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Past Simple Tense
Past simple
Key words:-

yesterday - last - ago - this morning

* V. to be in past simple :- In Negative :-

Am - is was was wasn’t

Are were were weren't

Regular verbs :-

1) Add (-ed)

Ex. Finish finished

2) Verbs that end in (e) add ( – d)


Ex. Like liked

3) Verbs that end in (consonant + y ) (y) (ied)

Ex. cry cried

4) verbs that end in (vowel + consonant) double the last letter.

Ex. Stop stopped
Irregular verbs :-

Verb Past Verb Past

am - is Buy bought

Are were Catch caught

has - have had Come came

become became Drink drank

begin began Eat ate

Go went Wear wore

know knew Swim swam

Give gave Write wrote

Find found Think thought

drive drove See saw

Lose lost Run ran

meet met Take took

make Win won


hear heard Say said

do - does did Learn learnt
Negative :-

didn't + v. inf

Ex. - Yesterday, we found our lost toy.

- Yesterday, we didn't find our lost toy.

In questions :-

WH word + Auxiliary ( did ) + subject + v. inf ...... ?

Ex. - They met their friends this morning.

- When did they meet their friends ?

Rewrite the following sentences :-

1- Yesterday, I (lose) ........................... my key. (correct)

2- She wrote the lesson two hours ago. (When)

3- We enjoyed the party last night. (not)

4- Yesterday, It (rain) ....................... all the night.
5- Yesterday, he studied Maths. (What)

6- He goes to the cinema every week. (last)

7- Two hours ago, we were in Alex. (not)

8- The bus stopped early this morning. (not)

9- My father stopped smoking last year. (What)

(last year)
10 - You win a prize.

11- He was in primary 3 last year. (not)

12 - Yesterday, I (buy) ......................... a new coat.

13- This morning, you did a good work. (not)
14 - She wore a nice skirt yesterday. (What)

15 - Two weeks ago, they............................ (are) in Paris. (Correct)

16- My grandma gives me a wonderful present in my birthday. (last year)

17- He cried a lot because he had got bad marks yesterday. (Why)

18- Yesterday, she (eat) ...................... vegetables. (correct)

19 - Yesterday, she eat a lot of sweets. (not)

20- I saw a white dog this morning. (When)

21 - He watched a film last night. (not)

22- Our teacher came late this morning. (not)

23 - She found this book one hour ago. (When)

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