curves, how do you create a fillet where two lines do not fit inside the cursor
selection ball, or you want to create it between an arc and a line?
- Use fillet command
Question 12:
Name the two curve options that create multiple sided closed sets of curves. One creates a
four sided closed curve; the other creates closed curves with three or more sides.
- Rectangle curve
- Polygon curve
Question 13:
Use the project curve command to Project curve.
Question 14:
Consider a plane that holds a two dimensional graphic design, a flower for example. This
design represents a decal that is to be transferred to the face of a cone. What curve
operation should you use to transfer this two dimensional design to the conic face?
 Wrap Curve
 Project Curve

Question 15 :
How can you lengthen or shorten a line without changing its axis?

Point dialog, Extend Line

Question 16:
After double-clicking a line, how can you lengthen or shorten it without changing its axis?

We use point dialog rewrite the x,y,z value

Handle - Drag
Question 17:
It a curve is trimmed and the Associative check box is selected, the system will automatically
update the trimmed curve.
Question 18:
You have created two intersecting curves that need to be trimmed back to where they
intersect. What is the simplest command to use for this?
Intersection curve, Trim Curve, Quick Trim
Question 19:
If you want to create a spline that always passes through the specified points, you would use the
through point method.
Question 20:
If you want to create a spline that passes near or through a number of specified points (within a
specified tolerance), you would use the Fit curve method.
Question 21:
When analyzing curvature of a curve, the curve analysis depicts the curvature distribution using
vectors of various length.
Question 22:
You have opened an existing part for the first time and observe a spline that you wish to
know more about. Which menu command will provide this information?
- Check the model history and find the observation contain the spline we want to check
- The "Information" menu command
Question 23:
Name the curve related methods used to: create a spline from a chain of other curves,
create a spline between two curves and create a string of “best fit” lines and arcs from a
- Studio spline

Question 24:
Which of the following is NOT available when using Parameters Legacy to edit a non-
parametric spline?

Question 25:
Freeform features can be sheets or solids that have one or more complex shape or trimmed
planar surfaces
Question 26:
The following types of geometry can be used to create freeform features:
Points, a point cloud, curves and faces, Section Strings
 Point: Four Point Surface, Through Points, From Poles
 Section Strings: Ruled, Through Curves, Through Curve Mesh, Swept
 Face: Offset Surface, Extension
Question 27:
What is the minimum number of section strings that you can use to create a Though
Curves feature?
- 2 strings
Question 28:
When create a Variational Sweep feature, how do you make sure that a point in the sketch
remains on the second rail?
- Use the "Guide Curve" to ensure that a point in the sketch remains on the second rail.
Question 29:
Can you create a surface by selecting a closed set of an odd number of curves? If so, what
method could you use?
- Studio surface, Through curve mesh
Question 30):
Which of the following is not a step in the finite element analysis process?
1. Starting the Design in the Application tab (Simulation)
2. Assign Materials the Material Properties
3. Meshing the Bodies
4. Applying the Loads
5. Applying the Constraint Conditions
Question 31:
Which of the following files is not part of the Design Simulation file structure?

Design Simulation manages Simulation data in four separate, yet associated, files. For the most part,
the software manages data and file associations for you, and changes the work part automatically to
support your workflows. However, you may find it helpful to understand the basics of
how Design Simulation manages your data:

1. The part file mypart .prt contains the master part. This file contains the unmodified part
geometry. The master part is write-locked if interpart expressions are used in the idealized part. This
occurs only when master model dimensions are changed either directly using the Master Model
Dimension command, or indirectly via Optimization. In most cases the master part will not be
changed and will not be write-locked at all. The write lock can be removed to allow a new design to
be saved to the master part. The write lock can be removed to allow saving to the master part. Note
that all changes due to feature removal are applied to the idealized part.

2. The part file mypart _geom.prt contains the idealized part, an assembly occurrence of the
master part. When you idealize geometry (for example, by defeaturing or partitioning), the system
performs these operations on the idealized part without modifying the master part. The software
automatically creates an idealized part when you create a FEM or Simulation file.

3. The FEM file, mypart _mesh.fem, contains the mesh (nodes and elements), physical properties,
materials, and so on. All geometry in the FEM file is polygon geometry. Polygon geometry is a
faceted or tessellated representation of the solid model geometry. When you mesh the FEM, any
further geometry abstraction occurs on the polygon geometry, not the idealized or the master part. The
FEM file is associated to the idealized part. You can associate multiple FEM files to a master part, but
there is always a unique idealized part for each FEM file.

4. The Simulation file, mypart _sim.sim, contains all the simulation data, such as solutions, solution
setup, solver-specific simulation objects (such as thermostats, tables, flow surfaces, etc.), loads,
constraints, element-associated data, physical properties, and overrides. You can create
many Simulation files associated to the same FEM part.
Question 32:
For vector and tensor result types, you can access both solver-calculated results and results
calculated by this software. yes
Question 33:
Post views let you control the range of data values displayed.
no (note entirely accurate)
Question 34:
A load is not defined using which of the following?
Question 35:
Optimization reorders operations to improve machining efficiency (yes)
Question 36:
The Find Features function is used to create?
Feature-based operations.
Find Features lets you create machining features from different sources:
1. Parametric Recognition selects machining features by analyzing the part geometry.
This method does not require a part model that was created with features.
2. Feature Identification selects standard features and User Defined Features (UDFs)
from the part model. This method requires a part model that was created with features.
3. Manual Recognition lets you control feature selection by manually specifying
features and their faces when the automatic methods do not produce the desired result.
Only manually recognized features can be edited by adding or removing faces.
4. Legacy Hole Recognition and Legacy Face and Pocket Recognition let you select
legacy feature types.
Question 37:
To create feature-based operations choose Create feature in the Machining Feature
Question 38:
You should Optimize in the View. Program, Operation, Model
Question 39:
You can optimize a drilling tool path by optimize feed rate
Question 40:
When create a drilling operation, you can use the Verify tool path to visualize the
material to remove. Hoặc: Tool Path Visualization
Question 41:
A part file which contains component objects is known as Assembly
Question 42:
In an assembly, the Reference Set is a non-geometric point to the file that contains the
component geometry.
Question 43:
What is the name for the concept of accessing one model for diverse, yet dependent,
processes to support concurrent engineering?
- Mechatronics Concept Designer.
- Master Model Concept
- Associative Modeling
Question 44:
Design in context in an assembly means that the assembly is the displayed part, and the
component you are editing is the Work part.
Question 45:
determine how and from where NX loads the component parts into an assembly.

Question 46:
Which type of sketch can only be accessed through the parent feature?
After you copy the resulting feature with the Pattern Feature or Mirror Feature command, you
cannot make the sketch internal or external. To edit the sketch, right-click the parent feature of
the pattern and choose Edit Sketch.
Question 47:
A sketch must be fully constrained before it can be used to create a feature?
- False, a sketch does not have to be fully constrained before it can be used to create a feature,
but it is often recommended.
Question 48:
What command enables constraints to be created as you create sketch curves?
Auto Constrain
Question 49
Which command do you use when you want to view all of the existing geometric constraints and
their sketch object relationships (it is also recommended for use during sketch interrogation)?

Use the Sketch Relations Browser command to interrogate sketch objects. In the browser, you
can view their associated constraints, dimensions, and external references. Right-click the
curve or constraint for edit options.
Use this command instead of the Show/Remove Constraints command.

Show Constraints
Display sketch constraints
Question 50:
What sketch symbol shows the direction in which a point is free to move?

DOF arrows

Degree-of-freedom (DOF) arrows are an alternate method to show individual DOF that
are free to move. DOF arrows are displayed when a geometric constraint or dimension command is
This is the same sketch showing DOF arrows instead of auto dimensions.

--- END ---


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