Palih Project

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Chapter 1


1.1 The Project

This project is an innovative agritourism complex in Iba, the capital of Zambales, designed to
revolutionize the local agricultural sector and boost tourism. PAINAWA, which means "to nurture" in the local
dialect, encompasses diverse agricultural operations, including rice production, mango farming, vegetable
farming, and ylang-ylang flower farming.
Situated in Iba, PAINAWA leverages the strategic importance of the capital city to enhance its
recognition and prominence as a key agritourism destination. Iba's location is ideal, offering accessibility for
tourists and serving as a central point for the region's agricultural activities. The complex features a range of
facilities and amenities designed to cater to tourists, including guided tours of the farming operations, hands-
on agricultural experiences, educational workshops, and recreational activities such as nature trails and
picnic areas. The rice production at PAINAWA demonstrates harvesting, drying, and milling, providing a
comprehensive educational experience for visitors. The mango farm showcases Zambales' renowned
mangoes, offering activities like mango picking and tasting sessions. Ylang-ylang flower farm not only
contributes to the local perfume industry but also provides a fragrant and visually appealing attraction for
tourists. PAINAWA also includes eco-friendly accommodations such as eco-lodges and guesthouses that
highlight sustainable architectural designs. A farm-to-table restaurant serves dishes made from the farm’s
produce, emphasizing fresh and organic ingredients. Cultural events and festivals hosted at the complex
celebrate local agricultural traditions and heritage, featuring traditional music, dance, and food fairs that
enrich the visitor experience.
PAINAWA is committed to community empowerment. By providing training and resources to local
farmers, the project fosters entrepreneurship and self-reliance, enabling communities to thrive economically.
This dual focus on sustainability and community development positions PAINAWA as a model for
sustainable agriculture initiatives in the province. By showcasing the transformative power of innovation and
collaboration, PAINAWA aims to inspire communities globally to embrace sustainable practices and build a
brighter future for agriculture. Through its comprehensive agritourism offerings, PAINAWA not only boosts
the tourism sector but also contributes to the economic and social development of Zambales, making it a
center of sustainable agricultural and tourism practices.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Main Problem
The mining operations in Zambales, have been blamed by residents for contaminating irrigation waters,
causing river siltation, and triggering flooding, all of which have severely impacted their agricultural
livelihoods. According to data released by the Department of Agriculture, nickel mining activities in Zambales
result in the annual loss of 8,000 tons of palay (rice) production, valued at approximately Php 200 million
(US$ 5 million). This significant decline in productivity has affected an estimated 1,000 hectares of irrigated
rice lands.

Specifically, the resident accuses the 5 mining firms of the following:

 Destruction of the ecosystem in Zambales.
 Water, air, and soil pollution
 Heavy laterite siltation of river systems, coasts, farmlands, fish ponds, and residential areas
 Forest denudation, resulting in soil erosion
 Exacerbated flood problems during typhoons and heavy rains
 Destruction of irrigation system in Zambales, which severely reduced the palay production of the rice
granary of Zambales
 Heavily affected the livelihood of residents
Rice Farming
Zambales is known for its ample space for rice cultivation, but the ban on drying rice on public roads
has led to the emergence of an alternative system. While farmers and locals have resorted to drying rice
grains in private or residential areas, this solution fails to address the asthma problem. Farmers are grappling
with the challenges posed by this alternative drying method, exacerbated by the growing susceptibility to
floods due to mining expansion in Zambales. The distribution of rice to customers is facing setbacks. Climate
change is further compounding the province's rice drying process, adversely affecting the rice's quality.
This project addresses these questions and concerns:
1. How can sustainable practices and cutting-edge technologies be effectively implemented in the
drying and milling of rice within the PAINAWA project to address environmental concerns and
enhance grain yield and quality in Zambales?
2. What advanced agricultural techniques and sustainable methods can PAINAWA integrate to
optimize the cultivation and processing of ylang-ylang flowers and boost vegetable farming, ensuring
high productivity, soil health, and reduced chemical usage?
3. In what ways can PAINAWA provide training, resources, and support to local farmers and
communities to empower them economically and foster resilience across rice, ylang-ylang, and
vegetable farming operations?
4. How can PAINAWA incorporate sustainable architectural design principles and renewable energy
solutions across all its farming operations while driving innovation and collaboration among
agricultural experts, technologists, and community members, and positioning itself as a global model
for sustainable agricultural practices?
1.3 Objectives
Implement Sustainable Drying Practices
Develop and deploy eco-friendly rice drying technologies to replace traditional methods, thereby reducing
environmental impact, and addressing health concerns such as asthma.
Enhance Rice Milling Efficiency
Introduce state-of-the-art milling equipment and processes to improve efficiency, quality control, and grain
yield, ensuring higher returns for farmers and enhanced product quality for consumers.
Optimize Cultivation and Processing of Crops
Implement advanced agricultural techniques for ylang-ylang flower cultivation and vegetable farming,
ensuring sustainability, maximizing essential oil yield and quality, and maintaining soil health while reducing
chemical usage.
Foster Community Empowerment and Economic Development
Provide training, resources, and support to local farmers and communities, empowering them with
knowledge and skills to thrive, and stimulating economic growth by creating job opportunities, generating
income, and fostering entrepreneurship within the PAINAWA complex.
Champion Environmental Sustainability
Incorporate sustainable architectural design principles and renewable energy solutions throughout the
complex to minimize environmental impact and promote long-term ecological resilience.
Drive Innovation and Collaboration
Encourage collaboration between agricultural experts, technologists, and community members to drive
innovation in the cultivation, processing, and distribution of rice, ylang-ylang, and vegetables, fostering a
culture of continuous improvement and adaptation.
1.4 The Client
Main Client

Expertise and Technical Assistance

The DA possesses valuable expertise and technical knowledge in agriculture, including best practices for
rice production, processing, and post-harvest management. By partnering with the DA, PAINAWA can
leverage its technical assistance and guidance to ensure the project's alignment with national agricultural
policies and standards.
Regulatory Oversight
As the primary government agency responsible for overseeing agricultural development and regulation, the
DA plays a vital role in ensuring compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and environmental standards. By
working closely with the DA, PAINAWA can navigate regulatory requirements and obtain necessary permits
and approvals for its operations.
Funding and Grants
The DA often provides funding opportunities and grants to support initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable
agriculture, enhancing food security, and improving rural livelihoods. By securing funding from the DA,
PAINAWA can access financial resources to finance its project and scale up its operations effectively.
Access to Networks and Partnerships
The DA has extensive networks and partnerships with other government agencies, research institutions, and
agricultural stakeholders at the local, national, and international levels. By partnering with the DA, PAINAWA
can tap into these networks and forge strategic partnerships to strengthen its project implementation, access
additional resources, and maximize its impact.
Policy Advocacy and Support
The DA can advocate for policy changes and reforms that support the adoption of sustainable agricultural
practices and the development of innovative solutions like PAINAWA. By collaborating with the DA,
PAINAWA can contribute to policy dialogue and advocacy efforts aimed at mainstreaming sustainable
agriculture and addressing key challenges facing the sector.
Organization Role
Local Government Units (LGUs) Municipal and provincial governments in Zambales
may allocate funds or provide support for projects
that contribute to local economic development and
sustainability. LGUs can finance PAINAWA
through budget allocations, grants, or partnerships
to address agricultural challenges and promote
livelihood opportunities for local communities.
Zambales Chamber of Commerce and Industry Business associations like the ZCCI can play an
(ZCCI) important role in mobilizing private sector support
for the PAINAWA project. They may facilitate
partnerships between local businesses, investors,
and PAINAWA to explore financing opportunities,
sponsorships, or in-kind contributions to support
the project's implementation.
Local Agricultural Cooperatives Local Agricultural Agricultural cooperatives represent a collective of
Cooperatives farmers and agricultural stakeholders who may
pool resources to finance and support initiatives
like PAINAWA. Cooperatives can provide financial
contributions, access to land or facilities, and
manpower to help establish and sustain the
project's operations.

Project Scope and Limitations

Rice Grain Drying Facility
The project scope includes the design, construction, and operation of a sustainable rice grain drying facility
within Zambales. This facility will utilize eco-friendly technologies, such as solar-powered dryers, to reduce
environmental impact and improve drying efficiency.
Rice Milling Center

PAINAWA will establish a modern rice milling center equipped with state-of-the-art machinery and equipment
to enhance milling efficiency, ensure product quality, and increase grain yield.
Ylang-Ylang and Vegetable Farming
The project will implement advanced agricultural techniques for the cultivation and processing of ylang-ylang
flowers and vegetables, focusing on sustainability, high productivity, soil health, and reduced chemical
Agritourism Facilities
The complex will feature facilities and amenities for tourists, including guided tours, hands-on agricultural
experiences, educational workshops, nature trails, picnic areas, and cultural events to enhance the visitor
experience and boost the tourism sector.
Technological Risks
The adoption of new technologies and innovative practices may pose risks such as technical failures,
operational inefficiencies, and unforeseen complications that could impact project implementation and
outcomes. Mitigation strategies will be essential to manage these risks.
Climate and Environmental Factors
The project may be vulnerable to climate-related risks such as extreme weather events, natural disasters,
and environmental degradation, which could affect agricultural productivity, infrastructure resilience, and
project sustainability. Adaptation and resilience strategies will be integral to the project’s planning and
Catchment Area

The project scope is specifically focused within the geographic boundaries of Zambales province in
the Philippines. This means that all project activities, including the establishment of the rice grain drying
facility, rice milling center, training, and capacity building programs, community engagement efforts,
environmental sustainability initiatives, and partnerships and collaboration activities, will be confined to
Zambales. While Zambales offers a unique setting for the PAINAWA project to address local agricultural
challenges and opportunities, it also means that the project's impact and reach are limited to this specific
region. Therefore, any benefits, outcomes, and challenges associated with the project will primarily affect
stakeholders within Zambales and may not extend to neighboring provinces or regions unless explicitly
stated and planned for within the project scope. By focusing the project scope within Zambales, PAINAWA
aims to tailor its interventions and solutions to the specific needs, conditions, and contexts of the local
communities and agricultural sector in the province, thereby maximizing the project's relevance,
effectiveness, and sustainability within this geographic area.


2.1 Design Process
In this chapter, the design process is introduced as a user-centric, innovative, and cooperative method for
addressing the unique challenges faced by the PAINAWA project. It emphasizes the structured stages
involved in devising solutions that align with both the project's objectives and the specific requirements of rice
farmers and communities in Zambales. The chapter underscores the significance of conducting literature
reviews and examining case studies relevant to sustainable agriculture and rural development to elevate the
caliber of research and gain valuable insights from real-world scenarios. By embracing a holistic approach to
design, informed by user needs and informed by best practices, the PAINAWA project aims to deliver
effective, sustainable solutions that positively impact the livelihoods and well-being of stakeholders in

Introduction to the Design Process

The structured stages involved in this process are highlighted, emphasizing the importance of research,
analysis, prototyping, and adaptation. The significance of conducting literature reviews and examining case
studies to elevate the caliber of research and gain valuable insights from real-world scenarios is
underscored. Through this systematic approach to design, the PAINAWA project aims to deliver sustainable,
impactful solutions that empower communities, enhance agricultural productivity, and promote resilience in
Discovery and Research
This initial step involves gathering information about the current state of rice production, processing, and
distribution in Zambales. It includes examining existing data, conducting interviews with stakeholders, and
analyzing relevant research findings.
The goal is to identify key challenges faced by farmers and communities, understand market dynamics, and
assess environmental factors affecting rice agriculture in the region.
Conceptualization and Visioning
With insights from the research phase, the project team develops a high-level conceptual design for
PAINAWA. This includes defining project goals, objectives, and scope, as well as determining the main
components and features of the project.
The team outlines the approach to be taken, such as the integration of sustainable technologies, community
engagement strategies, and environmental considerations.
Planning and Infrastructure Development
In this step, detailed technical designs and specifications are developed for each component of the
PAINAWA project. This may involve collaborating with experts in agriculture, engineering, and architecture to
ensure that designs are feasible and optimized for efficiency.
Prototyping and testing are conducted to validate the proposed solutions, assess their performance, and
identify any necessary adjustments or improvements.
Implementation and Programming
Once the designs are finalized and approved, the project moves into the implementation phase. This
involves procuring resources, materials, and permits necessary for construction and operation.
Contractors and suppliers are engaged to execute construction and installation activities according to the
project plan and schedule. Quality control measures are put in place to ensure that work meets the required
Community Integration and Evaluation
Throughout the project lifecycle, monitoring and evaluation activities are conducted to assess progress,
measure outcomes, and identify areas for improvement.
Data collected from monitoring efforts is analyzed to inform decision-making and adaptive management. This
may involve adjusting project strategies, reallocating resources, or addressing emerging challenges to
ensure that project goals are achieved effectively.

2.2 Review of Related Literature

Capitalizing on the potential of Farm Tourism as a catalyst for community development and an alternative
source of income for farmers, the study was conducted to assess the status and challenges faced by
agricultural communities in the town of Hermosa, Province of Bataan, Philippines to generate information to
evaluate the tourism prospects of its farm sites (Leslie R. Jorge-Acain, August 2022). The study made use of
an embedded mixed-methods design to assess the farms quantitatively and determine the status and
challenges in farming as experienced by the farmers. It was revealed that farm sites with the highest
potential to be farm tourism destinations bearing scenic landscapes and cultural value are in upland areas,
mostly privately owned ranging from 1 to 4 hectares in size with variable harvest seasons applying the
traditional way of farming. Accessibility is subject to the specific area, with minimal access to basic utilities
and site facilities but with provisions for development. Emerging themes as to the status and challenges
faced by farmers are inadequacy of resources; fluctuating productivity; vulnerability of the quality of produce
and profit unpredictability. Farm Communities may work together with the Government to maximize and
exhaust their fullest potential to generate alternative sources of livelihood through Tourism while maintaining
food security.
Banning of Rice Drying
(DPWH-6, 2020) The Department of Public Works and Highways in Western Visayas (DPWH-6) is reminding
farmers not to dry palay and other farm produce on national roads, especially during this harvest season. In
an interview Wednesday, Vivian Tan, information officer of DPWH-6, said they have reiterated the order to
the various district engineering offices in the region for its strict enforcement and monitoring. The banning of
drying palay and other farm produce on national roads is under Section 23 of Presidential Decree (PD) No.
17 to safeguard motorists from any accident. Under the PD, it is unlawful for any person to usurp any portion
of a right-of-way or to convert any part of the public highway, bridge, wharf, or trail to his private use. “Drying
of palay and other farm produce causes obstruction on the road and in other areas. There are already
recorded accidents because of that. So, we want to ensure the safety of our motorists here in our region,”
she said. Tan said they have designated personnel under the maintenance section to focus on the
implementation of the order. “If we receive reports from concerned citizens, we immediately alert our
engineers to inspect the area and encourage the persons responsible to remove their palay on the national
road,” she said. A notice of obstruction to the persons responsible for drying palay on roads will be served if
they are caught. Tan added that they will also impose a fine of not more than PHP1,000 or an imprisonment
not exceeding six months to those who have committed the offense for the third time. Meantime, Tan also
encouraged local government units in the region to take part in the enforcement of the order. “They have the
power to oversee the provincial and municipal roads because we only have jurisdiction on national roads,”
she said. She urged the public, especially farmers, to cooperate to prevent accidents and obstructing

Source: Philippine Inquirer

The DPWH just released an advisory released in time for the harvest season warning that drying farm
produce on national roads is “totally banned to safeguard the motorists from any untoward incident.” Anyone
caught violating the regulation will risk a fine of P1,000 and imprisonment of up to 6 months based on
Presidential Decree No. 17, which revised the Philippine Highway Act of 1953. “It shall be unlawful for any
person to usurp any portion of a right-of-way, to convert any part of any public highways, bridge, wharf or trail
to his private use or to obstruct in the same in any manner,” the decree reads.
Mango Farming
(DA, January 2024) Zambales announced that the provincial government will transform idle and non-
productive lands into mango farms to boost local mango production. Known for the sweet "Dinamulag"
mango variety, Zambales boasts vast mango plantations spanning 7,500 hectares and cultivated by 5,000
During his State of the Province Address, Ebdane emphasized that establishing a green mango valley will
enhance mango production from planting to processing to distribution in both local and international markets.
He highlighted that this initiative will benefit communities by ensuring a more equitable distribution of
resources. Zambales is renowned for its "Sweet Elena" carabao mangoes, recognized by the Guinness Book
of World Records in 1995 as the world's sweetest and acknowledged by the Department of Agriculture in
2013 as the country's sweetest variety. The province leads Central Luzon in mango production, contributing
36 percent of the region’s total output. Celebrating this agricultural wealth, the Dinamulag festival features
vibrant street dancing competitions where participants, dressed in mango-inspired costumes, showcase their
dance skills.
Strengths of Mango Farming
• Quality Mango Fruits
• Opportunity Land
• Quality Planting Materials (Sweet Elena)
• Technical Expertise
• Export Potentials
• Organized Mango Grower’s/Contractor/
• Processor
• Trading Center
• Service Center
Weakness of Mango Farming

Ylang-ylang Flower

The Department of Trade and Industry’s Board of Investment (BOI) has accredited Iba Botanicals, Inc., a
new essential oil producing company in the Philippines. With an investment of PHP 109.5 million (USD 2.132
million), Iba Botanicals will establish a manufacturing plant in Zambales province. This plant will produce
essential oils from ylang-ylang, vetiver, and elemi species, with a production capacity of 35.6 metric tons or
35,688 kilograms per year, all destined for export to Asian markets including India, Thailand, Malaysia, and
Singapore. The production is projected to contribute PHP 245.28 million (USD 4.77 million) to the economy.

The investment is expected to initially create 200 jobs, primarily for the indigenous Aeta community involved
in the vetiver plantations of San Juan, Zambales, and is projected to generate a total of 430 jobs by its fifth
year of operations. Iba Botanicals has conducted extensive research and development, including
establishing trial plantation areas to produce samples for testing and market development. The company will
use organic farming techniques and is in the process of obtaining international organic certification.

Economic Sub-Sector: Agriculture (CLUP, 2021-2030)

Agriculture remains as one of the core pillars of Iba, especially with the varied ecosystems in the
municipality where a variety of produce can be harvested. As per the data provided by the municipality,
agricultural production areas are focused on palay production, with a total of around 1490.74 allocated
throughout Iba. Other crops that are planted include root crops, vegetables, fruits, spices, and legumes.

Agricultural Crop, Areas and Volume of Production

Source: MPDO

Potential for Agricultural Development (CLUP, 2021-2030)

Large tracts of prime agricultural land characterized by alluvial plains are potentials for agricultural
production. To maximize these, there is a need for increased technical assistance to improve agricultural
practices as well as modernization of farm equipment, value-adding and post-harvest processing such as
farm to market roads, cold storage and fish ports. Through such, both volume of harvest and value can be
improved, eventually contributing to increasing farmer and fisherfolk incomes.

3.1 Site Selection Criteria

For the PAINAWA project in Zambales, meticulous site selection criteria serve as the cornerstone for
identifying the most suitable location. These criteria encompass a spectrum of factors critical to the project's
success, including considerations of natural and environmental elements such as proximity to fresh local
produce and adherence to sustainability practices. Physical factors such as space availability and
infrastructure are also evaluated. Legal, institutional, and administrative aspects ensure compliance with
regulations and permit requirements. Aesthetic considerations are paramount in creating an inviting and
inspiring environment conducive to agricultural innovation. Lastly, socio-economic, and cultural factors play a
pivotal role in selecting a location that resonates with the community, fosters entrepreneurship, and honors
Zambales' agricultural heritage. By rigorously adhering to these criteria, the chosen site guarantees the
PAINAWA project's functionality, sustainability, and meaningful contribution to the local agricultural


1 2 3 4 5
Table 3.1.1 Criteria Ranking


Vicinity is appropriate for the location of the PAINAWA project and has
CLIMATE weather conditions that support user mobility and movement while
utilizing the site.

SUN AND WIND The location is perfect for building agriculture projects that immediately
ORIENTATION influence activities in terms of solar and wind orientation.

The location is appropriate for the construction of a PAINAWA project

that meets the necessary soil and land conditions.

ENVIRONMENTAL There are no risks at the site that could change the current situation of
HAZARDS the site.

The presence of flora on the property and nearby may help to cool the
environment naturally.

The area has enough room for the project and other constructions. The
LOT SIZE AND SHAPE shape of the site should also be considered to ensure that it is suitable
for the intended use.

The area around the site has natural drainage that can be used for

The prevailing dominant land uses must be compatible with the


The site must be able to integrate into the community's current and
ADHERENCE TO CLUP AND future development.
ZONING The site must be suitable for a mixed-use development.

Ensure that the selected site complies with zoning laws,

environmental regulations, and building codes.

Strong collaboration with local institutions can streamline

administrative processes and approvals.


The location of the site is close to a main road that is open to PUVs,
buses, and private automobiles.

Because of the concentration of activities in the old CBD, which causes

traffic congestion, the site is not prone to traffic.

The location of the site along a major road makes it accessible to

pedestrians who can walk a short distance to get there.

Availability of the site's essential sanitary/sewage system, electrical power

supply, water supply, drainage, etc.

The location is acceptable for current usage or has received proper

government approval to be used regardless of the land use.

The metropolitan area that can meet the needs of the user can access the

EXISTING The site's area must be accessible.

3.2 Site Selection and Description


Fig. 1 SITE A
The site has a lot size of 23,995.86 square meters and is situated in Catol, Candelaria, Zambales. Catol is a
barangay in the municipality of Candelaria, in the province of Zambales. Its population as determined by the
2020 Census was 1,286. This represented 4.25% of the total population of Candelaria. Catol is situated at
approximately 15.6201, 119.9325, in the island of Luzon. Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 13.7
meters or 44.9 feet above mean sea level.
SITE B - Zone 3 Poblacion, Iba Zambales

Fig. 2 SITE B
This site has a lot size of 20,493.88 m² and is in Zone 3, Pob. (Botlay). Zone 3 Poblacion, formerly Botlay, is
a barangay in the municipality of Iba, in the province of Zambales. Its population as determined by the 2020
Census was 549. This represented 0.99% of the total population of Iba. The household population of Zone 3
Poblacion in the 2015 Census was 415 broken down into 100 households or an average of 4.15 members
per household. Zone 3 Poblacion is situated at approximately 15.3265, 119.9777, on the island of Luzon.
Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 13.1 meters or 43.0 feet above mean sea level.

SITE C – San Agustin, Iba Zambales

Fig. 3
The site spans a lot size of 108,461.46 square meters and is situated in San Agustin, Iba, Zambales. San
Agustin is a barangay in the municipality of Iba, in the province of Zambales. Its population as determined by
the 2020 Census was 6,301. This represented 11.34% of the total population of Iba. San Agustin is situated
at approximately 15.3769, 119.9484, in the island of Luzon. Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at
12.2 meters or 40.0 feet above mean sea level.
3.3 Site Evaluation
Site evaluation is a crucial step in this process. It involves assessing the suitability of each potential site
based on the established criteria and the site description. The process of site evaluation includes analyzing
the site’s physical characteristics, reviewing relevant regulations and permits, and conducting market
research to assess demand for the proposed development.



Vicinity is appropriate for the location of the PAINAWA
project and has weather conditions that support user
CLIMATE mobility and movement while utilizing the site. 4 5 4

The location is perfect for building agriculture projects

that immediately influence activities in terms of solar 4 5 4
and wind orientation.

The location is appropriate for the construction of this

GEOLOGY project that meets the necessary soil and land 3 4 3

ENVIRONMENTAL There are no risks at the site that could change the
2 4 3
HAZARDS current situation of the site.

The presence of flora on the property and nearby may

help to naturally cool the environment.

The area has enough room for the project and other
constructions. The shape of the site should also be
considered to ensure that it is suitable for the intended

The area around the site has natural drainage that

can be used for the development.

SCORE 21 31 25


The prevailing dominant land uses must be

4 5 4
compatible with the site.

The site must be able to integrate into the

3 4 4
community's current and future development.
AND ZONING The site must be suitable for a mixed-use
3 4 4

Ensure that the selected site complies with zoning

3 4 4
laws, environmental regulations, and building codes.

The location must be within the

Business District Central (CBD)

INSTITUTIONAL Strong collaboration with local institutions can

3 4 3
SUPPORT streamline administrative processes and approvals.

SCORE 18 24 23


The location of the site is close to a main road that is
open to PUVs, buses, and private automobiles.

Because of the concentration of activities in the old

TRAFFIC CBD, which causes traffic congestion, the site is not 4 5 4
prone to traffic.

The location of the site along a major road makes it

PEDESTRIAN accessible to pedestrians who can walk a short 2 2 2
distance to get there.

Availability of the site's essential sanitary/sewage

UTILITIES system, electrical power supply, water supply, 3 4 3
drainage, etc.

The location is acceptable for current usage or has

LAND USE received proper government approval to be used 3 4 3
regardless of the land use.

The metropolitan area that can meet the needs of the

user can access the site.

The site's area must be accessible.


SCORE 21 26 23

Total Score (90) 60 81 71

Total Rating (%) = (Total Score/100) x 100 60% 81% 71%

Assessment: (5) Excellent (4) Very Good (3) Good (2) Fair (1) Poor

3.4 Site Justification

The selection of Zone 3, Iba, Zambales as the project site is justified by its outstanding performance in the
site selection criteria, achieving an 81% rating. Several key factors contribute to this high score, rendering it
a highly suitable location for the proposed project.


CRITERIA Barangay Zone 3, Iba Zambales

Criteria Ranking Percentage (%)

Natural, Environmental and

31 31%
Physical Factors

Legal, Institutional, Administrative, and Aesthetic Factors 24 24%

Socio-Economic and Cultural Factors 26 26%

TOTAL: 81 81%

Zone 3 in Iba, Zambales emerges as an ideal location for the PAINAWA project, meeting 81% of the site
criteria. This area offers a strategic blend of natural advantages and infrastructure readiness conducive to
agricultural innovation. With its proximity to fertile lands and access to fresh local produce, Zone 3 provides a
strong foundation for sustainable farming practices. Moreover, the existing infrastructure in the area ensures
logistical efficiency and ease of access, facilitating the implementation and operation of the PAINAWA
project. However, further assessment and fine-tuning may be necessary to address the remaining 19% of
criteria not yet met, ensuring that the project's objectives are fully realized and its impact maximized within
the community.

3.5 Macro-Meso Site Analysis: Region / Province / City / Town

Regional characteristics
Map of Central Luzon

The largest contiguous lowland area in the Philippines, Region III, also known as Central Luzon, occupies
the space between latitudes 120 and 160 north of the equator and longitudes 120 and 121. Encompassing a
vast land area of 2,201,463 hectares, it comprises seven provinces, namely Aurora, Bataan, Bulacan, Nueva
Ecija, Pampanga, Tarlac, and Zambales. This dynamic region, a key contributor to the national economy,
boasts industrial estates and economic zones with robust infrastructure, including efficient water, power, and
telecommunication facilities, as well as well-connected road networks. Central Luzon's strategic location
fosters synergy between Subic, Clark, and the seven provinces, offering accessibility for the seamless
movement of people, goods, and services from the northern areas to Manila. With its blend of an
international airport, seaport, industrial and agricultural zones, tourism and leisure spots, support services,
and major thoroughfares, Central Luzon stands as a compelling investment destination, leveraging the
collective strengths of its diverse elements.

The population of Central Luzon in 1990 was 6.3 million. It increased from 8.2 million in 2000 to 10.1 million
in 2010. Based on the mid-decade census of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), the region’s population
was 11.2 million in 2015. If the annual growth rate of 2.0 percent between 2010 and 2015 remains constant,
Central Luzon’s population will double its 2015 figure in 34 years in the year 2049

Population of Central Luzon (PSA)

Name Type Population Population

(2020) (2015)
Aurora Provinc 235,750 214,336
Bataan Province 853,373 760,650
Bulacan Province 3,708,8 3,292,0
90 71
Nueva Provinc 2,310,1 2,151,4
Ecija e 34 61
Pampan Provinc 2,437,7 2,198,1
ga e 09 10
Tarlac Provinc 1,503,4 1,366,0
e 56 27
Zambale Provinc 649,615 590,848
s e

Provincial Characteristics
Map of Zambales

Zambales, situated in the Central Luzon Region on the island of Luzon, is a Philippine province. The
Municipality of Iba serves as its capital and is strategically positioned at the province's midpoint. Covering a
vast land area of 3,830.83 km2, Zambales ranks as the second-largest among the seven provinces in
Central Luzon. Renowned for its abundant mangoes available from January to April, the province showcases
its agricultural richness.
The Zambales province is divided into 13 Municipalities and 1 Independent City:
● Botolan
● Cabangan
● Candelaria
● Castillejos
● Iba
● Masinloc
● Olongapo
● Palauig
● San Antonio
● San Felipe
● San Marcelino
● San Narciso
● Santa Cruz
● Subic
Population of Zambales

Name Type Population(2022) Population(2015) Annual Population

Growth Rate

Botolan municipality 66,739 57,707 3.11%

Cabangan municipality 28,118 25,163 2.37%
Candelaria municipality 30,263 27,174 2.29%
Castillejos municipality 67,889 64,841 0.97%
Iba municipality, capital 55,581 50,506 2.04%

Masinloc municipality 54,529 47,719 2.85%

Palauig municipality 39,784 34,947 2.77%
San Antonio municipality 37,450 34,661 1.64%
San Felipe municipality 25,033 23,183 1.63%
San Marcelino municipality 37,719 33,665 2.42%
San Narciso municipality 30,759 28,360 1.72%
Santa Cruz municipality 63,839 58,151 1.98%
Subic municipality 111,912 104,771 1.40%

Zambales Total 649,615 590,848 2.02%

Zambales falls under the first type of climate classification, characterized by distinct wet and dry seasons. The dry period
spans from November to April, while the wet season prevails throughout the rest of the year. Notably, a significant proportion,
at least 89%, of the annual precipitation occurs from June to October, with the remaining months receiving less than 125% of
the total rainfall. The clearest months, aligning with average precipitation, are from January to April, while the cloudiest
period extends from July to September. The relative humidity is consistently recorded at 80%.


The province boasts accessibility through various modes of transportation, including land, water, and air. Two bus companies
serve the province, one operating as a cooperative with a fleet of bus liner operators, and the other functioning as a cooperative
of jeepney operators with transport franchises spanning from Olongapo City to San Felipe and vice versa. In the northern part of
the province, multiple jeepney associations operate from San Felipe to Sta. Cruz, offering diverse routes within the area.
Olongapo City features four bus companies with routes extending to Manila, Baguio, Bataan, Nueva Ecija, and Pangasinan. Car
rentals and taxis are accessible in Olongapo City, while van-for-rent services are available in all towns of the province. With
Zambales' proximity to the Subic International Airport and Subic Seaport, both flights and port calls are readily accessible within
the zone.

Town Characteristics Iba, Zambales

Iba stands as a coastal municipality situated in the province of Zambales, Philippines, holding the distinction of being the
provincial capital with a population reaching 55,581 individuals as of 2021. Its inception dates back to 1611 when the Order of
Augustinian Recollect priests, led by Rodrigo de San Miguel, founded it as the village of Paynauen. The name "Iba" originates
from the Phyllanthus acidus tree, known locally as "iba," which produces edible sour fruits, a term also applied to the similar
kamias (Averrhoa bilimbi). With a total land area of 153.38 km² and an elevation ranging from 4 to 402 meters above sea
level, Iba is divided into 14 barangays. Its economy thrives on agriculture, fishing, and the burgeoning tourism industry.
Map of Iba, Zambales
Population of Iba, Zambales
Barangay Population Population Population Change Annual
percentage (2020) (2015) (2015-2020) Population
(2020) Growth Rate
Amungan 19.28% 10,714 9,017 18.82% 3.70%
Bangantalinga 9.33% 5,188 4,759 9.01% 1.83%
Dirita-Baloguen 6.77% 3,763 3,162 19.01% 3.73%
Lipay-Dingin-Panibuatan 6.13% 3,406 2,987 14.03% 2.80%
Palanginan 19.74% 10,973 10,413 5.38% 1.11%
San Agustin 11.34% 6,301 5,609 12.34% 2.48%
Santa Barbara 8.14% 4,526 4,345 4.17% 0.86%
Santo Rosario 7.86% 4,366 3,979 9.73% 1.97%
Zone 1 Poblacion 4.32% 2,403 2,136 12.50% 2.51%
Zone 2 Poblacion 1.36% 755 860 -12.21% -2.70%
Zone 3 Poblacion 0.99% 549 415 32.29% 6.07%
Zone 4 Poblacion 0.80% 443 523 -15.30% -3.43%
Zone 5 Poblacion 2.53% 1,407 1,611 -12.66% -2.81%
Zone 6 Poblacion 1.42% 787 690 14.06% 2.81%

Iba Total 55,581 50,506 10.05% 2.04%

Iba is a coastal municipality in the province of Zambales. It serves as the provincial capital. The municipality has a land area of
153.38 square kilometers or 59.22 square miles which constitutes 4.22% of Zambales's total area. Its population as determined
by the 2020 Census was 55,581. This represented 8.56% of the total population of Zambales province, or 0.45% of the
overall population of the Central Luzon region. Based on these figures, the population density is computed at 362 inhabitants
per square kilometer or 939 inhabitants per square mile.


Topography is the arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area, particularly its surface
characteristics. As applied to land use planning, topography provides a quantitative description of the potentials and
limitations of the land within an area, enabling land use planning to become more effective and efficient. The
topography of Iba is characterized by a mixture of coastal plains to its west and the Zambales mountain range to its east. The
areas most suitable for residential/settlements and agricultural production are those with 0-8.5% slope category, these are
mainly located in the coastal and western section of the municipality with a plain or gently- rolling slope category. Iba also
has a total of 12,210.53 has or 57.22% of its land having level to gently rolling slope category. Land which is gently rolling to
rolling comprises around 4,775.16 or around 22.38% of the
total land area, these can still be utilized for agriculture and residential/settlement purposes provided that mitigating measures are
placed to avoid the potential impact of soil erosion especially in built up structures. Also to be noted are the areas within the
municipality that exhibit the mountainous slopes of the Zambales mountain ranges with an accumulated 20.39 % of the total
land area.

Topography Map

Geographical Location

Iba is located at the western coast of Zambales province, at the coordinates of 119 degrees – 58 minutes east
longitude and 15 degrees – 19 minutes north latitude. It is bounded on the north by the Municipality of Palauig, on the west by
the West Philippine Sea, on the east by Tarlac Province and on the south, by the Municipality of
Botolan. Fronting the West Philippine Sea, its coastline has a total span of 12.70 km. from its northern boundary of Bagsit
River down to its southern limit of Bancal River.

Location Map


Liquefaction is a phenomenon in which a saturated mass of land loses a large percentage of its resistance and flows in a
liquefied manner. This is in response to applied stress such as shaking during an earthquake, sudden changes in stress
conditions, and reduced bearing capacity. This condition is mostly observed in areas where the soil is sandy, low-density, and
saturated. Hence the importance of maintaining the integrity of watersheds to further support the soil structure and ensure its
strength, especially during heavy sustained and heavy volume rainfall. The data provided by the MPDO shows that almost
all barangays in the municipality, except for Lipay Dingin Panibuatan, and Zone 3 Poblacion and Zone 4 Poblacion have
not considered their barangay as vulnerable to liquefaction.
Liquefaction Hazard Map

Storm Surge

A storm surge is a phenomenon characterized by an abnormal rise in sea level, typically occurring during typhoons. The
powerful winds generated by these storms force large volumes of water towards the shoreline, resulting in flooding that
can reach heights of up to 10 meters. This natural hazard is most prevalent during the wet season when sea
temperatures are at their warmest. The data presented by the Municipal Planning and Development Office (MPDO) in
Table 1.25 underscores the existence of storm surge hazards in the coastal barangays of Iba, specifically Lipay-
DinginPanibuatan, San Agustin, Palanginan, Amungan, Bangantalinga, and Sto Rosario. The vulnerability of these low-lying
coastal areas is emphasized, as an immediate and significant rise in sea levels poses a substantial risk to the well-being
and safety of the residents. The identification of these vulnerable barangays becomes crucial for implementing effective
mitigation and preparedness measures to minimize the potential adverse impacts of storm surges on the community.

Storm Surge Hazard Map


Climate is the average weather in a place over many years. In comparison to weather which may change in just a
few hours, climate takes hundreds, thousands, and even millions of years to change. Understanding climate is
key in ensuring sustained local economic development, coupled with increased resilience to weather-
related disturbances. On the aspect of local economic development, climate affects food security, especially
patterns and types of agricultural production, health, and the vulnerability of local communities. With the
prevailing threats of climate change and the existing geophysical conditions of the municipality, Iba is further
challenged to ensure that the municipality can ensure the resilience and adaptive capacity of its communities.
The municipality belongs to a Type 1 Climate with a distinct wet and dry season. The dry season usually
occurs from November to April, while the wet season usually occurs from June to October.

Micro Site Analysis: The Site and its Immediate Environs

The Micro Site Analysis delves into the characteristics of the selected lot and its immediate environs, providing a comprehensive
understanding that aligns with the proposed project's objectives and the established criteria. This analysis is aimed at two primary goals:
(1) introducing the reader to the specific site, and (2) justifying the site's score based on the rubrics set in the criteria, further supported by
maps and photo-documentations.

Lot Characteristics

The chosen lot for the PAINAWA project is situated

in Zone 3, Iba Zambales. This expansive lot spans
approximately 7 square meters, offering ample space
to accommodate the envisioned agribusiness
facilities, eco-friendly structures, community spaces,
and educational components of the project. The lot's
relatively rectangular shape aligns well with the
architectural design and layout requirements of the project.

The site zoning of Zone 3 is meticulously planned to harmonize with the community's cultural, economic,
and environmental context. The zoning is designed to optimize land use, ensuring that each zone
contributes to the overall well-being and functionality of the barangay.

Open Green Spaces

Open green spaces are strategically integrated throughout the zoning plan to provide areas for recreation,
relaxation, and community gatherings. These spaces contribute to the overall aesthetics of the barangay
and support environmental sustainability.

Residential Zone
This zone is dedicated to residential purposes, encompassing a mix of housing types to accommodate the
diverse needs of the community. It emphasizes a balance between privacy and community living, fostering
a sense of belonging.

Agricultural Zone
Given the project's focus on agribusiness, an agricultural zone is designated to support farming activities.
This area may include spaces for crop cultivation, greenhouses, and facilities for processing and storing
agricultural products.

Site Analysis

View to Site:

Immediate Environs
The immediate environs of the lot are characterized by a rich agricultural landscape. The lot's immediate
surroundings feature a vibrant agricultural landscape, enveloped by lush rice paddies and fields,
epitomizing its advantageous proximity to agricultural land. This strategic positioning ensures seamless
access to raw materials, a pivotal factor in the project's success. Additionally, the site's proximity to the
residential areas of Zone 3 not only fosters community engagement but also enhances accessibility for the
local population. This alignment with the rubric is evident in the site's perfect fit regarding proximity to

agricultural land, confirmed availability of vital resources such as water and electricity, and its adjacency to
residential areas, ensuring overall accessibility for the project's operational efficiency.
The topography of the site is characterized by gently rolling terrain with pockets of flat land. This allows for versatile
design opportunities and easy integration of various structures. The site's elevation provides natural drainage,
reducing the risk of flooding.

Iba Zambales experiences a tropical climate with distinct wet and dry seasons. Design considerations should focus
on climate-responsive architecture, incorporating features for natural ventilation, rainwater harvesting, and heat
The site benefits from good road connectivity, ensuring easy access for both local farmers and external stakeholders.
Proximity to major transportation routes facilitates the movement of agricultural products to and from the project.

Community Demographics
Zone 3, Iba Zambales is home to a diverse community engaged in traditional agriculture. Understanding the
demographics and cultural aspects of the community is crucial for creating a hub that resonates with local needs and


4.1 Design Standards

The design project for the PAINAWA project in Zambales should adhere to various design standards and
regulations to ensure its safety, functionality, and compliance with legal requirements. Here are some design
standards that will be useful for this project:

National Building Code of the Philippines (PD1096)

This code covers various aspects of construction, such as structural integrity, occupancy classifications, fire safety,
and accessibility. Compliance with the National Building Code is essential to ensure the structural safety and integrity
of the project's buildings.

The project must adhere to the provisions and regulations laid out in PD 1096 throughout its design, construction,
and operational phases. Here's how PD 1096 is implemented in the architectural design project:

Rule IV: Types of Construction

Section 401. Types of Construction
For purposes of this Code, all buildings proposed for construction shall be classified or identified according to this

Type III - shall be of masonry and wood construction. Structural elements may be any of the materials permitted by
the Code provided, that the building shall be one-hour fire-resistive throughout. Exterior walls shall be of
incombustible fire-resistive construction.

Rule VI: Fire-Resistive Requirements in Construction

Section 603. Fire-Resistive Standards
All materials of construction, and type of materials and assemblies or combinations thereof shall conform to the
following fire-resistive ratings:

Minimum thickness (in millimeter) for the

given fire resistance
Type of Assembly and Material
4 hrs. 3 hrs. 2 hrs. 1 hr.

Floor Construction
Solid R.C. slab
- Average cover to reinforcement 25 25 20 15
- Overall Depth 150 150 120 100

Solid pre-stressed
Concrete slab
- Average cover to tendons 65 50 40 25
- Overall Depth 150 150 125 100

- Solid concrete 175 175 150 125
- Solid masonry 200 175 150 125
- Hollow unit masonry 300 250 200 150

Protection for metal structural members

- Concrete 75 50 38 25
- Masonry 100 75 55 38
- Metal lath with vermiculite or perlite gypsum 50 38 20 12

Exterior Wall
- Solid concrete 180 150 125 75 180 150 125 75
- Solid masonry 200 175 150 100 200 175 150 100
- Hollow masonry 300 250 200 150 300 250 200 150

Column (all faces exposed)

- Reinforced concrete 450 400 300 200 450 400 300 200
Table 4.1.1 Fire Resistive Standards

Rule VII: Classification and General Requirement of All Buildings by Use or Occupancy
Section 701. Occupancy Classified
As per 'Rule VII - Classification and General Requirements of all Buildings by Use or Occupancy' in the National
Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP), there are 10 Groups of Occupancies subdivided into 25 Divisions. The
following matrix outlines these Groupings, Divisions, their corresponding uses, and Zoning Classifications.

The facility in question falls under Group E – Business and Mercantile Occupancy, which encompasses this specific

Division 2 – Wholesale and retail stores, office buildings, drinking and dining establishments with an occupant load of
fewer than one hundred persons, printing plants, police and fire stations, factories, and workshops using non-highly
flammable or combustible materials, as well as paint stores without bulk handling.

General Use
of Use Principal Accessory Conditional

Group E – 1. Wholesale and retail 1. All uses in C-1 class 1. Institutional C-2 (Commercial
Business and stores buildings/ structures uses as Two or Medium
Mercantile 2. Shopping centers, may be allowed in C-2 colleges and Commercial) - a
malls, and class buildings/ universities, municipal or city
Division E-2 supermarkets structures vocational and level of
Business and 3. Wet and Dry markets 2. Repair shops like house technical commercial use
Mercantile in 4. Restaurants, drinking appliances, motor schools, or occupancy,
Nature and dining vehicles and accessory, general characterized
establishments with home furnishing shops hospitals and mainly as a
less than one hundred 3. Transportation specialized medium-rise

(100) occupancies. terminal/garage with general building/structure

5. Day/night clubs, bars, repair shops welfare, for medium to
cocktails, sing-along 4. Publishing charitable and high intensity
lounges, bistros, pubs, 5. Medium scale junk shop government commercial/
beer gardens 6. Machinery display institutions trade, service and
6. Bakeries, pastry and shop/center 2. Hauling business
bake shops. 7. Gravel and sand services and activities, e.g.,
7. Office buildings 8. Lumber/hardware garage three to five (3 to
8. Financial Institutions 9. Manufacture of ice, ice terminals for 5) storey
9. Printing & publishing blocks, cubes, tubes, trucks, tow shopping centers,
plants and offices crushed except dry ice trucks, and medium to large
10. Engraving, photo 10. Manufacture of signs buses not office or mixed
developing and and advertising displays exceeding use/occupancy
printing shops (except printed) three (3) units buildings/structure
11. Photographer and 11. Chicharon factory and storage s and the like.
painter studios, 12. Welding shops facilities in
tailoring and 13. Machine shops service support of SPE (Special) –
haberdashery shops operations commercial other vertical
12. Factories and (repairing/ rebuilding, or establishment facilities not
workshops, using less custom job orders) s mentioned under
flammable or non- 14. Motorcycles/ bicycles 3. Auto sales regular
combustible materials repair shops and rentals, uses/occupancies
13. Battery shops and 15. Lechon stores automotive of
repair shops 16. Biscuit factory - handicraft, buildings/structure
14. Paint stores without manufacture of biscuits, accessory and s such as
bulk handling cookies, crackers and spare parts cemeteries,
15. Funeral parlors other similar dried shops, marine memorial parks
16. Memorial and bakery products craft, aircraft and the like
mortuary chapels, 17. Doughnut and hopia and sales
crematories factory yards
17. Columbarium 18. Factory for other bakery 4. Junk shops,
18. Telephone and products not elsewhere scrap dealer
telegraph exchanges classified (n.e.c.) shops
19. Telecommunications, 19. Shops for repacking of
media and public food products e.g. fruits,
information complexes vegetables, sugar and
including radio and TV other related products
broadcasting studios 20. Funeral parlors,
20. Cell (mobile) phone mortuaries and
towers crematory services and
21. Battery shops and memorial chapels
auto repair shops 21. Parking lots, garage
22. Bakeries, pastry and facilities
bake shops 22. Buildings/ structures for
23. Police and fire other commercial
stations activities not elsewhere
24. Glassware and classified (n.e.c.)
metalware stores,
household equipment
and appliance shops

25. Manufacture of
insignia, badges and
similar emblems
except metal
26. General retail
establishments such
as curio or antique
shops, pet shops and
aquarium stores,
bookstores, art
supplies and novelties,
jewelry shops, liquor
wine stores and fIower
27. Employment/
recruitment agencies,
news syndicate
services and office
equipment and repair
shops and other
28. Watch sales and
services, locksmith
and other related
29. Other stores and
shops for conducting
retail business and
local shopping
30. Radio, television and
other electrical
appliance repair shops
31. Furniture, repair and
upholstering job
32. Computer stores and
video shops, including
33. Internet cafes and
cyber stations
34. Garment
manufacturing with no
more than twenty (20)
35. Signboard and
streamer painting and
silk screening
Table 4.1.2 Schedule of Principal, Accessory and Conditional Use/Occupancy of Building/Structure

The Project is considered as a Group E - Business and Mercantile Division E - 2 Zoning classification:

C2 (Commercial Two or Medium Commercial) - a municipal or city level of commercial use or occupancy,
characterized mainly as a medium-rise building/structure for medium to high intensity commercial/ trade, service and
business activities, e.g., three to five (3 to 5) storey shopping centers, medium to large office or mixed use/occupancy
buildings/structures and the like.

SPE (Special) – other vertical facilities not mentioned under regular uses/occupancies of buildings/structures such as
cemeteries, memorial parks and the like.

Section 705. Allowable Floor Areas

Allowable Maximum
Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)* by Type/ Location of Lot
Character of Type of
"Note: Building Height Limit (BHL) multiplied by the Allowable Maximum Building
User Building/
Footprint (AMBF) expressed as a percentage (%) of the Total Lot Area or TLA
Occupanсу Structure
(with or without firewall). Figure subject to reduction to comply with the floor area
component of the Allowable Maximum Volume of Building (AMVB). Refer to Table
VIl. 1. to arrive at the percentage (%) of TLA.

Comer Lot
Interior (or Corner Abutting 3
Inside (or
Rear) Through Through or More
Regular) Corner Lot
Lot and Lot Lot Streets,
Lot (see Fig. VIII.
End Lot (see Fig. (see Fig. etc.
(see Fig. 10. Of Rule
(see Fig. VIII.11. of VIII. 12. Rivers,
VIII.9. of VIII)
VIllS. and Rule VIII) Of Etc.
Rule VIII)
VIlI.5.14. of Rule VIII) (see Fig.
Rule VIII.13. of
Rule VIII)

GROUPS B, 12×80% 12x75% 12x80% 12×80% 12x90% 12x90%
C, E, H, I
Table 4.1.3 Allowable Maximum Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)

Building Height Limit (BHL)

Character of Use or Type of Building/
Occupancy Structure Number of allowable storeys/floors Meters above
above established grade highest grade

Commercial Commercial 2 (C-2) 6 18.00

Agricultural/Agro- 15.00 meters (or must complement the duly-approved BHL in

Industrial/Tourism the major zone it is part of)
Table 4.1.4 Building Height Limit (BHL) by Type of Use or Occupancy

The building height limit for this project is determined by its occupancy and type of building; the number of allowable
storeys above established grade is 6 while the meters above highest grade is 18m.

Minimum Required Off-Street (Off-RROW) cum On-Site Parking Slot, Parking Area and Loading/Unloading Space
Requirements by Allowed Use or Occupancy
Specific Uses or
Reference Uses or
of Occupancy Minimum Required Parking Slot, Parking Area and
Character of Occupancies or
(refer to Section Loading Space Requirements
Type of Buildings/Structures
701 of this Rule)


Division E-2 Public Markets (C) One (1) customer (buyer) jeepney/shuttle parking slot for
every 150.00 sq. meters of wet and dry market floor area
and one (1) vendor (seller) jeepney/shuttle parking slot or
loading space for every 300.00 sq. meters of wet and dry
market floor area; and one (1) off-RROW (off-street)
terminal that can accommodate at least two (2) jeepneys
and six (6) tricycles for every 1,000.00 sq. meters of wet
and dry market floor area


Division J-1 Agriculture-related uses or Not required if located outside urbanized area; if located
occupancies (A) within urbanized area, provide one (1) car slot for every
1,000.00 sq. meters of gross floor area and one (1) bus
slot for every one hundred (100) workers; if number of
workers exceed two hundred (200), provide one (1) off-
RROW (or off-street) passenger loading space that can
accommodate two (2) queued jeepney/shuttle slots;
provide at least one (1) loading slot for articulated truck or
vehicle (a 12.00 meter long container van plus 6.00
meters length for a long/hooded prime mover) and one
(1) loading slot for a standard truck for every 5,000.00 sq.
meters of GFA; and provide truck maneuvering area
outside of the RROW (within property or lot lines only)
Table 4.1.5 Minimum Required Off-Street (Off-RROW) cum On-Site Parking Slot, Parking Area and
Loading/Unloading Space Requirements by Allowed Use or Occupancy

Rule VIII: Light and Ventilation

Section 802. Measurement of Site Occupancy
Courts, yards, and light wells shall be measured clear of all projections from the walls enclosing such wells or yards
with the exception of roof leaders, wall copings, sills, or steel fire escapes not exceeding 1.20 meters in width.

Section 803. Percentage of Site Occupancy

The measurement of the percentage (%) of site occupancy (or lot occupancy) shall be taken at the ground level and
shall be exclusive of courts, yards and light wells. Courts, yards, and light wells shall be measured clear of all
projections from the walls enclosing such wells or yards with the exception of roof leaders, wall copings, sills, or steel
fire escapes not exceeding 1.20 meters in width.

In case of proposed additional construction on a lot on which another building/structure already stands, the
Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO) arising out of such existing buildings/structures must be included in the
computation of the PSO for the Total Lot Area (TLA). In case of discrepancy between the specified Maximum
Allowable PSO and the other light and ventilation provisions under this Rule, the resulting lesser building/structure
footprint or gross floor area at the ground floor (or at grade level) must prevail.

Reference Table of Maximum Allowable PSO, Maximum Allowable ISA, the MACA, the Minimum USA and the TOSL
by Type of Land Use Zoning per Lot
% of Total Lot Area (TLA)
Building/ Structure Use Maximum
or Occupancy (or Land Duly- Maximum Minimum USA TOSL d
Allowable ISAc
Use) Approved Allowable (Unpaved Open (ISA +
(Paved Open
Zoning PSO Spaces) USA)

Commercial 2 75e 20 5 25
(Com-2) 85f 10 5 15

Section 804. Sizes and Dimensions of Courts

Setbacks for Commercial*, Industrial, Institutional and Recreational Buildings


10.00 TO 10.00 5.00 2.00 2.00

Table 4.1.7 Building/Structure Use or Occupancy

Section 805: Ceiling Heights

Habitable rooms provided with artificial ventilation have ceiling heights not less than 2.40 meters measured from the
floor to the ceiling; Provided that for buildings of more than one-storey, the minimum ceiling height of the first storey
shall be 2.70 meters and that for the second storey 2.40 meters and succeeding storey shall have an unobstructed
typical head-room clearance of not less than 2.10 meters above the finished floor. Above stated rooms with natural
ventilation shall have ceiling height not less than 2.70 meters.

Section 808: Window Openings

Every room intended for any use, not provided with artificial ventilation system as herein specified in this Code, shall
be provided with a window or windows with total free area of openings equal to at least ten percent of the floor area
of room, and such window shall open directly to a court, yard, public street or alley, or open water courses. In locating
window openings, it should be borne in mind that in cases of extreme emergencies windows must serve as
emergency egress to vacate the premises or access for rescue operations.

Section 809: Vent Shafts

Ventilation or vent shafts shall have a horizontal cross-sectional area of not less than 0.10 square meter for every
meter of height of shaft but in no case shall the area be less than 1.00 square meter. No vent shaft shall have its
least dimension less than 600 millimeters.

Skylights. Unless open to the outer at the top for its full area, the vent shaft shall be covered by a skylight having a
net free area or fixed louver openings equal to the maximum required shaft area.

Air ducts shall open to a street or court by a horizontal duct or intake at a point below the lowest window opening.
Such duct or intake shall have a minimum unobstructed cross-sectional area of not less than 0.30 square meter with
a minimum dimension of 300 millimeters. The openings to the duct or intake shall not be less than 300 millimeters
above the bottom of the shaft and the street surface or level of court at the respective ends of the duct or intake.

Section 810: Ventilation Skylights

Skylights shall have glass area not less than that required for the windows that are replaced. They shall be equipped
with movable sashes or louvers with an aggregate net free area not less than that required for openable parts in the
window that are replaced or provided with approved artificial ventilation of equivalent effectiveness.

Rule IX: Sanitation

Section 902: Water Supply System
The water piping installation for water supply and distribution to each fixture, including the wastewater drainage with
proper venting inside building and premises, shall conform to the provision of the Revised National Plumbing Code of
the Philippines.

Section 903: Waste Water Disposal System

Sanitary sewage from buildings and neutralized or pre-treated industrial wastewater shall be discharged directly into
the nearest street sanitary sewer main of existing municipal or city sanitary sewerage system in accordance with the
criteria set by the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Section 904: Storm Drainage System

The drainage pipe installation and sewerage system of any premises and/or connection with any public disposal or
any acceptable terminal shall conform to the Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines.

Accessibility Law (BP344)

Ensuring accessibility for persons with disabilities is crucial. BP344 sets the standards for accessible facilities,
pathways, and features to accommodate individuals with mobility challenges.

BP 344 focuses on creating an environment that accommodates people with disabilities and provides them with
equal opportunities to access and use public facilities. Here's how the Accessibility Law is implemented in the
architectural design project:

 Accessible Design Features

The architectural design must incorporate specific features to make the project accessible. This includes
providing ramps with proper slopes, curb cuts, wide doorways, and corridors that can accommodate
wheelchairs, tactile warning strips for individuals with visual impairments, and accessible restroom facilities.

1. Accessible Ramps
a. Changes in level shall require a ramp except when served by a dropped sidewalk, curb
ramp, an elevator, or other mechanical device.

i. Minimum clear width of 1.20 m.

ii. Gradient not steeper than 1:12.

Figure 4.1.1

Figure 4.1.2


Figure 4.1.3

iii. For accessible ramps 3m or more in width, provide intermediate handrails at the
center. Use of double “J” type handrail supports are recommended.
iii. Maximum length of 6.00 m.: Accessible ramps with a total length longer than
6.00 m shall be provided with intermediate landings with a minimum length of
1.50 m.

Figure 4.1.4 Ramp Dimensions

v. Level area not less than 1.80 m at the top and bottom of any ramp.

v. Handrails on both sides of the ramp at 700 mm and 900 mm from the floor of the
v. 300 mm long extension of the handrail shall be provided at the top and bottom of
v. Curbs on both sides of the ramp with a minimum height of 100 mm.

Figure 4.1.5 Curb Height at Ramp

b. Accessible ramps shall have the following facilities and features: Any ramp with a rise
greater than 170 mm and leads down towards an area where vehicular traffic is possible,
should have a railing across the full width of its lower end, not less than 1.80 meters from
the foot of the ramp.

Figure 4.1.6 Ramps and Vehicular Traffic

 Parking and Drop-Off Zones

The project must designate accessible parking spaces close to the hub's entrance. These spaces should
have appropriate signage and dimensions, allowing people with disabilities to access the building
conveniently. Additionally, drop-off zones should be designed to provide easy access for all users.
1. Accessible Parking Slot Requirement
Where parking spaces are required to be provided, the number of accessible parking lots for
vehicles driven by persons with disabilities or vehicles with passengers with disabilities shall be by
Table 4.1.8 below:



1 - 25 1

26 - 50 2

51 - 75 3

76 - 100 4

101 - 150 5

151 - 200 6

201 - 300 7

301 - 400 8

401 - 500 9

501 - 1000 2% OF TOTAL SPACES

1001 - OVER 20+ (1 for each 100 or a fraction thereof over 1000)
Table 4.1.8 Accessible Parking Slot Requirement

The building management should impose appropriate sanctions for the unauthorized use of the reserved
parking slots for vehicles of PWDs.

Parking slots for persons with disabilities should allow enough space for a person to transfer from a vehicle
to a wheelchair.
1. Accessible parking slots shall be located nearest to accessible main entrances.
2. PWDs should be on board the vehicle to be able to use the reserved parking space for
PWDs (for control use). In addition, an access parking sticker/card is required with a
control number.

3. Whenever and wherever possible, accessible parking slots should be perpendicular or to

an angle to the road or circulation aisles.
4. Parallel parking is discouraged unless it can be situated so that persons entering and
exiting vehicles will be out of the flow of traffic.
5. Accessible parking slots shall have:
a. A minimum width of 3.70 m and a length of 5.00 m.
b. A walkway with a minimum clear width of 1.20 m. provided between the front ends
of parked cars.
c. Dropped sidewalks or curb ramps leading to the parking level where access
walkways are raised.

Figure 4.1.6 Accessible Parking Slot (Plan)

Figure 4.1.7 Accessible Parking Slot (3D View)


d. Pavement markings, upright, pole mounted signages

d. Have a firm, level surface without aeration slabs.
7. Parking slots for persons with disabilities shall never be located at ramped or sloping areas.
8. For multi-storey indoor parking structures, accessible parking slots shall be located right next to
accessible elevators, or as close as possible to accessible pedestrian entrances.
9. In buildings with multiple accessible entrances with adjacent parking, accessible parking slots shall
be dispersed and located closest to the accessible entrances.
10. In parking facilities that do not serve a particular building, accessible parking shall be
located on the shortest accessible route of travel to an accessible pedestrian entrance of
the parking facility.
11. For all accessible parking slots, provide the following signage:
a. Pole mounted parking signage, 600 mm x 600 mm in size and mounted at a
minimum clear height of 2.00 m from the parking floor.
b. Pavement sign painted or marked on the designated lot complying with the
i. a square with dimensions of at least 1.00 m but not more than 1.50 m;
ii. be located in the center of the accessible parking slot;
iii. The International Symbol of Access shall be composed of a white
symbolized figure of a person in a wheelchair with a square background in
UN Blue Color. The symbolized figure shall always face to the right.

 Entrances and Exits

Entrances and exits should be accessible for individuals with disabilities. This includes having
entrance doors with appropriate widths, lever-type handles, and automatic door openers.
Accessible routes must lead from parking areas and drop-off zones to the building entrances.

Number of Exits - Every building or usable portion thereof shall have at least one (1) exit. In all
occupancies, floors above the first story having an occupant load of more than ten (10) shall not
have less than two (2) exits.
Width - The total width of exits in meters shall not be less than the total occupant load served
divided by one hundred sixty-five (165). Such width of exits shall be divided approximately equally
among the separate exits.
Arrangement of Exits - If only two (2) exits are required, they shall be placed a distance apart to not
less than one-fifth (1/5) of the perimeter of the area served measured in a straight line between
exits. 36 : 36
Distance to Exits - No point in a building without a sprinkler system shall be more than 45.00
meters from an exterior exit door, a horizontal exit, exit passageway, or an enclosed stairway,
measured along the line of travel. In a building equipped with a complete automatic fire
extinguishing system, the distance from exits may be increased to 60.00 meters.

 Elevators and Lifts

In cases where the project has multiple floors, elevators and lifts should be provided to ensure that
all areas are accessible. These vertical transportation systems should comply with accessibility
standards, including proper signage and Braille labels.

1. Elevators

a. All elevators provided in a building shall include suitable provisions for persons with
sensory impairments and ambulant PWD as a means of access from one level to another.
b. Accessible elevators should be located not more than 30.00 m from the entrance
and should be easy to locate with the aid of directional signs.
c. Accessible elevator cars shall have a minimum clear dimension of 1400 mm in
depth and 1200 mm in width, with a clear door opening of not less than 900 mm.
Swing - Exit door shall swing in the direction of exit travel when serving any hazardous areas or
when serving an occupant load of fifty (50) or more.
Type of Lock or Latch - Exit door shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any
special knowledge or effort.
Width and Height - Every required exit doorway shall be of a size to permit the installation of a door
not less than 900 millimeters in width and not less than 2.00 meters in height. When installed in exit
doorways, exit doors shall be cable of opening at least 90 degrees and shall be so mounted that
the clear width of the exit way is not less than 700 millimeters.
Door Leaf Width - No leaf of an exit door shall exceed 1.20 meters in width.

Corridors and Exterior

Exit Balconies Width - Every corridor or exit balcony shall not be less than 1.10 meters in width.

Width - Stairways serving an occupant load of more than fifty (50) shall not be less than 1.10
meters. Stairways serving an occupant load of fifty (50) or less may be 900 millimeters wide. Rise
and Run - The rise of every step in a stairway shall not exceed 200 millimeters, and the run shall
not be less than 250 millimeters.
Landing - Every landing shall have a dimension measured in the direction of travel equal to the
width of the stairway. Such dimensions need not exceed 1.20 meters when the stairs have a
straight run. Landings, when provided, shall not be reduced in width by more than 100 millimeters
by a door when fully open. Distance Between Landings - There shall not be more than 3.60 meters
vertical distance between landings
Fire Code of the Philippines (RA9514)
This code focuses on fire safety measures and standards. It is vital to design the project with fire safety
features, including fire exits, fire suppression systems, and emergency evacuation plans.

RA 9514 outlines the standards and requirements for fire safety in buildings, and its implementation in the
project involves several critical aspects:
 Fire Prevention Measures
The architectural design must incorporate fire prevention measures, such as fire-resistant materials
for construction, fire-rated doors, and fireproofing of structural elements. Adequate firebreaks and
compartments should be included to prevent the spread of fire within the building.
 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems
The project should integrate fire detection and alarm systems to provide early warning in case of a
fire emergency. This includes smoke detectors, heat detectors, and manual pull stations. The
systems should be designed to alert occupants and authorities promptly.
 Fire Suppression Systems

The architectural design should consider fire suppression systems, such as automatic sprinklers
and fire extinguishers, to control and extinguish fires. The placement of these systems should
comply with RA 9514 standards.
 Means of Egress
Safe and unobstructed means of egress should be provided, including well-marked exit routes, exit
signs, and illuminated exit pathways. The design should ensure that occupants can evacuate the
building quickly and safely in the event of a fire.
 Fire Department Access
The project should have accessible fire department access routes to enable firefighting operations.
This includes ensuring that fire trucks can approach the building and that fire hydrants are available
for water supply.
 Emergency Lighting
Emergency lighting systems should be incorporated to provide illumination during power outages
or when regular lighting is compromised due to a fire. These systems guide occupants to exits and
 Fire Safety Plans
The project should include the development of a fire safety plan in compliance with RA 9514. This
plan outlines the responsibilities of designated personnel in case of a fire and provides guidance on
evacuation and firefighting procedures.
 Fire Exit Accessibility
Designated fire exits should be accessible and unobstructed at all times. They should lead to safe
outdoor locations, away from the building, to protect occupants from fire and smoke.
 Compliance and Certification
Compliance with RA 9514 should be regularly verified through inspections and certifications by
relevant authorities. This ensures that the project adheres to the required fire safety standards.
 Documentation
The project should maintain records and documentation related to fire safety implementation and
compliance with RA 9514. This documentation may be required for regulatory purposes and

Plumbing Code of the Philippines (RA1378)

The plumbing code outlines the technical requirements for water supply and sanitation systems.
Compliance with this code ensures that the project's water and sanitation facilities meet the necessary

RA 1378 provides guidelines and standards for plumbing systems in buildings. The code addresses several
critical aspects of plumbing design and implementation:
 Water Supply Systems
The architectural design must consider the sources, storage, and distribution of water within the
project .This includes determining the capacity of water storage tanks, ensuring a safe and potable
water supply, and addressing the needs of various facilities within the project, such as processing
areas and public amenities.
 Sanitary Drainage Systems
The code outlines the standards for the sanitary drainage systems within the building. It covers the
design and construction of sewage and wastewater conveyance, as well as provisions for the safe
disposal of wastewater. The architectural design should incorporate these standards to manage
wastewater effectively.

 Plumbing Fixtures
RA 1378 provides specifications for plumbing fixtures, including sinks, toilets, and other water-
using appliances. The design should consider the selection and placement of fixtures to meet the
requirements for different areas of the project.
 Water Conservation
The code encourages water conservation practices, including the use of water-saving fixtures and
systems. The architectural design should explore options for reducing water consumption while
maintaining operational efficiency.
 Backflow Prevention
The prevention of backflow is essential to ensure the quality of the water supply. The project
should include backflow prevention devices where necessary to protect against contamination.
 Accessibility and Maintenance
The design should consider the accessibility of plumbing systems for maintenance and repairs.
This includes the location of shut-off valves, access to drain lines, and other serviceable
 Compliance and Inspection
Compliance with RA 1378 should be verified through inspections and certifications by relevant
authorities. This ensures that the project adheres to the required plumbing standards.
 Documentation
Maintaining records and documentation related to plumbing design and compliance is essential.
This documentation may be required for regulatory purposes and inspections.

Local Building Codes and Regulations

It's essential to consider any local building codes or regulations specific to the Iba Zambales. Local codes
may address unique requirements and considerations for the project.

Local building codes and regulations are specific to the city and ensure that construction projects adhere to
local standards and priorities. Here are key points related to their implementation:

 Compliance with Local Zoning

Iba's zoning regulations dictate how land can be used in different areas. The architectural design
must comply with zoning requirements to ensure that the project is located in an appropriate zone,
aligning with the city's urban planning goals.
 Structural Design and Safety
Local building codes specify structural requirements and safety standards for buildings.
Compliance is essential to guarantee the structural integrity of the hub and the safety of its
occupants, especially in a region prone to natural disasters.
 Permitting and Approvals
The project should follow the permitting process as outlined in local regulations. This involves
obtaining the necessary permits and approvals from the local government, including building
permits and environmental clearances.
 Land Use and Setbacks
Local regulations may specify land use requirements, including setback distances from property
lines and roads. The architectural design must adhere to these requirements to avoid legal issues
and conflicts.
 Local Aesthetics and Heritage

Local building codes often consider the aesthetics of buildings and may have provisions for
preserving the city's heritage. The architectural design should align with these aspects to maintain
the cultural and historical identity of Iba.
 Inspections and Enforcement
Compliance with local codes and regulations involves inspections and enforcement by local
authorities. The project should be prepared for periodic inspections to ensure ongoing compliance.
 Community Engagement
In many cases, local regulations require community engagement and public hearings. The design
project should involve the community to gather input and address concerns.
 Environmental Regulations
Depending on the project's environmental impact, there may be regulations related to
environmental protection and sustainability that need to be considered.

Agricultural and Agribusiness Regulations

As the project focuses on agribusiness, specific regulations related to agriculture, farm safety, and food
handling may apply.

These regulations are specifically designed to govern and support agricultural and agribusiness activities,
ensuring that the project aligns with the relevant laws and standards. Here are the key aspects of their
 Farm and Crop Management
These regulations may include guidelines for farm management, crop production, and agricultural
practices. The architectural design should incorporate facilities and spaces that support modern
and efficient farming and crop management practices.
 Processing and Value Addition
Agricultural and agribusiness regulations often address food processing, storage, and value
addition. The design project should include facilities that promote the processing and value addition
of agricultural products, ensuring that they meet safety and quality standards.
 Market Access and Distribution
The regulations may address market access and distribution networks for agricultural products.
The design should facilitate easy access to markets and distribution centers to support the local
 Land Tenure and Ownership
Regulations often govern land tenure and ownership rights. The project should address land tenure
arrangements and ensure that the land used for the project is secured in compliance with relevant
 Quality and Certification Standards
Agricultural regulations may stipulate quality and certification standards for agricultural products.
The design should consider these standards in facilities and processes to meet quality
 Community Engagement
Inclusive community engagement is crucial for the success of the project. The design should
incorporate spaces or mechanisms for community participation and knowledge-sharing among
local farmers.
 Compliance Monitoring

The project should establish mechanisms for compliance monitoring to ensure that all activities
within the project align with the regulations. This may include record-keeping and reporting
 Innovation and Technology Integration
The regulations may support the integration of modern agricultural technologies and innovation.
The design should consider spaces and facilities for technological integration, such as smart
farming and data analysis.

Disaster Resilience and Risk Reduction Standards

Given the region's vulnerability to natural disasters, compliance with disaster resilience and risk reduction
standards is crucial. This includes building structures that can withstand earthquakes, floods, and other
potential hazards.

This project aims to create a resilient infrastructure that can withstand natural disasters and reduce
associated risks. Here are the key aspects of implementing disaster resilience and risk reduction standards:

 Site Selection and Preparedness

The chosen site for the project should undergo a thorough risk assessment to ensure it is not prone
to flooding, landslides, or other natural hazards. The project must also incorporate preparedness
measures, such as early warning systems and evacuation plans, in collaboration with local disaster
management authorities.
 Structural Resilience
The architectural design should prioritize structural resilience. This includes the use of robust
building materials, construction techniques that enhance earthquake resistance, and adherence to
local building codes designed to withstand extreme weather conditions.
 Flood Mitigation
If the site is near bodies of water, flood mitigation measures should be incorporated. This may
include elevated structures, flood barriers, or innovative solutions for managing excess water
during heavy rains.
 Earthquake Resilience
Given the seismic activity in the region, the architectural design should focus on earthquake
resilience. Structural elements should be designed to absorb seismic forces, and emergency
response plans for earthquakes should be developed and communicated to all stakeholders.
 Climate Change Adaptation
Climate change poses long-term risks, including rising temperatures and changing weather
patterns. The design should consider climate-resilient features such as energy-efficient systems,
heat mitigation strategies, and sustainable water management practices.
 Backup Power and Utilities
Disaster-resilient infrastructure should have backup power sources to ensure that critical functions
can continue during power outages. The design should include generators and other backup
utilities as necessary.
 Communication and Information Systems
Reliable communication systems are vital for disaster response and coordination. The design
should incorporate redundant communication systems and data storage solutions to ensure
continuity in case of disruptions.
 Risk Monitoring and Early Warning

The implementation of systems for monitoring environmental conditions and providing early
warnings is crucial. The project should work with local authorities to ensure timely alerts and
responses to impending disasters.
 Ecosystem Conservation
Environmental considerations, such as preserving wetlands or forests that serve as natural buffers
against disasters, should be integrated into the project's design.

Incorporating these design standards and regulations into the project ensures that the project not only
meets the highest safety and functional standards but also complies with the legal and regulatory
requirements for construction and operation.

4.2 Building Systems

The integration of various building systems in the project plays an important role in ensuring its
functionality, sustainability, and resilience. This section will discuss how different building systems are
harmonized to meet the specific needs of the project:

Sustainable building materials will be used to reduce the project's environmental footprint. Materials will be
locally sourced wherever possible to support the local economy. The materials selected will also prioritize
durability to minimize maintenance costs.

 Sustainable Material Selection

Prioritize the use of sustainable materials with low environmental impact. Look for materials with
certifications such as Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) for wood or Cradle to Cradle for various
building products.
 Recycled and Reclaimed Materials
Consider using recycled or reclaimed materials, such as reclaimed wood for interior finishes or
recycled steel for structural components, to reduce the demand for new resources.
 Low-VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) Finishes
Opt for paints, coatings, and adhesives with low VOC content to maintain good indoor air quality for
 Durable Materials
Select materials known for their durability and longevity, reducing the need for frequent
replacements. This includes materials like concrete, steel, and high-quality roofing materials.
 Water-Resistant and Mold-Resistant Materials
In areas where moisture is a concern, such as bathrooms or kitchens, use materials that are water-
resistant and mold-resistant, like moisture-resistant drywall and cement board.
 Natural Materials
Incorporate natural materials, such as stone or wood, for aesthetic purposes. These materials can
create a harmonious connection between the building and its natural surroundings.
 Adaptive and Smart Materials
Explore materials with adaptive properties, such as thermochromic or photochromic glass, which
can change their properties based on environmental conditions, contributing to energy efficiency.
 Fire-Resistant Materials

In areas where fire safety is a concern, use fire-resistant materials, such as fire-rated gypsum
board and fire-resistant glazing.

Life-Safety Systems
As a disaster-resilient project, life-safety systems will include emergency evacuation plans, fire detection
and suppression systems, and safe refuge areas. These systems are essential to protect the lives of
workers and visitors in the event of emergencies.

 Fire Extinguishers
Strategically place fire extinguishers in accessible locations throughout the building. Ensure they
are inspected regularly and provide training to staff and occupants on their proper use.
 Fire Separation and Compartmentalization
Implement fire-resistant construction materials and techniques to prevent the spread of fire, smoke,
and toxic gasses, allowing occupants more time to evacuate safely.
 First Aid and Medical Facilities
Designate areas for first aid stations or medical facilities within the building to provide initial medical
care in case of injuries or health emergencies.
 Seismic and Structural Resilience
In regions prone to seismic activity, incorporate structural features to enhance the building's
earthquake resilience, such as base isolators and energy dissipation systems.
 Compliance with Local Codes
Adhere to local building and life-safety codes, which may include specific requirements based on
the geographic location of the project.

Special Agricultural Considerations

The project's design will incorporate specialized systems for agricultural functions. This includes controlled-
environment features for crop cultivation, post-harvest processing equipment, and storage facilities
designed to maintain the quality and safety of agricultural products.

These tailored systems are specifically designed to support and optimize the agricultural functions of the
project, ranging from crop cultivation to post-harvest processing and storage. Here's how these specialized
agricultural considerations can be effectively integrated into the building system section of the project:

 Controlled-Environment Features
Design and install controlled-environment systems to facilitate optimal crop cultivation. This may
include greenhouses, hydroponic or aeroponic systems, and climate control mechanisms. These
features create a controlled environment, ensuring year-round crop production and protection from
adverse weather conditions.
 Storage Facilities
Provide adequate and specialized storage facilities designed to maintain the quality, safety, and
shelf life of agricultural products. Depending on the products, these may include silos for grains,
cold storage for perishable goods, and dry storage for non-perishable items.
 Energy Efficiency

Incorporate energy-efficient systems for agricultural processes. Utilize modern technologies such
as LED lighting, efficient HVAC systems, and energy recovery systems to minimize energy
consumption and reduce operational costs.
 Automation and Control
Deploy automation and control systems to manage agricultural processes effectively. This may
include automated irrigation, ventilation, and lighting systems that can be remotely monitored and
adjusted for optimal conditions.

Waste Management Systems

To minimize environmental impact, waste management systems will be integrated. These systems will
include composting facilities for agricultural waste and recycling programs for materials like plastics and

Proper waste management ensures that the project operates efficiently and responsibly. Here's how waste
management systems can be integrated into the building system section of the project:

 Waste Segregation Areas

Designate specific areas within the facility for waste segregation. This should include separate bins
or containers for different types of waste, such as organic, recyclable, and non-recyclable
materials. Clear signage and color-coding can aid in proper waste disposal.
 Recycling Stations
Set up recycling stations within the building to encourage the proper disposal of recyclable
materials. This may include paper, cardboard, plastics, glass, and metals. Ensure that these
materials are collected, sorted, and sent for recycling.
 Composting Facilities
Establish on-site composting facilities for organic waste generated in the agricultural processing
and food service areas. Composting can convert organic waste into valuable compost, reducing
the need for external disposal and enhancing soil fertility.
 Waste Collection and Transportation
Plan for efficient waste collection and transportation systems. Consider the frequency of waste
pickups, the use of covered bins to prevent spillage, and designated areas for waste storage
before removal.
 Integration with Architectural Design
Seamlessly integrate waste management systems into the architectural design. This includes the
placement of waste collection areas, recycling stations, and waste storage facilities within the
facility's layout.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Systems

ICT systems will be integrated to facilitate information sharing, monitoring, and data collection for
agriculture, including sensors for climate control, crop monitoring, and farm management.

The coordination and integration of these building systems ensure that the project operates efficiently,
remains environmentally responsible, and provides a safe and productive environment for agriculture,
agribusiness, and the local community. These systems are designed to meet the unique demands of an
agribusiness hub, supporting the development of a sustainable and resilient agricultural ecosystem.

4.3 Environmental Systems

Environmental systems for the project design project are vital for promoting sustainability and minimizing
the project's environmental footprint. Here are key areas of focus that relate to the design project:

Passive Design Features

The project will incorporate passive design features tailored to the site's specific climatic conditions. This
includes the orientation of buildings to maximize natural ventilation and daylighting, reducing the need for
mechanical heating and cooling.

Passive design strategies utilize the natural environment to maintain indoor conditions, reduce energy
consumption, and enhance the overall functionality of the building. Here's how passive design features can
be integrated into the building system section of the project:

 Orientation and Layout

The orientation of the building should take advantage of the local climate. In the Zambales region,
this means optimizing the layout to capture prevailing winds for natural ventilation and minimizing
direct sun exposure. This not only helps in cooling the building but also ensures good indoor air
 Shading and Daylighting
Incorporate shading devices such as overhangs, louvers, and awnings to control solar heat gain.
The design should maximize natural daylight while minimizing glare and excessive heat gain,
reducing the need for artificial lighting and cooling.
 Thermal Mass
Use high thermal mass materials in areas where temperature fluctuations need to be moderated.
This can include interior walls and floors to stabilize indoor temperatures and improve energy
 Natural Ventilation
The building design should facilitate cross-ventilation by incorporating operable windows and vents
strategically placed to encourage the flow of fresh air. This not only enhances indoor air quality but
also cools the interior spaces.
 Roof Design
Utilize cool roof materials to reflect sunlight and reduce heat absorption. Green or living roofs can
provide insulation and further enhance energy efficiency.
 Energy-Efficient Landscaping
Landscaping choices, such as deciduous trees for shading and drought-resistant vegetation, can
contribute to passive cooling and reduced water consumption.
 Solar Control
Implement solar control glazing on windows to reduce heat gain while allowing daylight to enter.
This balances natural lighting and thermal comfort.
 Natural Cooling Strategies
Design wind towers, chimneys, or solar chimneys that harness natural airflow for cooling. These
architectural features can be integrated into the building design to facilitate passive cooling.

Climatic Considerations

The region's climate will be a focal point for environmental systems. The design will consider the site's
vulnerability to typhoons, extreme rainfall, and high humidity. Sustainable architectural elements, such as
rainwater harvesting systems, will be incorporated to manage excess water during heavy rains and to
provide a water source during dry seasons

4.4 Structural Systems

Structural systems for the project’s design project will play a critical role in ensuring the safety, stability, and
functionality of the facilities. Here are key areas of focus and considerations related to structural systems:

Foundation Systems
The type of soil at the site will influence the choice of foundation systems. Preliminary geotechnical investigations will
determine whether shallow foundations like spread footings or deep foundations like piles or piers are needed.

Long-Span Spaces
The design project may include long-span spaces such as large market areas or open gathering spaces. Structural
systems for these spaces may involve the use of steel trusses or reinforced concrete frames to provide the
necessary support over wide spans.

Lateral Force Resistance

Given the site's potential exposure to typhoons, the structural design will incorporate lateral force resistance systems
to withstand strong winds and protect against seismic events. This may involve the use of bracing systems, shear
walls, or moment frames.

Roofing Systems
To cover various structures within the hub, different roofing systems may be considered. Lightweight and durable
roofing materials such as metal, polycarbonate, or reinforced concrete may be used, depending on the specific
requirements of each building.

Greenhouse Structures
For controlled agriculture facilities, the structural systems in greenhouses will require consideration. This may involve
lightweight frames and glazing materials to create an optimal growing environment for crops.

Agricultural Storage Facilities

Storage facilities for agricultural products will need robust structural systems to support the weight of stored crops.
Reinforced concrete, steel, or post-and-beam structures may be employed.

Bridge Structures
If the hub includes bridges, either for pedestrian access or the passage of vehicles, the structural design will consider
the span length, load-bearing capacity, and materials such as steel or reinforced concrete for bridge construction.

Environmental Resilience
Structural systems will be designed to withstand environmental challenges, including typhoons and heavy rainfall.
Proper drainage systems and resilient construction materials will be integral to the project's structural design.

Accessibility and Safety


All structures within the hub will prioritize accessibility and safety, ensuring compliance with building codes and
regulations related to structural integrity.

Preliminary Drawings
Architectural drawings will reflect the preliminary understanding of the structural grid, including column and beam
locations. Sections will indicate the depth of floor systems, and plans will show the layout of the structural elements.

To guide further investigation, it is essential to conduct detailed structural engineering studies that consider the
specific needs of each building or facility within the "Green Agribusiness Hub." These studies will address load
requirements, construction materials, and safety measures while ensuring the project's long-term durability and

4.5 Utility Systems

Utility systems are a vital component of the project design project, ensuring the functionality and sustainability of the
facilities. Here are key areas of focus and considerations related to utility systems:

Plumbing and Sanitary Systems

 Water Supply
The design should ensure a reliable and potable water supply for irrigation, cleaning, and other agricultural
needs. Consideration should be given to the installation of water storage tanks and distribution systems.
 Wastewater Management
Effective wastewater treatment systems are essential to manage agricultural runoff, and processing waste,
and maintain environmental sustainability. Consideration of wastewater treatment plants and proper
disposal methods is crucial.
 Sanitary Facilities
Sanitary systems should provide hygienic facilities for visitors, farmers, and staff. This includes restrooms,
handwashing stations, and waste disposal facilities.

Electrical and Mechanical Systems

 Electrical Supply
The hub will require a stable electrical supply to support various operations, including lighting, equipment,
and environmental control systems in greenhouses. Backup power sources or generators may be necessary
for resilience.
 Mechanical Ventilation
Greenhouses and other controlled agriculture facilities will require mechanical ventilation systems to
regulate temperature and humidity. These systems must be energy-efficient and adjustable to crop needs.
 Refrigeration and Cooling
Agricultural products' post-harvest handling may necessitate refrigeration and cooling systems to maintain
product quality. This is particularly important for perishable goods.

 Lighting Systems
Adequate lighting is crucial for plant growth in controlled environments. Consideration of energy-efficient
LED or natural lighting systems should align with sustainable practices.

Acoustics and Lighting Systems

 Acoustics
To provide a conducive and safe environment for users and visitors, acoustics play a role in reducing noise
pollution from machinery or high-traffic areas.
 Natural Lighting
Maximizing natural light in architectural design, especially in public areas, can enhance the comfort and
visual appeal of the hub.

Operation and Maintenance

Utility systems should be designed for ease of operation and maintenance to ensure the hub's long-term
sustainability. Clear maintenance schedules and procedures should be established.

These utility systems will be designed with an emphasis on sustainability, efficiency, and resilience to ensure that the
project functions optimally while minimizing environmental impact. Consideration of renewable energy sources,
energy-efficient technologies, and water-saving measures will be integrated into the design, aligning with the project's
commitment to eco-friendly and responsible practices. The operation and maintenance of these systems will be
crucial for the hub's ongoing success and contribution to sustainable agriculture in Zambales.

4.6 Other Technical Issues

In the context of the design project, several other technical issues and building systems should be considered to
ensure the functionality and success of the facilities:

Environmental Control Systems for Controlled Agriculture

 Climate Control
Given the agricultural nature of the project, specific environmental control systems within greenhouses and
crop-specific zones are crucial. These systems regulate temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide levels to
optimize plant growth. Additionally, the control of pests and diseases through integrated pest management
(IPM) systems is vital.

Structural Systems for Greenhouses

 Greenhouse Structures
Designing greenhouse structures that can withstand the local climatic conditions and support the required
environmental control systems is essential. This includes the use of materials that are durable, corrosion-
resistant, and capable of withstanding high humidity.

Security Systems
 Surveillance and Access Control
To protect the valuable agricultural assets and ensure the safety of people on-site, security systems such as
surveillance cameras, access control systems, and alarms should be integrated into the design.

Specialized Agricultural Equipment

 Farm Machinery and Equipment
Consideration of storage and maintenance facilities for specialized agricultural machinery like tractors,
plows, and harvesters is essential. These spaces should be designed for efficient access and safety during

Materials Handling Systems

 Storage and Distribution Systems
The project will require effective systems for the handling and distribution of agricultural produce and
products, including storage facilities such as warehouses or cold storage units. Proper design should ensure
ease of loading and unloading, temperature control, and hygienic storage conditions.

Accessibility for Mobility-Impaired Users

 Universal Design
To ensure inclusivity and accessibility for all users, including those with mobility impairments, the design
should incorporate universal design principles. This involves features like ramps, widened pathways, and
accessible facilities within the hub.

Sustainable Infrastructure
 Rainwater Harvesting
The design should consider the implementation of rainwater harvesting systems to collect and store
rainwater for various agricultural and non-potable uses. This supports sustainable water management.
 Renewable Energy Integration
Exploring opportunities for integrating renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, to power the hub
and reduce reliance on non-renewable energy.

Waste Management Systems

 Composting and Recycling
To align with sustainable practices, the project should include areas for composting organic agricultural
waste and recycling facilities for plastics, glass, and other recyclable materials.

Biophilic Design
 Incorporating Nature
Utilizing biophilic design principles, the project can incorporate natural elements, green spaces, and views of
surrounding vegetation within the hub to create a more pleasant and productive environment.

These technical issues and building systems should be addressed to ensure that the project is fully equipped to meet
the diverse needs of the agricultural community and contribute to sustainable growth in Zambales. Each system must
be designed to function harmoniously within the project's overall objectives, considering efficiency, environmental
responsibility, and user safety.

4.7 Special Allied Services

Several specialized allied architectural services can be invaluable to enhance the functionality, aesthetics, and
sustainability of the facilities. These services can further support the architectural interior and exterior components.
Here are some specialized allied architectural services to consider:

Landscape Architecture
 Landscape Design
Collaborating with a landscape architect can help in the design of outdoor spaces, green areas, and the
integration of natural elements. This service can enhance the overall aesthetics of the site and ensure that
the hub blends seamlessly with its surroundings.

Sustainable Design Consultants

 Sustainability Experts
Engaging sustainability experts can aid in the integration of eco-friendly and green design principles,
ensuring that the architectural components align with environmental sustainability goals.

Acoustic Consultants
 Noise Control
For areas within the hub that require specific acoustic considerations, such as event spaces or educational
facilities, acoustic consultants can help design solutions for noise control and optimal sound quality.

Lighting Design Specialists

 Lighting Design
Experts in lighting design can help create well-lit, energy-efficient spaces by strategically planning lighting
fixtures and daylight utilization.

Art Consultants
 Art Integration
Art consultants can assist in selecting and integrating art pieces within the hub to enhance its cultural and
aesthetic aspects. This is particularly relevant if the hub aims to support local artists.

Sustainable Materials Experts

 Material Selection
Specialists in sustainable materials can aid in selecting eco-friendly building materials that contribute to the
overall sustainability of the project.

Accessibility Consultants
 Universal Design
For ensuring that the hub is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, accessibility consultants
can provide expertise in universal design principles.

Energy Efficiency Consultants

 Energy Optimization
Consultants in energy efficiency can help in the design of energy-efficient systems, including HVAC, lighting,
and renewable energy integration.

Cultural Heritage Experts

 Preservation and Integration
If the project involves the preservation of cultural heritage sites or elements, cultural heritage experts can
assist in their preservation and integration into the design.

Agricultural Design Specialists

 Agribusiness Expertise
For the agricultural facilities within the hub, agricultural design specialists can provide expertise in the
design of efficient and functional spaces for crop cultivation and processing.

Engaging these specialized allied architectural services can contribute to a holistic and well-rounded design for the
project. It ensures that the architectural components are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional,
sustainable, and culturally significant. This multidisciplinary approach enhances the overall quality and success of the

5.1 Architectural Design Development

Architectural Design Development is a crucial step in turning architectural ideas into workable plans. It's where
architects fine-tune designs, considering how structures will function, look, and fit into their surroundings. They focus
on details like space use, materials, and rules. This phase is about turning creative ideas into practical, doable plans
that guide actual construction. It's a key stage where architects balance creativity with real-world needs to create
blueprints for buildings.

5.1.1 Site Planning and Site Programming

Site Zoning
Site Location: Zone 3, Iba Zambales
Total Lot Area: 62,793 m²

General Use
of Use Principal Accessory Conditional

Group E – 1. Wholesale and retail 1. All uses in C-1 class 1. Institutional C-2 (Commercial
Business and stores buildings/ structures uses as Two or Medium
Mercantile 2. Shopping centers, may be allowed in C-2 colleges and Commercial) - a
malls, and class buildings/ universities, municipal or city
Division E-2 supermarkets structures vocational and level of
Business and 3. Wet and Dry markets 2. Repair shops like house technical commercial use
Mercantile in 4. Restaurants, drinking appliances, motor schools, or occupancy,
Nature and dining vehicles and accessory, general characterized
establishments with home furnishing shops hospitals and mainly as a
less than one hundred 3. Transportation specialized medium-rise
(100) occupancies. terminal/garage with general building/structure
5. Day/night clubs, bars, repair shops welfare, for medium to
cocktails, sing-along 4. Publishing charitable and high intensity
lounges, bistros, pubs, 5. Medium scale junk shop government commercial/
beer gardens 6. Machinery display institutions trade, service and
6. Bakeries, pastry and shop/center 2. Hauling business
bake shops. 7. Gravel and sand services and activities, e.g.,
7. Office buildings 8. Lumber/hardware garage three to five (3 to
8. Financial Institutions 9. Manufacture of ice, ice terminals for 5) storey
9. Printing & publishing blocks, cubes, tubes, trucks, tow shopping centers,
plants and offices crushed except dry ice trucks, and medium to large
10. Engraving, photo 10. Manufacture of signs buses not office or mixed
developing and and advertising displays exceeding use/occupancy
printing shops (except printed) three (3) units buildings/structure
11. Photographer and 11. Chicharon factory and storage s and the like.
painter studios, 12. Welding shops facilities in
tailoring and 13. Machine shops service support of SPE (Special) –
haberdashery shops operations commercial other vertical
12. Factories and (repairing/ rebuilding, or establishment facilities not
workshops, using less custom job orders) s mentioned under

flammable or non- 14. Motorcycles/ bicycles 3. Auto sales regular

combustible materials repair shops and rentals, uses/occupancies
13. Battery shops and 15. Lechon stores automotive of
repair shops 16. Biscuit factory - handicraft, buildings/structure
14. Paint stores without manufacture of biscuits, accessory and s such as
bulk handling cookies, crackers and spare parts cemeteries,
15. Funeral parlors other similar dried shops, marine memorial parks
16. Memorial and bakery products craft, aircraft and the like
mortuary chapels, 17. Doughnut and hopia and sales
crematories factory yards
17. Columbarium 18. Factory for other bakery 4. Junk shops,
18. Telephone and products not elsewhere scrap dealer
telegraph exchanges classified (n.e.c.) shops
19. Telecommunications, 19. Shops for repacking of
media and public food products e.g. fruits,
information complexes vegetables, sugar and
including radio and TV other related products
broadcasting studios 20. Funeral parlors,
20. Cell (mobile) phone mortuaries and
towers crematory services and
21. Battery shops and memorial chapels
auto repair shops 21. Parking lots, garage
22. Bakeries, pastry and facilities
bake shops 22. Buildings/ structures for
23. Police and fire other commercial
stations activities not elsewhere
24. Glassware and classified (n.e.c.)
metalware stores,
household equipment
and appliance shops
25. Manufacture of
insignia, badges and
similar emblems
except metal
26. General retail
establishments such
as curio or antique
shops, pet shops and
aquarium stores,
bookstores, art
supplies and novelties,
jewelry shops, liquor
wine stores and fIower
27. Employment/
recruitment agencies,
news syndicate
services and office
equipment and repair
shops and other

28. Watch sales and
services, locksmith
and other related
29. Other stores and
shops for conducting
retail business and
local shopping
30. Radio, television and
other electrical
appliance repair shops
31. Furniture, repair and
upholstering job
32. Computer stores and
video shops, including
33. Internet cafes and
cyber stations
34. Garment
manufacturing with no
more than twenty (20)
35. Signboard and
streamer painting and
silk screening
Table 5.1.1 Schedule of Principal, Accessory and Conditional Use/Occupancy of Building/Structure

Allowable Maximum
Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)* by Type/ Location of Lot
Character of Type of
"Note: Building Height Limit (BHL) multiplied by the Allowable Maximum Building
User Building/
Footprint (AMBF) expressed as a percentage (%) of the Total Lot Area or TLA
Occupanсу Structure
(with or without firewall). Figure subject to reduction to comply with the floor area
component of the Allowable Maximum Volume of Building (AMVB). Refer to Table
VIl. 1. to arrive at the percentage (%) of TLA.

Interior (or Inside (or Corner Lot Through Corner Comer Lot
Rear) Regular) (see Fig. VIII. Lot Through Abutting 3
Lot and Lot 10. Of Rule (see Fig. Lot or More
End Lot (see Fig. VIII) VIII.11. of (see Fig. Streets,
(see Fig. VIII.9. of Rule VIII) VIII. 12. etc.
VIllS. and Rule VIII) Of Rivers,

VIlI.5.14. of Rule VIII) (see Fig.
Rule VIII.13. of
Rule VIII)

GROUPS B, 12×80% 12x75% 12x80% 12×80% 12x90% 12x90%
C, E, H, I
Table 5.1.2 Allowable Maximum Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)

Building Height Limit (BHL)

Character of Use or Type of Building/
Occupancy Structure Number of allowable storeys/floors Meters above
above established grade highest grade

Commercial Commercial 2 (C-2) 6 18.00

Agricultural/Agro- 15.00 meters (or must complement the duly-approved BHL in

Industrial/Tourism the major zone it is part of)
Table 5.1.3 Building Height Limit (BHL) by Type of Use or Occupancy

Maximum Allowable Percentage of Occupancy Computation:

𝐏𝐒𝐎 = 𝑇𝐿𝐴 𝑥 75%
𝐏𝐒𝐎 = 62,793 m² x 75% = 47,094.75 m²

Maximum Allowable Impervious Surface Area (ISA):

𝐈𝐒𝐀 = 𝑇𝐿𝐴 𝑥 20%
𝐈𝐒𝐀 = 62,793 m² x 20% = 12,558.6 m²

Maximum Allowable Unpaved Surface Area (USA):

𝐔𝐒𝐀 = 𝑇𝐿𝐴 𝑥 5%
𝐔𝐒𝐀 = 62,793 m² x 5% = 3,193.65 m²

Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL):

𝐓𝐎𝐒𝐋 = 12,558.6 m² + 3,193.65 m² = 15,752.25 m²

Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF):

𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐅 = 62,793 m² − 15,752.25 m² = 47,040.75 m²

Maximum Allowable Construction Area (MACA):

𝐌𝐀𝐂𝐀 = 47,094.75 m² + 12,558.6 m² = 59,653.35 m²

Gross Floor Area (GFA):


𝐆𝐅𝐀 = 62,793 m² x 9 = 565,137 m²

Specific Uses or
Reference Uses or
of Occupancy Minimum Required Parking Slot, Parking Area and
Character of Occupancies or
(refer to Section Loading Space Requirements
Type of Buildings/Structures
701 of this Rule)


Division E-2 Public Markets (C) One (1) customer (buyer) jeepney/shuttle parking slot for
every 150.00 sq. meters of wet and dry market floor area
and one (1) vendor (seller) jeepney/shuttle parking slot or
loading space for every 300.00 sq. meters of wet and dry
market floor area; and one (1) off-RROW (off-street)
terminal that can accommodate at least two (2) jeepneys
and six (6) tricycles for every 1,000.00 sq. meters of wet
and dry market floor area


Division J-1 Agriculture-related uses or Not required if located outside urbanized area; if located
occupancies (A) within urbanized area, provide one (1) car slot for every
1,000.00 sq. meters of gross floor area and one (1) bus
slot for every one hundred (100) workers; if number of
workers exceed two hundred (200), provide one (1) off-
RROW (or off-street) passenger loading space that can
accommodate two (2) queued jeepney/shuttle slots;
provide at least one (1) loading slot for articulated truck or
vehicle (a 12.00 meter long container van plus 6.00
meters length for a long/hooded prime mover) and one
(1) loading slot for a standard truck for every 5,000.00 sq.
meters of GFA; and provide truck maneuvering area
outside of the RROW (within property or lot lines only)
Table 5.1.4 Minimum Required Off-Street (Off-RROW) cum On-Site Parking Slot, Parking Area and
Loading/Unloading Space Requirements by Allowed Use or Occupancy

Parking Slot Computation:

𝑀𝑖𝑛. 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑆𝑙𝑜𝑡 𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 = ( 62,793 m² / 150 m² ) = 419

5.1.2 Building Space Program

User Analysis


Farmers are the primary users of the PAINAWA project, and their needs and challenges should be a
central focus. Understanding their agricultural practices, preferences, and constraints is essential for
designing interventions that enhance productivity, sustainability, and resilience. Factors such as access to
resources, technology adoption rates, and traditional farming knowledge should be carefully considered to
ensure the project's relevance and acceptance among farmers.

Local Community

The broader local community in Zambales, including residents, community leaders, and local businesses,
also play a significant role as users of the PAINAWA project. Engaging with the community to garner
support, address concerns, and foster collaboration is essential for the project's success. Cultural
sensitivities, community dynamics, and socio-economic disparities should be taken into account to ensure
inclusivity and equity in project implementation.

Government Agencies

Collaboration with relevant government agencies, such as the Department of Agriculture, local agricultural
offices, and environmental agencies, is critical for navigating regulatory frameworks, accessing funding
opportunities, and leveraging existing infrastructure and resources. Understanding their priorities, policies,
and procedures is essential for aligning the project with broader development agendas and securing
institutional support.

Educational Institutions

Educational institutions, including schools, universities, and vocational training centers, represent important
users and potential partners for the PAINAWA project. Engaging with these institutions can facilitate
knowledge exchange, skills development, and capacity-building initiatives, contributing to the project's long-
term sustainability and impact. Understanding their curriculum requirements, research interests, and
outreach programs can inform targeted interventions to enhance agricultural education and training.
Market Actors

Market actors, such as traders, processors, retailers, and consumers, form another critical user group for
the PAINAWA project. Understanding market dynamics, demand preferences, and value chain constraints
is essential for designing interventions that enhance market access, value addition, and income generation
opportunities for farmers. Market research, value chain analysis, and stakeholder consultations can inform
strategies to strengthen market linkages and improve profitability along the agricultural value chain.

Organizational Chart
Rice Milling/Rice Drying


Project Manager
Oversees all aspects of the commerce component of the PAINAWA project

Coordinates with other project managers and stakeholders to ensure alignment with overall project goals
Commerce Coordinator
Responsible for coordinating commerce-related activities and initiatives
Works closely with the project manager and other team members to implement commerce strategies
Marketing Team
Marketing Manager: Oversees marketing strategies and campaigns
Marketing Specialists: Responsible for executing marketing activities such as advertising, promotions, and
Market Research Analyst: Conducts market research and analysis to identify consumer trends,
preferences, and opportunities
Sales Team
Sales Manager: Leads sales efforts and develops sales strategies
Sales Representatives: Engage with customers, negotiate contracts, and facilitate sales transactions
Customer Service Representatives: Handle customer inquiries, complaints, and support services
Supply Chain Management Team
Supply Chain Manager: Manages the flow of goods and services from suppliers to customers
Procurement Officers: Responsible for sourcing, purchasing, and inventory management
Logistics Coordinators: Coordinate transportation, warehousing, and distribution activities
Finance Team
Finance Manager: Oversees financial planning, budgeting, and reporting
Accountants: Manage financial transactions, accounts payable/receivable, and financial records
Financial Analysts: Conduct financial analysis, forecasting, and performance evaluation
Partnerships and Collaborations
Partnership Manager: Establishes and manages partnerships with other organizations, businesses, and
Collaboration Coordinator: Facilitates collaboration efforts, joint initiatives, and networking opportunities.

5.2 Design Features

Embarking on the architectural endeavor of " PAINAWA " calls for a thoughtful exploration of the central
design elements that will define the project's essence. These elements encapsulate visionary features that
transcend mere structures, embodying the very spirit of sustainable rice grain drying, milling, and
commerce solutions. From innovative rice drying technologies to eco-friendly milling processes, each
feature serves as a cornerstone for the hub's diverse functions. As we delve deeper into the intricate
details, these design elements will unfold, unveiling a narrative that seamlessly merges functionality with
aesthetics, resilience with innovation, and community prosperity with environmental stewardship.

5.2.1 Architectural Character

The PAINAWA project is guided by the concept of Harmonious Integration, aiming to seamlessly blend
cultural, environmental, technological, and functional aspects to create a unified and sustainable
agribusiness hub. Cultural integration draws inspiration from Zambales’ rich heritage, infusing elements
reflecting history, traditions, and community values into the design. Communal spaces foster interaction
and knowledge-sharing, serving as hubs for cultural events and workshops. Environmental integration
prioritizes eco-friendly structures with sustainable architecture, green materials, and renewable energy
sources like solar panels and wind turbines. Technological integration entails state-of-the-art facilities
embracing smart farming techniques, IoT applications, and digital connectivity for enhanced accessibility to
information and innovations. Resilient infrastructure designs focus on disaster resilience through robust
construction methods and strategic placement. Aesthetic harmony is achieved through visually appealing
designs complementing the natural landscape with nature-inspired colors and landscaping. Market access

integration strengthens agribusiness value chains, ensuring efficient access to markets for agricultural

5.2.2 Innovations

Green Roof Infrastructure


Implementing green roofs across various structures within the hub not only enhances aesthetic appeal but also
contributes to environmental sustainability. Green roofs provide natural insulation, reduce stormwater runoff, and
create habitats for biodiversity. Integrating these features aligns with the project's eco-conscious approach and
promotes a harmonious relationship between architecture and nature.

Adaptive Climate-Responsive Design


Employing climate-responsive design elements, such as adjustable louvers, shading devices, and natural ventilation
systems, ensures that the structures adapt to the local climate. This not only enhances energy efficiency by reducing
reliance on artificial cooling systems but also provides a comfortable and productive environment for agribusiness
activities, even in challenging weather conditions.

5.2.3 Highlights


Dynamic Roof Forms

The project will explore variations in roof design to address specific functions within the hub. Embracing
environmental sustainability, the project incorporates green roofs with native vegetation, promoting insulation,
reducing stormwater runoff, and fostering biodiversity. To enhance energy efficiency, certain roof forms integrate
strategically placed solar panels, aligning with the hub's commitment to renewable energy. The adaptability of
purpose-driven roof designs ensures flexibility for different hub functions, including events and community gatherings,
enhancing versatility. Beyond functionality, varied roof designs contribute to the project's architectural expression,
adding visual interest and reflecting the diverse activities within the agribusiness hub. Additionally, the dynamic roof
forms respond to the local climate, providing shade and optimizing natural ventilation to enhance user comfort and

5.2.4 Material Concept

Prioritize materials that are locally available and sourced sustainably, reducing the
Local Sourcing
environmental impact of transportation.

Adaptability Select materials that can withstand the local climate, promoting resilience and longevity.

Incorporate reclaimed or recycled materials, giving a nod to the region's agricultural history
while reducing waste.

Biophilic Integrate natural elements and textures to create a connection between the built environment

Elements and the surrounding agricultural landscape.

Choose materials that contribute to the overall energy efficiency of the hub, such as those with
Energy Efficiency
good insulation properties.


Utilize bamboo for structural elements and façades, celebrating its strength, versatility, and rapid renewability.
Bamboo is chosen for its exceptional strength, versatility, and rapid renewability. As a structural material, bamboo
provides a sustainable alternative to traditional construction materials, contributing to the project's commitment to
eco-conscious design. Its natural aesthetic also aligns with the overall organic and cultural theme.

Recycled Steel
Incorporate recycled steel for structural components, showcasing an industrial aesthetic while minimizing
environmental impact. Recycled steel is incorporated for structural elements, not only for its robustness but also for
its reduced environmental impact. Using recycled steel aligns with the project's sustainability goals by minimizing the
demand for new resources and showcasing an industrial aesthetic that complements the modern design approach.

Local Timber

Use locally sourced timber for interiors and furniture, promoting a warm and inviting atmosphere. Local timber
sourced from sustainable forests is employed for interiors and furniture, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.
The use of local timber supports the regional economy, reduces transportation-related carbon footprint, and adds a
touch of natural beauty to the interior spaces, connecting occupants with the surrounding landscape.

Rammed Earth
Employ rammed earth construction for certain walls, providing thermal mass and a connection to traditional building
methods. Rammed earth construction is utilized for specific walls, offering thermal mass benefits and connecting the
hub to traditional building methods. This ancient building technique, adapted with modern considerations, enhances
the building's thermal efficiency and provides a tactile and visually appealing element that speaks to the region's
architectural heritage.

Green Roofs
Integrate green roofs with native vegetation, enhancing insulation, reducing stormwater runoff, and blending the hub
with the natural surroundings. Green roofs are integrated to enhance insulation, mitigate stormwater runoff, and
seamlessly blend the hub with its natural surroundings. The use of native vegetation not only contributes to the
overall sustainability of the project but also creates aesthetically pleasing rooftop landscapes that promote
biodiversity and ecological balance.

5.3 Initial Design Translation

5.3.1 Design Philosophy


"It is difficult to design a space that will not attract people. What is remarkable is how often this has been

- William H. Whyte

Design Considerations

Community-Centric Spaces
Consideration: Integrate communal areas, meeting spaces, and educational facilities
within the hub to promote community engagement, knowledge sharing, and capacity
Relation to Project: Enhancing community well-being and knowledge sharing is a key
objective, and community-centric spaces are instrumental in achieving this goal.

Resilient Design for Natural Disasters

Consideration: Develop structures and infrastructure that can withstand natural disasters
prevalent in the region, ensuring the safety of personnel and the preservation of assets.
Relation to Project: Bolstering the region's resilience to environmental challenges,
including natural disasters, is a specific objective of the project.

Innovative Agricultural Technology Integration

Consideration: Design the hub to accommodate advanced technologies for agricultural
operations, allowing for precision farming, smart agriculture, and future upgrades.
Relation to Project: The integration of innovative agricultural technologies aligns with the
project's aim to establish a state-of-the-art agribusiness hub.

Biomimicry and Sustainable Land Use:

Consideration: Draw inspiration from nature's designs and processes, incorporating
biomimicry principles into the architecture.
Relation to Project: By emulating nature, the design can enhance ecological harmony,
and create a space that operates seamlessly within the natural environment.

Flexible and Scalable Design

Consideration: Design with flexibility to accommodate changing needs and scalability for future expansions,
allowing the hub to grow in tandem with advancements in agribusiness.
Relation to Project: Flexibility and scalability are vital for the project's success, supporting the acceleration of
economic growth and adapting to evolving market dynamics.

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