A Tale of Two Cities (Darsenglizy.com موقع درس انجليزي)

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A Tale of Two Cities is a novel written by Charles
Dickens in 1959. It is about the French Revolution and its
relation with England. Charles Dickens may not be
accurate or fair as an English man judging the French
.revolution but he cleverly produces a great work of art
The French revolution was an uprising of the poor
common people against the aristocrats who represented
oppression and tyranny but when the poor took power,
they turned to be merciless beasts killing whoever was rich
no matter good or bad. The kingdom's prisons were
destroyed but new republican ones were built. Within the
waves of the blood and the dark clouds of hatred, the novel
was full of unforgettable love scenes to show that man's
heart can love.
Charles Dickens wonderfully links the events
between London and Paris as the story swings between
these two cities.

Character List

Doctor Alexander Manette

Doctor Manette is a French doctor who is secretly
imprisoned in the Bastille for 18 years and loses his
memory. He returns to life in his daughter's love and
care. He is well repaid for his suffering as he is treated
as a hero but he is badly repaid when his suffering is
used to kill his family. He relapses and turns back to be
a shoe maker.
Lucie Manette
Among the sufferers, Lucie paid a high price as she was
brought up as an orphan but when she knew that her
father was still alive but completely changed, she
suffered to bring him back to life. She suffered when her
husband was going to be killed and she suffered when
her good friend had to sacrifice himself to be killed
instead of her husband. Her father lost his mind again.
Charles Darnay
Darnay was a kind French aristocrat who hated his
family wrongness against the poor. He left his wealth to
the poor and worked as a teacher to earn his living but
he was sentenced to death because he was one of the
Evrémonde, the oppressors.

Sydney Carton
Carton was a lawyer who looked like Charles Darnay. He
was careless and hated his life because he was better
than others but he had a bad luck. He loved Lucie but
she loved Darnay. Carton sacrificed his life to save
Darnay for Lucie and her daughter.
Mr. Jarvis Lorry
He was an English banker who worked in Tellson bank
which had a branch in London and a branch in Paris.
He was a friend of Dr. Manette and he carried many
characters to safety.
Ernest Defarge
Defarge was one of the poor common people who worked
hard to see the revolution. He was a good Jacque but he
was narrow- minded.
Madame Thérèse Defarge
Madame Defarge was an extraordinary woman who
seemed to busy knitting and noticed nothing but she did
not miss anything. She was blinded by revenge so she
had a bad end.
Miss Pross
Miss Pross was an Englishwoman who looked after Lucie
as her own daughter. She loved and protected Lucie.

She was a self-denial person who gave love to all people
around her.
Jerry Cruncher
Cruncher was a messenger for Tellson's Bank and
accompanied Mr. Lorry.
Stryver was a lawyer and a selfish person. Caron was
his assistance who did all the work for Stryver but
Stryver got the money and fame.
Roger Cly
Cly was a spy for the government who told about people
for money.
John Barsad, or Solomon Pross
Barsad was a spy for the government who told about
people for money. Barsad was a spy for the English
government against people, a spy for the French
government against the Jacques and a spy for the
Jacques against the aristocrats. He was Miss Pross's
brother who stole her money and never asked about her.
Monsieur the Marquis
The Marquis St. Evrémonde was tyrant and an
oppressor who considered the poor farmers as his

property to have power over their life and death. He had
a bad end.
The Jacques
The Jacques were a group of people who hated the
government and wanted to make a revolution.
Théophile Gabelle
Gabelle was the tax collector for the Evrémondes. He
was a poor common man. He stayed in France after the
revolution at Darnay's request to help the poor people
but he was arrested and sentenced to death for being a
worker for an oppressor.
Gaspard was one of the poor farmers whose son was
killed under the wheels of the carriage of the Marques.
He killed the Marques and paid his life as a price.

Jarvis Lorry, an employee of Tellson's Bank, was
travelling from England to France to bring Dr. Alexandre
Manette to London. Mr. Lorry met 17-year-old Lucie
Manette at Dover, and revealed to her that her father,
Dr. Manette, was not dead, as she had been told. Her
father was a prisoner in the Bastille, for eighteen years.
Her mother lied to her because Dr. Manette went to an
unknown prison for an untold period or a known reason
and nobody knew whether he died or was still alive. Mr.
Lorry would travel with her to identify Dr. Manette as he
was his friend when Mr. Lorry was working at Tellson in
Lorry and Lucie arrived at Saint Antoine, a suburb
of Paris and met Monsieur Ernest and Madame Therese
Defarge. The Defarges had a wine shop. The Defarges
and many other common people were members in a
group called themselves "Jacques". They hated the
government and wanted to make a revolution.
Monsieur Defarge was Dr. Manette's servant before
Manette's imprisonment. He looked after Dr. Manette
after he went out of prison and hid him for Lucie and
Mr. Lorry to take him out of France. Because of his long
imprisonment, Dr. Manette greatly changed. He lost his

memory and turned to be a shoe maker. At first, he did
not recognize his daughter. He thought that she was the
guard's daughter and then he thought that she was his
wife because she looked like her. Lorry and Lucie then
took Dr. Manette, who insisted on taking his shoe
making tools, back to England.
Five years later, Dr. Manette who became better in
his daughter's love and care, Lucie and Mr. Lorry had to
attend a court as witness in a trial as Charles Darnay
whom they met on the ship from France to England, was
accused of being a spy for France against England.
Stryver, the lawyer, proved that Darnay was innocent.
Lucie and Darnay loved one another. Sydney
Carton, the lawyer's assistant also loved Lucie but she
loved him as a friend. He promised Lucie to sacrifice his
life to save her life or the life of anyone she loved.
Darnay became the new Marquis after his uncle
was killed but Darnay left all his wealth to the poor
farmers and did not take his new title. Darnay asked Dr.
Manette's permission to marry Lucie and wanted to tell
Dr. Manette about his family but Dr. Manette asked him
to keep his secrets until Lucie agreed. On the wedding
Darnay told Dr. Manette about his family. After the

wedding, Dr. Manette relapsed and worked on shoes. He
became better by Mr. Lorry and Miss Pross's help
The revolution broke out and the common poor
people destroyed the Bastille and freed the prisoners.
They arrested and killed the aristocrats they could
Darnay had a letter from Gabelle, the tax
collector, telling him that he was arrested and was going
to be killed because he was accused of working for an
aristocrat against the poor. Darnay travelled to France
to save Gabelle but he was arrested and was accused of
being an émigré and a traitor but he was saved by the
help of doctor who was a hero. Madam Defarge hated
Darnay and worked hard to bring him to the guillotine
to be killed.
Carton could replace Darnay in the prison to be
killed instead of Darnay to save him for Lucie and his
daughter. Miss Pross killed Madam Defarge to save
Lucie and Dr. Manette lost his memory. Mr. Lorry could
save Darnay, Lucie, little Lucie and Dr. Manette by
taking them to England out of France and out of danger.


Chapter 1
The shop of Monsieur Defarge

Saint Antointe was a poor dirty area in Paris. People

suffered hunger and shops had little food but there were
many shops selling weapons.

A barrel of wine fell and broke. People ran to drink the

wine from the ground mixed with mud. Gaspard, one of the
poor people, wrote "BLOOD" by the red wine. Defarge, the
wine shop owner, blamed him for writing it in public.

Madame Defarge was a calm woman who seemed to

be busy knitting all the time and noticed nothing but she
never missed anything. She used to give warning coughs
when there were strangers. She was talking to some
Jacques who were a group of people hating the
government and wanted to make a revolution. They were
talking about the poor common people of Saint Antoine
Who suffered from want and sickness. They did not know
the taste of wine but the taste of death and black bread.

Defarge took Mr. Lorry, an Englishman who was working

in Tellson Bank which had one branch in London and


another in Paris, and Lucie Manette to show them Dr.
Manette. Mr. Lorry was Dr. Manette's friend and could
identify him. Dr. Manette was thought to be dead many
years before. Lucie's mother told her that he died because
he suddenly and quietly disappeared but he was
imprisoned in La Bastille for an unknown reason and an
untold period. He had money in Tellson Bank so it was her
trustee and brought her Miss Pross, an English woman
who loved Lucie and brought her up as her own daughter
after Lucie's mother died. Defarge was Dr. Manette's old
servant before Dr. Manatte went to prison. Dr. Manette
was free now but greatly changed.

On the way to the doctor's room, Mr. Lorry blamed

Defarge instead of thanking him for keeping Dr. Manette
locked in his room but Defarge told him that Dr. Manette
did not feel safe if the door was unlocked because he lived
locked in his cell for a long time. Mr. Lorry blamed Defarge
for making a show of Dr. Manette as he saw some people
watching Dr. Manette from the door cracks but Defarge
told Mr. Lorry that looking at Dr. Manette would make the
people hate the government more and make their


Questions & Answers
1-It was the best of times. It was the worst of time.
Really it was the best of times for the king and the nobles
but it was the worst for the poor common people. They had
no food to eat and worked hard for nothing.
2-Why did the guard get their guns ready?
Because travel was not safe that time and people feared
robbers or a thieves so the guns were ready to shoot.
3-What was the message delivered by Jerry? What was
Mr. Jarvis Lorry’s answer?
The message was to wait at Dover for Lucie Manette at
Dover. Lorry sent the answer to the bank “Recalled to life.”
4-Who met Mr. Lorry? Why was Miss Pross upset?
Mr. Lorry met Lucie then he saw Miss Pross the lady who
cared for Lucie till she grew up.
5-What did the letter from Tellson’s bank tell Lucie?
The bank told Lucie that they discovered some property of
her dead father in Paris. She wanted to travel to Paris
under Mr. Lorry‟s protection so Jerry was sent to tell him.
Mr. Lorry was happy to meet Lucie.
6-What story did Mr. Lorry tell Lucie?
He told her he was a businessman with a doctor of
Bouvais. It was the story of Dr. Manette who had good


reputation in Paris and married an English lady. Mr. Lorry
brought the girl when she was two years old. She was
Lucie. The wife and Lucie were brought to England by Mr.
Lorry to save them because an enemy might catch their
father and cause troubles to them.
7-Where was the wine shop? Who owned it?
The wine shop was a corner shop which looked better than
the others in Saint Antoine in Paris. The wine shop was
owned by Mr. Defarge, a good and strongman who worked
8-Who were the new visitors for Mr. Defarge?
They were Mr. Jarvis Lorry and Lucie Manette, they came
to restore the old doctor after being released from the
9-Why did Dr. Manette and Lucie go to Saint Antoine?
They went to Defarge's wine shop to meet Defarge who hid
Dr. Manette after he went out of prison.
10-Who was Mrs. Defarge? Why did she cough?
She was a careful and watchful lady of the same age as her
husband. They worked together for the revolution.
When she coughed that meant there were strangers in the


11-What happened in Saint Antoine and gathered
people there? What was Mr. Defarge’s reaction?
When the cart of wine came, one cask of wine dropped on
the stoned ground and burst. All people, ladies, and
children left their work and activities and drank that dirty
wine from land. Even children were busy at licking red
wine. So Mr. Defarge putting his hands in pockets said he
wasn‟t responsible for that so the workers should bring
another cask for him.
12-What was the accident of the broken barrel?
A barrel of wine fell and broke. People ran and drank the
wine from the ground mixed with mud and one of the poor
people wrote 'BLOOD' on the wall. This accident shows
that those people were poor and did not know the taste of
13-What were the Jacques?
They were a group of common people who hated the
government and wanted to make the revolution.
14-Why did Mr. Lorry blame Defarge?
He blamed Defarge for locking Dr. Manette and blamed
Defarge of letting some people watch Dr. Manette from the
door cracks.


15-How did Defarge defend himself in front of Mr.
Defarge told Mr. Lorry that Dr. Manette did not feel safe if
the door was unlocked because he had been locked in his
cell for eighteen years and told Mr. Lorry that he let some
people watch Dr. Manette to know what happened to him
and that would make people hate the government more
and make their revolution.
16-“I am going to see his ghost, not him!”
This sentence was said by Lucie to Mr. Lorry then she
fainted. Mr. Lorry asked for help. He was shocked as he
was pushed away back by Miss. Pross, a wild looking
woman who brought Lucie up. Mr. Lorry believed she was
a man at first sight. Lucie was surprised to know that her
father whom she thought was dead was still alive but
greatly changed.
17-“He is greatly changed?” comment.
This question is asked by Mr. Lorry to Mr. Defarge about
Dr. Mannette if he had changed much because he wasn‟t
seen for 18 years or more.
18-“The door is locked, my friend?”
This question was asked by Mr. Lorry to Mr. Defarge as he
had pity for Dr. Manette being locked so Mr. Defarge was
afraid to let the door open so as Dr. Manette let himself die


or end his life as he lost his health. Dr. Manette did not
feel safe if the door was not locked because he was locked
for 18 years.

Answer the following questions

1- Give a brief account on:
a- Saint Antoine b- Madame Defarge
c- Defarge d- The Jacques
e- Miss Pross f- Mr. Lorry
2- What was the accident of the broken barrel? What did it
3- Why did Lucie's mother lie to her?
4- How did Lucie have a hard childhood?
5- Why did Mr. Lorry go with Lucie to bring Dr. Manette?
6- Instead of thanking Defarge, Mr. Lorry blamed him
twice. Explain.
Comment on the following questions
7- " It isn't often that these miserable creatures know the
taste of wine."/ "Such poor cattle always have a bitter taste
in their mouths. They lead a hard life."
8-" Do you keep his door locked?"
9- "He has lived so long locked up that he would be
frightened if the door was left open."
10- "I show him to a few, to these the sight is likely to do



Chapter 2
The Shoe Maker

The long imprisonment affected Dr. Manette

badly. He became very old and weak. He lost his memory
and could only remember his name as One Hundred and
Five North Tower, the number of his cell in La Bastille. He
changed from a doctor to be a shoe maker. He did not
realize that he went out of prison. He thought that Lucie
was the guard's daughter.
When Dr. Manette saw Lucie's hair he was
surprised as his wife had the same hair. He kept some
pieces of hair in a piece of cloth round his neck. He
remembered the day he was taken to prison; his wife laid
her head on his shoulder. He found those pieces of hair on
his shoulder and kept them all those years
Lucie asked Mr. Lorry if her father was fit for the
journey to England. He told her that it was safer for Dr.
Manette to go out of France as he might still have enemies
there. She asked Mr. Lorry to bring them a carriage. Dr.
Manette slept in Lucie's arm peacefully as a child. They
drove out of France, out of danger while Madame Defarge
was watching them but seemed as if she was busy knitting
and noticed nothing.


Questions & Answers
1-What was the name told by Dr. Manette?
One hundred and five, north towers was the name of Dr.
Manette as it was the number of his cell in the Bastille and
he was called that name for 18 years that he forgot his real
2-What was Dr. Manette's profession in his
He became a shoe maker.
3-What did Dr. Manette think of Lucie when he saw her
for the first time?
He thought that she was the daughter of the jailer.
4-What did Lucie's' hair remind Dr. Manette of?
It reminded him of the hair of his wife because she had the
same hair. It reminded him of the day he was taken to
prison when he found pieces of hair on his jacket as his
wife laid her head on his shoulder. Dr. Manette kept those
pieces of hair in a bundle. An officer wanted him to remove
that bundle but Dr. Manette insisted on putting it round
his neck as it helped his soul to get out of prison.
5-Why did Defarge want Mr. Lorry and Lucie to take Dr.
Manette out of France?
Because France was dangerous for Dr. Manette as he still
had enemies and might send him back to Prison.


6-What did Dr. Manette insist on taking on his journey
from France to England?
He insisted on taking his tool making shoes.
7-How did Lucie, Lorry and Mannette go out of Paris?
With the help of Mr. Defarge who finished papers, brought
food, drink, and coats for travelling. He accompanied them
to barrier where officers are watching papers of travellers.
They drove for London under the protection of the heaven.
8- "You are not a shoemaker by trade?"
Mr. Lorry said that to Dr. Manette when Mr. Lorry and
Lucie went to Saint Antoine to get Dr. Manette after he
went out of prison. Dr. Manette greatly changed as he
thought of his name as 'One Hundred and Five North
Tower', he changed from a doctor to a shoe maker.
9- "You are not the jailer's daughter?"
Dr. Manette said that to Lucie when Mr. Lorry and Lucie
went to Saint Antoine to get Dr. Manette after he went out
of prison. Dr. Manette greatly changed as he thought of his
name as 'One Hundred and Five North Tower', he changed
from a doctor to a shoe maker. He did not feel the world
around him as he thought he was still in prison and that
Lucie was the daughter of the prisoner.


10- “She put her hand on my shoulder, that night when
I was called away- she was afraid for me, though I was
not. No, no, you are too young. It can’t be. She was-
before the slow years of the north-tower ages ago.”
These words were said by Dr. Manette to his daughter
Lucie Manette when she and Mr. Lorry and Mr. Defarge
visited Dr. Manette on the fifth floor to get him back to
Dr. Manette lost all his memories but when he saw his
daughter with her golden curls of her hair, he remembered
his wife. She was like his daughter, the same hair and the
same face. He couldn‟t believe that he was out of the
prison and it was difficult for him to know that Lucie was
his daughter. She wanted to stay longer with her father
who began to feel her emotions, but Mr. Lorry and Defarge
decided to finish papers for travelling to England.

Answer the following questions

1-How did the long imprisonment affect Dr. Manette?
2-In Defarges room, Dr. Manette felt he was still in prison?
3-What was the name Dr. Manette had in the Bastille?
Why did Dr. Manette hold it?


Comment on the following
1-" One Hundred and Five North Tower"
2-"Are you the prison guard's daughter?"
3-"It's the same. But how it could be? She laid her head
upon my shoulder the night I was called out."
4-"Thank God your long sorrow is over."
5-"Fitter for the journey than to remain in this city."



Chapter 3
The Trail

Five years later, Mr. Lorry, Dr. Manette and Lucie

had to go to the court house, old Bailey, as witnesses in a
treason case as Charles Darnay, a Frenchman, was
accused of being a spy for France against England.
Charles Darnay used to travel a lot between
England and France but John Barsad, who said he was his
friend, suspected him so he informed against him. His
servant, Roger Cly, found lists of the English armies and
their positions in Darnay's room and in his pockets and
the prisoner showed them to a Frenchman.
Stryver, Darnay's lawyer, cross-examined Barsad
and Cly and proved that they were distrusted people as
they went to prison before and they worked as spies for the
government to tell against people for money and the lists
were not in Darnay's handwriting.
Mr. Lorry and Dr. Manette's testimonies were not
important as Mr. Lorry said that he saw Darnay on the
ship but Mr. Lorry was sleeping the entire journey and Dr.
Manette could not remember anything. Lucie was sorry to
testify against Darnay as he was kind to her and to her
sick father on the ship. She said she saw Darnay exchange


papers with some French people on the ship but she did
not see what was on the papers. Darnay told her that he
traveled between England and France in secret business
under a false name. He also told her that England was
wrong in its war in America.
A witness said that he saw Darnay in a hotel near an
English camp. Sydney Carton, the lawyer's assistant, who
seemed to be careless and looked at the ceiling all the time
gave Stryver a piece of paper that he looked exactly like
Darnay. The lawyer showed the court the likeness between
Darnay and Carton which made the people suspected their
own eyes if the witness saw Darnay, Carton or a third
person who looked like them in the hotel near the English
Although Carton was untidy and seemed to be
careless as he was looking at the ceiling all the time, he
noticed that Lucie was going to faint and asked the officer
next her to help her. Darnay was announced to be

Questions & Answers

1-What was Tellson’s bank?
Tellson‟s bank was a company in one of the oldest and
dirtiest places in London so they said if young men went


into Tellson‟s and hid him to be old then he took the flavor
of Tellson‟s. It‟s a small dark and busy place people work
there seriously. It had another branch in Paris.
2-What was the accusation imposed on Darnay?
The accusation of treason as Charles Darnay used to move
from and to England to tell the French king of the forces
the English king prepared to send to Canada and North
America, so he was arrested in London.
3-Who defended Charles Darnay?
The famous lawyer, Mr. Stryver and another lawyer who
was interested in looking at the ceiling of the court, he was
Mr. Sydney Carton, the miserable lawyer.
4-What did Barsad say as a witness against Darnay?
How was it proved to be false?
Barsad said that he was a friend of Darnay's but he
suspected Darnay because Darnay used to travel a lot
between France and England so he asked Cly, Darnay's
servant, to search his master's pocket .They discovered
some lists of names of forces and their positions which
were in the prisoner‟s pockets. But the lawyer asked him
some questions which proved the witness was not honest,
and was not a friend of Darnay's and Barsad went to
prison and was an old spy who told against people for


5-Who was the second witness? How was he proved to
The second witness was Robert Cly who worked, as a
servant, for the prisoner for four years ago. He found a list
of the troops in the pocket of his master. Stryver, the
lawyer, proved that Cly was a friend of Barsad's and he
was also a spy who worked for the government to tell about
the people for money, he was a thief who went to prison for
a theft and he did not have the right to search his master's
6-How were the testimonies of Dr. Manette and Mr.
Lorry not useful?
Dr. Manette told them he was unable to tell anything
happened on the boat as he was very ill and could not
remember anything. Mr. Lorry said that he was sleeping
the entire journey.
7-How was Lucie's testimony against Darnay?
She said that Darnay told her that he used to travel a lot
between England and France under different names. She
also said that she saw Darnay exchanging papers with
some of the people on the ship.
8-Why was Lucie sorry to testify against Darnay?
Darnay was kind and helped her and her father on the
ship but her testimony might do him harm.


9-How did Mr. Stryver smash the last witness
When the witness said he saw a man like the prisoner
waiting in a hotel at night near an English camp. Stryver
proved to the court that his assistant Sydney Carton
looked exactly like Darnay which made the people suspect
their eyes and were not sure whether the witness saw
Darnay, Carton or a third person who might look like
10-How did Carton prove he was clever in the court?
Carton looked careless and looked at the ceiling all the
time but he noticed that he looked exactly like Darnay
which made the witness who said that he saw Darnay near
an English camp suspect his eyes whether he Carton,
Darnay or somebody else. Carton was the first person to
notice that Lucie was about to faint.
11- Why did Lucie faint in Old Bailey?
She was sorry to testify against Darnay because he was
kind and helped her and her father on the ship but her
testimony might do him harm.


Comment on the following
12- “The prisoner was as opening his conversation with
me as he was kind and good and useful to my father. I
hope, I may not repay him by doing him harm today.”
These words were said by Lucie Manette to the attorney-
general when she was asked if she met Charles Darnay or
not. She told the court that Charles was a kind, good and
useful man as he advised her and told her how to look
after her father to keep him well away from the wind. She
hoped not to cause Charles any harm or hurt by her
13- “Officer! Look after that young lady; Help the
gentleman to take care of her. Don’t you see she will
These words were said by that lawyer interested in the
ceiling of the court, Mr. Carton as he was the first man to
notice that. He was sad as he saw Lucie fell on the ground
and went out to ask Mr. Lorry about her Lucie after going
out of the court. Then Carton went back to tell Charles
Darnay that Lucie would be better soon.

Answer the following questions

1-Why did Mr. Lorry, Dr. Manette and Lucie have to go to
Old Bailey?
2-What was Darnay accused of in England?


3-How were some testimonies unimportant in Old Bailey?
4-Why was Lucie sorry to testify against Darnay?
5-How did Lucie unintentionally harm Darnay at Old
6-How was the evidence against Darnay in England
7-How was Darnay saved in Old Bailey?
8-In spite of looking careless Darnay proved to alert at Old
Bailey. Explain.
9-"Do you expect to be paid for giving evidence?"
10-"I might not repay him by doing him harm today."
11-"Another man, just like him, might chance to be in that
12-"Don't you see that she will fall?"



Chapter 4
Sydney Carton

After the court everybody congratulated Darnay for

being saved. He thanked Stryver for saving his life and
honour from that false but dangerous accusation. Dr.
Manette looked frightened on looking at Darnay‟s face as if
he remembered a terrible thing and looked very ill.
Carton was left alone with Darnay who thanked him
for saving his life but Carton turned against Darnay and
talked to him in an unfriendly way. He told Darnay that he
hated his life and wished he did not belong to the world as
it had nothing good for him nor he was good for the world.
Carton told Darnay that Lucie pitied him and cried for him
and Carton wished to lose his life to make Lucie pity him.
Carton turned against Carton because both looked
alike in appearance but Darnay had a better life with
people around him but Carton cared for no one nor anyone
cared for him. Carton was always jealous of Darnay as he
felt Lucie loved him while Carton was attracted by her but
she did not feel him.
Carton went to Stryver‟s office where he worked
with Stryver. Carton was in a very bad mood that he
attacked Stryver when Stryver told him that Carton was


good at the questions he prepared which defeated the
witness and saved Darnay‟s life. Carton told Stryver that
he had always been better than the other since he was at
school. He did the homework for the other students and
did not do his. He helped stryver and did all the work for
him but Stryver was always in front while Carton was at
the shade where nobody could see. Stryver accused Carton
that he had no energy or aim to be good. but the fact
Stryver exploited Carton‟s poverty by paying for him to
work at his office to get the most money and fame while
Carton got nothing. Stryver talked to Darnay about Lucie
showing Carton‟s attraction to her beauty but Carton told
him that he did not care.

Questions and Answers

1-Inspite of saving Darnay's life, Carton was not
noticed. Explain
Carton worked hard to save Darnay's life. He prepared the
questions for Stryver and proved that the testimonies were
not valid. He showed the court that he looked exactly like
Darnay and that made the court suspect the witness's
answer that Darnay was near the English camp, but after
the trial everybody congratulated Stryver and did not
notice Carton who was in the shade.


2-Who accompanied Charles Darnay? Where did they
After not being guilty, Darnay found himself alone like
Carton so they went to a tavern where they dined and
drank wine. They talked much about life and love of Lucie.
3-Mr Stryver seems to be the lion but Carton seems to
be the jackal. Explain.
Carton seemed to be lazy and careless but he was very
clever and better than anyone else. He prepared the
questions for Stryver to defeat the witnesses but Stryver
was selfish and greedy. He took the money and the fame
leaving Carton in the shade where nobody noticed him.
4-How were Darnay and Carton different?
Darnay was careful and decent. Many people were
interested in him and worried about him. He loved life and
was happy to be saved and to belong to the world. He
always had a hope in life while Carton was careless and
did not like life as he was lonely. He cared for no one and
no one cared for him. He wished he did not belong to the
5-Carton had reasons to be careless and hopeless.
Carton was a clever person who felt that he was better
than others but he had a bad luck. He was also strange as


he was sometimes happy and felt high and sometimes sad
and felt down. When he was young he did the homework of
the other boys and did not do his. He studied law with
Stryver in Paris and he was far better than Stryver and
helped Stryver with his lessons, but because Stryver was
rich while Carton was poor, Stryver exploited Carton's
poverty making Carton work for him. Stryver got the
money and fame while Stryver was in the shade where
nobody recognized him. He looked exactly like Darnay and
saved Darnay's life but Darnay had a better respectable life
while Carton had nothing. Even in the court, Carton felt
that he was attracted to Lucie Manette but Lucie seemed to
be attracted to Darnay and cried for him.
6-“For myself, my great desire is to forget that I belong
to it. The world has no good for me, I am of no good to
the world.”
Carton said that to Darnay after the court as Darnay was
saved. Carton was sad and hopeless because Carton was a
clever person who felt that he was better than others but
he had a bad luck. He was also strange as he was
sometimes happy and felt high and sometimes sad and felt
down. When he was young he did the homework of the
other boys and did not do his. He studied law with Stryver
in Paris and he was far better than Stryver and helped


Stryver with his lessons, but because Stryver was rich
while Carton was poor, Stryver exploited Carton's poverty
making Carton work for him. Stryver got the money and
fame while Stryver was in the shade where nobody
recognized him. He looked exactly like Darnay and saved
Darnay's life but Darnay had a better respectable life while
Carton had nothing. Even in the court, Carton felt that he
was attracted to Lucie Manette but Lucie seemed to be
attracted to Darnay and cried for him.
7-“Partly because you pay me to help you but you were
far in front and I was always far behind.”
Carton said that to Stryver when Carton turned against
him. Stryver always wanted to show Carton that Carton
was less than Stryver but Carton was a clever person who
felt that he was better than others but he had a bad luck.
He studied law with Stryver in Paris and he was far better
than Stryver and helped Stryver with his lessons, but
because Stryver was rich while Carton was poor, Stryver
exploited Carton's poverty making Carton work for him.
Stryver got the money and fame while Stryver was in the
shade where nobody recognized him.


8-“You have fallen into your right place and I have
fallen into mine.”
Stryver said that to Carton. Stryver was always envious of
Carton and wanted to prove to Carton that he was a great
successful man and better than Carton although Carton
studied law with Stryver in Paris and he was far better
than Stryver and helped Stryver with his lesson, but
because Stryver was rich while Carton was poor, Stryver
exploited Carton's poverty making Carton work for him.
Stryver got the money and fame while Stryver was in the
shade where nobody recognized him.

Answer the following questions

1- In spite of being alike, Carton and Darnay were
different. Explain
2- Why did carton turn against Darnay?
3- Why did Carton turn against Stryver?
4- “It was a terrible, false charge against you but a
dangerous one.”
5- “Do you feel that you belong to the world again?” /
“For myself, my great desire is to forget that I belong
to it. The world has no good for me, I am of no good to
the world.” / “What does it feel like to be pitied by
such a fair young woman? She did pity you and cry


over you; I saw it myself.” / “ I neither want you
thanks nor deserve them. Do you think I like you?”
6- “You acted as if you like me, but I don‟t think you do.”
7- “You prepared today‟s case very well. Every question
had its effect. You completely defeated those
8- “The same bad person with the same bad luck. Even
when I was at school I did the exercises for the other
boys instead of doing mine.”/ “Partly because you pay
me to help you but you were far in front and I was
always far behind.”/ “You were always somewhere and
I was always nowhere.”
9- “There is never energy or purpose in your effort.”/
“You have fallen into your right place and I have fallen
into mine.”



Chapter 5
Dr. Manette in London

Mr. Lorry visited Dr. Manette at home. He met Miss

Pross who he admired for her sincere love and care for
Lucie and Dr. Manette. She was a self denial woman who
wanted everyone around her to be happy no matter how
tired she was and she was far better than many ladies who
used to come to Tellson‟s bank.
Mr. Lorry knew that Dr. Manette still kept the shoe
making tools which were suffering reminder. Miss Pross
told him that he kept them because he was afraid to lose
his memory again; he wanted something to do then. She
told Mr. Lorry that Dr. Manette sometimes relapsed and
walked his room up and down restlessly. Lucie used to
walk beside him not to feel that he was alone and did not
talk to him until he became well again.
Mr. Lorry had dinner with Dr. Manette and Lucie.
Darnay came to see Dr. Manette. During their
conversation, Darnay told them of a story of an old man,
Darnay heard while he was in prison as that old man wrote
the „Dig‟ in his cell. When they dug the floor after his
death, they found remains of a leather bag and ashes of
some paper. That story affected Dr. Manette so much that


he was about to faint as it reminded him of himself when
he was in prison. Carton came to visit Dr. Manette too.
There was a coming storm.

Questions and Answers

1-What job did Dr Manette do in London?
Dr Manette worked as a doctor and practised his old
scientific experiments so he regained his reputation and
earned much money as he desired.
2-Inspite of being a servant, Miss Pross was not less
than any fine ladies. Illustrate
Miss Pross was a kind self-denial woman who gave love
and happiness to all people around her. She loved Lucie
and brought her as her own daughter. She loved Dr.
Manette and looked after him. She never knew hatred as
she always loved her brother who stole her money and
never asked about her.

3-Why did Dr. Manette keep the shoe making tools?

The shoe making tools were Dr. Manette's only friends in
his cell for 18 years. Dr. Manette kept them because he
was afraid to lose his memory once more so he wanted to
find something to do.


4-What did Dr. Manette do when he relapsed? How did
Lucie help him?
Dr. Manette sometimes relapsed and walked his room up
and down restlessly. Lucie used to walk beside him not to
feel that he was alone and did not talk to him until he
became well again.
5-What was the echo in Dr. Manette's house?
At one corner in one of the rooms at Dr. Manette's house a
sound of echoes of footsteps was heard. The writer might
use that echo as a symbol to represent the idea that new
people were going to join that family and that referred to
Darnay who was going to marry Lucie. The writer might
use that echo to represent the footsteps of people in France
who were moving toward their revolution.
6-How did the writer symbolize the storm?
It represented the French revolution which was certainly
7-How did Darnay unintentionally hurt Dr. Manette?
Darnay told Dr. Manette of a story of an old man, Darnay
heard while he was in prison as that old man wrote the
„Dig‟ in his cell. When they dug the floor after his death,
they found remains of a leather bag and ashes of some
paper. That story affected Dr. Manette so much that he


was about to faint as it reminded him of himself when he
was in prison.
8- “I wonder, that he keeps that reminder of his
These words were said by Mr. Lorry when he saw the tools
of making shoes in Dr. Manette‟s bedroom and was very
surprised to see that box there. When Miss Pross appeared
suddenly, she told him not to wonder of anything. They
began talking about Lucie and Dr Mannette.
9-“Is it not impressive, sometimes I have sat here at an
evening and imagined those echoes to be the echoes of
all the footsteps that are coming sooner or later into
our lives.”
These words were said by Lucie to Mr. Darnay when they
spent the night looking at the rain and seeing people
running everywhere in the street looking for shelter from
the heavy rain. Lucie imagined new people joined her
family in future. So did Carton who expected to have more
people join him. I think these echoing refer to footsteps
everywhere even in France, the footsteps of the revolution
in France inform the rain about its birth soon.


10-“Nothing to be done with it …” ”Touch that subject
and he instantly changes for the worse.”
These words were said by Miss Pross about Dr Manette
that he had a bad shut memory as he once got up at night
and moved so his daughter Lucie walked up and down till
he rested. She could comfort him.
11- “.. let me ask you, does the doctor, in talking with
Lucie, even refer to the shoemaking time?”
This question was said by Mr. Lorry to Miss Pross when he
visited the lodgings of Dr Manette near Soho square, Mr.
Lorry wondered if Dr Manette told Miss Pross or his
daughter about the cause of his imprisonment. Miss Pross
denied knowing any information about that matter.

Answer the following questions

1- Why did Dr. Manette keep his old suffering reminder?
2- How did Mr. Lorry think of Miss Pross?
3- How did Dr. Manette sometimes relapse? How did
Lucie help him?
4- How did Darnay unintentionally hurt Dr. Manette?
5- “He keeps anything to remind him of his suffering.”
6- “Under a stone, were found the ashes of some paper
and remains of a leather bag.”



Chapter 6
The accident in Paris

The Marquis of Evrémonde ordered the carter to

drive his carriage very fast through the narrow streets of
Saint Antoine. People ran like rats for their lives in front of
the carriage but the wheels passed over a little child killing
him. The Marquis was annoyed as the father of the child
was crying loudly over his killed son. People were watching
but afraid to show their anger at the Marquis who threw a
gold coin at the father of the killed child and blamed the
people for being in the way of the carriage and the horse
could be harmed. Defarge asked Gaspard, the father of the
child, to be brave as his son was lucky to die in a moment
without pain but he would have live through pain. The
Marquis liked Defarge‟s words and threw a coin at him but
Defarge threw the coin back at him. The Marquis got angry
and threatened to ride over the people.
The Marquis drove through the village to his
castle. It was a very poor village where there were no dogs.
The villagers were made poor by the so many taxes they
had to pay. They had to pay taxes for the church, taxes for
the land, local taxes and general taxes.


The road mender ran to the Marquis to tell him that
he saw a tall man hanging at the back of the carriage. The
Marquis told Gabelle, the tax and rent collector, to find the
tall man. The Marquis told his servants that he was
expecting his nephew to come.
Questions & Answers
1-Write a brief account on the Marquis.
He was Monsieur Evrémonde, one of the rich aristocrats
who lived highly and considered people as rats with no
rights. His face was plainly like glass and his mouth and
hair lined as he hoped to be. He lived in a big place called
chateau. Once he killed a boy in Saint Antonio square as
he ran with his cart with no care for anybody on earth. He
killed Gaspard‟s son and imagined he could pay for him,
but lately he lost his life for his mistake. Gaspard followed
him into his chateau and killed him in his bed leaving a
message on his body saying “Move him quickly, to his
tomb.” From Jacques.
2-What was the accident of the killed child? What did
it show?
The Marquis of Evrémonde ordered the carter to drive his
carriage very fast through the narrow streets of Saint
Antoine. People ran like rats for their lives in front of the
carriage but the wheels passed over a little child killing


him. The Marquis was annoyed as the father of the child
was crying loudly over his killed son. People were watching
but afraid to show their anger at the Marquis who threw a
gold coin at the father of the killed child and blamed the
people for being in the way of the carriage and the horse
could be harmed. This accident showed that the Marquis
was heartless and cruel. He considered people less than
animals as he was worried about his horses not about the
killed child. People were too coward to show their anger to
the Marquis. People hated their life and preferred death.
3-Why did the marquis stop after the killed child's
accident? Where?
The marquis stopped his wheels to change or fix the drag
of the wheel in a very poor village. These poor people eat
onions for dinner. They either sat at their doors or crash
grass and leaves with water trying to get anything to eat.
4-What made the village poorer?
Taxes on the people of the village made them poor as there
were many taxes such as taxes for the state or for the
church, for the lord, the local tax and the general tax. All
taxes had to be paid. The taxes swallowed al the villages
and dried them.


5-Why did the marquis ask his man to bring the Road
As the marquis passed by him on his way to the village
and asked him what he had done in the village, the Road
repairer answered that he came to warn the marquis
against a man swinging under the carriage.
6-Who was Gabelle?
Gabelle was a post master, a tax collector and an officer,
too. He was ordered by the marquis to put the road
repairer aside till he could find that tall and frightening
man who hid under the carriage.
7-Who was the marquis waiting?
The marquis was waiting Charles Darnay to meet him at
dinner but he came late, both of them talked about their
opinion and how Charles hated being one of the
Evremonde family. The Marquis asked him how he became
with his new love and what was about Dr Mannette. He
told Charles to live on his new philosophy as believed.
8-“Why does he make that terrible noise? Is it his
child?” Comment.
These questions were asked by the Marquis when his cart
hit the boy and when he heard someone crying “Dead and
killed”. The marquis dealt with the matter easily as if he
had killed an animal. This behaviour made people angry


but no one could say a word. He got a coin to be for the
father of the boy thinking it was enough to compensate
that sad father.
9-“It’s extraordinary to me that you people cannot
take care of yourslaves and your children. One or the
other of you is forever in the way. How do I know what
injury you have done my horses? See! Give him that.”
These words were said by the marquis to people in Saint
Antoine square near the fountain where Gaspard‟s son was
hit by the cart. The marquis blamed the people for being
lazy and careless. They couldn‟t be careful and hurt his
horses. He threw a gold coin for the driver to be given to
Gaspard who cried “Dead” till his friend Defarge came to
comfort him.
10-“I know all, I know all. Be a brave man, my Gaspard!
It’s better for the little thing to die so, than to live”.
These words were said by Mr. Defarge who came fast to see
the event, he tried to comfort Gaspard to be brave. The
marquis was interested in his way of speech; he called
Defarge a philosopher and threw a gold coin for him. When
the marquis got ready to leave, the coins were thrown back
into his cart which angered him to stop calling them dogs
but no one said a word as he threatened to crush him


under the wheels and he could do that freely. Defarge
considered Sebastian, to be lucky to die in a moment
without pain because he would live in such a life which
was full of pain. It shows that life was so bad that people
preferred death.

Answer the following questions

1-What was the accident of the killed child? What did it
2-What were the taxes the villagers had to pay?
3-What did the road mender tell the Marquis?
4-What was Gabelle?
5-“Why is he making such a terrible noise?”
6-“How do I know that you have harmed the horses”
7-“He died in a moment, without pain. Could he have lived
without pain?”



Chapter 7
Darnay and his uncle the Marquis

The Marquis of Evrémonde met his nephew Charles

Darnay coldly. Darnay suspected that his uncle could be
behind his imprisonment in England but his uncle denied
and told him that he would put him to prison if he could to
save the family‟s name. Darnay told him that their name
was the most hated in France as they treated people badly.
He also hated their wealth as it was collected out of
people‟s blood, hunger and misery. He only came to France
to obey his mother‟s last wish to help the poor farmers and
correct the wrongs, his father and uncle did. He would give
that wealth to the poor when he had it after his uncle‟s
death. His uncle told him that they in the past used to
control the life and the death of the common people but
now they were questioned if the killed a villager and
Darnay stained the family‟s name by living and working in
England but Darnay told him that he used the family name
of his mother‟s in England.
Darnay left in the early morning but the Marquis
was found killed in his bed by a knife with a note “Drive
him fast to his grave. This is from the Jacques.”


Questions & Answers
1-How was Darnay different from his father and his
Darnay was a kind decent person who hated the
oppression and the injustice of his father and uncle
against the poor people. He thought that his family's name
was the most hated in France because of their cruelty. He
hated their wealth because it was collected out of the poor
people's blood and misery. He wished to give it to the poor
when he became a marquis. He left his wealth to the poor
people and earned his living by teaching the French
language in London. He lived in London using his mother's
family name 'Darnay' but he came to France to obey his
mother's last wish to correct the wrong his father and
uncle did.
2-What was the Marquis Evrémonde's end? Did he
deserve it?
The Marquis was found killed in his bed by a knife with a
note “Drive him fast to his grave. This is from the
Jacques.” It was a bad end but the Marquis deserved it
because he was a cruel man who considered people as his
property and less than animals and he controlled their
lives and deaths. He was not sorry for killing a young child
under the feet of his horses.


3-“I would abandon it and live in a different way in a
different place. It’s not much to give up. What is it but.
Wilderness of misery and ruin?” / 'Sir, we have done
wrong and are reaping the fruits of our wrongs."
These words were said by Charles Darnay in the
chateau where he lived and enjoyed his life. Charles
told his uncle that he didn‟t need his property and no
need for France, too. Charles decided to give them up to
stay in London as he hated his family which got him all
trouble because of its oppression for people everywhere.
4-“Drive him fast to his tomb. This from Jacques.”
It was the message written on a scrap of paper round the
hand of the knife which killed the marquis by Gaspard.
Gaspard gave the marquis a lesson ended his life with. He
asked all people to take him fast to bury him as he ran fast
and killed his son mercilessly.

Answer the following questions

1- In spite of being of the Evrémonde, Darnay was
different. Explain
2- How did Darnay show his love to his dead mother?
3- What was the Marquis‟ end? Did he deserve it?


4- “I wonder if you were responsible for the situation I
found myself in”
5- “For the honour of the family, I would even do that.”
/“Our father‟s had the power of life and death over the
surrounding people.”
6- “It is built on misery and ruin. It is a tower of waste.”/
“The family name cannot suffer from me, since I do not
bear it there.”
7- “Drive him fast to his grave.”



Chapter 8
Darnay speaks of love

Darnay talked to Dr. Manette about his love to Lucie.

He did not talk or write to Lucie about his love. He loved
Lucie long time before but he did not talk about his love
because Dr. Manette was ill and needed her more. He did
not want to separate between Lucie and her father because
her father was all her family and Lucie was everything that
her father had. Darnay wanted to join them and share
their luck.
Darnay and Dr. Manette had many things in
common as both were French but they had to leave France
and live in England. They both went to prison. They both
worked to earn their living. They both loved Lucie.
Darnay wanted to tell Dr. Manette the secret of his
family name but Dr. Manette asked him to wait for Lucie to
agree for his marriage and Darnay would tell Dr. Manette
his secrets on the wedding day.
Darnay unintentionally hurt Dr. Manette as he told
him that he loved his wife before and knew the meaning of
love so Darnay asked Dr. Manette to let his old love defend
Darnay. He reminded him of his wife. Dr. Manette relapsed
that night.


Questions & Answers
1-What was Charles new job in London?
Charles worked as a teacher of French and was very
known and in demand. He also worked in the field of
translation to and from French in Cambridge till he
became well-known for his cleverness and creativity.
2-How was Darnay a real gentleman in his love to
Darnay talked to Dr. Manette about his love to Lucie. He
did not talk or write to Lucie about his love. He loved Lucie
long time before but he did not talk about his love because
Dr. Manette was ill and needed her more. He did not want
to separate between Lucie and her father because her
father was all her family and Lucie was everything that her
father had. Darnay wanted to join them and share their
luck. He asked Dr. Manette not to talk in the favour of
Darnay not affect Lucie's decision
3-How did Dr. Manette react to Darnay's proposal?
Dr. Manette was a real kind father who really wanted his
daughter's happiness. He needed her so much and she was
all the family he had but he could not stand in the way of
her desire. He also respected and loved Charles Darnay.


4-How did Darnay remind Dr. Manette of his wife?
What was the result?
Darnay told Dr. Manette that Darnay truly loved Lucie and
asked Dr. Manette to excuse him about that revelation
because Dr. Manette once tried love as he loved his wife so
his old love would forgive Darnay. Dr. Manette got hurt
very much that he relapsed that night.
5-Dr. Manette and Darnay had many things in
common. Explain
They were both French but had to leave France and live in
England for different reasons, they both went to prison,
they both worked to earn their living and they both loved
6-There was a secret to be told, but it was postponed
by the doctor to the wedding day?
Charles Darnay wanted to tell Dr Manette his real name
and why he had been in London but the doctor refused
listening to Darnay. Dr Manette told Darnay if he married
Lucie so he would tell him about real name on the morning
of the wedding. Then Dr Manette asked Charles to go
before Lucie came. It was better not see Charles with her
father at the time.


7-Why was Lucie shocked after Darnay's visit to Dr.
Manette? How was her reaction?
When Lucie came, it was dark and she didn‟t find her
father in his chair as usual. She heard a sound of
hammering in his room. She cried not knowing what to do
then she knocked on the door calling her father who went
to her then both of them walked up and down.
As Lucie was very kind, she looked after her father and
saw him in bed at night sleeping, heartily. It was a bad
experience for Lucie but she worked it out.
8- “But don’t believe that if I am fortunate enough to
one day make her my smile, it would cause any
separation her and you.”
These words were said by Charles Darnay to Dr Manette
when Dr Manette told him that he trusted his love to Lucie.
Charles promised Dr Manette that if he married Lucie so
he would never cause any separation between Lucie and
her father but gather them together.
Darnay expressed being an exile from France as Dr
Mannette was before and proved himself in London so he
was worthy of Lucie‟s love then Dr Manette told him that
Lucie too loved him so much.


Answer the following questions
1-How was Darnay noble in his love to Lucie?
2- How were Darnay and Dr. Manette alike?
3-How did Darnay unintentionally hurt Dr. Manette?
4-"You have loved yourself; let your old love speak for me."
5-"I have controlled myself as long as I could. But I love
6-"I desire only to share your fortunes share your life and
7-"I wish to tell you so that I may deserve your confidence
and have no secrets from you."



Chapter 9
Carton does the same

Stryver wanted to break Carton's heart so he told

him that he intended to marry Lucie Manette as he was a
successful rich man, he wanted to enjoy himself by
marrying that beautiful young woman but Carton did not
care. He advised Carton to find a woman to marry as he
might be ill one day so he would find someone to look after
Stryver told Mr. Lorry at Tellson Bank of his desire
of marring Lucie but Mr. Lorry advised him to wait for Mr.
Lorry to go to Lucie to know her opinion before Stryver
going to avoid embarrassment. Mr. Lorry was quite sure
that Stryver was not suitable for Lucie at all so he did not
talk to her and told Stryver that she did not agree. Stryver
was sorry for Lucie and her father for losing such a good
Carton went to Lucie to tell her of his love. He told
her that she did not love him and he was pleased that she
did not love him because he had a bad life which would
never be better. She would give him happiness but he
would give her misery and ruin. Lucie was sorry to see
Carton hopeless and tried to encourage him by telling him


that he did not show the good part of his life yet. Carton
promised her that he was ready to give her his life to save
her life or the life of anyone she loved.

Questions & Answers

1-How did Stryver keep hard to break Carton's heart?
Stryver always wanted to prove that he was far greater
than Carton and that Carton did not have a goal to live for.
He knew that Carton loved Lucie Manette but he wanted to
break Carton's heart by trying to marry Lucie Manette.
2-How was Stryver proud of himself?
He always looked at himself as a great successful man. He
was rich, too so he had the right to please himself. He
found that Lucie was a beautiful girl but he was a great
chance for her and for her father. When Mr. Lorry told him
that Lucie refused him as a husband he was sorry for
Lucie and her father that they lost a great chance in life.

3-What did Stryver advise Carton?

He advised Carton to find himself a rich wife who would
look after Carton when he got ill or broken.
4-Why did Carton talk to Lucie about his love although
he was hopeless?
He loved Lucie very much although he knew she did not
love him. He was happy that Lucie did not love him


because she would give him happiness but he would give
her misery and ruin. He had no hope of life. He was like a
man who died young. All what he wanted that Lucie would
listen to him.
5- How did Lucie think of Carton?
She always thought highly of Carton that he was kind and
great but he had not shown the great part in his soul yet
and he had a heart of gold.
6-What promise did Carton give to Lucie?
Carton promised Lucie that he was ready to give his life to
keep her life or the life of anyone she loved.
7-“God bless you for your sweet sympathy! Don’t be
afraid to hear me. I am like one who died young. All my
life might have been.”
These words were said by Carton to Lucie when he visited
Dr Manette but he found nobody but Lucie in her room
working. He was in a sadness and sorrow but he asked
Lucie to allow him to express his love even if she had no
love towards him. Carton loved Lucie and knew well she
couldn‟t love him. Lucie listened to Carton and was very
surprised to hear his words. He trusted her evaluation of
his conditions and gave a promise to her for a promise
from her.


8-“For you and any dear to you, I would do
These words were said by Sydney Carton to Lucie before
leaving her as he found none at home except her. He
promised Lucie that he would sacrifice his life for her or
any relative to her if this would save happiness to her. He
just wanted her to remember him and let him be a friend
to the family as he considered them the best in his life
which he hated so much. Then Carton left Lucie and went

Answer the following questions

1- Why did Stryver want to marry Lucie Manette?
2- What was Stryver's idea of marriage?
3-What was Carton's promise to Lucie?
4- " You take it more easily than I thought you would."
5- " I know very well that you can have no romantic feeling
for me and I ask for none."
6-"I am sure that the future might still hold the best part
of it."
7-" There is a man who would give his life to keep a life you
love beside you."



Chapter 10
The roadmender

Gaspard was arrested by the police for killing the

Marquis after a year and half. He was taken to the
Marquis‟ village to be hanged. Defarge did not attend the
execution because he went to the king with a plea to
forgive Gaspard telling the king that he lost his mind for
the death of his son but Defarge was kept away from the
king‟s procession by blows and kicks. The road mender
told the Jacques that Gaspard was beaten, tortured and
kept in a cage in the village for seven days before he was
hanged in very high gallows in the square of the village to
be seen by everyone.
The Jacques decided to put all the Evrémonde and
their castle in the list of destruction which was a list in
which the Jacques wrote the names of the people they
wanted to kill when they succeeded in their revolution. The
Jacques were afraid that the list would be lost but Defarge
told them that his wife knitted it in her mind and she
would never lose a letter of it. Jacques blamed Defarge for
agreeing to take the road mender to see the king‟s
procession but Defarge told them that the road mender
was like many others of the common people who did not


know their enemies so it would be important for them to let
him see and know their enemies.
The road mender waved to the king on his procession
but Defarge told him that it was good to let the king and
the nobles believe that people loved them not to take care
of any action against them.

Questions & Answers

1-Why did the roandmender come to the wine shop?
He came with Defarge to tell the Jacques his story of what
had happened to Gaspard since he killed the marquis.
2-Why did the roadmender tell the marquis about
When the road repairer finished work, he went to the
village where the marquis saw him and pointed to him to
come closer. The marquis wanted to know what did the
man saw. The road repairer told the marquis that there
had been a man like a ghost swinging under his carriage.
The marquis ordered all to look for him everywhere.
3-How was Gaspard’s end?
The road repairer told the Jacques that while going to his
work, he saw six soldiers catching Gaspard tied with ropes
pulled hard to his sides, pushing him forward with the
back of their guns. They put him in an iron box then put


him high on gallows with an upward-knife machine which
poisoned all the water of the fountain leaving his corpse
hanged up there. It was a fearful sight for all the villagers
4-What did the Jacques decide to do after Gaspard's
The Jacques decided that the chateau and all in it had to
be destroyed so they would tell Madam Defarge to add that
to her register which never missed a name of a letter. That
register was engraved in her memory so more knitting
meant the registering of names to be killed or murdered
after the revolution.
Madame Defarge was the keeper of the memorial register in
her head and the knitting was its food to work.
5-What was the register (the list of destruction)?
It was the list on which the Jacques wrote the names of
the people they wanted to kill when they succeeded in the
6-Why was not Defarge worried about losing the
He was not worried about losing the register because he
was sure that his wife knitted all the names in her mind
and she would not lose a letter.


7-Why was the roadmender important to the Jacques?
The roadmender represented the poor common people who
did not know much about life and were not interested in
politics. The Jacques wanted those poor common people to
know their enemies as the king and the aristocrats and
that those rich people were responsible for the misery of
those poor people to make the poor ready to kill them.
8-Why did the Defarges take the roadmender to the
king's procession?
They took him to watch the king and the nobles to make
him compare his poor miserable life to that of the king and
the nobles' to make him hate the government and share
the revolution. The poor common people were important to
wave to the king to make him believe that people loved him
and did not think of revolting against him.
9-What was the symbolism of the knitting?
The knitting represented the structure of the plots and the
plans the Jacques were weaving and Madam Defarge kept
on knitting that the structure was growing and it would
10-You should have said ’short as a dwarf’”.
These words were said by Jacques two when the road
repairer told them he told the marquis he saw a man tall
as ghost hiding himself under the carriage but one


Jacques told him it was better to say he was short as a
dwarf to misguide the Marquis.

Answer the following questions

1-Two killers but treated differently for their murders.
Relate to the Marquis and Gaspard.
2-Why did not Defarge attend Gaspard‟s execution?
3-What was the list of destruction?
4-Why was it important for Defarge to let Gaspard watch
the king‟s procession?

5-“Shall we put them on the list?” / 'The chateau and all of

them. They are to be destroyed.'
6-“She knits every name into her memory. Not a letter of a
name will ever be lost.”
7-“If you show cat milk, it will want to drink it. If you
show a dog a rabbit, it will hunt and kill it someday.”
8-„let‟s deceive them a little longer. Our day will come.”



Chapter 11
The spy

Defarge and his wife talked about an English spy

sent by the government to spy over the people of Saint
Antoine. Madam Defarge studied his descriptions.
Defarge was worried about their revolution and
wished to see it in his life time. Madame Defarge asked him
to be patient as revenge would take time.
The spy arrived at Defarge's wine shop. Madame
Defarge knew him. She pinned a rose to her hair to warn
people against him so people began to leave the shop.
The spy tried to get any useful information from
Madame Defarge but he failed. He told her that people
were angry for Gaspard's bad end but Madame Defarge
told him that Gaspard used a knife to kill and paid for it.
He told her that people were poor and suffered the want
but she told him that she and her husband had the wine
shop and did not suffer.
The spy also failed with Defarge but he told Defarge
that he knew everything about him. The spy told Defarge
that Lucie Manette was going to marry the new Marquis,
Charles the Evrémonde, who lived in England under the
name of Darnay.


Defarge wished for Lucie's sake that Darnay would
never come to France if they succeeded in their revolution
but Madame Defarge did not care to come where he was
supposed to come and end how he was supposed to end.

Questions & Answers

1-What did Mr Defarge know from Jacques in the
When Mr. Defarge was in the guard house, a friend
(Jacque in the police) told him that there was a new spy
coming to Saint Antoine Square. He was an English about
40 years old. Madame Defarge knew his name as John
Barsad. She decided to register him.
2-Why did Madam Defarge pin a red rose to her hair?
She put a red rose on her hair to warn people against the
spy not to say anything in front of him.
3-Madam Defarge was cleverer than the spy"
The spy failed to get any information from her. When he
told her that people suffered hunger and poverty, she told
him that she and her husband had the wine shop and did
not suffer poverty. The spy wanted to get her to talk when
he told her that people were angry for Gaspard's execution,
she told him that Gaspard held a knife and killed so he
had to bear the result.


4-Barsad used another way to talk to Mr. Defarge.
When Madame Defarge told Barsad that her husband had
come, he quickly called him Jacques, so naturally Defarge
denied the name telling Barsad he was mistaken. Defarge
told Barsad his name is Ernest Defarge.
5-Barsad proved to be wicked in one point so he gained
a point against the Defarge. Illustrate.
When Barsad was talking to Madame Defarge and her
husband, he swam over some topics to cover his
discomfort; he told them about Dr Manette when he was
brought to Defarge (by whom: the government) so he
allowed his daughter to take him to England.
He also told them about her upcoming marriage to the new
marquis in London, the unknown marquis of Evrémondes
as the marquis in Paris was killed by Gaspard, Barsad
related Gaspard‟s death to the marquis in Paris to the new
marquis in London who was called Charles Darnay so,
both Madame Defarge and her husband were embarrassed.
They were afraid that Barsad came again after leaving


6-“JOHN, stay long enough, and I shall knit” “BARSAD,
before you go.”
These words were said by Madame Defarge in the wine
shop when Barsad went there as a spy to get information
for the nobles. As he was talking to Madame Defarge she
was knitting his name completely in her memory or
register. She promised him secretly in her self-talk to
register him.
7-“I believe that there is much sympathy and danger in
this neighbourhood about this poor fellow.”
These words were said by John Barsad in the wine shop
when he talked about poor Gaspard as a way to know how
much the people in Saint Antoine felt sympathy for
Gaspard. Madame Defarge cunningly replied saying that if
people used knives for such purposes, they had to pay for
it. He (Gaspard) knew beforehand what the price would be
and he had paid the price. Then John Basard changed his
plan when Mr Defarge came.
8-“Her husband’s destiny will take him where he is to
go and will lead to the end that’s to end him.” / “I
have them both here, and they are both here because
that is what they deserve. That is enough.”
These rough and revengeful words were said by Madame
Defarge to her husband as Defarge wished Darnay would


never come to France if they succeeded in the revolution
not to be killed but madam Defarge did not care about

Answer the following questions;

1- Why did Madame Defarge pin a rose to her hair?
2- How far did the spy succeed with Madame Defarge?
3- What did the spy tell Defarge about Lucie Manette?
4- 'Jacques of the police tells me that there is another
spy taken on for our part of Paris.
5- "Remember that every day passes brings it nearer."
6- "If people use knives for such purposes, they have to
pay for it."
7- 'You mistake me for another. That is not my name.'
8- „If the end comes while we live, I hope her husband
stays out of France."
9- "He will go where he is to go and will die he is to



Chapter 12
Joy and sorrow

On Lucie's wedding day, Dr. Manette and Charles

Darnay went into the study. Dr. Manette went out of the
room completely changed. He looked pale and ill. Mr. Lorry
remembered Lucie when she was a little child when he
took her out of France out of danger when her mother died
after her father disappeared. Miss. Pross was also sad
because she wished Lucie to marry her brother although
he did not ask about Miss. Pross and stole her money, she
loved him.
Dr. Manette controlled himself until Lucie and
Darnay went on the honey moon. He relapsed and worked
as a shoe maker for nine days. Mr. Lorry took a holiday
from Tellson Bank for the first time in his life to look after
him. Miss. Pross looked after Dr. Manette night and day.
They did not tell Lucie not to spoil her happiness until he
became well again. Mr. Lorry got Dr. Manette to agree to
destroy the shoe making tools as it reminded him of his old


Questions & Answers
1-How was Lucie's wedding day? Who attended?
It was a shining day. All were happy. Mr. Lorry was very
happy to see the baby he took from France to England
twenty years ago became a bride. Miss Pross was happy
but regretted that her brother Solomon was not the
2-Where did Charles Darnay and Dr Mannette do before
the wedding?
They were in Dr Manette's room as they planned before
that Charles would tell Dr Mannette his real name and it
was to come true. The doctor got out of his room pale-faced
as he had been in the Bastille. Dr. Manette greatly changed
and looked very ill but he controlled himself and took his
daughter from her hand to her husband, Charles Darnay.
3-How did Mr. Lorry and Miss. Pross prove to be true
friends to Dr. Manette after Lucie's marriage?
After Lucie's marriage Dr. Manette relapsed and worked on
his shoes for nine days. Miss Pross looked after Dr.
Manette and Mr. Lorry took a holiday from the bank for the
first time in his life to be beside Dr. Manette until he
recovered. They did not tell Lucie about her father's illness
not to spoil her happiness in the honey moon.


4-How did Mr. Lorry convince Dr. Manette to get rid of
the shoe making tools?
Mr. Lorry convinced Dr. Manette that the shoe making
tools were one of the causes of his relapsing and Dr.
Manette had to destroy them for Lucie's sake and that
made Dr. Manette agree.
5-How did Mr. Lorry comfort Lucie about her father
after her wedding? What did he tell Dr Manette later?
He sent a letter telling her that her father was called away
for work. Later after Dr. Manette recovered, Mr. Lorry told
him about what he had told Lucie in his letters to her to
avoid her suspicions.
6-“I think, I think, we had best not to speak to him
just now or at all disturb him. I must look in at
Tellson’s, so I will go there at once and come back
shortly.” Comment.
These words were said by Mr. Lorry to Miss Pross when he
saw Dr Manette in a bad condition reminded him of the
day he saw in Paris in Mr. Defarge‟s house. Mr. Lorry told
Miss Pross he would go to Tellson‟s and come after two
hours and he did.
To his surprise, Mr. Lorry and Miss Pross were shocked to
see Dr Manette busy at shoemaking over his tools. Miss


Pross cried much but they looked after him for nine days
till he restored his health on the tenth day.
For three more days, Mr. Lorry and Miss Pross watched
over Dr Manette.

Answer the following questions;

1-What happened to Dr. Manette after Lucie's wedding?
2-How did Mr. Lorry and Miss. Pross prove to be reliable
after Lucie's wedding?
3-“A young lady's shoe. It ought to have been finished a
long time ago."
4-"It is known only to myself and to one other who may be



Chapter 13

Lucie and Darnay came back after their honeymoon

and carton was the first visitor to congratulate them. He
used to visit him about six times a year. Lucie had a baby
daughter who was called Little Lucie. Everybody loved
Little Lucie and she loved Sydney Carton.
Mr. Lorry was a regular visitor to the family and his
old friend, Dr. Manette. He told them Tellson was
unusually busy as a lot of French people transfer their
money from France to England because there was a lot of
trouble there.
The revolution broke out in France and Saint
Antoinette was one of the furious spots. Defarge led the
men and Madame Defarge was at the head of the women.
People were armed with any possible weapons, even stone.
They attacked the Bastille because it represented the
power of the government, it was the symbol of injustice
and they wanted to free the prisoners.
Defarge went into the cell 105 North Tower to see
the place where Dr. Manette had been kept. He found some
papers. The revolutionaries arrested the governor of the
prison and burnt the place down. They beat him so hard


until he died and Madame Defarge cut his head off and put
it on a pole. They rejoiced and celebrated. They went on a
search to find noble or rich people to kill.

Questions & Answers

1-Who was the first to visit the new couple? What did
he ask Charles Darnay?
The first person visited the new couple at home was
Sydney Carton. Carton asked Darnay to be close friends
and to forgive Darnay for his rudeness and to allow Darnay
to visit them.
2- How did Darnay and Lucie react differently
concerning Darnay?
When Charles talked freely about Carton, he considered
him a problem and careless. But when he saw his wife and
talked with her, she seemed thoughtful and sad as she felt
sorry and pity for that miserable creature that was full of
bleeding wounds. She thought highly of Darnay as he had
a heart of gold but he was weak and miserable because he
was lonely and that Lucie and Darnay were strong in their
love. Darnay at once accepted his wife‟s opinion and
promised to deal with Carton warmly and carefully. Really,
Darnay was to be generous and understanding to Carton.


3-How many children did Darnay and Lucie have?
They had a girl called Lucie and a son who died after some
4-What happened when Little Lucie was six years old?
Troubles in France rose and the revolution broke out.
5-How was Saint Antoine specially important in 1789?
All people gathered and walked in masses. They armed
themselves with every type of weapons ranged among
streets with their fires above heads. They went out to
Defarge wine shop waiting orders and having weapons.
6-Why did the revolutionaries attack the Bastille?
La Bastille was the prison which stood for the power of the
government of the king and the aristocrats. It was a
symbol of injustice and the prisoners were poor common
people. The revolutionaries wanted to free the prisoners.
7-How did the Bastille fall?
When all people grouped, they attacked the Bastille. After
continuous fighting for four hours using guns, fires,
canons and axes, the eight towers fell and soldiers
surrendered. Defarge and thousands of Jacques ended the
war for them.


8-What made Defarge busy after the downfall of the
Defarge was busy at the prisoners, records and secret
cells. He attacked a prisoner officer asking him “what is
one hundred and five, north tower?” it was the cell of Dr
Manette. Defarge was looking for a document there written
by Dr Manette. After a deep search, Defarge got a
document written by Dr Manette denouncing the
Evrémondes for his imprisonment.
9-“I began to think that I would have to pass the night
at Tellson’s. We have been so full of business all day
that we have not what to do first or which way to
These words were said by Mr Lorry, the old friend of Dr
Manette who worked at Tellson‟s to Darnay. They were
talking about the bad and gloomy weather which blew from
France towards England. So the customers in Paris were
so worried about their property.
10-“Keep near to me, Jacques three, and you, Jacque
one and two, separate and put yourselves at the head
of as many of these patriots as you can.”
These words were said by Mr Defarge to Madame Defarge
and Jacques one and two as people were crowded next to
his shop. They needed leaders to lead them. So Defarge


asked his men to lead groups even his wife who held an
axe, cruel knife and a pistol that day would lead the
women forward. They went towards the Bastille.
11-'To me, women! We can kill as well as the men when
the place is taken."
Madam Defarge said that to the women in the revolution.
She urged them to be violent and kill their enemies. She
wanted to satisfy her desire for revenge.
12-"What is the meaning of one hundred and five,
north tower?"
Defarge said that to one of the guards in the Bastille after
it fell in the hands of the revolutionaries. He wanted to go
to 105 cell North Tower to see the room where Dr. Manette
was kept as a prisoner.
13-"Cut open that bed and search the straw?"
Defarge said that to one of the Jacques after the Bastille
fell and they went to the cell 105 North Tower where Dr.
Manette was kept. Defarge searched the place well to find
anything about Dr. Manette's imprisonment.

Answer the following questions

1- Why was Tellson Bank busy during the revolution?
2- Why was the Bastille the first place to be attacked
after the revolution?


3- Why did Defarge go to105 North Tower?
4- How were the revolutionaries turned to be merciless
after the revolution?
5- “Come, then, friends and patriots! We are ready. To
the Bastille!”
6- “We can kill as well men when the place is taken.”



Chapter 14
The End of the Castle

A passerby asked the road mender for dinner but he

told him that most people had no dinner as life after the
revolution was not better than that before. People were still
poor and hungry but they felt powerful. The villagers
decided to burn the Castle of the Evrémondes. Flames rose
very high but no one wanted to save the building or its
valuable contents. The villagers wanted to arrest Gabelle
because he worked as a tax collector for the Marquis of
Evrémonde but he could escape.

Questions & Answers

1. Who was the Vengeance?
She was a short and stout woman. She was as a sister
to Madame Defarge. She helped her in her movement of
2. What did Defarge tell about Old Foulon?
When Defarge came breathlessly, he told people about
old foulon who asked starving people to eat grass when
they were hungry. Harshly and bravely, Madame
Defarge and the Vengeance led a vigorous movement
gathered thousands of people towards Old foulon place.


3. How did people avenge Old foulon?
After knowing his hidden place in the country, Old
foulon was taken to the hall of examination, tied with
ropes with a bunch of grass on his back. People
attacked him and hung him on a lamp post after filling
his mouth with grass.
4. Not only old foulon was destroyed but his son in law
was ruined. Illustrate.
Some news came to Paris under strong guard of five
hundred soldiers, people killed him taking out his heart
on a spear then his head on a spike. He followed Old
foulon in his fate.
5. There was a large change fell on the village with the
fountain in many directions. Illustrate.
First, there was a change in the nature of the village. All
leaves and trees were dry and poor more than the
villagers. The animals were very thin and weak. The
marquis squeezed the village till it died then left it.
Second, the road repairer noticed a change of people as
he knew those poor villagers. Once he met a strong
figure who seems to be a Jacque to make a plan. Then
four figures asked him about the chateau and its place.


Third, the fatal change, as four fires broke out at the
same times holding those strong and rough faces in the
chateau burning with windows.
Fourth, another change in people, that night, people
had their poor suppers then went out to watch their
rights to be delivered and injustice to be vanished. It
was the justice of heaven.
6. What were people interested in that night in the
They were interested in watching fires and smoke in the
sky mixed with cries of those sleepy in the chateau
screaming for help. The chateau was left to burn down.

Answer the following questions;

1-Why did the villagers burn the castle?
2-“I meet people everywhere who have had no dinner.”



Chapter 15
Business in Paris

Tellson bank in London became especially

important for the French people after the revolution
because some transferred their money from the French
branch to the English one. They French went there to get
news about their money or news about the revolution.
Charles Darnay visited Mr. Lorry at the busy bank.
Mr. Lorry told him that he would travel to France that
night on business. Darnay wished he could travel to ask
people to stop violence but it was dangerous for Darnay to
go to France after the revolution.
While Darnay was in the bank, a letter for Charles
the Evrémonde, The former Marquis, arrived but no one
knew that Darnay was the former marquis. Darnay told
Mr. Lorry that he knew the former Marquis and would give
him the letter.
Darnay read the letter in a quiet street. It was from
Gabelle, the tax collector telling Darnay that he was
arrested and would lose his life because he was accused of
working for an émigré, someone who left the country.
Gabelle begged Darnay to come and save his life.


It was dangerous for Darnay to travel to France
because he was an aristocrat but he was encouraged to go
as he never did anything bad against the people of France
and he wanted to save an innocent person. Darnay decided
to travel and wrote a letter for Dr. Manette telling him and
another one for Lucie.

Questions & Answers

1. What were Mr. Lorry and Charles Darnay talking
Mr. Lorry and Darnay were talking about the bad
matters which came true in France. Mr. Lorry wanted to
go to France to manage Tellson‟s affairs there. Although
the conditions were worse in Paris, Lorry told Darnay
he wasn‟t important as he was a man of eighty years old
and there were many men to be stopped. On the other
hand, there was no one better than him suitable for
that business.

2. Who did Mr. Lorry choose to accompany?

Mr. Lorry chose Jerry Cruncher to accompany him to
Paris as a bodyguard. Mr. Lorry got used to him for
long. Moreover, no one could doubt Jerry more than an
English bulldog guard his owner


3. What letters did Darnay write? For whom? How
were the letters sent to the receivers?
Before travelling to Paris, Charles Darnay wrote two
letters. One to Lucie telling her what faithful reasons
made him travel to Paris. He told his wife to be sure
that he would be safe there and he would write letters
to her. He also wrote a second letter to Dr Manette
entrusting the care of Lucie and the little Lucie for him,
he also told Dr Manette the same reason for travelling.
Charles left the letters to a trusty porter who would
deliver the letters before mid-night to the doctors and
4. It was Darnay’s fate to see a letter belongs to him,
put in front of him.
a-Who sent the letter? Where was the
b-What did he want? Why?
c-How was Darnay’s reaction?
a. Gabelle, the taxes collector and a post-teacher sent
that letter to Charles Darnay. He was in the prison
of Abbaye in Paris.
b. He wanted his master, monsieur the Evrémonde to
save him from death and the destruction. As Gabelle


worked for an emigrant and was loyal to the people
so where that emigrant had been to save him.
c. Darnay was affected greatly as he knew well that
Gabelle would be a victim to the tyrant system of the
old marquis. So he decided to travel to Paris but
after Mr. Lorry‟s departure.

Answer the following questions

1-Why did Tellson Bank in London become important for
the French after the revolution?
2-Why was it dangerous for Darnay to go back to France
after the revolution?
3-What encouraged Darnay to go back to France after the
4-“I sometimes think that I might be able to persuade the
people not to be so violent”
5-“My fault is that I have been true to you.”



Chapter 16
Darnay Returns to France

On his way to Paris to help Gabelle, Darnay was

stopped many times at barriers made by patriots to check
the comers and goers in the name of the new Republic of
France of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Darnay felt that
he was trapped and could not go back.
At night in a hotel, Darnay was awoken by an
official and three soldiers. He called Darnay an émigré. He
would send Darnay to Paris with guards and Darnay had
to pay for the guards.
On the way Darnay was attacked by angry crowd
but the guard told them that he would go to Paris to
judged and punished as an enemy of France. Darnay knew
that a new law appeared the day Darnay left England. It
considered the French people who left France during the
revolution were traitors and would lose their properties
and lives when they came back. Darnay tried to explain
that he came to France on his free will to save a French
citizen but he was sent to the prison La Force in secret.
Defarge was the soldier who would send Darnay to
La Force. Darnay asked him to tell Mr. Lorry at Tellson


Bank to tell him but he refused as Darnay was an enemy
of the republic.
La force was a dark and ugly place. It stood for the
power of the revolutionaries. The prisoners were
aristocrats. Men and women and even children were locked
together. Most were in secret and had no right to defend
themselves. It was crowded with the prisoners who were
killed in fights without trials.

Questions & Answers

1-How did France more unsafe after the revolution?
After the revolution exploded, there were groups of patriots
everywhere. They stopped comers and goers inquiring
them and inspecting their papers. They could turn back
people or let others but they also used lists of names they
had to account people. All the plans and security decisions
were to be put for the upcoming republic.
2-How was Charles’s journey to Paris after the
It was a tiring journey as he was stopped twenty times and
was followed then was put under charge. When he reached
the guard house, he was to face a crisis. At mid-night, he
was awakened by armed people to have an escort and pay


for it. He paid heavily for an escort of two armed men with
guns and sword to take him to Paris till the barrier.
3-How did the guards deceive Darnay on his way to
After he asked officers with Darnay about his papers, he
went into the guard house then came out to take Darnay
inside where he saw Defarge who told him that he would
go to the La Force prison in secret.
4-What was the new law (The Decree) that appeared
while Darnay was on his way to France?
The new law that appeared while Darnay was on his way to
France was that the aristocrats who were outside France
that time were traitors and would lose their properties and
their lives when they were arrested.
5- Compare between La Bastille and La Force.
La Bastille was the prison which stood for the power of the
government of the king and the aristocrats. It was a
symbol of injustice and the prisoners were poor common
people who sometimes went there for no known reasons or
untold periods while La Force was the prison which stood
for the power of the government of the republic. It was also
full of injustice and the prisoners were aristocrats no
matter they were good or bad. They were imprisoned and


killed in secret without any trials. It was a mixed prison
which included men, women and children together.
6-“I beg you to observe that I have come here freely, in
response that written appeal which you have in front of
you, to help a fellow countryman. I demand no more
than the opportunity to do so without delay. Is that
not my right? ”
These words were said by Charles Darnay to Defarge and
an officer who wrote the note as he knew he would be sent
to La Force in secret. He protested as he came to save a
man not to do harm. Darnay was told that emigrants had
no rights to risk. Defarge took a note making a sign so
Darnay obeyed and went to his cell which shocked Darnay
to be alone on his own.
7-“Is it you who married the daughter of Doctor
Manette, once a prisoner in the Bastille?”
This question was asked by Defarge to Darnay as they
were walking forwards to the La Force prison. Defarge told
Darnay he had a wine shop in Saint Antoine. Defarge
asked him if he was the husband of Dr Manette‟s
daughter. Darnay answered Defarge words that his wife
came to take her father back to London after his release
from the Bastille.


Answer the following questions
1-How was Darnay on his way to Paris?
2-What was the new law appeared while Darnay was
travelling to save Gabelle?
3-La Force was not better than La Bastille. Illustrate
4-“You must have a guard and pay for it.”
5-“Under the new law his life and property belong to the
6-“I will do nothing for you. My duty is to my country and
to my people. I am you enemy.”



Chapter 17
Mr. Lorry in Paris

Dr. Manette, Lucie, little Lucie and Miss Pross came

to Paris to search for Darnay. Dr. Manette‟s old suffering
gave him power as people received him as a hero because
he was a Bastille prisoner. They gave him information
about Darnay. He became the medical inspector for many
prisons and could see Darnay. He saved Darnay from
being killed in prison and brought him to a court.
Madam Defarge with her husband and another
friend called The Revenge went to see Lucie and her
daughter. Lucie begged them to help her husband but
Madam Defarge told her that she had seen a lot of wives
suffering for their husbands before so Lucie‟s pain would
not affect her.
Lucie had a letter from her husband telling her
that Dr. Manette was doing his best to save him. Dr.
Manette promised Mr. Lorry to help Lucie bring her
husband back as she helped him and brought him back to
life. He would save him from La Guillotine which a French
invention killing device which killed thousands of good
people and beautiful ladies almost for no wrong. It was
called the National Razor which shaved lives, it was also


The Cure of the headache which sent thousands of heads
to no pain and it was called the Sharp Female which
kissed the person only once.

Questions & Answers

1-How did the Manettes surprise Mr. Lorry in Paris?
While Mr. Lorry was sitting, he heard sounds outside. He
thought that patriots came back, but there was no noise.
He saw Lucie and De Manette rushing into the gate.
2-How did people receive Dr. Manette in Paris after the
They received him as a hero and a great Bastille prisoner
for his long imprisonment as a result of the aristocrats'
3-How did Dr. Manette show his great personality in
France after the revolution?
Dr. Manette was welcomed by people as a great patriot and
a great Bastille prisoner. He worked as an inspector doctor
and did his best to treat the prisoner and save them no
matter poor or aristocrats.
4-What did Dr. Manette to save Darnay in La Force?
Dr. Manette did his best to get Darnay's name registered
not to be killed in secret. He protected Darnay in prison
not to be killed in a fight or by accident. Dr. Manette
worked hard to bring Darnay to the court to be tried.


5-Why did madam Defarge and Vengeance visit Lucie?
They visited her to give her a letter from Dr. Manette and
madam Defarge would protect Lucie but the fact that they
came to see Lucie and plan to take revenge on her and her
6-“Don’t look. Don’t look out, Manette, for your life,
don’t touch the blind!”
These words were said by Mr. Lorry to Dr Manette when he
looked out of the window to see what the mob were doing.
Mr. Lorry was worried about Dr Manette that they would
kill him or shoot him. Dr Manette told Mr. Lorry that he
was a Bastille prisoner and if they knew that, they would
never touch him, Dr Manette was right. They obeyed him
and felt his words.
7-“Dr Manette did come early to Mr. Lorry so he sent a
message to Mr. Lorry…”
a-Who was the bearer of the message?
b-How many messages (notes) written by Darnay?
c-Who accompanied Mr. Defarge to Lucie’s house?
d-What was the effect of both ladies on Lucie?
a) The bearer was Mr. Defarge, the owner of the wine
b) A message was written by Dr Manette for Mr. Lorry was
to come to him and read. The second note was by


Darnay to his wife asking her more courage and
bravery for the sake of their daughter.
c) Both ladies accompanied Defarge and Mr. Lorry to see
Lucie and her child. They wished to know their faces to
protect them as they informed Mr. Lorry. But they were
deceiving them.
d) Lucie didn‟t believe that lady Madame Defarge as she
fell a shadow over them, that shadow endured much
devastation to some.

Answer the following questions;

1-How was Dr. Manette repaid well for his old suffering?
2-Give a brief account on La Guillotine
3-“My sufferings have given me power now.”
4-“All our lives we have seen them suffer in hunger,
sickness and misery.”
5-“As my dear child helped me to get better, I will now
bring her husband to her side.



Chapter 18
Darnay's Trial

A year and half passed and Lucie suffered every

passing day. She was worried about her husband as he
could be sent to the guillotine. She looked after her father
and taught her daughter. Dr. Manette showed Lucie a
place in a narrow street next to prison where she could
wait for Darnay to see her from a window. She had to
stand still as it was dangerous for her to look up at his
window. She went there in all weathers and sometimes
took Little Lucie with her when the weather was fine. The
woodcutter who was once a road mender used to see her
while he was working. Madam Defarge saw Dr. Manette
and Lucie waiting for Darnay and she greeted them.

Dr. Manette succeeded in bringing Darnay to the

court. Darnay was accused of being an emerge who was an
enemy of the republic as he lived in England and married a
foreigner but he defended himself as he had to go to
England to earn his living as he left his wealth and his title
for the poor people. He worked as a teacher and taught the
French literature, he married the daughter of a great
French citizen, Dr. Manette the Bastille prisoner and came


back on his will to save Gabelle, a French citizen. Darnay
was supported by the name of Dr. Manette and was set
free. People carried him on their shoulder as a great man.

Questions & Answers

1-What good news did Dr Manette bring to Lucie about
her husband?
Once Dr Manette told Lucie that there was a window upper
Darnay‟s prison that he could see her in the afternoon and
she couldn‟t make any signs for him. It‟s unsafe. She was
very happy and asked her father about the place to go as
fast as possible. She stayed there for 2 hours every day
whether she saw him or not in winter or not.
2-How did the woodcutter frighten Lucie?
Lucie saw and met a short man. He worked as a wood
cutter and had a small hut. Once he was the road-repairer
who worked in the village with the fountain near the
chateau. She was afraid as the wood cutter knew she came
to see a prisoner. He sometimes made a guillotine for her
and once he made a small Guillotine when Lucie brought
her daughter with her.


3-Why did madam Defarge greet Lucie and Dr. Manette
next to La Force?
She wanted to show them that she saw them waving to
Darnay and later madam Defarge would use it to accuse
Dr. Manette and his daughter of being friends to an enemy
of the republic.
4-What were the principles of the French revolution?
How did the revolutionaries apply the principles of the
French revolution?
They principles of the French revolution were liberty,
equality and fraternity but the revolutionaries betrayed
them as the imprisoned thousands of people; no matter
guilty or innocent, rich or poor. The Jacques, now the
patriots, took power over other people and gave themselves
the right to rob, imprison or kill others. It was easy to
accuse anyone of being an enemy to the republic to be
killed. The revolutionaries were happy to see thousands of
heads cut off by the guillotine.
5-What was the carmagnole?
It was a savage dance the revolutionaries invented after the
revolution to celebrate and express rejoice. In this dance,
the dancers were aroused and were ready to kill.


6-What was La Guillotine?
La Guillotine was a French invention after the revolution. It
was a killing device in which the victim put his/her head
through a hole and another heavy part with a sharp blade
fell down to cut the head off the body. It was called the
sharp female because it kissed the person once. It was also
called the national razor which shaved lives and it was
called the cure of the headache.
7-How did Darnay escape death for the second time?
The first time he escaped death in England when he was
accused of being a spy for the France against England. The
second time, he was accused of being an émigré and a
traitor but he proved that he left his title and wealth for the
poor farmers before the revolution so he had to find some
way to earn his living. He worked in England as a teacher
for the French Language. He married the daughter of the
great French patriot and a Bastille prisoner, Dr. Manette.
He came back on his free will to save a French citizen.
8- “Nothing can happen to him without my knowledge,
and I know that I can save him, Lucie.”
These words were said by Dr Manette to his daughter Lucie
at home when she was very sad and burst into tears from
her fears that she could lose her husband any time. As he


had a good position as an inspector physician on these
prisons, he knew everything about Darnay.

Answer the following questions

1-How did Lucie suffer during Darnay‟s imprisonment?
2-Why did Lucie have to wait next to La Force so often?
3-How was Darnay saved for the second time?
4-“I came back to save a citizen‟s life.”
5-No other man in the whole of France could have done
what he has done for me.”
6-“Did I not tell you that I should save him? Well, I‟ve
saved him.”



Chapter 19
A knock at the door

The day Darnay went out of prison, there was a

knock at the door as two soldiers came to Dr. Manette‟s
house to arrest Darnay. They told Dr. Manette that
Defarge, his wife and a third person from Saint Antoine
accused him.

Questions & Answers

1-Why was Darnay arrested for the second time in
Darnay was arrested the second time Paris because
Defarge, his wife and they used the name of Dr. Manette to
accuse Darnay of being an oppressor and an enemy of the
2-How was Dr. Manette affected by the arrest of
After Dr. Manette opened the door and the four men
entered the house, Dr. Manette was surprised and became
as a stone. He was like a stone or a statue was made to
hold that lamp. He couldn‟t do anything. The events
shocked him severely.


3-"I thought father that I heard strange feet upon the
These words were said by Lucie to her father while they
were sitting happily after the release of Darnay from the
prison. Lucie thought she heard strange noise on stairs
and she was right too, as four strong men knocked on the
door. Dr Manette opened the door for them. They wanted
Darnay as a prisoner of the Republic again.
4-“Well! Truly, it is against the rules. But he is
denounced – and gravely – by the citizen, and citizens
Defarge. And one other.”
These words were said by the man from Saint Antoine
Square. He was one of the four men who want to arrest
Darnay at his home. Although it is against the law, he told
Dr Manette about who denounced Darnay from Saint
Antoine. They were Defarge and Madame Defarge. The man
refused to tell Dr Manette about the third man who
denounced Darnay and decided to be silent.



Chapter 20
Miss Pross finds her brother

Miss Pross and Jerry Cruncher were doing shopping,

not knowing that Darnay was arrested, when Miss Pross
saw her brother Solomon. She did not see him for many
years and he never asked about her. He talked to her
unkindly. When Jerry wanted to remember his name
because he was sure that he saw him before, Sydney
Carton, from a dark corner near them, told him that his
name was John Barsad, the former English spy who
worked for the government to tell against people for money.
Carton forced Barsad to go with him to Mr. Lorry‟s house
after they took Miss Pross to Dr. Manette‟s house.
At Mr. Lorry‟s house, Carton told them that Charles
Darnay was arrested two hours before, Carton saw Barsad
coming out of the prison and knew that he was working for
the French government and followed him where Miss Pross
met him. Carton was not sure that Dr. Manette would be
able to save Darnay that time because Darnay was taken
from Dr. Manette‟s house. Carton wanted Barsad to help
him if Dr. Manette failed but Barsad refused. Carton got
Barsad under his control when he threatened him that he
would report against him that Barsad and Cly were


English spies sent by the English government to work for
the French government to spy over them and they had
different names. Barsad said that Cly was not the man
that Carton saw with him because Cly died in London but
Jerry told them that Cly did not die as his grave was empty
but it was a trick to keep him away from people's eyes after
he and Barsad were known to people as spies and now Cly
was working with Barsad in France. Barsad felt that he
would lose that game against Carton and remembered
Madame Defarge hard looks at him when he was spying
over the Jacques. He finally agreed to help Carton.

Questions & Answers

1-How did Barsad meet his sister's love with
Barsad was a bad brother who stole his sister's money and
never asked about her although she loved him. When Miss.
He knew that Pross was in Paris with the Manette's but he
did not care about her.
2-How did Jerry prove that Cly was still alive?
Jerry said that to Carton, Mr. Lorry and Barsad about the
man Barsad was talking to. Barsad he said that he was a
French man not Cly because Cly died but Jerry told them
that the funeral was not real and there was nobody in the


box to hide Cly's presence in London because people
wanted to hurt him because he was a spy for the
government and told against people for money.
3-Barsad was one of the bad characters who deserved
no respect. Illustrate
Barsad was a mean character. His real name was Solomon,
the brother of Miss. Pross. He stole her money and never
asked about her although she loved him. When Miss. He
knew that Pross was in Paris with the Manette's but he did
not care about her. In England he worked as a spy for the
government to tell about people for money. He was about
to send Darnay to death when he accused him of being a
spy for France against England although Darnay was
innocent. He worked as a spy in France for the government
of the kingdom to tell about the Jacques and he worked in
the French government of the republic after the revolution
to tell about the aristocrats.
4-Who did Carton accompany to visit Mr. Lorry in
Sydney Carton visited Mr. Lorry with John Barsad, the
former spy in the case of treason in London.


5-What bad news did Carton tell Mr. Lorry? Why was
Mr. Lorry amazed?
Carton told Mr. Lorry that Darnay was arrested again so
Mr. Lorry was amazed. He left Darnay free and safe and
was about to return to him. Mr. Lorry was fully surprised.
6-What was Carton's game against Barsad to get him
under his control?
He played against Barsad as he used him as a card to win
his battle against the law and the French patriots. He
threatened Barsad that he would tell the French
revolutionaries that Barsad worked for the British
Government against them as he was an old spy for the
prime minister of England and he had another English
spy, Cly working with him. So Barsad gave in and agreed
to help Carton.
7- How was Mr. Lorry when Barsad left Carton?
Mr. Lorry was very sad and asked Carton what he had
done to save Darnay, but his sadness bent him into tears.
Carton quieted Mr. Lorry saying he would do what he
could do to visit him one time.


8- “Mr. Barsad has been told by a fellow spy that the
arrest has taken place. There is no doubt that Darnay
has been retaken.”
These words were said by Carton to Mr. Lorry after telling
Mr. Lorry that Darnay was arrested by the patriots. Carton
assured his words by telling that Barsad was told by a
friend that the arrest happened.
9- “You had an offer to make, what is it? We are all
desperate here. Remember! I may denounce you, if I
think it would serve me.”
These words were said by Barsad, to Carton when they met
in Mr. Lorry‟s flat to discuss how they can agree on a plan.
Carton wanted to save Darnay so he made an agreement
with Barsad. Barsad agreed on the plan. He left Carton in
good mood after rearranging the matters.
10- "I know that he was not buried. That funeral was
not a real one. There was no dead body in the grave.
The box contained stones. The funeral was arranged so
that everyone would think that he was dead and would
stop looking for him."
Jerry said that to Carton, Mr. Lorry and Barsad about the
man Barsad was talking to. Barsad he said that he was a
French man not Cly because Cly died but Jerry told them
that the funeral was not real and there was nobody in the


box to hide Cly's presence in London because people
wanted to hurt him because he was a spy for the
government and told against people for money. It was a
good remark of Jerry's to help Carton get Barsad under his
control but it was also against Jerry as now Mr. Lorry
knew that Jerry was a grave robber.

Answer the following questions

1-Why was Darnay arrested the second time in France?
2- How was Barsad a bad character?
3-Why wasn‟t Carton sure that Dr. Manette would be able
to save Darnay the second time?
4-How could Carton get Barsad under his control?
5-“Let the doctor play his game and I‟ll play mine”/If I win
the game of cards, I get his help”/ “I play my best card
6-"The best way I can show my respect for your sister is by
getting rid of her brother."
7-"I give up. I admit that people in London hated Cly and
myself so much that we had to escape."



Chapter 21
Sydney Caron Makes his Plans

Carton succeeded in getting Barsad under his

control to help. While Carton and Barsad were talking in
another room, Jerry confessed to Mr. Lorry that he was a
grave robber who stole dead bodies and sold them to the
doctors so he knew that Cly was not dead.
Carton finished his plan with Barsad who left.
Carton told Mr. Lorry that he arranged with Barsad that
Barsad would help Carton to see Darnay. Mr. Lorry was
sad because it would never help save Darnay. Carton
asked Mr. Lorry not to tell Lucie about his presence in
Paris. Mr. Lorry told Carton that Mr. Lorry finished his
work and would go to London but he was worried about
the Manettes and wished to leave them well. Carton loved
Mr. Lorry for his kind heart and his hard work all his long
life. Mr. Lorry was sorry now for his life which passed while
he was alone without children or a wife to cry for his death
but Carton told him that Mr. Lorry was loved by many
people especially Lucie and her daughter. Mr. Lorry went
to see Lucie but Carton waited for him at the gate of her
house. Carton touched the gate because Lucie touched


that gate before and walked the same streets Lucie walked
on to please his heart and satisfy his wish to be near her.
Carton bought some medicine and the seller asked
him to be careful because that medicine had a strong
effect. Carton slept near the river.
Carton went to the court to attend Darnay's trial.
The judges and the jury seemed merciless. The accusation
was read in the court as Charles Evrémonde called Darnay
was accused as an enemy of the republic, an aristocrat,
member of a family guilty of terrible cruelty to the people.
He was accused by Defarge, Defarge's wife and Dr.
Manette. Dr Manette said that he did not accuse Darnay
but the judge did not give a chance to talk and ordered
him to keep silent. The judge asked Defarge to tell the
court when the revolutionaries attacked the Bastille.
Defarge told the court that he went to the cell 105 North
Tower where Dr. Manette was kept for 18 years. Defarge
searched the cell and found some papers, Dr. Manette
wrote during his imprisonment. The judge ordered to be


Questions & Answers
1-How was Mr. Lorry when Barsad left Carton?
Mr. Lorry was very sad and asked Carton what he had
done to save Darnay, but his sadness bent him into tears.
Carton quieted Mr. Lorry saying he would do what he
could do to visit him one time.
2-What did Lorry hope?
He hoped to leave all the family of Lucie in perfect safety as
he was ready to leave Paris to London.
3-What did Mr. Lorry and Carton decide to do?
They decided to go to Lucie‟s gate and Carton will wander
in the street to reappear in the morning, but Mr. Lorry will
go to the court in the morning. Carton will go to the court
by help of Barsad.
4-How was Dr. Manette's name falsely used to accuse
All people were surprised when the president told them
that Darnay was denounced by Dr Manette. Dr Manette
was shocked by what he had heard as he didn‟t denounce
anybody. The president has ordered Dr Manette hard to be


5-What did Mr. Defarge declare in the court at Darnay's
Mr. Defarge, the owner of the wine shop is Saint Antoine,
came and told the whole court of the document he had
taken after the Bastille fell to the patriots. He broke the cell
and got the paper. Then he began to read it in front of all
the people in court.
6-“There is nothing more to do, until tomorrow, I can’t
sleep.” Comment.
These words were said by Carton to himself as he was
buying some drugs from a pharmacist in Paris. When the
pharmacist seemed perplexed, he looked quiet and firm.
He put the packets in his pockets and left.
7-“I am the resurrection and life,” says the lord. “He
that believes in me, though he was dead, yet shall he
lives; and whoever lives and believes in me shall never
These words were said by Carton to himself as he used to
repeat these words since the death of his father and
mother. He kept these words in mind all his life till the


Answer the following questions
1-How did Mr. Lorry know that Jerry was a grave robber?
2-Why did Mr. Lorry forgive Jerry?
3-How was Mr. Lorry sorry for his old age?
4-Carton had reasons to love and respect Mr. Lorry?
5-Why did Carton go to a drug store?
6-What did Carton do feel close to Lucie?
7-What was Darnay accused of for the third time?
8-How was the beginning of Darnay's third trial
9-"Sir, don't be hard on me. I did not need to tell you. I
could have kept it back. I only said it in a good cause."
10-"She came out here, as she went daily to the prison.
She walked often on those stones. Let me follow in her
11-"You will be careful with it, citizen?"
12-"Accused as an enemy of the Republic, an aristocrat,
member of a family guilty of terrible cruelty to people."
13-"Who says that I accuse the husband of my child?"



Chapter 22
The Doctor's Story

The papers which Dr. Manette wrote after he went

to prison told what happened to him and why he went to
prison. He wrote those papers when he felt that his mind
began to be affected by his imprisonment. He used a nail
and his blood mixed with the dust from the chimney.
His story began when he was a doctor and was
asked by the Evrémondes to see a case. When he went into
a country house he heard shouts of a woman who cried
calling her husband, her brother and counted from 1 to 12
and said hush. She repeated that over and over. The
doctor gave her some medicine to keep her calm but he
knew that she would die. Then, one of the Evrémondes
asked him to see another case in another room. He was a
young man who was wounded badly in his stomach and
bleeding. He told the doctor that one of the two brothers
the Evrémondes wanted his sister, who was in the other
room, for himself but she loved her husband. They gave
her ill husband too much work day and night until he
died. They took his sister by force so his father died in
grief. When the young man came to help his sister, one of
the Evrémondes stabbed him. The young man had one


young sister whom he left with some fishermen and she
might get lost. The young man called on the Evrémondes
and denounced them to the last of their race. The young
woman died and she was pregnant and her brother died,
too. The Evrémondes threatened Dr. Manette not say
anything about what he saw. The wife of the Marquis the
Evrémonde came to tell Dr. Manette that she was against
what her husband and his brother and wanted to give the
doctor money to help the lost girl in that family who were
destroyed. The woman had her son Charles and was
worried that he would pay for his family mistakes. She said
that she had some jewels and would ask him on her
deathbed to give them to that family. She asked her son to
good and kind to people.
The doctor wrote what happened and sent it to the
authority but the Evrémondes arrested him and threw him
in the prison. The doctor cursed this family to the last of
their race and asked God to give them no mercy.
All the votes were given to send Charles Darnay to the
Guillotine in 24 hours.


Questions & Answers
1-Inspite of helping Dr. Manette, Defarge destroyed the
doctor's life.
Defarge was Dr. Manette's servant. He helped the doctor
when Defarge hid and protected him after getting out of
prison but he used the papers that Dr. Manette about his
story of imprisonment and used Dr. Manette's name to
accuse Charles Darnay of being an enemy of the republic
to bring Darnay to the guillotine.
2-How did madam Defarge knit Darnay's death well?
She kept the papers which Dr. Manette about Darnay's
family and how they were cruel to people. She used them
in a good time when Darnay was released from prison. She
prepared the judges and the jury to be sure that they
would sentence Darnay to death.
3- The Evrémondes represented the worst of the
aristocrats. Explain
The Evrémondes were oppressors and cruel that they
thought that the poor farmers were among their properties
and The Evrémondes could control their life and death
without being questions. The marquis killed a boy under
the feet of his horses but cared for the horse not for the
killed child. Nothing could stand between them and their
pleasure. They destroyed a poor family and caused the


death of a young beautiful woman whom the marquis
wanted for himself, her husband, her baby, her father and
her brother.
4-Darnay was lucky to be affected by his mother not by
his father or his uncle. Explain
Darnay's mother was a kind woman who hated the wrongs
her husband and his brother did. She was always worried
about her son and that he would pay for the cruelty of his
family. She asked Dr. Manette to help her to find the little
girl whose family was destroyed by The Evrémondes. She
brought up her son Charles to be kind to poor people and
correct the wrongs the Evrémondes did. Darnay grew up to
be a real kind gentleman. He hated the oppression and the
injustice of his father and uncle against the poor people.
He thought that his family's name was the most hated in
France because of their cruelty. He hated their wealth
because it was collected out of the poor people's blood and
misery. He wished to give it to the poor when he became a
marquis. He left his wealth to the poor people and earned
his living by teaching the French language in London. He
lived in London using his mother's family name 'Darnay'
but he came to France to obey his mother's last wish to
correct the wrong his father and uncle did.


5-What was the story told by Dr Manette in his papers
in his cell in the Bastille?
Dr Manette was looked for by two twin brothers in
December in 1757. The Evrémonde needed him as there
was a lady screaming all the time and an injured boy in a
room full of hay. The doctor tried to cure the lady but in
vain. Then he went to see the boy who had a cut in his
chest. He was likely to die. The boy told the story of his
raped sister who screamed hysterically and his dead father
and her husband‟s death after putting him in a harness to
pull a cart all the day then he died at night when the
church's clock was striking twelve. The boy died then his
sister died too. Dr Manette left the twin brothers in bad
conditions. He decided to write to the minister but wrongly
the nobles had the paper and took him to the Bastille in a
cell to complete his life there.

Answer the following questions

1-Why did the doctor write about his tragedy?
2-How did Dr. Manette write about his tragedy?
3-What did the Evrémondes do to the farmer's daughter?
4-Why did the young man lose his life?
5-How did the Evrémondes destroy the poor family?
6-How was Charles' mother different from her husband?


7-How did Charles Darnay's mother predict his
8-How did Dr. Manette pay for his bravery?
9-The third was the worst. Refer to Charles Darnay
10-"I am writing it with an old nail for a pen, and for ink I
am using my own blood mixed with dirt from the chimney."
11-"My husband, my father and my brother."
12-"I call on you and yours, the last of a bad race, to pay
for those things. I make this cross of blood on you as a
sign. And I call on your brother, the worst of a bad race, to
pay. I make this cross of blood on him as a sign."
13-"You are a young man and have your future to
consider. It would be better for you not to say anything
about what you have seen and heard here."
14-"For my child, I want to do all I can for this cruelly
wronged family. If I do not, this will be with him all his life.
I have a feeling that he may be forced to pay for these
wrongs." "You will be true, little Charles?"
15-"There is no mercy in their hearts, and God will show
them no mercy. The mark of the red cross will be a curse
on them forever." / " I lay my curse on the two brothers
and on their children and grandchildren to the last of their
evil race."
16-"Save him my doctor, save him if you can."



Chapter 23
Mr. Lorry gives a promise

Lucie stretched her hand and wanted to reach

Darnay and kiss him. Dr. Manette wanted to kneel in front
of Darnay to show how he was sorry because his papers
were the cause of Darnay's execution but Darnay held him
and apologized for what his family did against Dr. Manette
and thanked Dr. Manette for accepting Darnay's marriage
although he knew what his family was but Dr. Manette put
his daughter's happiness before his and above his pain.
Darnay was taken away and Lucie fainted. Carton
appeared from his dark corner and carried her home. Dr.
Manette would do his best to save Darnay but neither
Carton nor Mr. Lorry had hope.
Carton went away and decided to make himself seen in the
area to make people know that there was a man who
looked exactly like Darnay. He went to Defarge's wine shop
where madam Defarge was shocked to see the likeness
between him and Darnay. She knew he was English who
did not understand French. He heard her, her husband
and some Jacques talking. He heard madam Defarge
talking about her plans that she would not stop until she
destroyed all the family of the Evrémondes. She wanted


Lucie to watch her husband being killed by the guillotine
and then would accuse her of being a friend of an enemy of
the republic because she saw her and Dr. Manette waving
for Darnay while he was in prison. She would also accuse
little Lucie of being one of the Evrémondes. She would
arrest Lucie after the guillotine, the following day. Madam
Defarge already prepared the judges and the jury to give
the desired sentence. Defarge asked his wife to stop her
revenge but she told him that she would never stop
because the destroyed family in Dr. Manette's story was
hers and she was the little girl who was lost.
Carton went to Mr. Lorry's house to see what Dr. Manette
could do to save Darnay but he found that Dr. Manette
relapsed and lost his memory. He was looking for his shoe
making tools, the bench and the unfinished shoe. Carton
took Dr. Manette's papers and gave them to Mr. Lorry. He
gave Mr. Lorry his own papers as an English lawyer and
asked him to take the Manettes and travel before the
guillotine because it was dangerous for them to stay. He
told Mr. Lorry to wait for him in front of Darnay's prison
because he would visit Darnay and they would leave to
England. He made Mr. Lorry promise to follow his
instructions to save the Manette's.


Questions & Answers
1-Where did carton decide to go while he was in the
street? Why?
He decided to go to Saint Antoine where Mr. Defarge‟s wine
shop lies. He wanted to make people see that there was
another one who looked exactly like Charles Darnay.
2-Who did Carton find in the wine shop?
He found no customers except Jacques three was talking
to madam Defarge , her husband and the Vengeance as a
regular member in that group.
3-What did madam Defarge do when she saw Carton?
She went to him directly to ask him about his orders. She
found him an English man and swore that he looks like
4-What story did madam Defarge prove and emphasize?
She repeated again that she was a victim of the tyranny of
the true Evrémonde brothers. Her sister died and she was
the lady who was ill. Her father, her brother were killed
and all her family were destroyed by the Evrémonde so
there must be a final revenge that she would go on it.
5-What did Carton tell Mr. Lorry about the danger
against the Manettes?
Carton told Lorry that all the family was in great danger.
Madam Defarge planned to end all the family even the little


child. He told Mr. Lorry to get ready to save them as their
destiny was soon. He showed two pieces of papers which
allow them to go back to England. He had a plan in his
6-Why did Lorry appear horrified and terrified about
the Manettes?
After Carton told Mr. Lorry about madam Defarge‟s plans
to destroy all the Evrémondes and the Manettes, he looked
horrified but Carton told him that he was the man who
could save them all.
7-“I saw his face. Yes, I saw his face. I saw that his face
wasn’t the face of a true friend of the Republic. Let
him take care of the Republic.” Comment.
These words were said by madam Defarge to her husband
and other two; Jacques three and the Vengeance.
When madam Defarge found her husband not ready to go
on revenge and killing that family of Dr Manette, she
rejected his situation as she was very sad and decided to
continue to end all the family and had no pity for them.


8- “Where’s my work bench? I have been looking
everywhere for my bench, and I can’t find it. What
have they done with my work? Time presses. I must
finish those shoes.” Comment
These words were said by Dr Manette to both Mr Lorry and
Carton as he was ill again and lost himself. Both of them;
Lorry and Carton put their hands over Dr Manette‟s
shoulder to comfort him. He was in a bad condition. His
mental state became worse and worse.

Answer the following questions

1-Why did Dr. Manette want to kneel in front of Darnay?
2-How did Dr. Manette value his daughter's happiness over
his suffering?
3-Why did Carton want himself to be seen in Saint
4-How were Defarge and his husband different about the
idea of revenge?
5- Why was madam Defarge extreme in her revenge?
6-How did madam Defarge plan to revenge for her family?
7-What promise did Mr. Lorry give to Carton?
8-How was Dr. Manette affected by Darnay last sentence?
9-Why did Carton give Dr. Manette's papers to Mr. Lorry?
10- Why did Carton give his own papers to Mr. Lorry?


11-"What have you done that you should kneel to us? We
know now what you suffered when you know who I was.
We know you put Lucie's feelings before your own. We
thank you with all our hearts. God be with you!"
12-"It is a good idea that these people should know there is
a man like me here. It may be necessary preparation."
13-" I swear to you, he very like the Evrémonde!"
14-"One must stop somewhere." / " The doctor has
suffered greatly."
15-" I have seen her in the street by the prison." / This
family has long been on my list for their cruelty……That
family treated so badly by the Evrémondes brothers, was
my family. That boy they killed was my brother. His sister
was my sister…Then tell others where to stop, but don't
tell me."
16-" I cannot find it. Where is it? Where is my bench?"
17-"Don't ask why I demand a promise from you. I have a
good reason…. This is the paper which will let me pass out
of this city… Tell her she must leave Paris. Tell her that it
was her husband's last wish. …. Promise me that you will
follow my advice exactly…. Do your part, and I will do



Chapter 24
The Great Escape

The day of the guillotine, 51 heads doomed were to

be cut. Darnay felt calm and guiltless as he made no
mistakes and he had to pay for crimes he did not make. He
wrote a letter for Lucie apologizing for what his father and
uncle did and telling her that he did not know about it. He
also told her that he told Dr. Manette his real family name.
He asked Lucie to take care of herself and Little Lucie.
Darnay wrote a letter to Dr. Manette asking him to forgive
Darnay for what his family did and asked Dr. Manette to
look after Lucie and Little Lucie. Darnay wrote a third
letter to Mr. Lorry thanking him for his long and true
While Darnay was waiting for his doom, he was
surprised to see Carton visiting him. Carton told Darnay
that he came from Lucie who wanted her husband to obey
her last wish to write her some words and to send her his
coat and boots. After Carton changed the coat and the
boots with Darnay, Carton drugged him. He asked Barsad
to take Darnay out to Mr. Lorry who was waiting in a
carriage. Carton told Barsad to tell the guards that his


friend could not bear the last goodbye with Darnay so he
51 people were loaded in a carriage to pass through
streets as a show before being killed. A young weak woman
came near Carton telling him that she was with him in La
Force. Carton pretended forgetting her story. She told him
that she was a dressmaker but she was accused of being a
spy and an enemy of the republic. She told Carton that if
her death made the republic happy, she would not be sad
and she was not afraid of death but she was weak. She
asked Darnay to hold her had but she discovered that he
was not Darnay. Carton told her that he sacrificed his life
to save Darnay for his wife and for his daughter. The
dressmaker loved Carton and asked him to hold her hand.

Questions & Answers

1-Darnay was walking calmly on the road of death.
Darnay felt calm and guiltless as he made no mistakes and
he had to pay for crimes he did not make.
2-What were the letters Darnay wrote before saying
goodbye to the world?
He wrote a letter for Lucie apologizing for what his father
and uncle did and telling her that he did not know about
it. He also told her that he told Dr. Manette his real family


name. He asked Lucie to take care of herself and Little
Lucie. Darnay wrote a letter to Dr. Manette asking him to
forgive Darnay for what his family did and asked Dr.
Manette to look after Lucie and Little Lucie. Darnay wrote
a third letter to Mr. Lorry thanking him for his long and
true friendship.
3-What surprised Darnay in his cell?
As he expected to be taken out for his end, he found his
door to be opened and Carton standing before him with a
big smile telling him to change clothes to get out. Carton
wanted Darnay to exchange ties, boots and coats to be
ready, but Darnay told Carton it‟s madness as no one tried
to escape and succeeded in that. They may both die
4-What plan Carton use to force Darnay to obey his
Carton asked Darnay to write a letter to no one and dictate
him so words. During his speech, he put his hands in his
pocket to get something he spread near Darnay‟s head.
Then Darnay asked him what vapour he used but Carton
insisted that Darnay go on writing as there was nothing.
Carton again put his hands in his pocket to use another
thing that upset Darnay who stood up and struggled but
Carton hit him on his nose with another thing made


Darnay lay down on the floor. Later, Carton called the spy
to take him out of the cell to the carriage.
5-What did Carton ask Barsad? Why was Barsad afraid?
Carton asked Barsad to take Darnay out after he had
exchanged his clothes. Barsad was in trouble as he asked
Carton not to betray him so he went out calling two
helpers to take Darnay on a stretch out into a carriage
with Mr. Lorry. Carton asked Barsad to remind Mr. Lorry
of Carton‟s words not to waste time and carry out plans
precisely. All steps were done bravely and cleverly.
6-The revolution was for liberty, equality and fraternity
but it went wrong for Darnay and the dressmaker.
Darnay grew up to be a real kind gentleman. He hated the
oppression and the injustice of his father and uncle
against the poor people. He thought that his family's name
was the most hated in France because of their cruelty. He
hated their wealth because it was collected out of the poor
people's blood and misery. He wished to give it to the poor
when he became a marquis. He left his wealth to the poor
people and earned his living by teaching the French
language in London. He lived in London using his mother's
family name 'Darnay' but he came to France to obey his
mother's last wish to correct the wrong his father and


uncle did. The dressmaker was a young weak woman who
was with Darnay in La Force. She told Carton that she was
a dressmaker but she was accused of being a spy and an
enemy of the republic. She told Carton that if her death
made the republic happy, she would not be sad and she
was not afraid of death but she was weak. She asked
Darnay to hold her had but she discovered that he was not
7-"Forget your sorrow and give your life to him and to
the care of our child."
Darnay wrote that to Lucie in his letter when he was in
prison before the guillotine. He apologized for what his
father and uncle did and telling her that he did not know
about it. He also told her that he told Dr. Manette his real
family name. He asked Lucie to take care of herself and
Little Lucie.
8-"I bring a most urgent request from her."
Carton said that to Darnay that he came from Lucie who
wanted her husband to obey her last wish to write her
some words and to send her his coat and boots. It was
Carton's plan to replace himself with Darnay to save him
for his wife and for his daughter.


9-"I am thankful that the time has come when I can
prove my words."
Carton made Darnay write these words while Darnay was
in prison. Carton told Darnay that it was Lucie's wish that
her husband would write her some words but it was
Carton's plan to replace himself with Darnay to save him
for his wife and for his daughter. Carton wanted to remind
Lucie of the promise he gave to her when he told her about
his love but she loved Darnay. Carton promised her that he
would give her his life to save her life or the life of anyone
she loved. Now, he proved to be true.
10- "I am not afraid to die, for I have nothing wrong. If
the Republic, which is going to do so much good to the
poor, will profit my death, I am ready to die. But how
can my death be of use? Such a poor, weak creature!"
A dressmaker said that to Carton while they were on the
way to the guillotine thinking he was Darnay. She told
Carton that she was a dressmaker but she was accused of
being a spy and an enemy of the republic. She told Carton
that if her death made the republic happy, she would not
be sad and she was not afraid of death but she was weak.
She asked Darnay to hold her had but she discovered that
he was not Darnay.


Answer the following questions
1-How did Darnay feel before the execution?
2-What was Darnay's last letter to Lucie?
3-What did Darnay write for Dr. Manette before the
4-Why did Darnay write to Mr. Lorry?
5-How did Carton visit Darnay in his imprisonment?
6-How could Carton get Darnay obey him?
7-What did Carton ask Darnay to write?
8-How could Barsad get Darnay out of prison?
9-What was the story of the dressmaker? What did it
10-"Don't let him blame himself in any way."
11-" Of all the people on earth, you didn't expect to see me
here, did you? …. By accident I possess some power over
one of the officers here"
12-" You remember….the words that passed between us
long ago. It is not your nature to forget them"
13- " Don't fear me. I will be true to the death. …..Have no
fear! I shall soon be out of the way of harming you or
anyone else. …Now call help, and carry me to the
carriage…. Take him to the courtyard you know of, place
him in the carriage……Tell Mr. Lorry to remember my
words of last night"


14-"Saying his last goodbyes has been too much for him,
has it? He didn't like the idea of his friend saying good day
to the guillotine."
15-" I am a poor little dressmaker who was with you in La
Force. …….. Spying but God knows that I am not guilty.
Who would think a poor, weak creature like me was a spy."
16-" Are you dying for him?"



Chapter 25
The Last of Paris

Mr. Lorry, Lucie, Little Lucie, Darnay and Dr.

Manette drove away in the carriage. Lucie was broken by
sadness, Little Lucie was too young to help herself, Darnay
was drugged and Dr. Manette was unconscious but Mr.
Lorry was the safeguard for the group to lead them out of
danger. They were stopped at a gate where one of the
patriots made fun of Lucie Manette saying that her
husband had another appointment somewhere else. The
soldier felt proud and honoured Little Lucie by making her
kiss him. Lucie wanted to travel fast but Mr. Lorry advised
her to be normal not to draw attention that they were
escaping. Another soldier asked about the number of the
people to be headed and was happy to know they were 52
not 42 as he loved the guillotine and its hard work.

Questions & Answer

1-Mr. Lorry was the lorry which carried a lot of people
to safety. Explain
Mr. Lorry was the only one of the group who was in a
condition of self- control because Lucie was broken by
sadness, Little Lucie was too young to help herself, Darnay


was drugged and Dr. Manette was unconscious but Mr.
Lorry was the safeguard for the group to lead them out of
danger. All the safety of the group depended on Mr. Lorry
who was up to the responsibility.
2-"Ha! Evrémonde has an appointment elsewhere!"
The soldier on one of the gate in Paris said that when he
was searching the papers of the travelers. He made fun of
Lucie Manette saying that her husband had another
appointment in the guillotine.

Answer the following questions

1-How did many people's safety depend on Mr. Lorry?
2-How did Lucie feel while escaping from Paris?
3-Why did Mr. Lorry not prefer travelling fast?
4-"It seems that the Doctor is not in his right mind.
Perhaps the Revolution fever has been more than he can



Chapter 26
The Knitting is Finished

Madam Defarge was discussing with her friends, the

Jacques, her plans of revenge. She feared her husband's
kind nature and his love to Dr. Manette and she only cared
for Lucie and her daughter. She wanted to see them killed.
She wanted to take the woodcutter to be a witness to
testify that he saw Lucie and Dr. Manette waving to the
prisoner Evrémonde who was an enemy of the republic.
She wanted Little Lucie to be killed because she was one of
the race of the Evrémondes. The Jacques prepared the
judges and the jury.
Madam Defarge decided to go to see Lucie at the time of
the guillotine. She expected Lucie to be sad and angry and
would talk badly against the republic so it would be a good
chance for her to find a crime against Lucie. She asked her
friend The Revenge (Vengeance) to book her her usual
place in front of the guillotine and left her knitting to The
Armed with a gun and a sharp weapon, madam Defarge
went to Dr. Manette's house. Miss. Pross was there as Mr.
Lorry preferred them to travel after them not on the same
carriage with the Manettes to make the carriage lighter to


travel faster, not to take long time at checkpoints and not
to attract attention to a large number of travelers. They
were to travel after the first group so Jerry went to get a
carriage and Miss Pross would catch up with him. Madam
Defarge ordered to see Lucie Manette but Miss Pross
thought that she would waste madam Defarge's time to let
Lucie go farther. She closed the doors of the rooms making
madam Defarge think that Lucie was there. Madam
Defarge threatened Miss. Pross but Miss. Pross was ready
to give her life to save Lucie. The two women fought and
Miss Pross held madam Defarge tightly that she could not
move. The two women fell to the ground while Miss Pross
was still holding madam Defarge but Madam Defarge could
get her gun and a bullet went off but to settle into madam
Defarge's chest ending her life. The noise of bullet deafened
Miss Pross. Miss Pross closed the house and went to the
carriages' yard. She could not hear the noise of the
carriages or Jerry so Jerry was sure that she would never
listen again.

Questions & Answers

1-Why did Madame Defarge discuss her plans with
Jacques away from her husband?
She was holding a black discussion with the Vengeance
and Jacques three. She said that her husband had been


bold but he had many weaknesses. She wanted to destroy
Dr Manette but afraid that her husband could stop her.
2-What did Madame Defarge ask the woodcutter?
Madam Defarge asked the woodcutter if he was ready to be
a witness who had seen Lucie‟s signals from 2 to 4 by the
prison. He told in full readiness to confess everything
happened in all weathers by Lucie.
3-Where did Madame Defarge go before the guillotine?
Madame Defarge planned to go to Lucie. She expected
Lucie to be sad and angry and would talk badly against the
republic so it would be a good chance for her to find a
crime against Lucie.
4-What did Mr. Lorry decide for Pross and Jerry's
journey? Why?
Mr. Lorry decided to leave Pross and Cruncher to left after
the first coach leave. He wanted to save time and gave no
attention to the French people because of the overloaded
coach so he asked Pross and Jerry to wait and they agreed
5-What did Jerry and Pross agree on for their journey
They agreed on leaving Jerry to go to move some
arrangement, then came to take Pross to the cathedral


where they can take the coach. After going out, Miss Pross
was to wash her red eyes, and then she cried out in fear.
She saw Madame Defarge in front of her, Madame Defarge
was asking about Mrs. Lucie. She wanted her greatly.
6-How did Pross end Madame Defarge’s life?
When Madame Defarge wanted to break into the room
behind Pross, Pross held her tight and raised her from
ground up. As Madame Defarge was feeling what behind
clothes. Pross knew it was a gun and held it till some fire
and smoke got out. She waited to see it was Madame
Defarge fell on the ground dead. Pross was happy and tried
to prepare herself to leave the doors locked and threw the
key in the river later.
7-Where did Pross wait for Jerry? What did he notice
about her?
Pross went out with a veil on her hat and her unusual face
in the street till she reached the bridge. Jerry came after
she had arrived at the cathedral. They left and he was
disturbed as Miss Pross didn‟t hear him and didn‟t hear
the tumbrels of those who will lose their life. He was sure
that she never hears a word or thing in the world.


8- “See you; I care nothing for this doctor. He may
keep his head or lose it; it’s all the same to me. But
the Evrémondes people are to be destroyed, and the
wife and the child must follow the husband and
father.” Comment.
These words were said by Madame Defarge to the
Vengeance, the woodcutter and Jacques three. She told
them that she wished to end the Evrémonde family from
life but afraid of her husband as he had weaknesses so he
could give them a warning so they escape. So they agreed
on a plan to carry it out.
9- “You might from your appearance, be the wife of the
Devil. Never the less, you shall not get the better of
me. I am an English woman.” Comment.
These words were said by Miss Pross to Madame Defarge
after she had seen her in the room. Madame Defarge
wanted to see Lucie but Miss Pross as a woman the life
made her strong could defeat and fight Madame Defarge.
Miss Pross shut all doors to defend Lucie‟s room against
Madame Defarge till she finished her. A bullet went out of
Madame Defarge shot her dead and made Miss Pross
unable to hear.


Answer the following questions
1- Why did not madam Defarge trust her husband?
2- How did madam Defarge prepare for her final revenge?
3-Why did madam Defarge visit Lucie before her husband's
4-Why did Miss. Pross want to keep madam Defarge as
long as possible?
5-How did Miss Pross put madam Defarge in doubt?
6-How was Miss. Pross ready to save Lucie from madam
7-Miss. Pross was able to end madam Defarge's knitting.
8-"My husband is certainly a good Republican and a brave
man. He deserved the Republic's thanks. But he has one
weakness. His weakness is that he is sorry for the doctor."
/ " The truth is that I have lost confidence in my husband.
I cannot trust him in this matter. I dare not tell him the
details of my plan. I fear that if I delay, he may give them
warning and they may escape….. I must act for myself." / "
You are sure of the other members of the jury?"
9-"Those signals that she made to the prisoners- are you
ready to give evidence about them that very day."


10-"He was signaling with her when I saw them. I cannot
speak about one without the other. No! He must take his
chance. I cannot let him live."
11-"Lucie Manette will be at home now, waiting for the
moment of her husband's death. She will be upset and
crying. She will be in such a state of mind that she will say
bad things about the justice of the Republic."
12-"Though you look like the wife of the devil himself, you
will not get the better of me. I am an English woman." / "
We are alone at the top of the house. We are not likely to
be heard. Every minute I keep you here is worth a hundred
pounds to Lucie." /"It is under my arm and you will not
reach it. I am stronger than you, thank heaven. I'll hold
you until one of us faints or dies."
13-" I have been in the fighting from the beginning, and
nothing has stopped me. I will tear you to pieces if you do
not get away from the door."
14-"If they have gone, they can be followed and brought
15-"But as long as you are not sure, you don't know what
to do."
16-"If you can't hear all the noise made by those carts, now
near their journey's end, it's my opinion that you'll never
hear anything else in the world."



Chapter 27
The Guillotine

The death carts were passing through the streets for

people to watch the people who were going to be guillotined
but it was a usual sight for most of the people because
they got used to it. One of the people on the way insulted
the Evrémonde but Barsad asked the man to be kind and
leave the Evrémonde because he was going to pay for his
crime. The Revenge (Vengeance) was looking for madam
Defarge to watch the Evrémonde. The dressmaker was
holding Carton's hand as they helped each other to bear
that terrible time. She wanted to be killed before Carton.
They kissed each other and were the numbers 22 and 23
to the other world. People said that they never saw a
calmer or more peaceful face than that of Carton's.
If Carton had a chance to talk, he would say that he
could see the better future of France with more tolerant
and kinder people. He could see a long raw of bad people
like Barsad, Cly, Defarge, the judges and the jury in front
of the guillotine. He could see the bright future of England
and Lucie as an old woman remembering Carton and
crying for him. She would have a son and give him the


name of Carton's. He could see himself living a far better
life than the present life.

Questions & Answers

1-Why did the carts of the convicted people wander the
streets of Paris?
To make a show of them before sending them to the
2-How were people’s feeling towards those carts?
The inhabitants in Paris got used to that scene. People
were having different reactions. Some were putting heads
down, some were closing their eyes thinking about the
acts, only one was a miserable creature who was in horror
but tried to dance and sing. All people had no appeal of
pity or mercy towards the people in the tumbrels.
3-Why was the Vengeance nervous?
The enemy who she waited his end for a long time but in
vain, she never came for ever to see the end.

4-What were Carton’s thoughts for the future?

He thought of seeing all, he saw Defarges, the Jacques
three, the juryman, the judges to be crashed down by the
guillotine before it ended its use. He thought of Dr Manette
lived to be old and bent. He thought of Mr. Lorry to be a


friend forever to the family. He also thought of Lucie to
weep for him at the same time yearly. He thought of a boy
carrying his name, doing better in future making his name
famous, wading away all his bad deeds. Of course, a nice
future would be, was his hope in his inner self. Carton was
an end for an endless memory in the history of that scene.
5-“But for you, dear stranger, I would not be so calm
for I am naturally a poor little thing, faint of heart. I
think you were sent to me by heaven.” Comment.
These words were said by the seamstress to Carton before
the moment of death came. He also told her that she might
be sent to him. They were speaking as if they were alone.
Answer the following questions
1-How did the spy show some good spirit?
2-Why did the spy sympathize with Carton?
3-How did Carton and the dressmaker help each other to
face their end?
4-How might Carton think of a better world?
5-"He is going to pay the price. It will be paid in five
minutes more. Let him be at peace."
6-"See her knitting in my hand and her empty chair ready
for her."



Revolution ٖ ‫ؼ‬ٛ ‫ ﺙ‬scene ‫ﻉ‬ٙ ‫ِﺵ‬
accurate ‫ﻙ‬١‫ ظل‬link ‫ؽتؾ‬٠
fair ‫ ػﺍﻅﻱ‬swing ‫ﺫﺭﺃؼﺥ ﺭ‬
judge ‫ﺵﺉ‬ٍٝ ‫سىُ ػ‬٠ secretly ٗ ٠‫مٗ قؽ‬٠‫ﺕﻁؽ‬
produce ‫ٕرﺡ‬٠ imprison ٓ ‫كد‬٠
uprising ٗ ‫ ﺍٔرفﺍػ‬lose ‫طكؽ‬٠
common ‫ ػﺍ ِٗﺍٌﺵؼ ﺓ‬repaid ‫ىﺍﻑﺉ‬٠
aristocrats ٗ ١‫ ﺍ ٌﻁﺙﻡٗ ﺍالقرمؽاؽ‬suffering ٖ ‫ِؼأﺍ‬
represent ً ‫ّث‬٠ treat ً ِ‫ؼ ﺍ‬٠
oppression ‫ﺍﻅ‬ٙ ‫ ﺇػﻁ‬hero ً ‫ﺕﻁ‬
tyranny ْ ‫ﺍ‬١‫ ﺍٌطغ‬relapse ‫ٕرى ﻑ‬٠
merciless ٗ ‫ ْ ؼ ّﺯ‬ٚ ‫ ﺕﻉ‬bring up ٟ ‫ؽﺕ‬٠
beast ‫ﺯﺵ‬ٚ orphan ُ١‫ر‬٠
kingdom ٗ ‫ ﺍ ٌ ٍّﻯ‬sacrifice ٝ ‫ؼس‬٠
prison ٓ ‫ ﻕﺩ‬wrongness ‫ﺍﺽﻁﺍء‬
destroy ُ‫سط‬٠ sentence َ ‫ﺱﻯُ ﺕﺍالػﻉﺍ‬
republican ٓ١٠‫ؼ‬ٛٙ ّ‫ ﺍ ٌ ﺩ‬oppressor ُ ٌ ‫ ﻅﺍ‬/ ‫ﻉ‬ٙ ‫ِؼﻁ‬
waves ‫ﺥﺍﺥ‬ٛ ِ branch ‫ﻑؽﻉ‬
hatred ٗ ١٘‫ وؽا‬safety ْ ‫ٌألِﺍ‬
unforgettable ٟ ‫ال ذٕك‬ ‫ك األفﻙ‬١‫ػ‬
extraordinary ٞ ‫ؽػﺍﻅ‬١‫ غ‬identify ٝ ٍ ‫رظؽﻑػ‬٠
knitting ٗ ١‫ش‬ٚ‫ؼ‬ٛ ‫ ػّ ً ﻭ‬suburb ٗ ١‫ػاز‬
blinded ّٟ‫ ؼ‬٠ imprisonment ‫ﺕﺡ‬ٛ ‫ﻑﺭؽ ٖ ﺍٌؼﻡ‬
revenge َ ‫ ﺍإلٔرﻡﺍ‬hide ٝ ‫طف‬٠


look after ٟ ‫ؽﺍػ‬٠ memory ٖ ‫ﻍﺍﻭؽ‬
protect ّٟ‫ ﺱ‬٠ recognize ٝ ٍ ‫رؼؽﻑػ‬٠
self-denial ‫ ٔﺍﻭؽ ٌٍػﺍﺥ‬guard ‫ﺯﺍؼ ـ‬
messenger ‫ِؽﻕﺍﻱ‬ insist on ٝ ٍ ‫ظؽػ‬٠
accompany ‫ؽافﻙ‬٠ attend ‫سؼؽ‬٠
selfish ٝ ٔ‫أٔا‬ trial ّٗ ‫ِﺱﺍﻭ‬
assistance ‫ِﻙﺍػﻉ‬ accused of ‫ُ ﺕـ‬ٙ ‫ر‬٠
fame ٖ ‫ؽ‬ٙ ‫ﺵ‬ innocent ‫ﺕؽﺉ‬
Spy (v/n) ‫ ـ‬ٛ ‫ﺥﺍﻕ‬ promised ‫ػﻉ‬ٛ ٠
tyrant ٗ ١‫ؽﺍغ‬ title ‫ٌﻡ ﺓ‬
considered ‫ؼرثؽ‬٠ permission ْ ‫ﺇﻍ‬
property ٗ١‫ٍِى‬ wedding ‫ ٍٗؾﻑﺍﻑ‬١ٌ
tax collector ‫ﺥ ﺍِﻍ ػؽﺍﺉ ﺓ‬ secrets ‫ﺍﻕؽﺍؼ‬
price ٓ ّ‫ﺙ‬ relapse ‫ٕرى ﻑ‬٠
employee ‫ﻅﻑ‬ٛ ِ break out ‫ٕﻉ ٌﻍ‬٠
revealed ‫ىشﻑ ﻕؽ‬٠ arrest ٝ ٍ ‫م ﺙﻍػ‬٠
Bastille ً ١‫ﻕﺩٓ ﺍٌﺙﺍﻕﺭ‬ émigré ‫ﺍﺥؽ‬ٙ ِ
traitor ٓ ‫ﺽﺍﺉ‬ upset ‫ﻙ‬٠‫رؼا‬٠
the guillotine ٗ ٍ ‫ﺍ ٌّﻡ ﻅ‬ protection ‫ﺡ‬٠‫ﺯّا‬
replace ً ‫س ً ِﺱ‬٠ reputation ‫ؼ‬
ٗ ‫ﻕ‬
weapons ٗ ‫ﺃﻕٍﺱ‬ restore ‫ﻉ‬١‫كرؼ‬٠
barrel ً ١ِ‫تؽ‬ release ‫طٍك قؽﺍ ﺫ‬٠
mud ٓ ١‫ؽ‬ watchful ‫ِؽﺍﻝ ﺓ‬
blamed َ ٛ ٍ٠ lie ‫ىػﺏ‬٠
in public َ ٛ ّ‫ ﺍ ٌؼ‬ٍٝ ‫ػ‬ affect ‫رﺃﺙؽ‬٠


calm ‫٘ﺍﻅﺉ‬ weak ‫ﻑ‬١‫ػؼ‬
warning coughs ‫ﺡ‬٠‫ؽ‬٠‫ﻭﺱٗ ﺫﺱػ‬ cell ٗ ٔ‫ؾٔؿا‬
want ٗ ‫ﺍٌﺱﺍﺥ‬ treason ٗ ٔ‫ا‬١‫ض‬
sickness ‫ﺍ ٌّؽ ﻉ‬ case ٗ١‫لؼ‬
taste ‫ؼ‬
ُ ‫ؽ‬ suspect ‫ش ﻩ‬٠
trustee ٟ ‫ﻁ‬ٚ inform ‫ث ٍﻍ‬٠
instead of ٓ ِ ‫ﺕﻉال‬ position ‫ﻝﻍ‬ٛ ِ
locked ‫ ـ‬ٛ ‫ِﺱﺙ‬ cross-examine ٗ ‫ﻑﺱﺽ ﺇﺥﺍﺕ‬
show ‫ػؽ ﻉ‬ prove ‫ثث ﺩ‬٠
cracks ‫ﺵ‬ٚ ‫ﺵؽ‬ distrusted ٗ ١‫ق ف‬ٛ ‫ﺙ‬ٛ ِ ‫ؽ‬١‫غ‬
robbers ‫ﺹ‬ٛ ‫ٌﻅ‬ testimony ٖ ‫ﺍﻅ‬ٙ ‫ﺵ‬
deliver ُ ٍ ‫كر‬٠ entire ‫ًﻭ‬
Recall ٝ ‫كرﻉػ‬٠ testify ‫ﻉ‬ٙ ‫ش‬٠
realize ‫ﻉؼﻥ‬ ٠ exchange ‫رثﺍﻅﻱ‬٠
surprised ‫ِٕ ﻉ٘ﺵ‬ secret ٞ ‫ﻕؽ‬
lay ‫ؼغ‬٠ false ٟ ‫م‬١‫ؽ زم‬١‫ﻍ‬
fit ً ّ‫ر ﺱ‬٠ camp ‫ِؼﻙﻯؽ‬
peacefully َ ‫ﺕكال‬ careless ً ّٙ ٠
jailer ْ ‫ﻕﺩﺍ‬ ceiling ‫ﻕﻡﻑ‬
remind ‫ػﻭؽ‬
٠ likeness ٗ‫ﺵﺙ‬
bundle ٖ ‫ﻁؽ‬ untidy ‫ؽ ِؽﺫ ﺓ‬١‫غ‬
officer ‫ػﺍﺕؾ‬ faint ٗ ١ٍ‫ ػ‬ّٝ‫غ‬٠
remove ً ٠‫ؿ‬٠ announce ٓ ٍ ‫ؼ‬٠
barrier ‫ﺯﺍﺥؿ‬ flavour ‫ؼ‬
ُ ‫ؽ‬
heaven ‫ﺍ ٌﻙّﺍء‬ accusation َ ‫ﺍ‬ٙ ‫ﺍﺫ‬


trade ٗ ‫ﺯؽﻑ‬/ ٕٗٙ ِ arrest ٝ ٍ ‫ ﻡﺙﻍػ‬٠
court ‫ﻯ‬
ّٗ ‫ِﺱ‬ miserable ‫ ﻑ‬١‫ذؼ‬
witnesses ‫ﻅ‬ٛ ٙ ‫ ﺵ‬pocket ‫ ﺓ‬١‫خ‬
honest ٓ ١ِ‫ أ‬aim ‫٘ﻉﻑ‬
troops ‫ﺍﺥ‬ٛ ‫ ﻝ‬exploit ً ‫كرغ‬٠
master ‫ﻉ‬١‫ ق‬poverty ‫ﻑﻡؽ‬
theft ٗ ‫ ﻕؽﻝ‬attraction ‫ﺡ‬١‫ﺥﺍغت‬
right ‫ ﺍٌﺱﻙ‬valid ‫ﻁﺍ ٌ ﺭ‬
search ٟ ‫ثسث ف‬٠ tavern ‫ؼ‬
ُ ‫ِﻁ‬
harm ٜ ‫ ﺃﻍ‬dine ٟ ‫رؼش‬٠
attorney-general َ ‫ ﺍٌؼﺍ‬ِٝ‫ ﺍ ٌ ّﺱ ﺍ‬jackal ‫ﺙؼ ٍ ﺓ‬
unintentionally ‫ْ ﻝ ﻅﻉ‬ٚ ‫ ﺕﻉ‬greedy ‫ؽّﺍﻉ‬
evidence ٓ ‫ ﻝؽﺍﺉ‬decent ‫ﻑ‬١‫ٌط‬
In spite of ٓ ِ ُ ‫ ﺕﺍٌؽﻍ‬reason ‫ﻕﺙ ﺓ‬
congratulate ‫ٕﺉ‬ٙ ٠ hopeless ‫ﺃﻕ ﻑ‬٠
honour ‫ ﺵؽﻑ‬respectable َ‫ِﺱﺭؽ‬
frightened ‫طﺍﻑ‬٠ desire ٗ ‫ؼﻍﺙ‬
unfriendly ٗ ٠‫ظ‬ٚ ‫ؽ‬١‫مٗ غ‬٠‫ ؽؽ‬envious of ‫ﻅ‬ٛ ‫ﺯﻙ‬
belong to ٟ ٌ ‫ ا‬ّٝ‫ٕر‬٠ charge ٗ ّٙ ‫ﺫ‬
pity ٝ ٍ ‫شفك ػ‬٠ deserve ‫كرسﻙ‬٠
appearance ‫ؽ‬ٙ ‫ ﺍ ٌ ّﻅ‬purpose ‫٘ﻉﻑ‬
jealous of ‫ؼ‬ٛ ١‫ غ‬admire ‫ؼد ﺓ‬٠
attracted ‫ٕدػﺏ‬٠ sincere ‫إضالﺹ‬
mood ٗ ١‫ ﺯﺍ ٌٗ ِؿاخ‬no matter ‫ ّﺍ‬ٙ ِ / ُٙ ِ ‫ك ﺩ‬١ٌ
attack ُ ‫ﺍﺥ‬ٙ ٠ restlessly ٗ ‫ ْ ؼﺍﺯ‬ٚ ‫ﺕﻉ‬


defeat َ ‫ؿ‬ٙ ٠ dig ‫سفؽ‬٠
in front ٗ ِ‫ ﺍ ٌّ ﻡﻉ‬ٟ‫ ﻑ‬reminder ‫ػﻭﺍؼ‬ ‫ﺫ‬
shade ً ‫ ﺍ ٌﻅ‬remains ‫ﺍ‬٠‫ﺕﻡﺍ‬
energy ٗ ‫ ؽﺍﻝ‬leather ‫ﺥ ٍﻉ‬
ash ‫ ﺫؽﺍﺏ‬castle ‫ﻝﻅؽ‬
storm ٗ ‫ ػﺍﻁﻑ‬church ٗ‫ك‬١ٕ‫و‬
practise ‫ّﺍؼ ـ‬٠ local ٝ ٍ ‫ِﺱ‬
scientific ٟ ٍّ ‫ ػ‬general َ ‫ػﺍ‬
experiment ٗ ‫ ﺫﺩؽﺕ‬mender ‫ظ ٍ ﺭ‬٠
regain ‫ﻙﺭؽﻅ‬٠ hanging ‫ؼ ٍﻙ‬٠
steal ‫كؽﻕ‬٠ nephew ‫ﺃ ﺕٓ ﺍألﺵ‬
hatred ٗ ١٘‫ وؽا‬plainly ‫ ﺫ‬ٛ ‫ػ‬ٛ ‫ﺕ‬
echo ‫ﺥ‬ٛ ‫ ﻁ‬ٜ ‫ ﻁﻉ‬chateau ‫ﻝﻅؽ‬
footsteps َ ‫ﺍﺥ ﺍﻝﻉﺍ‬ٛ ‫ ﺽﻁ‬mistake ‫ﺽﻁﺃ‬
symbol ‫ ؼِؿ‬followed ‫رثغ‬٠
represent ً ‫ّث‬٠ anger ‫ﻍؼ ﺓ‬
refer ٝ ٌ ‫ؽ ﺍ‬١‫ش‬٠ heartless ‫ْ ﻝ ٍ ﺓ‬ٚ ‫ﺕﻉ‬
symbolize ٝ ٌ ‫ؽِؿ ا‬٠ cruel ‫ﻝﺍ ـ‬
approach ‫ﻡﺭؽﺏ‬٠ coward ْ ‫ﺥﺙﺍ‬
impressive ‫ ﺥػﺍﺏ‬onions ً ‫ﺕﻅ‬
imagine ً ١‫رط‬٠ philosophy ٗ ‫ﻑٍﻙﻑ‬
shelter ٞ ٚ ‫ ِﺃ‬fountain ٖ ‫ؼ‬ٛ ‫ٔﺍﻑ‬
deafen ‫ﻑﻡﻉ ﺍ ٌﻙّﻍ‬٠ comfort ‫ﻉﺉ‬ٙ ٠
expect ‫ﻝﻍ‬ٛ ‫ر‬٠ philosopher ‫ﻑ‬ٛ ‫ ٍﻙ‬١‫ف‬
inform ‫طثؽ‬٠ angered ‫غؼ ﺓ‬٠


instantly ‫ ﺍٌﺱﺍﻱ‬ٟ‫ ﻑ‬crush ‫كسﻙ‬٠
the lodging ٓ ‫ ﻕﻯ‬threaten ‫ﻉﻅ‬ٙ ٠
carter ٖ ‫ﺍؼ‬١‫ ﻕﺍﺉﻙ ﺍٌك‬deny ‫ٕىؽ‬٠
annoyed ‫ﻙ‬٠‫رؼا‬٠ treated ً ِ‫ؼ ﺍ‬٠
pain ُ ٌ ‫ ﺍ‬hammering ‫ؽؽﻕ‬
wealth ٖ ٚ ‫ ﺙؽ‬fortunate ‫ﻅ‬ٛ ‫ِﺱﻅ‬
misery ‫ ﺕﺅ ـ‬worthy ً ٘ ‫كرﺍ‬٠
wish ٗ١ِٕ‫ أ‬exile ٝ ‫ِٕﻑ‬
stained ‫ﺹ‬ ‫ ٍﻁ‬٠ confidence ٗ‫ﺙﻡ‬
grave ‫ ﻝﺙؽ‬intend ٜ ٛ ٕ٠
injustice ٍُ ‫ ﻅ‬avoid ‫ردٕ ﺓ‬٠
living ‫شح‬١‫ ِؼ‬embarrassment ‫ﺇﺯؽﺍﺝ‬
earn ‫ىك ﺓ‬٠ suitable ‫ِٕﺍﻕ ﺓ‬
cruelty ٖ ٛ ‫ ﻝﻙ‬ruin ‫ﻅِﺍؼ‬
abandon ‫رؽﻥ‬٠ encourage ‫شدغ‬٠
Wilderness ِٗ ‫ ﻝّﺍ‬soul ‫ﺫ‬ٚ ‫ؼ‬
reaping ‫ﺯﻅﺍﻅ‬ bless ‫ثﺍؼﻥ‬٠
scrap ‫ؼ‬
ٗ ‫ﻝﻁ‬ sympathy ‫ﺫؼﺍؽﻑ‬
defend ٓ ‫عافغػ‬٠ evaluation ُ ١١‫ ﺫﻡ‬/ ‫ؽ‬٠‫ﺫﻡع‬
in demand ‫ﺏ‬ٛ ٍ ‫ِﻁ‬ conditions ‫ﻑ‬ٚ ‫ﻅؽ‬
field ‫ِﺩﺍﻱ‬ dear ‫ؿ‬٠‫ػؿ‬
translation ّٗ ‫ﺫؽﺥ‬ except ‫ّﺍػﻉﺍ‬١‫ف‬
creativity ‫ﺇﺕﻉﺍﻉ‬ relative ‫ ﺓ‬٠‫لؽ‬
separate ‫ﻑؽﻕ‬
٠ romantic ٝ ‫ﺍؽﻑ‬
favour ‫ ﻁﺍ ٌ ﺭ‬ٟ‫ﻑ‬ hanged ‫شٕﻙ‬٠


decision ‫ ﻝؽﺍؼ‬execution َ ‫ﺇػﻉﺍ‬
excuse ‫ؼؿؼ‬٠ plea ‫ﺍ ٌﺭّﺍ ـ‬
revelation ‫ االف ﻅﺍ ﺫ‬blows ‫ٌ ﻯّﺍﺥ‬
forgive ‫ك ﺍِ ﺭ‬٠ kicks ‫ؼوالﺥ‬
in common ‫ﺵﺭؽﻥ‬ ِ beat ‫ؼؽﺏ‬٠
postpon ً ‫ﺅﺥ‬٠ discomfort ٗ ‫ػ ﻉَ ﺍ ٌؽﺍﺯ‬
torture ‫ؼػﺏ‬٠ upcoming ٗ ‫ﺇٔرفﺍػ‬
cage ‫ ﻝﻑﺽ‬self-talk ٟ ‫ﺙ ٔفك‬٠‫ﺯع‬
gallows ٗ ‫ِﺵٕﻡ‬ neighbourhood ٖ ‫ؽ‬١‫ﺍٌد‬
destruction ‫ﺍ ٌﻉ ِﺍؼ‬ cunningly ‫ﺕﻉ ٘ﺍء‬/‫ِﻯؽ ﺕ ّﻯؽ‬
wave ٝ ٌ ‫ﺫ ﺍ‬ٛ ٍ ٠ purpose ‫ﻍؽ ﻉ‬
corpse ٗ‫ﺥﺙ‬ beforehand ‫ِﻙﺙﻡﺍ‬
fearful ‫ﻑ‬١‫ِط‬ destiny ‫ؽ‬١‫ِظ‬
sight ‫ِٕﻅؽ‬ rough ‫ﻝﺍ ـ‬
politics ٗ ‫ﺍﻕ‬١‫ق‬ revengeful ٝ ‫ﺍٔرم ِﺍ‬
compare ْ ‫مﺍؼ‬٠ the study ‫ﻍؽﻑٗ ﺍ ٌّﻯﺭ ﺓ‬
revolt ‫ؼ‬ٛ ‫ث‬٠ pale ‫ﺵ ﺍﺯ ﺓ‬
structure ‫ﺕٕﺍء‬ honey moon ً ‫ؽ ﺍٌؼﻙ‬ٙ ‫ﺵ‬
plots ‫ِ ﺅﺍِؽﺍﺥ‬ spoil ‫فكﻉ‬٠
weaving ‫ٕكﺡ‬٠ bride ٗ ‫ﻕ‬ٚ ‫ػؽ‬
misguide ً ٍ ‫ؼ‬٠ regret َ ‫ٕﻉ‬٠
description ‫ﻁﻑ‬ٚ bridegroom ‫ ﻑ‬٠‫ػؽ‬
patient ‫ﻁﺍﺕؽ‬ prove ‫ثث ﺩ‬٠
revenge َ ‫ﺇٔرمﺍ‬ convince ‫مٕﻍ‬٠
pin ‫شث ﻩ‬٠ get rid of ٓ ِ ‫رط ٍﺽ‬٠


fail ً ‫ ﻑﺵ‬disturb ‫ؿػﺡ‬٠
sake ً ‫ِٓ ﺍﺥ‬ recovered ٟ ‫شف‬٠
supposed ‫ِٓ ﺍ ٌّﻑﺭؽ ﻉ‬ reliable ٗ ١ٍ‫ؼ ﺭّﻉػ‬٠
hold ‫ّك ﻩ‬٠ regular ُ‫ِٕﺭﻅ‬
bear ً ّ‫ر ﺱ‬٠ unusually ٞ ‫ؽػﺍﻅ‬١‫غ‬
mistaken ‫ِﻁﻁﺉ‬ transfer ‫ﻱ‬ٛ ‫س‬٠
swim over ٝ ٌ ‫ﺫﻁؽﻕ ﺍ‬ lead ‫ﻅ‬ٛ ‫م‬٠
furious ‫ﻍؼ ﺓ‬ pistol ‫ِﻙﻉ ـ‬
armed with ‫ِﻙ ٍ ﺭ‬ satisfy ٟ ‫ؽػ‬٠
stone ٖ ‫ﺯﺩﺍؼ‬ patriots ٓ ١ٕ‫ؽ‬ٚ
power ‫ﺝ‬ٛ ‫ﻝ‬ passerby ً ١‫ﺍﺕؽﻕﺙ‬ ‫ػ‬
pole ‫ﻅ‬ٛ ِ ‫ػﺍ‬ flames ‫ﺓ‬ٙ ٌ
rejoice ‫ﻑؽ ﺫ‬
٠ valuable ُ١‫ل‬
celebrate ً ‫سرف‬٠ contents ‫ﺍﺥ‬٠ٛ‫ِﺱﺭ‬
couple ‫ﺝ‬ٚ ‫ﺍٌؿ‬ vengeance ٗ ‫ﺍﻝﺙ‬
‫ﺍ ٌّؼ‬
concerning ٝ ٌ ‫ﺕﺍ ٌٕﻙﺙٗ ﺍ‬ breathlessly ‫ﻝﺍؽﻍ ﺍ ٌٕﻑ ﻑ‬
thoughtful ً ‫ػﺍﻝ‬ starving ‫ػﺍ‬ٛ ‫ﺥ ﺥ‬ٛ ّ٠
creature ‫ﻕ‬ٛ ٍ ‫ِﻁ‬ avenge ُ ‫ ٕﺭﻡ‬٠
wound ‫ﺥؽﺫ‬ bunch ِٗ ‫ﺯؿ‬
bleeding ‫ٕؿﻑ‬٠ lamp post ٗ ‫ﻅ ٌّﺙ‬ٛ ِ ‫ػﺍ‬
warmly ‫ﻉﻑﺉ‬
‫ﺕ‬ spear ‫ؼِ ﺭ‬
generous ُ٠‫وؽ‬ spike ٟ ‫ػﻅ‬
range ٓ ١‫ؼ ت‬ٚ ‫ﻉ‬٠ fate ‫ﻝﻉؼ‬
revolutionaries ‫ﺍؼ‬ٛ ‫ﺙ‬ figures ‫ﺃﺵﻁﺍﺹ‬
axes ‫ﻑﺃ ـ‬ fatal ٟ ‫ﺃﻕﺍﻕ‬


towers ‫ﺍﺕؽﺍﺝ‬/ ٟٔ‫ِﺙا‬ unconscious ٝ ‫ﺍػ‬ٚ ‫ؽ‬١‫غ‬
surrender ُ ٍ ‫كرك‬٠ vanish ٝ ‫طرف‬٠
downfall ‫ؽ‬ٛ ‫ﻕﻡ‬ violence ‫ػٕﻑ‬
records ‫قدالﺥ‬ former ‫ﺍ ٌﻙﺍﺕﻙ‬
document ‫ﺙﺍﺉﻙ‬ٚ doubt ‫ش ﻩ‬٠
denouncing ‫شد ﺓ‬٠ bulldog guard ‫ﻭ ٍﺓ ﺯؽﺍﻕﺡ‬
gloomy ُ ‫ﻝﺍﺫ‬ faithful ‫ِﻁ ٍﺽ‬
leader ‫ﻝﺍﺉﻉ‬ crisis ِٗ ‫ﺃؾ‬
entrusting ٝ ٌ ‫ﻉ ﺍ‬ٙ ‫ؼ‬٠ escort ‫ﺯﺍؼ ـ‬
trusty ٗ ١‫ق ف‬ٛ ‫ﺙ‬ٛ ِ decree ْ ٛ ٔ‫ﻝا‬
porter ‫ﺍﻱ‬١‫ ﺵ‬/ً ِ‫ﺯ ﺍ‬ mixed ‫ِﻁﺭ ٍؾ‬
appointment ‫ػﻉ‬ٛ ِ observe ‫الزﻉ‬٠
loyal ‫ِﻁ ٍﺽ‬ response ٗ ‫ﺍﻕﺭﺩﺍﺕ‬
victim ٗ١‫ػس‬ opportunity ٗ ‫ﻑؽﻁ‬
departure ً ١‫ؼز‬ delay ‫ؽ‬١‫ﺫأض‬
Republic ‫ﺡ‬٠‫ؼ‬ّٛٙ‫خ‬ protest ‫سرﺡ‬٠
Liberty ‫ح‬٠‫زؽ‬ sign ٗ ِ‫ػال‬
Equality ٖ ‫ﺍ‬ٚ ‫ِﻙﺍ‬ suffering ٖ ‫ِؼأﺍ‬
Fraternity ٖ ٛ ‫ﺍﺽ‬ medical ٟ‫ؽﺙ‬
trapped ‫ ـ‬ٛ ‫ِﺱﺙ‬ inspector ‫ِﻑﺭﺵ‬
awoken ‫مﻉ‬١‫كر‬٠ revenge ُ ‫ﺍ ٌّ ٕﺭﻡ‬
crowd ‫ؼ‬ٛ ٙ ّ‫ﺍ ٌ ﺩ‬ invention ‫ﺍﺽﺭؽﺍﻉ‬
judged ٝ ٍ ‫سىُ ػ‬٠ device ٖ ‫ﺍﻅﺍ‬
properties ‫ِّﺭٍﻯﺍﺥ‬ national ٗ١ٕ‫ؽ‬ٛ ٌ ‫ﺍ‬
citizen ٓ ‫ﺍؽ‬ٛ ِ razor ٖ ‫ﺍٌﺵﻑؽ‬


will ٖ ‫ ﺍؼﺍﻅ‬shave ‫س ٍﻙ‬٠
ugly ‫ ﺭ‬١‫ لث‬cure ‫ػالﺝ‬
Stood for ً ‫ّث‬٠ headache ‫ﺍ ٌﻅﻉﺍﻉ‬
trial ٗ ّ‫ِﺱﺍ ﻭ‬ sharp ٗ ١ِ‫ﺍٌﺱﺍ‬
explode ‫ٕفدؽ‬٠ female ٖ ‫ﻉ‬١‫ﺍ ٌﻙ‬
inquire ً ‫ركﺍﺉ‬٠ personality ‫ﺡ‬١‫شطظ‬
inspect ‫فسﺽ‬٠ register ٗ ‫ﻕ‬
ّ ‫كد ً ﺍ‬٠
security ٓ ِ‫اال‬ bearer ٗ ٌ ‫ﺯ ﺍِ ً ﺍٌؽﻕﺍ‬
upcoming ٗ ١‫ﺍألذ‬ assure ‫ﺅﻭﻉ‬٠
bravery ٗ ‫ﺵﺩﺍػ‬ agreement ‫ﺇﺫﻑﺍﻕ‬
devastation ‫ﻅِﺍؼ‬ presence ‫ﻅ‬ٛ ‫ﺥ‬ٚ
endure ً ّ‫ر ﺱ‬٠ remark ٗ ‫ﻅ‬ٛ ‫ٍِﺱ‬
literature ‫ﺍألﻅﺏ‬ card ‫ﻭﺍؼﺥ‬
weather ‫ﺍ ٌﻁﻡ ﻑ‬ confess ‫ؼرؽﻑ‬٠
wood cutter ‫ﻝاؽغ االضﺵﺍﺏ‬ satisfy ٟ ‫ؽػ‬٠
greet ٟ‫س‬٠ jury ٟ ‫ﻝﺍػ‬
principles ‫ِﺙﺍﻅﺉ‬ accusation َ ‫ﺍ‬ٙ ‫ﺍﺫ‬
apply ‫طثﻙ‬٠ drugs ‫ﺡ‬٠ٚ‫ﺃﻅ‬
betray ْ ٛ ‫ط‬٠ resurrection ‫ﺍ ٌﻁالﺹ‬
carmagnole ٗ ‫ؼﻝﻅ‬ nail ‫ِﻙّﺍؼ‬
savage ٗ ‫ﺯﺵ‬ٛ ‫ِﺭ‬ dust ‫ﺫؽﺍﺏ‬
checkpoints ‫ﺵ‬١‫ٔم ﻁٗﺫﻑﺭ‬ chimney ٗ ‫ﺽ‬ٕ ‫ِﻉ‬
aroused ‫ؽ‬١‫ث‬٠ wounded ‫ ﺫ‬ٚ ‫ِﺩؽ‬
victim ٗ١‫ػس‬ grief ْ ‫ﺯؿ‬
blade ٖ ‫ﻑؽ‬
‫ﺵ‬ force ‫ﺝ‬ٛ ‫ﻝ‬


escape death ‫ﺥ‬ٛ ّ ٌ ‫ ِٓ ﺍ‬ٛ ‫ٕد‬٠ stab ٓ‫طؼ‬٠
knowledge ٗ‫ ِؼؽﻑ‬pregnant ً ِ‫ﺯ ﺍ‬
physician ‫ ﺓ‬١‫ ؽث‬authority ‫ﺍ ٌﻙ ٍﻁﺍﺥ‬
statue ‫ ﺫّﺙﺍﻱ‬pleasure ٗ‫ِﺭؼ‬
denounced ‫شد ﺓ‬٠ twin َ ‫ﺃ‬ٛ ‫ﺫ‬
gravely ْ ‫ﺕﺱؿ‬in vain ٖ ‫ْ ﻑﺍﺉﻉ‬ٚ ‫ﺕﻉ‬
threaten ‫ﻉﻅ‬ٙ ٠ rape ٝ ٍ ‫ػ‬ٞ ‫ؼرﻉ‬٠
report ‫ث ٍﻍ‬٠ scream ‫ظؽﺵ‬٠
grave ٖ ‫ﻡﺙؽ‬ِ harness ‫ػؽﺕ ٗ ﺥؽ‬
funeral ٖ ‫ﺥٕﺍؾ‬ overloaded ٖ ‫ ٌﺡؾﺍﺉﻉ‬ٛ ّ‫ﺯ‬
hysterically ْ ٛ ٕ‫ﺕﺩ‬ cathedral ‫كح‬١ٕ‫و‬
minister ‫ؽ‬٠‫ؾ‬ٚ tight ‫ﺵﻉﺝ‬
evil ‫ؽ‬٠‫شؽ‬ disturb ‫ؿػﺡ‬٠
race ٗ ٠‫غؼ‬ tumbrels ‫ػؽﺕﺍ ﺥ‬
kneel ‫ؽوغ‬٠ bullet ٗ ‫ؼﻁ ﺍﻁ‬
accept ً ‫مث‬٠ signals ‫ﺍﺵﺍؼﺥ‬
likeness ٗ ‫ﺍٌﺭﺵﺍﺕ‬ tolerant ‫ِﺭﻙ ﺍِ ﺭ‬
instructions ‫ّﺍﺥ‬١ٍ‫ﺫؼ‬ row ‫ؼ‬ٛ ‫ؽﺍﺕ‬
emphasize ٝ ٍ ‫ﺅﻭﻉػ‬٠ apologize ‫ؼرػؼ‬٠
bench ‫ِﻡؼﻉ‬ friendship ٗ ‫ﻁﻉﺍﻝ‬
shoulder ‫ﻭﺭﻑ‬ drugged ‫طﻉؼ‬٠
doomed ٗ ١ٍ‫ِﻡﻉؼػ‬ stretch ‫رّﻉﻅ‬٠
load ً ّ‫ ﺱ‬٠ urgent ً ‫ػﺍﺥ‬
dressmaker ‫ﺍؽﺡ‬١‫ض‬ request ‫ؽٍﺓ‬
pretend ‫رظ ﺍ٘ؽ‬٠ safeguard ‫ﺍ ٌّٕﻡػ‬



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