RB (Pg. 83-96) - Introduction To Process Engineering and Design

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Process Design

of Piping, Fluid

Moving Devices

and Flow Meters


A fluid is a substance which when in static equilibrium cannot sustain tangential

or shear forces. This property of action under stress distinguishes it from the
'solid' state of the matter. Fluids are commonly divided into two substances;
liquids and gases. A liquid occupies a definite volume, indepedent of the dimen-
sions of its container while a gas tends to expand to fill any container in which it
is contained. A vapour differs from a gas by being readily condensable to a liquid
on cooling.
Striclty speaking all fluids are compressible. However, gases are frequently
regarded as compressible while liquids are as incompressible as the latter under-
goes small changes in the properties under compression. Ambient air is treated as
incompressible fluid as its density changes insignificantly with minor changes in
atmospheric pressure and temperature. When compressed, air is treated as a com-
pressible fluid.
In a pump, a fan or a compressor, mechanical work is transformed into fluid
enegry. A turbine is a machine for transforming fluid energy into mechanical
work at the rotating shaft. The word 'pump' is normally used for a machine
handling liquid. In a fan the density change is so small, due to realtively low
pressure difference, that the gas is regarded as incompressible for evaluation. In
a compressor, the density change is appreciable.
This chapter deals with fluids, its transportation through various moving devices
and various flow measuring instruments.


Design of piping system incorporates all major disciplines of engineering like

chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, instrumentation
and control engineering, electrical engineering, etc.
Process Design of Piping, Fluid Moving Devices and Flow Meters

Process design of pipe is a balance between size or diameter of pipe and pres-
sure drop in the pipe. For a given flow rate of fluid if larger size of pipe is se-
lected then it gives lesser pressure drop. Larger size of pipe increases the fixed
cost of pipe and lesser pressure drop means lesser power consumption or lesser
operating cost of pipe. Lesser pressure drop in pipe may reduce the size of flow
moving device like pump and thereby it may reduce the fixed cost of pump. Thus
capital cost of pipe increases with diameter, whereas pumping or compression
cost decrease with increasing diameter. Ideally one should find the pipe size which
gives the sum of amortized capital cost plus operating cost a minimum or one
should find the optimum pipe size.

5.2.1 Optimum Pipe Size

Several equations and nomographs are available to estimate the optimum pipe
diameter. But these equations or nomographs are not reliable as optimum pipe
diameter depends on the current cost of material, cost of power, rate of interest at
particular place and at particular time. It changes with place and time. For exam-
ple, optimum pipe diameter equation, derived in USA, cannot be used to find the
same in India. One such equation1 derived for carbon steel pipe and turbulent
flow is
J0p. = 293 G (5.1)
where, dopx = Optimum pipe size, mm
G = Flow rate, kg/s
p = Density of fluid, kg/m3

5.2.2 Recommended Fluid Velocities in Pipe

The velocities, recommended in Table 5.1, are only for approximate calculations
of pipe diameter which can be used for the quick calculation of short distance
pipe line or for estimating pipe size as a starting point for pressure drop calcula-

5.2.3 Pressure Drop in Pipe

Relation between pressure drop and pipe diameter is given by Fanning or Darcy
equation. It is derived for steady flow in uniform circular pipes running full of
liquid under isothermal conditions.

Ap 2/ v2 p 32/G2
L 2
8c Di 7t pgcDf

For SI units, gc = Newton's law conversion factor = 1

where, Ap = Pressure drop, Pa
L = Length of pipe, m
Introduction to Process Engineering and Design

G = Mass flow rate of fluid, kg/s

p = Density of fluid, kg/m3
D, = Pipe inside diameter, m
v = Velocity of fluide, m/s
/= Fanning friction factor

Table 5.1 Recommended Fluid Velocities

Fluid Recommended Velocity, m/s

Water Pump suction line 0.3 to 1.5
Pump discharge line 2 to 3
Average service 1 to 2.5
Steam 0 to 2 atm g, saturated 20 to 30
2 to 10 atm g, saturated 30 to 50
Superheated below 10 atm g 20 to 50
Superheated above 10 atm g 30 to 75
Vacuum lines 100 to 125
Air 0 to 2 atm g 20
> 2 atm g or above 30
Ammonia Liquid 1.8
Gas 30
Organic liquids and oils 1.8 to 2
Natural gas 25 to 35
Chlorine Liquid 1.5
Gas 10 to 25
Hydrochloric acid Liquid 1.5
Gas 10
Inorganic liquids 1.2 to 1.8
Gas and vapours 15 to 30

The Fanning friction factor is a function of the Reynolds number (Re) and the
roughness of inside surface (£).
Values of £ for various materials are given in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2 Values of Surface Roughness for Various Materials

Material Surface Roughness e, mm

Commercial steel or Wrought iron 0.045 72

Galvanized iron 0.152
Cast iron 0.259
Concrete 0.305 - 3.05
Riveted steel 0.914-9.14
Brass, Lead, Glass, Cement and Bituminus Linings 0.001 524
Process Design of Piping, Fluid Moving Devices and Flow Meters 73

A plot of fanning friction factor as a function of Reynolds number {Re) and rela-
tive roughness, e/D is given as Fig. 5.1.

(e®/) o.o?
—r 0.04
0.015 OJOB
v 0.015
0,01 Oam
0.008 01X06
0.006 0.002
0.005 0.001
0.003 0.0001
')) 0,00005
0.0025 ""th

2 3 45 7 2 3 45 7 2 3 45 7 2 3 45 7 2 3 45 7
1 x I03 1 x 104 1 x 10- I x 106 1 x 107 1 x 108

Reynolds Number. Re

Fig. 5.1 Fanning Friction Factors2

(Reproduced with the Permission of McGraw-Hill Education, USA)

For turbulent flow in commercial steel pipe, /= 0.0394 Re-0 16

Above equation gives the value/on higher (safe) side. One of the more accurate
relationships between/and Re for turbulent flow (Ref.: 3)

1 Re
= -1.7372 In (5.3b)
1.964 ln(/?e) - 3.8215

DjVp 4G
where, Re = (5.4)
p KD, jd

p = Viscosity of fluid
From Eqs. (5.2), (5.3a) and (5.4),

-0.16 ^2
Ap _ 32 0.0394 Re

L ' K P8cDi

/ \ -0.16 / \
Ap 4G G 2
— = 0.127 7457
L I kD, p y [ptf]
74 Introduction to Process Engineering and Design

0.122 9024Gl-8V<)l6Ar4'84P"1

If G in kg/s, n in kg/(m ■ s) or in N • s/m", D,- in m, p in kg/nr,

L in m, then Ap is in Pa or in N/m2,
Normally pipe diameters are expressed in mm. If D, is in mm then

y-= 0.122 9024 xlOOO4-84 GlM p'1 -p016

= 4.07 x 1013 GI'84p016Z)/4,84p~1

If Ap is in kPa or in kN/m", then

— = 4.07 x 10"° G1-84^016 D"4'84 p-1 (5.5)


Example 5.1
Estimate the optimum pipe diameter for a flow of dry chlorine gas of 10 000 kg/h at 6
atm a and at 20oC through carbon steel pipe using Eq. (5.1).
Solution: For carbon steel pipe, optimum pipe diameter
rfopt = 293 G0-53 p"0-37 (5.1)
G = 10 000 kg/h = 2.7778 kg/s

p —_ _ P~
— X ^ — _ 6x71 X^ 273
RT T psVs (273 + 20) (1x22.4136)

p= 17.71 kg/m3
<, 53 0 37
00. = 293(2.7778) ' (17.71)~ "

= 173.855 mm
Use next heigher size of standard pipe, i.e. 200 mm (8 in) NB standard pipe.

5.2.4 Standard Pipes

Standard pipes are available from 3 mm (1/8 in) to 600 mm (24 in) size. Standard
pipes are specified with three different diameters, namely inside diameter, out-
side diameter and nominal diameter. For standard pipes having diameter more
than 300 mm (12 in), nominal diameters are equal to the actual outside diameter
but for smaller pipe there is no relation between nominal diameter and inside
diameter or outside diameter.
The wall thickness of standard pipe is indicated by the schedule number as per
the US standards.

psr x 1000
Schedule Number, SCH = — (5.6)

where, psj- Safe working pressure, N/mm2

(7S = Safe allowable stress, N/mm2
Process Design of Piping, Fluid Moving Devices and Flow Meters 75

Standard pipes are available with variety of schedule numbers; 5, 10, 20, 30,
40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160. With carbon steel pipe, schedule 40 upto 150 mm
(6 in) and with stainless steel pipe, schedule 10 are used for general purposes.
Thickness of standard pipe increases with increases in schedule number. Seam-
less standard pipes do not have welding joint. Fabricated pipes are fabricated by
rolling the plates followed by joining the ends of plate by welding which are also
known as Electric Resistance Welded (ERW) pipes.
In malric system (including those specified in Indian Statndards), thickness of
a pipe is specified in mm.
Thickness of pipe, subjected to internal pressure, is determined by equation.

nr. nr..
t= — + CA = — + CA (5.7)
gE - 0.6 p gE + 0.4 p

where, t = Thickness of pipe, mm

p = Internal design pressure, N/m
Vj = Inside radius of pipe, mm
r0 = Outside radius of pipe, mm
g= Allowable stress of pipe material at design temperature, N/m2
E = Joint efficiency; for seamless standard pipe E = 1
CA - Corrosion allowance, mm

5.2.5 Pressure Drop in Fittings and Valves

In addition to pipes, piping system contains fittings and valves. These fittings
and valves offer the additional frictional loss or additional pressure drop. This
additional frictional loss of a fitting or of a valve is expressed either as an equiva-
lent straight pipe length {Le) or as a number of velocity heads {K), lost in pipe of
same size and of same material. Equivalent Length of Pipe (LJ

Equivalent length of a valve or of a fitting is the length of straight pipe of same

size creating the same friction loss as the fitting or valve in consideration.
Nomographs for finding equivalent length of pipe for various fittings and valves
are given in various books (Ref. 4, 5 and 6).

Often, L is expressed in terms of inside diameter of pipe. Then Le = — D
where, D, = Inside diameter of pipe.
Values of LJDj for few valves and fittings are given in Table 5.3.
Introduction to Process Engineering and Design

Table 5.3 Equivalent Lengths of Fittings and Valves

Le Equivalent length
Valve or fitting
Dj Inside diameter

Gate valve (fully open) 7 to 10

Gate valve (3/4 closed) 800 to 1100
Gate valve (1/2 closed) 190 to 290
Globe valve (fully open) 330 to 480
Angle valve, (fully open) 165 to 220
Plug valve, (fully open) 18
90° elbows (standard radius) 30
45° elbows (long radius) 5.8
45° elbows (short radius) 8.0
Return bend (medium radius) 39 to 56
Coupling or union Negligible
Tee, straight through 22

Another way of calculating pressure drop through the fittings and valves is the
use of factor K.
"Number of velocity heads (K) lost in pipe" for fittings or valves is defind by

AF kp'P
v2l2gc v212gc

Kpv2 . 0
or Ap = , tn SI system, gt. = 1 (5.9)
2 gr

where, AF = Additional frictional loss, J/kg or N - m/kg

Ap = Additional pressure drop, N/m~
v = Average fluid velocity, m/s
Values of K for normally used fittings and valves are given in Table 5.4.

Table 5.4 Equivalent Velocity Heads of Fittings and Valves

Type of fitting or valve Equivalent number of velocity heads (K)

(applicable only for turbulent flow)

Gate valve (open) 0.17

Globle valve, bevel seat (open) 6.0
Plug valve (open) 9.0
Diaphragm valve (open) 2.3
Angle valve (open) 2.0
Check valve (swing) 2.0
Foot valve 15
Coupling 0.04
90° elbows (standard) 0.75
90° elbows (long radius) 0.45
Process Design of Piping, Fluid Moving Devices and Flow Meters 77

Table 5.4 (Could.)

45° elbows (long radius) 0.2
45° elbows standard 0.35
Tee streight through 0.4
Butterfly valve (a = 5°) 0.24

Simpson7 has given values of K for variety of other fittings, such as miter bends,
different types of reducers, different bends, etc.

Example 5.2
Carbon dioxide is to be conveyed from the top of the stripper of ammonia plant to urea
plant. Calculate the pipe size required based on following data.
Flow rate of CCb = 1000 t/day
Total length of pipe = 800 m
Available pressure at inlet of pipe = 24 kPa g
Discharge pressure of CCX from pipe required = atmospheric
No. of 90° elbows in pipe line = 8
No. of butterfly valve = 1
No. of flow nozzle = 1
Temperature of gas = 60oC
Viscosity of CCb gas = 0.016 mPa' s or cP
Density of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas:

r =
p = 1 atm. Molar mass of CCb, M = AA

atm - m3
R = 0.0821 -, T = 273 + 60 = 333 K
(kmol • K)

p= = 1.6094 kg/m

1000 xlO3
Mass flow rate of CO-), m = = 11.574 kg/s
24 x 3600

Let the velocity of gas through pipe, v = 20 m/s

4 '' v

= = 0.3596 m2
Dj = 0.677 m
Selecting fabricated pipe having inside diameter, D, = 677 mm
78 Introduction to Process Engineering and Design

Reynolds number

Di vp 0.677x20x1.6094
Re =
H 0.016 xlO"3

= 1361 955 > 10 000 (i.e. turbulent flow)

Pressure drop in straight steel pipe for turbulent flow

— = 4.07 x 10l0Gl'84/i0 l6
Dr4'84p"1 (5.5)
= 4.07 x 10lo(11.574)l"84(0.016 x 10-3)0 l6(677r4-84( 1.6094)-'

= 7.8046 x lO-3 kPa/m = 7.8046 Pa/m

Pressure drop in butterfly valve:

K-ipv1 0.24 x 1.6094 x202

2 2
= 77.25 Pa
Pressure drop in 90° elbow (standard):

K. pv2 0.75 x 1.6094 x202

^PE2 ~
2 2
= 241.41 Pa
Pressure drop in the flow nozzle is considered negligible.
Total pressure drop in pipe line
A/?, = 7.8046 x 800 + 77.25 + 8 x 241.41 = 8252 Pa = 8.25 kPa
Available pressure is 24 kPa. Hence, to decrease the fixed cost, smaller pipe can be
considered. Similar calculations for smaller pipe sizes give the following results.

Table 5.5 Comparison of Pressure Drop Calculations

Nominal Size Schedule No. ID of Pipe, mm A/?, kPa

677 mm — 677 8.25

600 mm (24 in) 20 590.55 15.558
500 mm (20 in) 20 488.95 37.525

Select 600 mm, SCH-20 pipe size for the given duty.

Example 5.3
Calculate the pipe size based on following data. Fluid flowing through pipe is carbon
monoxide. Discharge pressure of carbon monoxide required from the pipe is atmos-
Available pressure at inlet of pipe = 50 kPa g
Length of pipe = 4 km
Flow rate of CO = 1500 kg/h
Temperature of gas = 50° C
No. of gate valves in pipe line = 2
No. of 45° elbows = 3
Process Design of Piping, Fluid Moving Devices and Flow Meters 79

Nos. of 90° elbows = 6

Viscosity of CO = 0.018 mPa • s or cP
Density of carbon monoxide (CO) gas:
Molar mass of CO, M = 28


pM Ts 1 x 28 273
x = x
T psVs (273 + 50) (1x22.414)
= 1.0558 kg/m3
Pressure drop in straight pipe for steel material and for turbulent region:

= 4.07 x 1010 G1-84 /i016 d;AM p-{ (5.5)

For the first trial calculations let the nominal size be 12 in NB (300 mm), SCH-40 pipe
having inside D, = 304.8 mm.

—= 4.07 x 1010 ^ j (0.018 x lO"3 )a 16 x (304.8 )~4-84 x (1.0558 r"

= 1.2724 x lO"3 kPa/m = 1.2724 Pa/m

Am 3600
Reynolds numbers, Re = ——— = —^ ^ —
nDiii ^x 0.3048x0.018x10"

= 96 697 > 10 000, i.e. CO is flowing in turbulent region

m 1500/3600
Velocity of gas, v = = = 5.4 m/s
2 2
nx-D 1-0558 x (7r/4)(0.3048)
H 4 '■

For gate valve.

K.' pv
' 0.17 x 1.0558 x 5.42 ^ y t T *T/ ,/
= —-— = = 2.617 N/nr pter gate valve

K, pv2 0.35 x 1.0558 X5.42

Similarly for 45° elbows, A/7£2 = —-— =

= 5.388 N/m2 per 45° elbow

K: pv2 0.75 x 1.0558 x5.42

For 90° elbows, ApE3 = —-— = = 11.545 N/m" per 90° elbow

Total pressure drop in pipe line

Ap, = 1.2724 x 4000 + 2.617 x 2 + 5.388 x 3 + 11.545 x 6
Ap, = 5180.27 Pa = 5.18 kPa = 0.0511 atm
Introduction to Process Engineering and Design

For 300 mm NB SCH-40 pipe, pressure drop in piping is very low. Hence, to reduce the
fixed capital investment, smaller pipe diameter can be considered. Similar calculations
of smaller pipe diameters gives the following results.

Table 5.6 Comparison of Pressure Drop Calculations

Nominal Size Schedule No. ID of Pipe, mm A/?,, kPa Remarks

100 mm (4 in) SCH-40 102.26 1012.38 Very high

150 mm (6 in) SCH-40 154.05 139.75 Higher
200 mm (8 in) SCH-40 202.72 37.10 Reasonable
300 mm (12 in) SCH-40 304.80 5.18 Very low

Considering fixed capital investment, operating cost and safety margin in design, 200
mm (8 in) SCH-40 pipe can be selected for the given application. For this size of pipe,
velocity of gas through pipe is equal to 12.23 m/s which is acceptable (refer Table 5.1).

Example 5.4
100 000 kg/h of water is to be transferred from canal to reservoir by gravity. Maximum
height of water level above the discharge of pipe in reservoir will be 2 m. Difference
between minimum level of water in canal and maximum level of water in reservoir is
8 m.
Length of pipe = 3000 m
Equivalent length of pipe for fittings and valves = 200 m
Maximum temperature of water = 40oC
Density of water at 40oC = 993 kg/m3
Viscosity of water at 40oC = 0.67 mPa • s or cP
Surface roughness for carbon steel, s = 0.0457 mm
Surface roughness for concrete, e= 1.2 mm
Material of pipe is carbon steel. Determine the suitable pipe size. If material of pipe is
concrete will there be any change in pipe size required?
Maximum allowable pressure drop in pipe = 8 - 2 = 6 m WC
APmax = 6 m WC = 58.84 kPa = 0.58 atm
Let the velocity of water through pipe v = 0.5 m/s (For first trial calculation)

m/p (100 000)/3600

v = 0.5 m/s =
(71/4) Dp 993x(7r/4)D,2

Z), = 0.2669 m = 266.9 mm

Select 300 mm NB. SCH-40 carbon steel pipe.
ID of pipe, D, = 304.8 mm, p = 0.67 x 10"3 kg/(m • s)

4G 4 x (100 000/3600)
Reynolds number. Re = = 173 188
nDip tt x 0.3048 x 0.67 x 10 -3

A 304.8
Process Design of Piping, Fluid Moving Devices and Flow Meters 81

From Fig. 5.1,/= 0.0042

32f G2
Pressure drop in pipe. Ap = xL (5.2)
K1PZc Di

32 x 0.0042 x (100 000/3600 Y x (3000 + 200)

Ap= 7 7
x 993 X 1 x 0.3048

Ap = 12 871.2 Pa = 12.871 kPa < Apmax

For the next smaller size of pipe, i.e. for 250 mm NB, SCH-40 pipe, Di = 254.5 mm,
Re = 207 417.3,

= 1.7956 x 10-4, /= 0.0041 and Ap = 30.959 kPa < Apn

Use 250 mm NB SCH-40 carbon steel pipe.
If pipe material is concrete, then for the same size

— = -^- = 4.715 xlO-3 and Re = 207 417.3

Dj 254.5
From Fig. 5.1,/= 0.0077
Pressure drop Ap = 58.142 kPa s Apmax
Thus calculated pressure drop is nearly equal to the maximum allowable pressure drop.
For safer design, next higher size of concrete pipe, i.e. 300 mm (12 in) pipe, should be

Example 5.5
An organic liquid is discharged at the rate of 5000 kg/h from a reactor to a storage tank
at 50oC as shown in Fig. 5.2. Reactor is under pressure at 600 kPa g. Density of the
organic liquid is 930 kg/m1 and viscosity is 0.91mPa • s or cP. Assume no flashing of the
organic liquid across the control valve.

Flow control
-Hll— -CX- -Hxl—►

Reactor at 600 kPa g Organic Liquid

Storage Tank at
Atmospheric Pressure

Fig. 5.2 Liquid Flow System

Piping System Details:

Linear length of straight pipe = 50 m
No. of 90° elbows of standard radius = 6 (All are not shown in Fig. 5.2.)
No. of Tees = 2
82 Introduction to Process Engineering and Design

Pressure drop in orifice meter = 40 kPa

No. of gate valves = 4
No. of globe valve = 1
No. of flow control valve = 1
Determine the pipe size. Assume it to be uniform throughout. Also find the residual
pressure drop that must be taken by the flow control valve.
Flow rate of liquid, m = 5000 kg/h
Volumetric flow rate of liquid
m 5000/3600
~~p~ 930
= 1.4934 x 10-3 m3/s
Based on Table 5.1, select velocity of liquid to be 1.8 m/s.
Inside diameter of pipe required based on selected velocity

Df= -

'dx 1.4934 xlO-3

= 0.0325 m = 32.5 mm
tt xl.8

Selected 40 mm (1.5 in) NB, SCH-40 pipe having D, = 40.894 mm

Di vp 0.040 894x1.8x930
Reynolds number. Re = = = 752 27 (i.e. turbulent flow)
V 0.91 xlO-3
For the turbulent flow in commercial steel pipe

— = 4.07 x 10'° G1'84/t0"16D~4'84p-1 (5.5)


= 4.07xl0,n^^^l (0.91 x lO-3 )016 x(40.894r4-84 x (930)-'

= 0.413 65 kPa/m
Linear length of pipe = 50 m

Table 5.7 Equivalent Lengths of Fittings and Valves

Type No. Pipe ID. mm Le, m (From Table 5.3)

90° Elbows 6 40.894 6(300,) = 7.36

Tees 2 40.894 2(220,)= 1.8
Gate valves 4 40.894 4(107),)= 1.636
Total 10.796

Total pressure drop

Apr = 0.413 65 (50 + 10.796) + Pressure drop in orifice meter
= 0.413 65 (50 + 10.796) + 40 = 65.15 kPa
Process Design of Piping, Fluid Moving Devices and Flow Meters 83

Pressure balance:
Pressure in Reactor -A/?, - A/?conlI.0| va|vc = Pressure in storage tank
(600 + 101.325) - 65.15 -Apc = 101.325
Apc = 534.85 kPa
This residual pressure drop should be offered by the control valve. Specifications of the
control valve should be prepared accordingly.


It includes process design of pump, fan, blower and compressor.

5.3.1 Process Design of Pump

Pump is a device used in flow system of liquid to increase the mechanical energy
of the flowing liquid. Pumps are broadly divided in to two types; (i) centrifugal
pumps and (ii) positive displacement pumps. The following terminologies are
used with pump.
(i) Capacity of pump : Flow rate (gv) of fluid created by the pump is
known as capacity of pump. In SI units, capacity
is expressed in m3/h or L/s.
(ii) Total Dynamic Head : Total dynamic head H of a pump is the difference
between total discharge head hll and total suction
head hs.
H=hd-hs (5.10)
Before installation of pump it is possible to estimate the total discharge head hd
by using following equation.
hd = hsd+hfd (5.11)
where, hsd = Static discharge head = p'± Z' (5.12)
p' = Absolute pressure over free surface of liquid in receiver
Z' = Vertical distance between free surface of liquid in receiver and
centre line of pump placed horizontally (for vertical pump Z' is
distance between free surface of liquid and eye of suction of
hsd = p' + Z', if pump is below the level of free surface of liquid in
receiver and hsd — p' - Z', if it is placed above the free surface of
liquid in receiver.
hfd = Discharge friction head = frictional loss in discharge line.
During operation, total discharge head hdcar\ be determined by following equation.
hd = hgd + atm pressure + hvd (5.13)
where, hgd = Discharge gauge pressure measured by pressure gauge. If pressure
is below atmospheric, vacuum gauge reading is used for hgd in
Eq. (5.13), but with negative sign.
hvd = Velocity head at the point of guage attachment in discharge line
Before installation of pump, total suction head can be estimated by following
hs = hss-hfs (5.14)

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