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Harmony School of Language

Prime class /Advanced level

Literary Analysis on the novel



Literary Analysis submitted to

Harmony School of language in partial Fulfillment

For the requirement of

Advance English Diploma


ID: HSL0067/14

Class: PRIME

Advisor: Mr. KOKOB GUESH

Co advisor: Alex Halefom

October 12, 2022

I firstly would like to think the people who have been helping me on getting every little thing
done being by my side, without even getting sick of the endless favors and questions I’ve been

Those first people are my family, I would like to think them for their support and care that they
have been showing me in everything I do. Like my mom who have always stressed herself out for
giving me enough time to work on this research and preparing me all I need at the time I ask. My
father, who forewent all his time and supported me in everything I did by doing his best, my
brother, who is the reason why I tried as hard as I can to pull this thing off. He helped me
patiently and responded every of my questions with a deep understanding.

I also want to think Mr. Kokeb and Alex for giving me all the information I needed and corrected
me by sacrificing their time and all harmony teachers forgiving me the life lesson that I can
never forget.

I finally would like to think my classmates and friends who incredibly motivated me more than
any time and for being there whenever I need them.

This research is a book analysis that includes using all the elements of literature. Book analysis is
one of the scientific types of writing research. It simplifies and makes a straight forward about
the story‟s main idea, goal, relevance and lists all of the information that are needed from the
book in a short and understandable way.

This research is based on the book named “Fire Dove”, which is a novel fiction written by
Ameris Ricci. It has six chapters and eight characters. Four of the characters are family, who
lives together. They are two husband and wife living together with their son and daughter. The
story ends up with a big family; the family‟s number is six at the end of the story.

Acknowledgment............................................................................................................................................ 1
Chapter one ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1 Objective ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 General objective ..................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Specific objective ..................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Significance of the study .......................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Scope of the study .................................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Limitation of the study ............................................................................................................. 4
2 Chapter two ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Review of related literature...................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Books written by Ameris Ricci .................................................................................................. 6
2.1.1 SERIES BOOKS .................................................................................................................. 6
2.1.2 Others books .................................................................................................................... 6
3 Chapter three- Analysis .................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Characters ................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1.1 Protagonist ....................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.2 Antagonist ..................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.3 Major character ................................................................................................................ 8
3.1.4 Minor character ................................................................................................................ 8
3.2 Plot .......................................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Setting (Time and Place) .......................................................................................................... 9
3.4 Theme ...................................................................................................................................... 9
3.5 Conflict .................................................................................................................................. 10
3.5.1 Man vs. man ................................................................................................................... 10
3.5.2 Man vs. society............................................................................................................... 10
3.5.3 Man vs. it self ................................................................................................................. 10
3.6 Figurative Speech................................................................................................................... 10
3.6.1 Simile ............................................................................................................................. 10
3.6.2 Metaphor ........................................................................................................................ 12
3.6.3 Hyperbole....................................................................................................................... 12
3.7 Personification ....................................................................................................................... 13
3.8 Dialogue ................................................................................................................................ 13
3.9 Irony ...................................................................................................................................... 15
3.10 Monologue ............................................................................................................................. 15
3.11 Rhyme / Poem not rhythm ...................................................................................................... 15
3.12 Idiom ..................................................................................................................................... 15
3.13 Colloquial language ............................................................................................................... 16
4 Chapter four-Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 17
4.1 Recommendation ................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 Bibliography/ works cited ...................................................................................................... 18
4.2.1 Reference ....................................................................................................................... 18

Chapter one

As Research Methods indicated research is the systematic process of collecting and analyzing
information to increase our understanding of the phenomenon under study. It is the function of
the researcher to contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon and to communicate
that understanding to others.

This research is based on the book titled “Fire Dove “, which aims to discuss and study a
recurring (repetitive) problem in a given organization, which also may involve a study of
concretization the organization‟s mission, vision, philosophy and goals.

This research discourses about the main problems in the book; classify the main story and idea,
divides and analysis the book.

According to the research methodology this research is in one of the three scientific writing types
of research, which is Books or Book Analysis. A book Analysis is a thorough description, critical
analysis, and/or evaluation of the quality, meaning and significance of a book, often in relation to
prior research on the topic. Analysis generally range from 500-1000 words, but maybe longer or
shorter depending on the length and complexity of the book being analyzed, the overall purpose
of the analysis, and whether the analysis is a comparative analysis examining two or more books
that focus on the same topic.

One of the main reasons why I chose the book “ Fire Dove” is because Ameris Ricci has wrote a
plenty of books and I have been meaning to comment on some of her books.

The book is about a mother, who has been getting hurt since the day she got married, but lives to
make her brilliant children, who amazingly understand what she is going through, life‟s
complete. She has no job and her husband was the only provider in house, because he doesn‟t let
her work. He pretends to work as a doctor at a hospital and never spent any time with family,
which goes to show he never knew them inside. Through time he left her and the kids to another
expectant woman. She decided to sell everything in the house and relocate to Barbados to live in

a small house and start a job as an event planner and manager. Although the house they used to
live in was very large and has a portion of fancy gadgets, Peadro left it all and he doesn‟t care.
There was 10 million dollar with Brandt, which Peadro didn‟t find out. The book has six
chapters and in the process it shows that the family‟s life had completely changed.

1.1 Objectives
1.2 General objectives
The overall objective of the study is to advance my English and get a diploma as an advanced
level student in Harmony School of Language.

1.3 Specific objectives

 To help readers advance their reading skill by choosing the good book to read.
 To develop anyone‟s knowledge and understanding to such problems that ensues in life by
giving a clue in this research.
 To rock the foundations of the backward thoughts we have about English language learners
and to show readers how English is important.
 To make some changes in the society.
 To share the thoughts, comments and lessons I‟ve got from the book.
 To teach myself a lesson of getting through life impediments, if in any circumstances I have
to, by reading and analyzing the book.
 To collect some information during the research that can also help me on working on another
 To get to know novel authors and their story.
 To put myself in a dimension of the knowledge and skill I got during my time in Harmony.

1.4 Significance of the Research

This study focuses on giving the significant lessons we can get in improving our English such as
reading, usage of words, sentences, phrases and aims to give the readers all the information they
need from the book.

1.5 Scope of the study

This study concentrates on showing the readers the leading story and some facts about the book.
It includes review of related literature, characters, conflict, Figurative speech, dialogs, irony,

monologue, idioms, colloquial languages and work cited to help the readers be familiar with the

1.6 Limitation of the study

The research was aiming to study about the book, the author, other books written by the author
and more. Unfortunately owing to the fact that there is no internet connection or any kind of
communication in Tigray, the study was limited to providing information that are found within
the book only.

2 Chapter Two- Review of
related literature

Ameris Ricci is a short story writer and the author of Fire Dove and another 27 books. Ricci was
born in 1975. She lives in Barbados and she is married to Honey K., whom she dedicated the
book “Passionate Beast”for. She express him by saying “To my Honey K. - Resistance was
definitely futile. I have never met a man like you who has come through his own hell and still
remains a gentleman. One who is not afraid to love, respect and cherish his woman. You know
your flaws and not afraid to admit to them. You do not criticize, insult or belittle when you are
angry. You continue to display all the love and attention I need. Thank you.”

Fire Dove is one of the 28 books written by Ameris Ricci. Most of her books were written 2014
except “The Fight of Love‟s past”, “love unfound”, “Nerynth - Change of The Six ” and other
series books, which were written in 2015. Ameris‟s books are books that can gradually grow on
and make an Enthusiasm at someone after reading them.

“Any relationship should begin with a solid foundation. What I have realized is that when our
relationships begin based on previous hurts, lies, secrecy and selfish agendas – they never last
and if they do, the strain of pretense, social standards and basic need to appear happy is mere
tolerance” says Ricci clearing her idea up on the first chapter of the book “Love Unfound ”. The
book has nineteen different characters, and none of the characters had a good beginning or
ending in their life, which is the reason why she advises we should begin with a solid foundation.

Ricci‟s books are all short and fiction, and all represented by a third person. Most of them have a
similar story, from the 25 romance books she wrote.

2.1 Books written by Ameris Ricci


Book ONE – Broken Toy – Genii‟s Story 2015
Book TWO – The Fight of Love‟s Past – Sofa‟s Story 2015
Book THREE - The Sworn Oath – Pierre‟s Story 2015
Book FOUR - A Peige Turned – Paige‟s Story 2015
Book FIVE – A Life Lived – Tylan’s Story 2015

2.1.2 Others books

 Love Unfound 2015
 13 Names on a Dead Man's Chest 2014
 A Chance To Love 2014
 Born of Nerynth 2014
 Code Name - M.A.X 2014
 Convince Me 2014
 Cougar Party 2014
 Dangerous Dealings 2014
 Dead Love 2014
 Equilibrium 2014
 Fire Dove 2014
 Flawed Fate 2014
 Fluff 2014
 Honey K 2014
 In Flagrante 2014
 Nertnth – Change of The Six 2015
 Passionate Beast 2014
 Scorched 2014
 Tables Turned 2014
 The Cleaning Lady 2014
 The English Teachers 2014

 The Right Man 2014

Tables Turned is the only book that has extended pages from all of her books, which has 86
pages and 14 chapters. It‟s about a man named Tobias Grant, who is a quiet and humble hand
man and a girl named Feona. At the end of the story they both got married and were characters
on the book Love Unfound being a husband and wife.

What any reader can generally observe from most of her books is that Ricci works hard to make
an influence in a women at any age by making them see, hear and read everything that can
possibly happen and appear in their life.” Women over forty have a secret desire. It's one that
you hold in your mind until you can no longer do so” Says Ricci articulating about women in
her book “Cougar party”. The book is about Barbados women and what they recently do as a
tradition, which the main actor is Rosario.

3 Chapter three- Analysis
3.1 Characters
 Inan Deluna- a wife and mother of two kids
 Brandt Deluna- who became a husband of Mrs. Deluna,
 Paedro Miller- a man who took the identity of his friend due to Brandt Deluna‟s lost
 Salmai Deluna and Graegori Deluna- 6 and 8 years old children of Mrs. Deluna
 Marlon- who is Mr. Brandt‟s lawyer,
 Sylvia- an old nanny of the house
 Goliath- who was called for a service at the end of the story
 Anne Oakley- mentioned in a parallel with Goliath‟s behavior as a choice for a service.

3.1.1 Protagonist– Brandt Delina, His lawyer Marlon, Goliath

3.1.2 Antagonist– Peadro Miller

3.1.3 Major character– Inan Deluna, Brandt Delina, Salmai and Graedori Deluna

3.1.4 Minor character- Peadro Miller, Marlon, Sylvia, Goliath, Ane Oakley

3.2 Plot
Brandt Deluna and Paedro met ten years ago in a medical school. Poedro wasn‟t a good student
while Brandt was a straight A and a filthy rich. Unfortunately Brandt lost his memory by an
accident during his vacation. When Paedro found that out, he took his identity, all of his
documents and managed to exchange his life to Brandt‟s. He also tricked him into donating his
sperm. He was married to Inan and had two kids. After 9 years Paedro left his wife and kids for
another expectant intern woman. Inan was doing the whole lot to make everything suitable for
the kids to live by selling everything to get money.

Brandt spent the last 9 years reconstructing his life from scratch and finally all of the memories
were back. With a help of the authorities, he got back his identity and found the house and Inan.
He told her that she is legally married to him and the kids were legally his, because he donated

his sperm and they were In-Vitro babies. Then they decided to move together. Brandt wanted a
second marriage so they were doing as planned. Ill-advisedly Paedro kidnapped the kids, because
he was running out of money and he wanted to make a hostage for a ransom. He threatened
Brandt to give him 10 million dollar, deliberately recommending to only bring it by Inan. His
lawyer called a man called Goliath, and told him they need some float and the man gets to shoot

Back at Paedro‟s hide out, Allysha, the expectant intern leady is fretting about the children.
They told her the truth and that Paedro might not be the real father of the baby she is holding

Inan took the money to Paedro‟s house, but Paedro brock the deal, took his gun out and told
Allysha to take the kids to some sort of house the only two of them know, albeit Allysha was
doing her best to rescue the children. He threatened Inan to come with hem, however, they got
divorced with some loopholes that were found on the law. He pointed the gun to Graegori‟s head
and before Inan could even react, Allysha ran in front of Graegori as a shot rang out. There was
another gun shot, but Allysha was shot in the chest, she told Inan to take care of the baby as her
last word. Paedro was also laying on the flour. The doctors saved the baby at his seventh month
and it was as they suspected it, Btandt had a blood test and the baby was Brandt‟s; they were all
delighted to have him on their family, gave him a name “Marcello Allyn”. After time Inan was
expected with their baby and she started her own job. Life could only get better.

3.3 Setting
It was 2014 before summer; they were first living in Elkridge in a Grove Mont overlook house.
The story hopped into the SUV, left Elkridge and goes till Pennsylvania, and in the process of
the story summer had already began, however, there was a thought of moving to Barbados from
the get-go.

3.4 Theme
After every challenging moment you get to breath out as loud as you want.

3.5 Conflict
The problems that the characters cope with in the story, because of some reasons;

3.5.1 Man vs. man

 Paedro vs. Inan(He left her with the children for his expectant intern)
 Brandt vs. Paedro (He stole his identity and tried to kidnap his kids and take his wife from
 The children vs. Paedro (He told them that he regret having them and would‟ve had other
kids instesd)
 Paedro vs. Marlon (Paedro kidnapped his client‟s children and called him Brandt‟s lackey)
 Allysha vs. Paedro (He stepped out about the baby she was about to have and he chose Inan
over her)
 Inan vs. AJ Realtors Inc. (The realtor tried to scam Inan of her home, because he was a friend
of Paedro)
 Goliath vs. Paedro ( He shot him with a sniper, he was about to shoot his client‟s child)

3.5.2 Man vs. society

Peadro vs. the authorities (Paedro stole personal documents and faked his way through the
The officers vs. Paedro (Paedro deceived the officers as if he was legibly reporting a stolen
vehicle and he also was needed to be incarcerated so he was being searched by them)

3.5.3 Man vs. it self

Inan vs. herself (Inan felt guilty of the lost papers of the vehicle)

3.6 Figurative Speech

3.6.1 Simile
Some expressions that the book had used to show resemblance between things of different kind(Formed
with „like‟ or „as‟)

“The child looked exactly like Grieorgie when he was born“

“Mom, we are fine, the only reason we have so many things is because Dad wants to look
like he is rich“

As Inan put the children to bed, she felt like she wanted to have a good cry, then she said her
husband wasn't worth it.

She drank some water and headed to bed and slept like a baby since she was too tired to do
anything else.
“Look, I will come by tomorrow and meet the children and you and I need to have a longer
talk as we need to get some things sorted out."
"You scare me, you are nothing like Paedro, i can feel how much you want me”
“You will want to stay with us as a family and not leave like Paedro did."
“I hope he is found so things like this won't keep happening”
“slinky you scared the children, like a bad snack “
“Shut up the three of you, Christ it‟s like a fish market in here.”
“It‟s okay, hold him like this, support his head and back and he will do the rest.”
“She kept a few things for the kitchen like one or two pots and pans, a few pieces of cutlery”
"I would love to get to know all of you better and if it works out yes I would like that and I
won't leave like Paedro did."
Inan looked as if she was about to faint.
“So forget what he told you and think about what we will be like."
„The man we know as Brandt Deluna is a fraud and his real name is Paedro Miller.”
"That means anything he signed as Brandt Deluna, is not only yours but you are responsible
"That's not what my sister wants to know. She is asking if there is a possibility that you will
want to stay with us as a family and not leave like Paedro did."
”When they call, give them your joint account number and as soon as the transfer is
complete, go take off the money”
"I don't want this house, as soon as this is over, sell it."
”Now, let's make a list of all the things we will need. Did you register the business as yet?"
”I can take it as long as it doesn‟t affect my children.”
"Not as long as she can produce the papers for the vehicle out front."
"As you know Brandt is your father and he is my husband”
"I like that idea. It's late; I wonder if the cops caught the guy as yet."
“You miss understand me. I want you just as much”

Inan got dressed and went down to find the officers waiting patiently as the children asked a
million questions.
“Wow, sir, sorry for the inconvenience, we will definitely verify this and as a warrant is out
for his arrest.
"As long as you want, furthermore, the items we ordered should be coming today,”
“I want to have a baby as soon as possible”
“Well yeah that‟s why she‟s so awesome.” Salmai said as if.
“Not a problem as long as we have you we will be okay,”
He knew Inan would want blood tests and it would not be a problem but as soon as it was
"Yes I did but it won't be official until we get there as I have to sign the documents and show
my ID."
“Paedro will give up the children as soon as he gets the money”

3.6.2 Metaphor
 She was dog tired, but she needed to get this yard sell going
 “How can someone be so devious?"
 She was not bitter
 "That's a good thing mom."
“Yes it is pumpkin”

3.6.3 Hyperbole
This lists include exaggerations while expressing strong emotions and making a right point or Evoking
humor while speaking.

 Electricity shot right up her arm and spread throughout her body
 “What the hell do you want”
 "Ouch, Sorry Mrs. Deluna but it's about to get worse."
 “He won‟t come out of this alive”
 He looked at this beautiful woman who was about to have her world blown apart for the
second time.
 “I am going to kill him if he hurts ether one of them”
 "I hope he does life and someone makes him their bitch.”

 "We don't need your money. I stayed home to be here for the children and I have to start all
over now. I won't depend on anyone again like that."
 "Inan, I've always wanted a family, now I have one I don't want to see you or them struggling
for anything, can you understand that?"
 “They are about to scam my wife of her home and that is not something I am willing to stand
 Brandt looked down at his wife and he could only describe her as a fire dove.
 "This is your house?" Inan asked in sheer amazement
 "Ah but I found you in the process, so it was worth the horrors." Inan blushed.
 “How the heck did he get out?”
 “Oh God!” Inan screamed.
 “Time to cut the cake, if I take anymore photographs my smile will stay
 “Use your common sense, Brandt does not have 10 million in pocket change,”
 “What‟s your name so I know who to yell at”(Hummer)

3.7 Personification

3.8 Dialogue
The next lists are conversations between two and more people that can explain the main idea of the story
in a short way:

 "Evening mom, When is dad coming home I need him to help me with my homework" Said
 "Sit down I need to talk to you."
Both children sat down at once.
 "Dad left us."
 "And this is a problem for us how?" said Graegori.
 "I agree mom, with Dad gone you can be happy and we can finally have some fun around
 "Oh I love you two so much." She hugged her children.
 "Would you like to relocate and start fresh?"
 "Sure where would we go?"

 "Barbados."
 “An island? We get to live in the Caribbean? Awesome. We can go jet skiing on weekends,
parasailing, glass bottom boating, on the submarine. When can we leave?"
 "Slow down now, you have two more weeks before summer starts. I have some phone calls
to make. I already put the house up for sale and we can get a small one suitable for us when
we get there. Now we have to cut down on lots of things, we don't have dad's income
 "Not a problem as long as we have you we will be okay. What will you do for a job though?'
 "That is what I need your help with. What do you think I should do?"
 "Mom, you aren't thinking. How many events have you planned in the last year alone?"
 "Oh how did you get so smart?"
 "I have your brains."
It was evening time when a gentleman poked his head in and said hello.
 "Hi, sorry we don't have anything left, you are a bit"
Inan was in the kitchen and when she was standing face to face with the stranger, she wished
the children weren't at home.
 "I'm not here for the sale; I'm here to talk to you about Brandt Deluna."
 "What has he done?"
 "What makes you think he has done anything?"
 "You look familiar, are you my dad's friend?"
 "A long time ago"
 "Your eyes are the same color as mine, how cool is that?"
 "Very cool I should say."
 "So are mine, wow"
 "How old are you sir?"
 "32."
 "Mom, look at him, not only is he good looking but he has the same color eyes as we do, he's
 Inan shrugged. She knew a lost battle when she saw one.

3.9 Irony
1. Brandt: “My IQ is 210”
Inan: “That explains a lot”
2. Graegori: "I'm 8, my sister is 6."
Brandt: "Oh you both are old to be pensioners." The children laughed
3. Marlon: “Call Goliath”
Brandt: “Jesus, do we need to call him, you know he‟s trigger happier than Annie
Oakley.”(He ironically answered his question; they were looking for a trigger happier)

3.10 Monologue
Inan left and went to the bathroom to wash the blood from her hands. She looked in the mirror
and asked herself if she could fulfill the promise to Allysha. “What will the other one want to
do? If we take the child home would it affect the children? Would Brandt still want the child we
were planning to have? If the child turned out to be Brandt‟s, would I be able to love the child as
I love the others?”

Brandt stood back he knew exactly what Inan was feeling.” If we took the child would it affect
our marriage and the children? Would Inan ask me not to take him?”

3.11 Rhyme / Poem not rhythm

3.12 Idiom
Pay off- to succeed after a hard work or to bribe, especially to deter oversight.
Rattle off- to list or recite quickly.
To keep a roof-
Close off- to seal or block the entrance to a road, an area or building so that people cannot
Turned out- changed became or happened, also the total number of people that show up to an
Odds and ends- miscellaneous things, small articles or bits
To call the figure- to call the highest one you can‟t afford.

Pick up- to lift, to grasp and rise
Scared to bone- petrified
A hostage for a ransom- kidnapping someone to threaten for a money.
Look for- to search, to see
To speak up- to talk more loudly or plainly
To pull strings- to use something or someone as an advantage.
To get through- to get done or to pass
Turn on- to depend upon; to pivot around, to have as a central subject.
To have a knock for something- to have a habit
To pull out / back/- by the book to withdraw; can also work for military forces; to retreat
To sort something out- to clarify by reviewing mentally
Open up- to talk with someone heart to heart
Cut the crap- to stop talking about the irrelevant things, to stop lying
To get something straight- to get something right
Turn away
Look something down- to see something as less
To run something- to owe and lead something
Set up- to ready something for a use.
Fix someone up- to help someone by providing
To live up to an expectation- to do things as how someone expects you to do.
To run out of something- to be out of something
Put on- used other than an idiom; see put on
Blow apart- to cause to get apart by blowing
Road trip
To pull the trigger- to put a gun on a position
Drop off- to fall asleep

3.13 Colloquial language

Damn right
Someone makes him their bitch
She turned to a bitch

4 Chapter Four
4.1 Conclusion
The book was impressive and full of lessons. I admire the author‟s writing, sentence structure
and the idiomatic words that were used in the story. I don‟t want to conclude without mentioning
the big lesson I learnt and thought people will learn from it too. In this case I want readers of this
research to take the same lesson I took from the book, which is the reason why I put it in the
conclusion as the biggest massage of this research taken from the book.
 The story gave a thoughtful massage by making two different families together in a way that
is hard to distinguish, which shows that albeit the characters confronted umpteen problems in
the beginning, it finally turned out and the entire thing was again putted on the perfect fit. It
made a point and came to the conclusion of giving an ethics that if all else fails, it‟s because
there was something wrong back from the drawing board and the whole story is meant to
start over. This was the biggest lesson and conclusion of the story, which I admire the most.

4.2 Recommendation
As a recommendation I am going to drop a little comment that I think will be persuasive as
an own perspective.
At the outset I would like to recommend that the book has some grammatical and spelling errors.
After finishing the book I‟ve had a sneaking suspicious. Nevertheless the book was all inclusive,
but little unrealistic. How it couldn‟t get more realistic is that an extremely bad situation had
happened in the family. My point is that I believe if the children showed some sudden facial
cues or sympathy of what just happened to them as a child, readers would have assumed it is
more realistic. Instead the 6 and 8 years old children‟s reaction to figuring out the man they used
to know as their dad wasn‟t their father at all is “And that‟s supposed to be a problem for us,
how?” said the 6 years old kid. And "I agree mom, with Dad gone you can be happy" replied the
8 years old kid. I believe those kinds of responses made it a bit unrealistic. At the same time
when another man arose out of nowhere and told them he is the real father, all they said was
"That means anything he signed as Brandt Deluna, is not only yours but you are responsible
for?" AND "So that means you are married to our mother" “Do you like our mother?” replied the

6 years old girl. If those kinds of reactions were to be corrected the book could have flown in a
more realistic path.
Another little unrealistic part was when Paedro pointed a gun on Graegori‟s head and thought of
shutting the child (who he has been calling him dad for nine years). After that scene (When the
gun is still in Graegori‟s head) a women named Allysha happened to conspire and run in front of
the child and was shot in the chest. I tried to create a possible scenario to this scene, although it
depends on how others did too, I came to the conclusion that it may have to require a bit
injection, but as a fiction book I can say it was all dramatic and impressive.
Another recommendation about Fire Dove and other books by Amaris is that none of the books
have followed a structure of writing a book. Such as Editor‟s name, first edition printed day,
publishing place and date, Table of content, introduction, Acknowledgment or any of those were
being followed on her books. The book also doesn‟t have personifications, metaphor, lyrics or
any kind of artistic ways of expressing things.
 By this conclusion I would like to recommend the author of the book to follow the structure
of an introduction on the books, to check and edit some grammar and spelling mistakes and
to come up with a convincing and believable idea when creating some scenarios.

4.3 Bibliography/ works cited

Ameris Ricci, 2014, Fire Dove

4.3.1 Reference
1) Technical Repot Writing and Research Methods 2018/2019 Mekelle university, EIT-M,
2) Concise Oxford Dictionary- Tenth Education, published by Oxford university
3) Oxford advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, Merriam Webster Dictionary,


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