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Menoufia University

Course Code:
Course Title: BioMedical Image Processing
Semester: Second - Spring
Exercises Cover
Mid Exam
Date: 2 May 2023 Duration: 60 minutes

Q1 [6] Q2 [7] Q3 [6] Total 19

Question 1: [6 Marks]
Match the mask name or its corresponding number from the following list:
1. Prewitt operator in x direction (detect vertical edges) Gx
2. Prewitt operator in y direction Gy
3. Sobel Edge Detector in y direction (detect horizontal edges) Gy
4. Sobel Edge Detector in x direction (detect vertical edges) Gx
[1.5 marks each]

[Sobel Edge Detector in x direction (detect vertical edges) Gx

Prewitt operator in x direction (detect vertical edges) Gx

Sobel Edge Detector in y direction (detect horizontal edges) Gy

Prewitt operator in y direction Gy

Prewitt operator in y direction Gy

Sobel Edge Detector in y direction (detect horizontal edges) Gy

Question 2: [7 Marks]
Identify the following statements as true () or false (×) statements:

1. Prewitt masks are simpler than Sobel to implement but are very sensitive to noise. (  )
2. Gaussian is a true low-pass filter (  )
3. Noise reduction is obtained by blurring the image using smoothing filter.(  ).
4. Convolution is a segmentation method and concerns on modify individual pixels values. (√ ).
5. Contrast Adjustment is to add or subtract a constant to all pixels values. (x ).
6. Equalisation/Adaptive Equalisation is specifically to make histogram not uniform. ( x ).
7. Median filtering is an area process that does not fall under the category of convolution. (√ )


Question 3: [Total 6 Marks]

4.1) If we convolve an image with the matrix given below, what would be the relation between the
original and modified image? [2 Marks]

a) The image will be shifted to the right by 1 pixel

b) The image will be shifted down by 1 pixel
c) The image will be shifted to the left by 1 pixel
d) The image will be shifted up by 1 pixel

4.2) Which of the following is a correct way to sharpen an image? [2 Marks]

1. Convolve the image with identity matrix
2. Subtract this resulting image from the original
3. Add this subtracted result back to the original image
1. Smooth the image
2. Subtract this smoothed image from the original
3. Add this subtracted result back to the original image
1. Smooth the image
2. Add this smoothed image back to the original image
a) None of the above
Solution: B Option B gives a correct way to sharpen an image

4.3) The mask shown in the figure below belongs to which type of filter? [1 Marks]

a) Sharpening spatial filter

b) Median filter
c) Sharpening frequency filter
d) Smoothing spatial filter

4.4) What does the total number of pixels in the region defines? [1 Marks]
a) Perimeter
b) Area
c) Intensity
d) Brightness

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