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Tick (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

Example: ________ you go for a meal last night?
A Do B Did ✓ C Does
1 ________ all the biscuits?
A Who did eat B Which ate C Who ate
2 Could you tell me what time ________?
A the class starts B starts the class C does the class start
3 How long ________ each other?
A do you know B have you been knowing C have you known
4 Why ________ jazz?
A don’t you like B you don’t like C you not like
5 I don’t speak Italian, but my boyfriend ________.
A does B is C speaks
6 A I didn’t enjoy the film.
B ________ did I.
A So B Neither C No
7 A I did the shopping this morning.
B ________ you? That’s great.
A Do B Have C Did
8 I’ve lived in this town ________ I was ten years old.
A when B for C since
9 A You forgot to lock the door last night.
B That’s not true, I ________ it! I remember perfectly.
A did lock it B didn’t lock C lock
10 Sally’s a vegetarian, ________ she?
A hasn’t B doesn’t C isn’t
11 Do you know where________?
A Vicky lives B does Vicky live C Vicky does live
12 A You look tired!
B That’s because I ________ tennis all morning.
A played B ’ve played C ’ve been playing
13 Look at your hand! You ________ yourself.
A ’ve cut B cut C ’ve been cutting
14 You can play the violin, ________ you?
A can B can’t C don’t
15 The _____ you finish your homework, the sooner you can go out.
A quick B more quickly C quicker
16 It was the most difficult exam ________ in all my life.
A I’ve ever done B I ever did C I’ve ever been doing
17 A Do you want to come and play football?
B No thanks. ________ twice this week.
A I’ve already played B I’ve already been playing
C I’ve been already playing
18 A Do you think it’s going to snow?
B Yes, I ________. The temperature has dropped.
A am B do C think
19 How many times ________ to Paris?
A have you been B did you go C have you been going
20 How long ________ at this language school?
A do you study B have you been studying C you have been studying

21 Jack’s just bought a ________ sports car.

A red new fantastic B fantastic new red C new red fantastic
22 ________ are friendly, hard-working people.
A A Pole B The Poles C Polish
23 Jack ________ because he was so hungry.
A ate quickly B quickly ate C ate quick
24 ________ has joined our English class.
A A Chinese B Chinese girl C A Chinese girl
25 I think the ________ skirt suits you best.
A green long silk B long green silk C silk long green
26 I didn’t want to go home because the party ________.
A hadn’t been finishing B didn’t finish C hadn’t finished
27 My sister ________coffee.
A doesn’t usually drink B doesn’t drink usually
C usually doesn’t drink
28 Michael’s ________ for work.
A always late B late always C lately always
29 My grandparents have a(n) ________ cottage in the country.
A old lovely little B lovely little old C little old lovely
30 Ben ________ with Karen for two years when he asked her to marry him.
A had gone out B had been going out C has been going out
31 When I got to the theatre, I realized I ________ the tickets at home.
A had left B had been leaving C left
32 My little brother ________ about his birthday party.
A extremely excited is B is excited extremely C is extremely excited
33 I met my husband when I ________ English in Lithuania.
A taught B had taught C was teaching
34 He got out of the car and ________ into the bank.
A was running B had run C ran
35 We ________ the exam for about an hour, when the fire alarm went off.
A ’done B ’d been doing C were doing
36 The government should do more to help ________.
A poor B the poor C the poor people
37 I’ll take ________, please.
A the green ones B the green C the ones green
38 I worked ________ that I finished the job early.
A such hard B so hard C so hardly
39 I was at work ________.
A all yesterday day B yesterday all day C all day yesterday
40 That was ________ amazing play – I’ll have to go and see it again.
A a so B a such C such an
41 If I ________ you by Sunday, go to the match without me.
A ’m not phoning B haven’t phoned C won’t phone
42 If you like crime stories, you ________ the book I’m reading.
A had love B love C ’ll love
43 The burglars ________ to prison for a very long time.
A were sending B will be sent C will send
44 The man ________ to prison for several years.
A will go probably B will likely go C will probably go
45 It ________ that the murderer escaped in stolen car.
A is believing B is believed C believes
46 They ________ building the new shopping centre by the end of the year.
A ’ll be finish B ’ll have finished C ’ve been finished
47 By the time you read this message, ________ on the beach in Spain.
A I’m going to lie B I’ll be lying C I’ll lie
48 Six paintings ________ from the art gallery late last night.
A are being stolen B were stolen C have been stolen
49 The bank ________ three times this year.
A has been robbed B is robbed C has robbed
50 I’ll come with you to Dan’s party if I ________anything else to do.
A wouldn’t have B don’t have C won’t have
51 Don’t come round at the weekend because I ________ for my exams.
A ’ll have studied B ’ll study C ’ll be studying
52 If you ________ red and white, you get pink.
A will mix B mix C are mixing
53 This time next year, Sue and Jeff ________ for 50 years.
A will be marrying B will have been married C will be married
54 We ________ to France next weekend. Do you want me to bring you anything back?
A ’ll be gone B ’ll have gone C ’ll be going
55 The thieves are thought ________ at least five million dollars.
A to have taken B to take C that they have taken
56 We ________ the exam by three o’clock, so I’ll meet you at 3.30.
A ’ll have finished B ’ve been finishing C ’ll finish
57 If you ________ a tiger, you can’t imagine how scary they are.
A ’ve never seen B will never see C don’t see
58 Take some sandwiches as you’re ________ hungry on the journey.
A probably to get B likely get C likely to get
59 You won’t get in to university ________ you pass your exams.
A unless B after C in case
60 Take your coat with you ________ it gets colder later.
A in case B until C unless
61 If I ________ feeling so ill, I’d go to work.
A wasn’t B wouldn’t be C ’m not
62 I wouldn’t study languages if I ________ enjoy them.
A wouldn’t B didn’t C don’t
63 If I ________ you, I wouldn’t buy a bigger car.
A am B was C were
64 Why are you so hot? You look ________ you’ve been running a marathon!
A if B as if C as
65 Tim’s very quiet. If you didn’t know him, you ________ he was unfriendly.
A might think B thought C ’ll think
66 I ________ Mary if I had arrived five minutes later.
A hadn’t seen B wouldn’t have seen C didn’t see
67 You ________ seen Tom. He walked right past you.
A must have B can’t have C couldn’t have
68 You ________ you’ve seen a ghost! Are you OK?
A look like B look C look as like
69 Something ________ delicious. Have you been making cakes?
A looks B smells C feels
70 They ________ gone out. Their car is outside the house.
A must have B can’t have C might have
71 Paul’s train ________ cancelled. There have been problems on the railway recently.
A might have been B can’t have been C may not have been
72 We wouldn’t have missed the start of the concert if you ________ on time.
A had arrived B would have arrived C arrived
73 We’re lost! I ________ a map.
A should bring B should brought C should have brought
74 I ________ bought these shoes. They were too expensive.
A shouldn’t have B can’t have C might not have
75 These shoes ________ really comfortable. I think I’ll buy them.
A feel as if B feel C feel like
76 This sofa looks ________ the one at my parents’ house.
A like B as if C (–)
77 Would you ________ eat in or go to a restaurant?
A rather B better C like
78 If you hadn’t been rude to Liz, she ________ talking to you.
A hadn’t stopped B wouldn’t have stopped C wouldn’t stop
79 ________ call them before we go to make sure they’re at home.
A We’d better not B We’d better C We’d rather
80 They ________ have got lost. I drew them a very clear map.
A might B mustn’t C can’t

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