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Where do you usually go to listen to music?

Do you prefer to play the radio or do

you like to go to a concert?
Tell me where you like to listen to music and how you listen to music.

Model Answer
I listen to music no matter what I'm doing or wherever I am. Whether I'm at home or
When I commute to work by subway, it takes almost an hour.
So I can kill time by listening to music. I also listen to music while I'm doing
I actually enjoy doing it when I have some exciting dance music on.
When I listen to music, I listen to music on my smartphone.
This is the most convenient way as I can access and listen to music directly
When I commute by bus, I always listen to music.
When I'm exercising in the park, listening to dance music keeps me going.
Sometimes, when I'm waiting for my friend, I kill time by listening to music.
When I'm driving, I sing along to the songs that are playing on the radio.
In the morning, when I get ready for work, I turn on some music to wake myself up.
When I'm lying in bed at night, listening to classical music helps me fall into a
deep sleep.
When I need to ease my tension, I soothe myself with music.
At times, I enjoy music at a concert.
In fact, my favorite place to listen to music is my home.
I like to go to a club and listen to exciting music and dance to the music.
I drive a lot, so I listen to music in my car a lot.
While walking on the street, I can hear music from various shops.
I can listen to various kinds of music on the radio when I'm at work.
Music is a part of my life.
Classical music relaxes me.
I can't imagine my life without music.
When I feel nervous, I take comfort from music.
Music eases my mind.
Music calms me down.
I can relieve stress by listening to heavy metal.
Listening to jazz helps me sleep.
Dance music always cheers me up.
I can concentrate on my work better.
He had to endure hard training to become a great vocalist.
All of his songs are cheerful, so I listen to them when I feel depressed.
She is a born singer and has a beautiful voice.
The band has grown to be popular worldwide.
Her song reminds me of my childhood.

You indicated in the survey that you like listening to music. What kind of music do
you like?
Who is your favorite musician or composer?

Model answer.
My favorite music is British pop music.
Maybe it's because I particularly like British pop singer Ed Sheeran.
He is not very good looking, but he has excellent composition skills
and his performance on this stage is excellent.
Pop music is not too serious and I can enjoy it lightly no matter where I am.
Also, I can listen to various types of songs according to my mood.
In addition, you can increase your English proficiency while listening to pop

Tell me about the moment when you first became interested in music. Why did you
decide to listen to music?
How do your tastes for music differ from the beginning to now? Tell me about it.

Model answer.
I cannot remember exactly when I first became interested in music.
Music was naturally a part of my life for a long time. At first, I listened to
energetic music like dance music or heavy metal.
As I got older, I began to prefer music like ballads or smooth jazz.
I don't know what kind of music will fascinate me in the future, but music will
always be an important part of my life.

Can you tell me about a memorable experience that happened while you were listening
to music?
When was it? What happened?

Model answer.
When I went to a local music festival with my friends a few years ago, there was
one incident I cannot forget.
During the performance, we saw one of the performers accidentally fall down from
the stage.
I thought it was a surprise event at first, but later we saw an ambulance and
emergency crew backstage
and found out that it was not a joke. The rest of the performance was done safely,
but we were worried there might be another accident.

You said that you listened to music. I like to listen to music as well. Ask me
three or four questions about my favorite music.

Model answer.
I think listening to music is one of the best hobbies that anyone can enjoy.
I heard that you also like to listen to music.
Let me ask you about it.
Why do you like listening to music?
What type of sound system do you use when you listen to music?
Do you have a favorite singer or composer?
Why do you like his or her music?

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