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Snow flake :

Saas -software as a service

Non relation data base

Data ware — repository fr storing and managing large volume of str and unstructed data
Snowflake is a cool cloud-based data warehousing platform to store and analyze data in very
productive way

Its utilizes a unique architecture called multi-cluster, shared data architecture (MPP)
which separates compute from storage, which makes scalable


Snowflake is cloud-agnostic- it can support and run in most of all cloud platform like AWS
,Azure, Google Cloud which is selling point

stores data in a columnar format

virtual warehouses

multiple users can query data simultaneously without performance degradation.


robust security(encryption, Role based access control ,data masking )

zero copy cloning

data sharing

Automatic scaling depending upon the work -load

time travel of data ,fail-safe

Query Optimization(query completion and caching - ends in faster performance)

ETL pipelines (extract time load)

supports semi structured data format as well like Json

Snow flake : 1
Can intergrate with wide range if BItools ,data visuliization platforns and analytics
services for data analysis and reporting

Magic views ,smart queries etc

supports ansi standards

supports both shared dish and shared nothing

Massive parallel processing

data stored as Micro -partitions

Cloud infrastructure layer


Infrastructure management

Metadata management

Query parsing and optimization

Access control

stroage layer
data is only accesble thru sql query operations which we run on snowflake

compute layer
query processing layer

query is processed in processing layer its uses virtual warehouse

XSMALL - 1 node

SMALL - 2 node

MEDIUM - 4 node

LARGE - 8 node

XLARGE - 16 node

security layer
meta-data layer

management and moitoring layer

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horizontal (in which we increase the size of ware house)

scale up— for long queries

scale down —- fr small queries

vertical (in which we increase the number of ware house via nodes )

scale in —- to increase the number of warehouse

scale out — to reduce the number of warehouse

use —to handle mutiple queriess

metadata cache

warehouse cache
result cache

supported file formats

strd — comma separated views and tab

tab- tab serparated views

Semi-std - JSon,Xml,Orc,Avro,paraquet

Edition :standard ,Enterprise

Snow flake : 3

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