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TDEXXX10.1177/0145721719894903Revising the AADE7 Self-Care Behaviors<sup>®</sup>

Revising the AADE7 Self-Care Behaviors®

An Effective Model of Diabetes

Care and Education
Revising the AADE7 Self-Care

Purpose Leslie Kolb, RN, BSN, MBA

From the American Association of Diabetes Educators, Chicago, Illinois
The AADE7 Self-Care Behaviors® (AADE7) is a robust (Ms Kolb).
framework for self-management of diabetes and other
related conditions, such as prediabetes and cardiometa- Correspondence to Leslie Kolb, RN, BSN, MBA, American Association of
bolic diseases. It is the position of the American Diabetes Educators, 200 W. Madison Street, Suite 800, Chicago, IL
Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) that, at the 60606. (
cornerstone of diabetes self-management education and
support, the AADE7 is the framework for achieving Funding: None.
behavior change that leads to effective self-management
through improved behavior and clinical outcome mea- Conflict of Interest: None.

in practice
sures. The AADE7 model guides the health care team in
effective person-centered collaboration and goal setting Acknowledgments: The AADE gratefully acknowledges the following
to achieve health-related outcomes and improved quality individuals for their role in creating this document: Carolé Mensing, RN,
MA, CDE, FAADE (Co-Chair); Donna Tomky, MSN, RN, C-NP, CDE, FAADE
of life. Continued research and evidence are critical to (Co-Chair); Lois Moss-Barnwell, MS, RD, LDN, CDE; Sheri R. Colberg, PhD,
expand this model and broaden its application to other FACSM; Patricia Davidson, DCN, RDN, LDN, CDE, FAND; Kim Coy DeCoste
chronic conditions. Given the advances in the science of RN, MSN, CDE, MLDE, FAADE; Nancy D’Hondt, RPh, CDE, FAADE; Paulina
N. Duker, MPH, RN, CDE; Eliot LeBow, LCSW, CDE; Melinda D. Maryniuk,
diabetes management, as well as in diabetes self- MEd, RD, CDE; Molly McElwee-Malloy, RN, CDE; David K. Miller, RN, BSN,
management education and support, AADE has evalu- MSEd, CDE, FAADE; Malinda Peeples, RN, MS, CDE, FAADE; Joanne
ated the AADE7 within the framework of these advances, Rinker, MS, RDN, CDE, LDN, FAADE; Cecilia Sauter, MS, RDN, CDE,
FAADE; Michael B. See, MS, RCEP, CDE; Evan Sisson, PharmD, MSHA,
including the digital and dynamic health care landscape. BCACP, CDE, FAADE.
AADE gratefully acknowledges the following individuals for their role
in reviewing this document: Martha Funnell, RN, MS, CDE, FAADE,
Conclusion FAAN; Barb Schreiner, PhD, RN, CDE, BC-ADM; Jane K. Dickinson, RN,
PhD, CDE; Healthy Eating: Hope Warshaw, MMSc, RD, CDE, BC-ADM,
FAADE; Being Active: Gary Scheiner, MS, CDE; Monitoring: Janice
This revised position statement blends the updates in MacLeod, MA, RD, LD, CDE; Taking Medications: Geoffrey Twigg,
research and AADE’s vision and expansion beyond dia- PharmD, CDE, BCACP; Problem Solving: Leigh Gemmell, PhD; Reducing
Risk: Lucille Hughes, DNP, MSN/Ed, RN, CDE, BC-ADM, FAADE; Healthy
betes to refresh the AADE7 framework. This revision Coping: Mary de Groot, PhD, HSPP; AADE Team Members: Matthew
reflects the perspectives of all members of the health care Eaton and Kirsten Yehl, MS, MLIS; Medical Writer: Lauren Bronich-Hall,
team as they problem solve with individuals who are at MS, RD, LDN, CDE (Health Illuminations, LLC).
This is an official statement of the American Association of Diabetes
risk for or who have diabetes and related conditions to Educators (AADE). AADE is a multidisciplinary professional membership
achieve healthier outcomes. organization of health care professionals dedicated to integrating
successful self-management as a key outcome in the care of people
with diabetes and related conditions.

DOI: 10.1177/0145721719894903

© 2020 The Author(s)

The Diabetes EDUCATOR

Introduction AADE was challenged by the Centers for Medicare &

Medicaid Services (CMS) in 1997 to identify the unique
The American Association for Diabetes Educator’s outcome measures of diabetes self-management educa-
(AADE’s) AADE7 Self-Care Behaviors® (AADE7) tion.10 AADE convened a taskforce to determine what to
framework provides an evidence-based model for assess- measure, when to monitor, and how to manage chronic
ment, intervention, and evaluation of individuals and pop- disease over its continuum as it related to diabetes educa-
ulations living with diabetes and other cardiometabolic tion and care.11 This taskforce defined the unique out-
conditions.1 Using the AADE7 framework, diabetes care comes of diabetes education as “behavior change”11 and
and education specialists partner with people living with identified 7 self-care behaviors that promote successful
diabetes and related conditions to support informed deci- and effective diabetes self-management, known as the
sion making. Diabetes care and education specialists AADE7. The work of the original taskforce included
embrace a person-centered philosophy, incorporating a mapping the original 15 content areas of the 1995
strengths-based approach and acknowledging the whole National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management
person in the context of the person’s life and relationships. Education (NSDSME),10 developing and testing tools to
The diabetes care and education specialist focus includes capture outcomes,12 and reaching a consensus on diabe-
not only diabetes care, education, and ongoing support of tes self-management education (DSME) outcome mea-
self-management but related conditions such as obesity, sures using the AADE7 Self-Care Behaviors®.5 This
prediabetes, diabetes-related complications, and cardio- framework shifted the focus away from educational
metabolic disease as well. Given the advances in the sci- content delivery to an outcome-driven practice using
ence of diabetes management, as well as in diabetes person-centered and self-determined goals.9,13 Effective
self-management education and support, AADE has eval- diabetes education needed to go beyond knowledge
uated the AADE7 within the framework of these advances, transfer; it needed to address and support behavior
including the digital and dynamic health care landscape. change and affect clinical and health-related outcomes.
This revised position statement blends research updates The NSDSME continues to include the AADE7 frame-
and AADE’s vision and expansion beyond diabetes to work in its updates,14-16 and the AADE7 has provided
revise the AADE7 framework and encompasses the var- standardized nomenclature for assessment, identification of
ied perspective of the health care team. self-care related problems and barriers, goal setting, prob-
lem solving, documentation, measurement, evaluation,
AADE7 Revision quality improvement, and policy making.9 Based on addi-
tional research and practice, diabetes self-management
Aligned with AADE’s vision of “optimal health and education and support has evolved beyond knowledge and
quality of life for persons with, affected by, or at risk for behavior change to focus on quality of life and person-
diabetes and chronic conditions,”2 the AADE7 Self-Care centered approaches to management, education, and care.
Behaviors® are as follows: These gains in knowledge, along with innovative technolo-
gies, have changed some of the demands of self-care.
•• Healthy Coping
•• Healthy Eating
Role of technology
•• Being Active
•• Taking Medication The use of technology has transformed the approach
•• Monitoring to diabetes self-care and implementation of the AADE7
•• Reducing Risk
framework. Technology developed to support self-care
•• Problem Solving
includes medical devices such as glucose meters, insulin
pumps, and continuous glucose monitors; digital thera-
peutics such as mobile apps, text messaging, electronic
To conduct this “AADE7 Revision,” AADE assem- communications, and videoconference platforms; and
bled a task force to review the literature and previous wearable technologies such as Fitbits and Apple watches.
documents,3-9 in an effort to update the AADE7 frame- People with diabetes and other related conditions can
work while preserving its original intent. receive health care services virtually, outside of the clinic/

Volume XX, Number X, Month 2020

Revising the AADE7 Self-Care Behaviors®

office with the capabilities of the Internet and mobile has revised the image associated with the AADE7 to
devices. This alleviates barriers such as transportation or underscore the interrelatedness of these behaviors.
cost of travel. Technology has the power to synthesize Advances in the science of diabetes self-management
information into a digestible format, resulting in simpli- education and support (DSMES) emphasize the indepen-
fied interpretation and application to self-management. dent effect of the emotional burden of diabetes on meta-
When designed with the user in mind, these tools can also bolic and quality of life outcomes. Because Healthy
serve to engage, encourage, and motivate self-care. Coping must begin before learning can occur, this behav-
Diabetes care and education specialists help with tech- ior is centrally located at the core to symbolize its sig-
nology selection, device training, data downloads, data nificance in sustainable diabetes self-management. The
evaluation, troubleshooting, and backup plans for times inner ring contains Healthy Eating, Being Active, and
when technology fails.17 By collaborating with diabetes Taking Medication. These behaviors often serve as the
care and education specialists, people with diabetes and basis for care plans since they comprise what individuals
related conditions can learn how to use these technologi- with diabetes and related conditions undertake regularly
cal tools effectively, when available, to improve their as they self-manage their condition. The next ring,
clinical and quality-of-life outcomes. Monitoring, encircles these 4 self-care behaviors. By
Although long-term studies are needed to evaluate sus- collecting personalized data, Monitoring helps convert
tainability,18 technology-enabled health care delivery can some of the intangible components of diabetes into per-
help people with diabetes and related conditions optimize ceptible ones. The knowledge gained and the ability to
their outcomes.19 Diabetes care and education specialists use the information from Monitoring can drive behavior
can provide the element of human touch to identify appro- change. Equally important, the outer ring contains the
priate candidates and tools, provide training, and facilitate less tangible self-care behaviors of Reducing Risk and
ongoing use of these tools and the information they offer. Problem Solving, which greatly influence motivation,
Research shows the use of electronic health records and goal setting, and the ability to transform goals into
wearables, along with the resulting patient-generated action. The updated image of the AADE7 depicts this
health data, can improve clinical outcomes and engage- interconnectivity (see Figure 1).
ment.20-23 Mobile health interventions for obesity and
diabetes have promoted behavior change,24 and technol- Examination and Validation
ogy-enabled diabetes support has demonstrated clinically of the AADE7
significant results in clinical settings.4,25 In people with
type 1 diabetes, studies have validated that the use of con- Healthy Coping
tinuous glucose monitoring can increase time in range and Healthy coping, defined as “a positive attitude toward
lower risk for severe hypoglycemia.26 diabetes and self-management, positive relationships
Accompanying these benefits, technology also brings with others, and quality of life,”27 is critical for mastery
new challenges to the health care team. To stay current of the other 6 behaviors. Psychosocial factors that inter-
with the accelerated growth of technology, the members fere with a person’s ability to self-manage the disease and
of the health care team must familiarize themselves with achieve desired metabolic outcomes greatly influence
the technologies, learn the intricacies of new devices, diabetes and other related conditions.28-32 Person-centered
and overcome their technology phobias. People living care contributes to positive health outcomes and psycho-
with or affected by diabetes and related conditions, along logical well-being.33 Conversely, diabetes-related dis-
with their diabetes care and education specialists, must tress negatively affects the physical and emotional
be able to prioritize data surplus from technologies to well-being of the person living with diabetes.34 Diabetes-
minimize time and resource burdens. related distress, described as the emotional burden of dia-
betes, the constant demands from diabetes self-management,
New AADE7 image. Although originally presented the possibility of developing complications, and the lack
in a list format, the AADE7 Self-Care Behaviors® over- of support and access to care,29,34-36 hinders self-care.
lap in nature, specifically the knowledge and skills to People living with diabetes are also more prone to depres-
master them, the barriers associated with their mastery, sion and anxiety,32,37 as well as disordered eating and
and associated outcome measures. Accordingly, AADE cognitive impairment.37 These psychosocial factors

The Diabetes EDUCATOR

Figure 1. Transformation of the AADE7 image.

reduce the ability to self-manage. An evaluation by a dia- affect, self-efficacy, and gratitude, are associated with
betes care and education specialist and other members of better health outcomes in many chronic diseases.35 People
the health care team and appropriate referrals to behav- with mild to moderate symptoms of diabetes-related dis-
ioral specialists are necessary to support people living tress can benefit from a referral to DSMES.45 Those with
with diabetes and related conditions. Ongoing evaluation more severe distress should be referred to mental health
and support are key components to making sustainable professionals prior to diabetes education.
behavior changes, as reinforced by the term change from
diabetes self-management education to diabetes self- Address cognitive impairment
management education and support. Table 1 includes
immediate and intermediate outcomes, methods and fre- Any impairment to learning, memory, attention, men-
quency of measurement, and examples of implementa- tal flexibility, and executive function can decrease the
tion within the healthy coping behavior. ability to perform self-care behaviors, resulting in incon-
sistent diabetes self-management and associated glyce-
Behaviors That Contribute to Healthier mic outcomes.30,46-50 Cognitive impairment is associated
Outcomes with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.50 Mental health issues,
Increase self-efficacy
such as diabetes distress, attention-deficit/hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD), depression, and addiction, also cause
Self-efficacy, described as an individual’s belief in his cognitive impairment. Cognitive impairment affects
or her own ability,38 is critical to self-care. Both depres- knowledge and skill transfer, as well as the ability to
sion and diabetes-related distress influence self-efficacy learn and apply new information (Problem Solving).51
in people living with diabetes.39,40 Research has shown
that higher levels of positive emotions, self-efficacy, and
Gather support
increased social support and attitudes toward self-care
behaviors are associated with improved self-care in dia- Diabetes care and education specialists, trained com-
betes and cardiovascular disease.32,41-44 Indicators of psy- munity health workers, family, and friends can provide
chological well-being, including optimism, positive support to people living with diabetes and related

Volume XX, Number X, Month 2020

Revising the AADE7 Self-Care Behaviors®

conditions. Together, people with diabetes and related planning.59,61-63 In partnership with registered dietitian-
conditions and their team members can identify effective nutritionists, individuals with diabetes can develop meal
support networks to assist with changes in diabetes and plans that focus on macronutrient quality, healthy eating
life that occur over time. This support can also be virtual; patterns, metabolic goals, and personal food preferences.59
technology has introduced options such as online peer Accordingly, the ADA Medical Standards of Care in
support and telehealth support to help people share their Diabetes identifies diabetes-specific medical nutrition
concerns and feelings around diabetes self-management. therapy (MNT) as an essential component of an overall
Peer support has shown benefits, including social, emo- diabetes plan.59 Strategies such as carbohydrate counting,
tional, and cultural support.52-55 Various models of peer the plate method, and weight management exchange lists
support exist with the potential to improve self-efficacy, have been effective in achieving cardiometabolic and
positive mood, understanding of self-care, and percep- weight management goals.64,65 These techniques empower
tion of social support, as well as improve health-related people to make choices based on their food preferences,
outcomes.56 People living with chronic disease are not while maintaining an energy intake and macronutrient
the only ones who may require this support; family mem- composition focused on their metabolic and health goals.
bers, caregivers, and partners of people with diabetes can
experience diabetes distress.29,57,58 Diabetes care and edu- Establish healthy eating patterns
cation specialists play a critical role in this process by As defined by the Dietary Guidelines 2015-2020, a
assessing individuals’ support network, reinforcing the healthy eating pattern contains an assortment of colorful
importance of this aspect of diabetes self-care, and pro- vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat dairy, a variety
viding training for peers and community health workers of protein sources, and oils while minimizing sodium,
to promote accurate and appropriate messages. added sugars, saturated fat, and trans fat.62 Through dis-
cussion and problem solving with their health care team,
Healthy Eating individuals with diabetes and related conditions can learn
Healthy eating refers to “a pattern of eating a wide how to integrate healthy and safe eating patterns into
variety of high quality, nutritionally-dense foods in quan- their daily lives, which often requires small increments of
tities that promote optimal health and wellness.”59 The change to achieve sustainability.63
behaviors surrounding when to eat, what to eat, and how
Measure portions and monitor intake
much to eat are influenced by a complex set of factors,
including food and cultural preferences, food security, Tracking the amount of food and beverages consumed
health beliefs, and eating habits.60 This complexity inten- for total calories, as well as for individual nutrients such as
sifies with the additions of dynamic nutrition recommen- carbohydrates, plays a role in achieving weight and wellness
dations, health literacy challenges, varied wellness goals, goals. Individuals can use scales, measuring cups, apps that
and changing health status. Consequently, customization evaluate photo images of meals, and household measure-
of meal plans and eating patterns based on age, activity ments or hands to estimate amounts66 and receive feedback
level, health status, food preferences, and medical and on how their portions compare to established serving sizes.
nutritional management of multiple conditions, among When health goals include weight loss, portion-controlled
other factors, becomes vital to effective behavior change. eating plans can improve weight, low-density lipoprotein
Table 2 includes immediate and intermediate outcomes, (LDL) cholesterol, and A1C.67 In addition, research shows
methods and frequency of measurement, and examples of that self-monitoring of intake may predict dietary change
implementation within the healthy coping behavior. over the long term.68 Combining measurement and monitor-
ing (Monitoring) within the behavior of Healthy Eating
Behaviors That Contribute to leads to Problem Solving amounts and types of food and
Healthier Outcomes beverages to consume to meet personalized plans.
Develop and use a personalized meal plan
Understand and use the Nutrition Facts Label
Both the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND)
and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) support Comprehension of the Nutrition Facts Label and asso-
an evidence-based approach to individualized meal ciated health literacy and numeracy skills are essential to

The Diabetes EDUCATOR

the behavior of Healthy Eating for management of pre- particular impact in helping people identify and address
diabetes, diabetes, and cardiometabolic conditions. The barriers.
ability to read the Nutrition Facts label and calculate por-
tions (Healthy Eating) can promote healthy eating and Address barriers
drinking decisions that lower cardiovascular risk,
improve glycemia (Reducing Risk), and aid in decision Since frequent and consistent physical activity often
making during special circumstances, such as restaurant requires sustained behavior change, combatting potential
dining or special occasions (Problem Solving). barriers with appropriate strategies and goals is of significant
importance.76,77 Most adults discontinue regular physical
Being Active activity due to a perceived lack of time, injuries, inappropri-
ate starting intensity, and a lack of enjoyment. Other barriers
Being Active is inclusive of all types, durations, and may relate to the environment, such as a lack of safe places
intensities of daily physical movement, which equates to for physical activity78,79; social factors, such as a lack of
bouts of aerobic or resistance exercise training (struc- social support for regular physical activity80; and work or
tured or planned “exercise”), as well as unstructured home situations that lead to more sedentary behaviors.
activities. The benefits of regular physical activity on car- Diabetes and its related conditions present additional
diometabolic health are widely known.69 challenges to participation. For instance, proliferative
With a few exceptions, recommendations for physical retinopathy requires limitation of activities that cause
participation are similar for individuals with and without rapid blood pressure swings, cardiac autonomic neuropa-
diabetes. Most people with diabetes can safely begin thy requires extensive warm-up and cool-down phases,
physical activity that is no more vigorous than their usual peripheral neuropathy requires frequent foot inspections
activities of daily living without a medical checkup, and possibly limiting weightbearing activity, and periph-
which removes some barriers to their participation in eral vascular disease requires limiting intensity to a toler-
increased activity.70 When an individual with diabetes able pain threshold.81 Individuals with diabetes, especially
and higher cardiometabolic risk is unaccustomed to vig- those who use insulin or insulin secretagogues, report
orous physical activity, guidelines suggest obtaining fear of hypoglycemia as a significant barrier.82 In col-
medical clearance and possibly preparticipation exercise laboration with the health care team, people living with
stress testing. Comorbid health issues may require indi- diabetes can develop strategies to reduce risk for or avoid
vidualization of physical activity choices (eg, avoidance hypoglycemia, such as reductions in insulin or medica-
of weightbearing physical activity with unhealed plantar tion prior to physical activity and inclusion of rapid-act-
ulcers), which serves as an opportunity for shared deci- ing carbohydrate prior to and during activity (Reducing
sion making (Problem Solving) within the health care Risk and Problem Solving). In addition, a lack of self-
team. In collaboration with individuals with diabetes and efficacy or self-esteem appears related to being active,83
related conditions, diabetes care and education special- which links to the need for Healthy Coping.
ists can provide this individualized assessment, monitor
activity levels (Monitoring) as vital signs, and tackle Taking Medication
barriers to encourage physical activity in daily lifestyles.
Table 3 includes immediate and intermediate outcomes, Medications remain an essential component in the pre-
methods and frequency of measurement, and examples vention and management of chronic disease. Insufficient
of implementation within the healthy coping behavior. treatment interventions, therapeutic inertia, and/or skip-
ping/missing medication doses84-86 continue to be barri-
ers to reaching therapeutic goals and contribute to higher
Behaviors That Contribute
to Healthier Outcomes
health care costs, adverse outcomes, and inferior quality
of life for persons with chronic disease.86,87 Medication-
The behavior changes that contribute to healthier out- taking behaviors include following the day-to-day pre-
comes include aerobic exercise, resistance and balance scribed treatment with respect to timing, dosage, and
training, engaging in unstructured or daily living activi- frequency, as well as continuing treatment for the pre-
ties, and decreasing the amount of time spent sitting.70-75 scribed duration.88 The reasons for not taking medica-
The diabetes care and education specialist can have a tions as prescribed are multifactorial.86,89 Given that

Volume XX, Number X, Month 2020

Revising the AADE7 Self-Care Behaviors®

diabetes has been recognized as a multisystem disorder system to fill a prescription,104 but an understanding of
with several associated comorbidities,90,91 treatment fol- the roles on the health care team and influencers of cost
lows a multifaceted and individualized approach that and coverage can facilitate the process. For instance, a
includes cardiovascular risk mitigation.90 person with diabetes may find that the newly prescribed
Advances in the scientific understanding of diabetes have medication is too expensive to fill. This problem involves
resulted in a spectrum of new oral and injectable agents tar- Taking Medication, but it also necessitates active discus-
geting multiple disease mechanisms.91-94 The focus has shifted sion and collaboration among members of the health care
from solely an A1C reduction to a more comprehensive team to examine the benefits and costs for this particular
approach that includes consideration of time-in-range (TIR), individual. These factors may include (1) whether the
cardiovascular disease prevention, and quality-of-life mea- medication’s value outweighs its cost due to additional
sures.95-97 Adding the dynamics of an aging population, cardiometabolic benefits (Reducing Risk), (2) whether
changing demographics, social and environmental influ- the medication results in a noticeable improvement in
ences, access to health care, predictive medicine, and techno- this individual’s blood glucose level (Monitoring), and
logical innovation further increases the complexities of (3) whether the benefits of adding another medication to
treatment approaches and the need for both individualization the treatment plan offset potential financial and emo-
and coordination of the care plan.85,93,98-101 Table 4 includes tional stressors (Healthy Coping).
immediate and intermediate outcomes, methods and fre-
quency of measurement, and examples of implementation Take medication as prescribed
within the healthy coping behavior. and at the right time

Behaviors That Contribute

To maximize benefits and minimize side effects, individu-
to Healthier Outcomes als may need to take medications at specific times, in relation
to food, or in response to blood glucose levels. Medications
Keep a current, accurate medication
list and history
may also require appropriate spacing with or from other
meds. Nonoral medications (eg, injectables or inhaled insu-
A medication list provides valuable information for the lin) or medication delivery systems (eg, insulin pumps and
individual managing health conditions and the other mem- closed-loop systems) have additional requirements to maxi-
bers of the health care team. An accurate and complete list mize effectiveness and safe use. When actual use of medica-
that includes complementary therapies and over-the-coun- tions differs from prescribed plans, the members of the health
ter medications can lead to collaborative discussions to care team can conduct further Problem Solving.
address optimal selection of agents, possible conversion to
newer agents with additional health benefits, deprescribing Share medication beliefs and concerns
as needed, and avoidance of prescribing medications
already determined to be ineffective or to cause adverse Health and cultural beliefs about medications are impor-
effects for this individual (Problem Solving). The medica- tant discussion points when deciding upon appropriate
tion list also serves as a mechanism to communicate medi- therapeutic options and navigating health plans for cover-
cation changes within the health care team and prevent age for individuals with diabetes and related conditions.92
medication discrepancies from occurring, especially Taking medication as prescribed is more likely when indi-
among various health care sites.102 Medication reconcilia- viduals perceive medication is efficacious (ie, when they
tion among the members of the health care team, especially see or feel that the medication has brought a positive and
the individual taking the medication, may reduce the fre- immediate outcome).105 Consequently, individuals may
quency of hospitalizations and emergency room visits.103 discontinue therapy when they do not experience a notice-
able change. Similarly, even a single episode of hypogly-
Fill the prescription
cemia can affect medication-taking behavior.106 As active
listeners, diabetes care and education specialists can be
Filling the initial prescription, having support such as vital to eliciting these conversations with individuals with
reminder prompts, and having uninterrupted and conve- diabetes and related conditions.107 This collaboration can
nient prescriptions promote medication-taking behav- then lead to evaluating and addressing person-centered
ior.84 It can be challenging to navigate the health care medication concerns, such as side effects, efficacy, cost,

The Diabetes EDUCATOR

personal preference and lifestyle, acceptable risk of hypo- Behaviors That Contribute
glycemia, weight goals, and appropriate complexity of to Healthier Outcomes
plan.92 Shared decision making (Problem Solving) around Track appropriate and accurate information
medication use enhances engagement, promotes preven-
tion and risk reduction, and improves outcomes.108-110 The self-care behavior of Monitoring for diabetes and
cardiometabolic conditions includes both metabolic and
lifestyle tracking.114 With the ability to track more vari-
ables, the health care team must agree upon which infor-
Monitoring has expanded beyond self-monitoring of mation to track and evaluate, as well as the frequency with
blood glucose to include monitoring of blood pressure, which to track these measures to prevent data overload
activity, nutritional intake, weight, medication, feet/skin, and decrease time burdens associated with interpretation.
mood, sleep, symptoms like shortness of breath, and Devices may require calibrations, maintenance, special
other aspects of self-care. Although monitoring can still instructions, and other care to capture data accurately.
include the use of paper and pencil to record data, new
methods of data collection are available that enable indi- Maintain and share organized records
viduals to more easily record data111 and are less vulner-
The presentation of data, whether done manually or
able to misreporting.112 Furthermore, tracking lifestyle
automatically, must make sense to the individual(s) using it.
data with notes adds context to metabolic data, aiding in
Organized records simplify interpretation and improve goal
interpretation and more informed decision making. With
setting and shared decision making among the members of
connected devices and other technologies, remote patient
the health care team, which can equate to medication
monitoring and virtual collaborative care are possible.
adjustments between visits (Reducing Risks and Problem
Encounters are no longer time bound; these encounters
Solving).115 Technology can facilitate monitoring, record-
can be data driven, and with the right timing and appro-
keeping, and sharing data within the health care team.
priate touchpoints, they can be influential in behavior
change and in building self-management capability.
Continuous glucose monitoring113 has transformed inter- Identify trends
mittent monitoring to monitoring in real time, providing Structured self-monitoring of blood glucose, such as
insight into measures such as time in range (TIR) and obtaining a 7-point profile of blood glucose values at fast-
glucose management indicator (GMI) in its continuous ing, preprandial and 2 hours postprandial at each meal,
data delivery. and bedtime, provides an opportunity to identify trends
The behavior of Monitoring acts as a springboard into over consecutive days and improve outcomes.116 The rev-
the other 6 self-care behaviors; the behavior itself produces olutionary change from self-monitoring of blood glucose
data, and knowing how to use these data supports change. to continuous glucose monitoring has also underscored
As an example, glucose monitoring may reveal episodes of the value of trending data and its impact on quality of
hypoglycemia. When the data are collected (Monitoring) life.117 Closer examination of multiple data points can
and shared with the health care team, they fuel discussions yield more meaningful information than an isolated value;
to find solutions (Problem Solving). Solutions may span the identification of these patterns further spurs behavior
multiple self-care behaviors, such as adjusting the time of change. This overarching approach (rather than single
physical activity to after a meal (Being Active), having a values) may also help relieve the emotional triggers, such
snack with carbohydrate (Healthy Eating), transitioning as pride, embarrassment, disappointment, or anger, asso-
from a sulfonylurea to a glucagon-like peptide 1 (Taking ciated with unexpected values (Healthy Coping).
Medication), maintaining a positive outlook when results
are out of range (Healthy Coping), and carrying glucose
Be empowered and engaged
gel as a precautionary measure (Reducing Risk). Table 5
includes immediate and intermediate outcomes, methods The ability to see cause and effect through monitoring
and frequency of measurement, and examples of imple- makes it an effective motivation tool. Engagement in self-
mentation within the healthy coping behavior. monitoring can result in clinical improvements, such as

Volume XX, Number X, Month 2020

Revising the AADE7 Self-Care Behaviors®

improved blood pressure.118 Patient-generated health data the health care system. Participation in DSMES can
(PGHD) also have the potential of improving safety, quality, increase utilization of primary care and preventive ser-
care coordination, and shared decision making.119 Individuals vices, such as laboratory testing, eye and dental exams,
living with diabetes and related conditions actively contrib- and screenings for complications, aligning with best
ute to data creation and gathering in Monitoring, empower- practice treatment measures over time.132-134
ing people to share their valuable expertise in self-care.
Aim for adequate sleep
Reducing Risks People with diabetes are more likely to sleep poorly due
Reducing risk refers to identifying risks and imple- to sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, peripheral neuropa-
menting behaviors to minimize and/or prevent complica- thy, depression, hypoglycemia, and hyperglycemia. This
tions or adverse outcomes. These include hypoglycemia, lack of or poor quality of sleep contributes to elevated blood
hyperglycemia, diabetes-related ketoacidosis (DKA), glucose and A1C levels, weight gain, and an increased risk
hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS), retinopathy, of heart disease and obesity. Lifestyle measures and other
nephropathy, neuropathy, and cardiovascular complica- treatments are available to promote sleep and lower the risk
tions.120,121 The ADA’s Standards of Medical Care in of complications resulting from inadequate rest.135
Diabetes provide standards and evidence to promote
Plan and do
health and decrease risk for people with diabetes.120 Table
6 includes immediate and intermediate outcomes, meth- Individualized risk reduction practices, such as receiv-
ods and frequency of measurement, and examples of ing vaccines for flu, pneumonia, and hepatitis B, and par-
implementation within the healthy coping behavior. ticipating in behavior change programs related to tobacco
use have the potential to improve health across popula-
Behaviors That Contribute tions.136 A seemingly simple recommendation to obtain a
to Healthier Outcomes dilated eye exam requires individuals to complete several
Act early steps and make decisions. In this example, obtaining a
dilated eye exam requires Problem Solving to determine
Awareness of prediabetes is positively associated with
which provider to use and at what cost; to schedule the
engaging in risk reduction behaviors.122 The National
appointment; to handle the logistics of getting to the
Diabetes Prevention Program provides an evidence-
appointment; and then to actively participate in the visit
based approach focused on preventing or delaying the
(Reducing Risk). Being able to plan an activity and divide
onset of type 2 diabetes for those with prediabetes or risk
it into achievable tasks fosters success in this behavior.
factors for diabetes.123,124 This program, focused on life-
style interventions, has shown clinically meaningful car-
Engage in health
diometabolic health improvements related to weight,
A1C, fasting blood glucose, systolic and diastolic blood Information gathered from self-monitoring (Monitoring)
pressure, and total and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or from labs ordered by a provider (such as A1C, lipids, or
cholesterol.125,126 These lifestyle modifications tie to the kidney function tests) can serve as the basis for interest in
self-care behaviors of Healthy Eating and Being Active, improving self-care behaviors. Using data from self-moni-
in addition to Taking Medications. toring of blood pressure and of blood glucose can contrib-
ute to effective self-management, lowering diabetes and
cardiometabolic complications.137-139 Individuals become
Participate in DSMES
engaged in their health when they take a more active role,
Research has demonstrated that participating in such as preparing questions in advance for their appoint-
DSMES can lower A1C by as much as 1%127 and that ments, sharing their health records, or inquiring about their
A1C improvements are associated with a decrease in lab results. Active participation in health also relies on an
microvascular and potentially macrovascular complica- individual’s skills in Healthy Coping to be able to (1)
tions.128-130 Research also reveals that this participation acknowledge the value in preventing health problems that
has decreased acute care visits, hospitalizations, and are not yet tangible and (2) recognize the power of indi-
readmissions,131 which contributes to cost savings within vidual behavior to change health outcomes.

The Diabetes EDUCATOR


Table 1

Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) Core Outcome Measures: Healthy Coping.

Outcomes Measurement Process

Measurement/Assessment Monitoring Management

Outcomes Information Used to

DSMES Core Outcome Measures Immediate Outcome Recommended Interval Between Drive Decision Making and the
(Diabetes Self-Care Behaviors) Learning and Barrier Resolution Intermediate Outcome/Behavior Measurement Delivery of Care

Healthy Coping Knowledge Measures Learning outcomes Behavior (infrequent or

• Internal and external • Depression score • Evaluated with each encounter inconsistent self-monitoring
motivators • Stress level Behavioral outcomes blood glucose and medication
• Benefits of solution-focused • Quality of life (perceived • Baseline taking) The diabetes specialist
problem solving self-efficacy, perceived • 2 to 4 weeks notes a change in Mark’s blood
• Active self-management disease severity, perceived • Every 3 to 6 months glucose records. Mark appears
• Value of nurturing support interference of chronic • During transition periods, such frustrated with himself for not
system (peers, online, family, disease) as development of performing self-monitoring of
friends) • Functional measurement complications or life cycle blood glucose and not taking
• Individual empowerment • Treatment self-efficacy changes medication as recommended.
• Role as partner with other • Level of empowerment Barrier identification (depression,
members of health care team • Absenteeism feeling overwhelmed) Mark
Skills • Presence of support explains feeling overwhelmed
• Goal setting Methods of measurement and depressed most of the
• Problem solving • Self-report time. The diabetes specialist
• Coping strategies • Skills, Confidence, and acknowledges his feelings and
• Self-efficacy Preparedness Index (SCPI) asks if Mark would be willing
Barriers • Problem Areas in Diabetes to take a short survey to
• Physical (PAID) evaluate these symptoms.
• Financial • Quality-of-life (QOL) tools, Mark agrees to take the
• Emotional such as SF-36 or SF-12 with PHQ-9, which yields a result of
• Competing priorities Appraisal of Diabetes Scale mild to moderate depression.
• Lack of support network (ADS) Barrier resolution (follow-up for
• Psychosocial distress including • Depression/diabetes distress depression recommended) The
diabetes distress tools, such as Diabetes diabetes specialist and Mark
• Cognitive including mental Distress Scales (DDS), discuss the PHQ-9 results.
health disorders Parents-DDS, Partners-DDS, Mark agrees to see a
T1-DDS, or DDS; Beck behavioral health specialist and
Depression Inventory (BDI); primary care provider for
Patient Health treatment.
Questionnaire 9 Behavior change (increased/more
• Cognitive impairment tools, consistent self-monitoring of
such as Saint Louis University blood glucose and medication
Mental Status (SLUMS); taking) At the 3-month
Mini-Mental Status Exam follow-up, Mark reports a
(MMSE) greater interest in taking
charge of his health after
starting an antidepressant and
behavior therapy. Mark shares
his monitoring records and is
proud of the changes he has

Problem Solving
self-managing diabetes and successfully implementing
Problem solving is defined as “a learned behavior that desired behaviors.5,140 In fact, DSMES uses problem
includes generating a set of potential strategies for prob- solving as a strategy to facilitate goal setting, goal
lem resolution, selecting the most appropriate strategy, achievement, and skill attainment. The National
applying the strategy, and evaluating the effectiveness of Standards for Diabetes Self-management Education and
the strategy.”5 It is an essential skill for effectively Support16 recommend curricula designs that address

Volume XX, Number X, Month 2020

Revising the AADE7 Self-Care Behaviors®


Table 2

Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) Core Outcome Measures: Healthy Eating.

Outcomes Measurement Process

Measurement/Assessment Monitoring Management

Outcomes Information Used to

DSMES Core Outcome Measures Immediate Outcome Intermediate Outcome/Behavior Recommended Interval Between Drive Decision Making and the
(Diabetes Self-Care Behaviors) Learning and Barrier Resolution Change Measurement Delivery of Care

Healthy Eating Knowledge Measures Learning outcomes Behavior (inconsistent food

• Effect of foods/beverages on • Types of food choices • Evaluate with each encounter intake) Suzy shares her food
metabolic parameters • Amounts consumed • Ongoing self-evaluation and and blood glucose records. The
(including blood glucose, • Timing of meals and snacks adjustments with life cycle diabetes specialist praises
lipids, blood pressure, weight, • Alcohol (with or without food, events and secondary Suzy for her self-monitoring
etc) amount, frequency) diseases efforts and reviews her
• Sources and distribution of • Fluids (adequate hydration) Behavioral outcomes records. They discuss eating
nutrients (nutrient-dense • Effect of food/beverages on • Baseline behaviors, such as skipped
carbohydrates, lean proteins, metabolic parameters • 2 to 4 weeks meals and overeating.
healthy fats) • Progress toward goal • Every 3 to 6 months Barrier identification (ineffective
• Eating patterns (frequency of achievement • Annual follow-ups problem solving) Suzy does not
meals, timing, portions, etc) Methods of measurement • When lifestyle or health status plan for eating meals/snacks
• Resources to assist in food • Observation changes when away from home (for
choices • Self-report (24-hour recall, work or school); risks include
• Macronutrient composition typical day, food frequency, food availability and timing
(quality, quantity, combination, food diaries) issues.
substitutions) • Monitoring tools with Barrier resolution (increased
Skills associated records knowledge regarding
• Meal planning • Goal setting importance of meal planning)
• Portion awareness and The diabetes specialist and
management Suzy work together to identify
• Planning strategies (Carb potential healthy eating
Counting, Exchanges, Plate patterns, identify Susie’s
Method, Mindful Eating) strengths, and set a realistic
• Nutrition Facts Label goal to apply those strengths
comprehension for change. Suzy becomes
• Special situations and problem more aware of her eating when
solving (planning, shopping, away from home. She
meal delivery/kits, eating away considers options to improve
from home at work/school/ meal planning for meals/
restaurants) snacks at home and away. She
Barriers reports increased energy and
• Environmental factors positive feeling of successful
• Cultural and family influences self-management when she
• Food and health beliefs participates in these behaviors.
• Financial (food security) Behavior change (consistent food
• Cognitive intake, improved blood
• Health literacy and numeracy glucose, cardiometabolic
• Emotional parameters, weight
• Meal pattern sustainability management) Suzy now plans,
shops, and packs meals/
snacks in advance. She also
reviews menus of other food
options for purchase. Blood
glucose levels and labs more
consistently in the target range
are evident at 6-month

The Diabetes EDUCATOR


Table 3

Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) Core Outcome Measures: Being Active.

Outcomes Measurement Process

Measurement/Assessment Monitoring Management

DSMES Core Outcome
Measures (Diabetes Immediate Outcome Recommended Interval Outcomes Information Used to Drive Decision
Self-Care Behaviors) Learning and Barrier Resolution Intermediate Outcome/Behavior Between Measurement Making and the Delivery of Care
Being Active Knowledge Measures Learning outcomes Behavior (lack of physical activity) When prompted
• Planned exercise (type, • Type, frequency, duration, and • Evaluate with each by her diabetes specialist, Jill discusses/shares
duration, intensity, frequency, intensity of planned activities encounter that she’s had little success in her goal of
progression) • Daily movement Behavioral outcomes increasing physical activity over the last 6
• Daily movement • Progress toward goal • Baseline weeks.
• Breaking up sedentary time achievement • 2 to 4 weeks Barrier identification (environment) The diabetes
• Safety precautions, such as • Quality of life, health • Every 3 to 6 months specialist and Jill discuss barriers and discover
obtaining preparticipation improvement previous success at an exercise facility years
medical clearance and/or Methods of measurement ago. Jill currently does not feel comfortable
exercise stress testing prior to • Self-report attending due to her increased weight and
unaccustomed vigorous • Goal setting perceived body image.
activity • Monitoring tools and their Behavior resolution (environment changed)
• Special considerations, such associated records including Through discussion and problem solving with
as appropriate footwear digital health tracking and the diabetes specialist, Jill agreed to try a
Skills wearable technologies women’s-only exercise club near work that was
• Appropriate daily movement • Quality of life and health convenient and nonthreatening.
and physical activity plan assessments Behavior change (increased activity) At 1-month
• Adjustment of activity with • Exercise Vital Sign (EVS) to follow-up, Jill reports performing aerobic
food and medication to evaluate whether weekly goals exercise (planned) 3 to 5 days per week. She
maintain glycemic balance for physical activity have been increased her total daily movement and already
• Monitoring of cardiometabolic met: lost 5 pounds.
parameters, data stream, and • On average, how many Behavior (lack of physical activity): At her virtual
feedback days per week do you appointment with her diabetes specialist, Sarah
Barriers engage in moderate to shares her desire to be more active but is
• Physical (health conditions, strenuous exercise (like a unsure how to get started.
injuries) brisk walk)? Barrier Identification (financial): The diabetes
• Perceived lack of time • On average, how many specialist and Sarah discuss options. Sarah
• Environment, facilities minutes do you engage in discloses that she cannot afford a gym
• Fear (hypoglycemia) exercise at this level? membership but is willing to purchase a
• Self-efficacy • Physical Activity Vital Sign wearable. The diabetes specialist and Sarah
• Lack of enjoyment (PAVS) when individual is review basics of a wearable and strategies to
• Lack of social support physically active for at least 30 stay engaged.
minutes per day Barrier resolution (try wearable): Sarah purchases
• How many days during the a wearable for activity tracking and joins a
past week have you weekly virtual contest on the associated mobile
performed physical activity app. She wants to win the weekly contest by
where your heart beats getting the most steps and agrees upon an
faster and your breathing initial goal of 4000 steps per day on most days
is harder than normal for of the week.
30 minutes or more? Behavior change (increase activity): At a 1-month
• How many days in a follow-up, Sarah shares her activity tracker
typical week do you report with the diabetes specialist, which
perform activity such as reveals an average step count of 3000 to 5000
this? on most days of the week. The diabetes
specialist praises Sarah for her commitment to
physical activity and encourages Sarah to
increase her goal. Sarah feels confident in
setting a goal for 7000 steps for 5 days per
week within the next month.

Volume XX, Number X, Month 2020

Revising the AADE7 Self-Care Behaviors®


Table 4

Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) Core Outcome Measures: Taking Medication.

Measurement/Assessment Monitoring Management

DSMES Core Outcome Outcomes Information Used to Drive

Measures (Diabetes Immediate Outcome Recommended Interval Between Decision Making and the Delivery of
Self-Care Behaviors) Learning and Barrier Resolution Intermediate Outcome/Behavior Measurement Care
Taking Medication Knowledge Measures Learning outcomes Behavior (adapting to new medication/
• Name, dose, frequency, and • Medication taking • Evaluated with each encounter dose) The diabetes specialist and Jack
optimal timing of medications • Prescription filling Behavioral outcomes review his current medication list. The
• Medication mechanism of • Dose accuracy • Baseline diabetes specialist identifies a new dose
action • Glycemic trends • 2 to 4 weeks (may be earlier of medication listed in the electronic
• Common side effects, toxicity • Metabolic trends in cases such as new to health record that does not match with
• Action for adverse effects • Emergency department and insulin therapy) Jack’s list. The diabetes specialist asks
• Action for missed dose hospital utilization • Every 3 to 6 months, or if about the new dose and Jack reports
• Storage, travel, safety, and • Weight change medication concerns are that he has not picked it up at the
disposal Methods of measurement suspected pharmacy.
• Recognition of efficacy, optimal • Self-report and medication Barrier identification (lack of
outcomes, and therapeutic records understanding) The diabetes specialist
goals • Review of pharmacy refill and Jack review the medication list and
Skill history discuss the new dose. After asking a
• Maintenance of a medication • Pill count few questions, the diabetes specialist
list • Return demonstration uncovered that Jack did not understand
• Preparation, technique, (observation, role-playing) the dose change instructions at the last
administration • Labs (A1C, total cholesterol, visit. The diabetes specialist and Jack
• Safe handling, disposal of LDL cholesterol, etc) update his medication list together and
equipment • Monitoring tools with discuss his concerns about the new
• Dose adjustment associated records (such as medication regimen.
• Recognition, treatment, records for blood glucose, Barrier resolution (increased knowledge of
prevention of common adverse blood pressure, weight, medication plan) By the end of the visit,
effects medication use, etc) Jack can accurately describe the new
Barriers plan and reports feeling more
• Plan complexity (greater than comfortable with the change. They
1 medication or dose daily) outline a plan for Jack to obtain the new
• Physical (vision or dexterity) dose of medication.
• Financial (medication cost, Behavior change (medication-taking
copay) behavior) The diabetes specialist
• Health beliefs (skeptical of contacts Jack through an electronic
benefit, worried about side message in a web portal that links to
effects) the electronic health record. Jack
• Health literacy and numeracy reports taking the new dose of
• Cognitive (dose recall, refill medication as prescribed. Jack uploads
initiation) his blood glucose records to the portal
• Psychological (depression, for review by the diabetes specialist and
fear, or embarrassment) other members of the health care team.
• Change in schedule or work The diabetes specialist replied with an
status electronic message to congratulate
Jack for an increase in time in range
and encouraged him to continue with
his medication-taking behavior.

Abbreviation: LDL, low-density lipoprotein.

decision-making and problem-solving skills. At the most in A1C.142,143 Problem-solving models have proven
basic level, problem solving is a process that involves 3 effective among low-income urban144,145 and rural under-
steps: (1) identify the problem, (2) develop alternative served populations.146 The ability to problem solve is
solutions, and (3) select, implement, and evaluate the affected by self-efficacy (Healthy Coping). When indi-
solutions.141 viduals succeed in solving their self-identified problems,
The use of problem-solving skills has been associated they gain confidence in their ability to handle future
with positive clinical outcomes, specifically an improvement challenging situations,147 enhancing their self-efficacy.

The Diabetes EDUCATOR


Table 5

Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) Core Outcome Measures: Monitoring.

Outcomes Measurement Process

Measurement/Assessment Monitoring Management

DSMES Core Outcome Outcomes Information Used to Drive

Measures (Diabetes Immediate Outcome Recommended Interval Between Decision Making and the Delivery of
Self-Care Behaviors) Learning and Barrier Resolution Intermediate Outcome/Behavior Measurement Care

Monitoring Knowledge Measures Learning outcomes Behavior (minimal self-monitoring of blood

• Monitoring plan/schedule • Frequency of self-monitoring • Evaluate with each encounter glucose [SMBG]) Tyler shares his blood
(structured, episodic, • Schedule of monitoring (Review of automated data glucose records with his diabetes
continuous, etc) • “Unscheduled” monitoring provides insights into specialist. The diabetes specialist
• Appropriate lifestyle data to (triggered by symptoms, etc) knowledge and use of identifies sporadic monitoring on
track • Number of devices/apps used monitoring device(s)) weekdays.
• Target values to support monitoring Behavioral outcomes Barrier identification (treatment burden)
• Safety issues including • Blood glucose values • Baseline The diabetes specialist praises Tyler for
disposal of lancets • Time in range (TIR) • 2 to 4 weeks his recordkeeping and asks about the
• Use of data for decision • Glucose management indicator • Every 3 to 6 months gaps. Tyler reports that he avoids
making (GMI) (May do more often based on checking blood glucose at work.
• Awareness of body’s • Blood pressure values virtual care/remote monitoring Barrier resolution (use of continuous
symptoms (eg, blurred vision, • Hours of sleep program guidelines) glucose monitoring [CGM]) The diabetes
shortness of breath) and/or • Mood status specialist reviews other options to
physical changes (eg, teeth, • Amount of time performing capture blood glucose with Tyler. Tyler is
skin, gums) physical activity, number of curious about the continuous glucose
Skills steps monitor and agrees to try it.
• Equipment use and technical • Medication use/insulin doses Behavior change (obtaining blood glucose
care (blood glucose meter, • Amount of carbohydrate data through SMBG and CGM) After
continuous glucose monitor, consumed, meal size instruction on the equipment and
blood pressure cuff, wearable, • Presence of notes that add calibrations, Tyler felt ready to wear a
mobile app, etc) context to tracked data CGM for a trial of 1 week. He continues
• Recordkeeping with note • Presence of organized data to prefer this method of monitoring
taking that allows for decision blood glucose and provides these
• Tracking and reporting body making records to his health care team for
symptoms and physical Methods of measurement shared decision making regarding his
changes • Monitoring tools and their insulin plan.
• Interpretation of associated records (log book, Behavior (monitoring blood pressure) While
patient-generated health data device memory review, at her appointment with the diabetes
Barriers printouts) specialist, Kaitlyn acknowledges the
• Physical • Self-report responses to importance of managing her blood
• Financial questions/surveys pressure and feels frustrated that she
• Cognitive can only see her blood pressure
• Emotional measurements during office visits.
• Time Barrier identification (financial/health
• Inconvenience literacy) The diabetes specialist and
• Treatment burden Kaitlyn discuss the possibility of taking
• Health literacy and numeracy blood pressure measurements at home.
• Limited understanding of value Kaitlyn is concerned about the cost of a
of data and how to use them blood pressure cuff.
• Lack of interest/ability to use Barrier resolution (health insurance
equipment and other tools for navigation and equipment training) The
self-monitoring diabetes specialist works with Kaitlyn to
help her obtain a blood pressure cuff
through her health insurance plan. The
diabetes specialist teaches Kaitlyn how
to use it to produce accurate results.
Behavior change (additional monitoring for
hypertension) Kaitlyn now tracks her
blood pressure outside of office visits
and generates a report to share with her
health care team for collaboration and
treatment adjustments.

Volume XX, Number X, Month 2020

Revising the AADE7 Self-Care Behaviors®


Table 6

Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) Core Outcome Measures: Reducing Risks.

Outcomes Measurement Process

DSMES Core Measurement/Assessment Monitoring Management

Outcome Measures
(Diabetes Self-Care Immediate Outcome Recommended Interval Outcomes Information Used to Drive Decision
Behaviors) Learning and Barrier Resolution Intermediate Outcome/Behavior Between Measurement Making and the Delivery of Care
Reducing Risks Knowledge Measures Learning outcomes Behavior (frequent hypoglycemia) During her visit
• Safety (sick day plan, driving/ • Glycemic trends • Evaluated with each with the diabetes specialist, Samantha reports 5
machine operation precautions, • Frequency of low or high blood encounter episodes of hypoglycemia in the past month.
emergency preparedness) glucose Behavioral outcomes Samantha notes that these episodes occurred
• Standards of care • Frequency of contact with • Baseline after doing extra work in her vegetable garden.
• Therapeutic goals health care provider for • 2 to 4 weeks Barrier identification (knowledge deficit) After
• Symptoms that require attention or problem resolution • Every 3 to 6 months discussion with the diabetes specialist about
follow-up (hypoglycemia, • Missed days from work, • Annual follow-ups hypoglycemia, Samantha realized she had not
hyperglycemia, rapid weight school, or related activities considered gardening as physical activity. In
fluctuation, stroke, heart attack, • Number of visits to the addition, she had not realized that her
bleeding gums, vision changes, skin emergency department or medication (sulfonylurea) increased the
changes) hospitalizations likelihood of hypoglycemia.
• How to decrease risks/prevent harm • A1C Barrier resolution (information provided) The
(prepregnancy counseling, smoking • Lipids diabetes specialist reviewed signs, symptoms,
cessation, etc) • Blood pressure and treatment of hypoglycemia. The diabetes
Skills • Kidney tests (urine albumin specialist and Samantha discussed scenarios
• Planning excretion and serum creatinine with increased risk of hypoglycemia and then
• Monitoring of blood glucose (self, for estimated glomerular problem solved how to balance food, activity,
continuous) filtration rate, urine albumin and medication to reduce risk for hypoglycemia.
• Maintaining personal care record creatinine ratio) Behavior change (decrease in hypoglycemia)
• Performing self-foot exam • Weight and body mass index During her 1-month follow-up, Samantha
• Performing self-skin exam (BMI) reported only 1 episode of hypoglycemia. She
• Self-monitoring of blood pressure • Scheduled vs attended visits was able to detect signs (“starting to feel
• Use of health apps and web portals with health care team shaky”) after taking a walk with a neighbor.
• Ability to adjust food, medication, • Dilated eye exam Samantha reports now carrying a source of
and activity (to increase the amount • Immunization status (flu glucose with her, treating low values with
of time glucose is in range) vaccine, pneumonia vaccine, approximately 15 g of carbohydrate and
• Recognition of concerning hepatitis B) rechecking blood glucose until a return to a safe
symptoms or changes in health • Screening for hearing loss blood glucose level.
• Ability to determine when health • Dental exam Behavior (no eye exam) The diabetes specialist
requires care from health care team • Sleep study asked Cathy about her preventive exams this
(emergency vs nonemergency) • Smoking status year. Cathy reports that her most recent dilated
Barriers • Frequency of foot self-exam eye exam was 3 years ago.
• Financial (lack of personal • Comprehensive foot exam Barrier identification (knowledge deficit) Cathy
resources; insurance barriers such • Screening for sexual does not believe she needs a dilated eye exam
as high deductible, underinsured, dysfunction since she is not experiencing visual
step therapy requirements; • Neuropathy disturbances. She is content with the magnifying
insufficient monitoring supplies; • Aspirin therapy glasses she uses.
food insecurity) • Frequency of medication Barrier resolution (knowledge of importance
• Unawareness of disease process adjustment provided) Cathy reports that she had not known
and its seriousness • Sick day plan that her eyes were affected by diabetes. The
• Lack of access to diabetes Methods of measurement diabetes specialist and Cathy discussed the
self-management education • Self-report rationale of preventive dilated eye exams and
services or health care providers • Chart or exam code audit recommended frequency. Cathy agreed to make
• Therapeutic inertia • Review of monitoring records an appointment after confirming that this was a
• Physical (hypoglycemia • Demonstration of self-care covered benefit under her insurance plan.
unawareness) activities Behavior change (dilated eye exam done) Cathy
• Cognitive sent a message to her diabetes specialist
• Emotional through her portal to let her know that she had
• Lack of self-efficacy and coping completed her dilated eye exam. Cathy obtained
strategies a copy of her report and shared it with the rest
• Poor support network including lack of her health care team through the portal.
of rapport with provider
• Perceived lack of time

The Diabetes EDUCATOR


Table 7

Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) Core Outcome Measures: Problem Solving.

Outcome Measurement Process

Measurement/Assessment Monitoring Management

DSMES Core Outcome Outcomes Information Used to Drive

Measures (Diabetes Immediate Outcome Recommended Interval Between Decision Making and the Delivery of
Self-Care Behaviors) Learning Barrier Resolution Intermediate Outcome/ Behavior Measurement Care
Problem Solving Knowledge Measures Learning outcomes Behavior (lack of blood glucose
• Complexity and challenges of • Glycemic trends including time • Evaluated with each encounter monitoring) Dan reports frequent
diabetes in range (TIR) and glucose Behavioral outcomes hypoglycemia in the past month but
• Changes in diabetes management indicator (GMI) • Baseline did not have any blood glucose
throughout the life cycle • A1C • 2 to 4 weeks records to share. The diabetes
• Changes in diabetes as it • Other health indicators • Every 3 to 6 months specialist probed further to uncover
progresses (weight, blood pressure, etc) • When perceived problems that all of these episodes of
• Relevant diabetes • Frequency of phone calls/visits arise hypoglycemia occurred at work.
self-management education to provider Barrier identification (coping) The
and support knowledge items • Quality-of-life indicators diabetes specialist and Dan review his
(see other behaviors) (missed days of work/school, workday, medication-taking behaviors,
Skills frequency of hypoglycemia, eating, and activity habits. Dan
• Relevant diabetes etc) pinpoints that he has had an increased
self-management education • Confidence level (in situational workload and sometimes skips lunch.
and support skill items problem solving) Barrier resolution (problem solving) The
• Ability to recognize/identify • Progress toward goal diabetes specialist and Dan work
problem achievement together to clarify the problem and
• Ability to generate potential • Level of diabetes distress identify potential solutions. Dan does
solutions • Frequency of acute not feel comfortable approaching his
• Ability to transfer past complications supervisor about taking lunch.
experience(s) • Problem Areas in Diabetes However, he is willing to talk with
• Ability to finalize solution (PAID) score human resources to identify
• Ability to measure/monitor • Frequency of medication appropriate breaks at work. The
results adjustment diabetes specialist and Dan discuss
Barriers Methods of measurement the plan and role-play the discussion.
• Cognitive • Self-report Behavior change (decrease in
• Health literacy and numeracy • Return demonstration/ hypoglycemia) After confirming his
• Lack of self-efficacy and teach-back allowed breaks, Dan chooses to make
coping strategies • Goal setting time for lunch at work. He reports 1
• Financial • Monitoring tools and episode of hypoglycemia in the past
• Time associated records (data from month, unrelated to work. Dan agrees
• Emotional meter, continuous glucose to share his blood glucose records
• Lack of or limited support monitor, device, app, lab) with his diabetes specialist for
network • Health Problem Solving Scale additional follow-up.
• Physical (HPSS)
• Summary of Diabetes
Self-Care Activities scale

Table 7 includes immediate and intermediate outcomes, Ask for clarification and disclose challenges
methods and frequency of measurement, and examples
The language and terms used in health care can be
of implementation within the healthy coping behavior.
confusing and difficult to understand. The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention estimate the challenge of
health literacy and numeracy affects 9 out of 10 adults.148
Behaviors That Contribute to Healthier
Moreover, cognitive ability is strongly associated with
literacy skills; these abilities include storage of knowl-
Unlike the other 6 self-care behaviors, a foundation of edge (crystallized abilities) and the ability to learn and
knowledge and skills in the other 6 behaviors is helpful for apply new information (fluid abilities).51 Due to the com-
effective Problem Solving in diabetes self-management. plexity of problem solving, this self-care behavior

Volume XX, Number X, Month 2020

Revising the AADE7 Self-Care Behaviors®


requires a sustained partnership between individuals, dia- AADE7: Self-Care + Care TEAM =
betes care and education specialists, and health care pro- OPTIMAL Outcomes
viders. This implies that individuals need to openly share
their concerns and discuss their limitations, and the other The AADE7 model provides a plan for individuals liv-
members of the health care team need to listen closely ing with diabetes and related conditions to support self-
and thoroughly assess individuals’ knowledge, skills, and care. It also guides clinical, behavioral, and educational
barriers; this teamwork encourages proper problem iden- assessment for the health care team. The AADE7 frame-
tification and effective self-management. work serves as a benchmark in continuous quality
improvement (CQI) activities, in an effort to measure,
Participate in shared decision making monitor, and manage behavior change. Moreover, the
and collaborative goal setting AADE7 framework enables individualized, comprehen-
Various approaches exist to support shared decision sive care155 by health care providers using a person-cen-
making, including transferring information, prioritizing tered14 and team-based approach.156 Team-based care has
decisions, and discussing the advantages and disadvan- the potential to improve satisfaction, decrease costs,
tages of available choices.149 Goal setting is also an lower readmission rates, and improve health.157
essential component of collaborative care; it creates a For individuals living with diabetes and related condi-
sense of purpose while increasing positive solution-based tions, diabetes care and education specialists are key con-
thinking.150 Research shows that goal setting is positively tributors to team-based care. Using the AADE7 framework,
associated with A1C levels.151,152 Since self-identified diabetes care and education specialists address educa-
problems or goals are most relevant to the individual with tional, clinical, psychosocial, and behavioral needs and
diabetes or related conditions, these problems are appro- customize strategies27 to attain “optimal health and quality
priate starting points for collaboration and shared deci- of life for persons with, affected by, or at risk for diabetes
sion making among the members of the health care team. and other chronic conditions.”2 Their expertise spans
therapy optimization, care coordination, care plan devel-
Create an environment that promotes health opment, and integration of new technologies to help
achieve the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s
Many factors, such as economic stability, employment,
Quadruple Aim to (1) improve the health of the popula-
education, social and community context, health care sys-
tion, (2) enhance experiences and outcomes of individuals
tems, and neighborhoods, influence health and therefore
receiving care, (3) decrease per capita costs, and (4)
affect the ability of an individual to self-manage a health
improve the work life of health care providers.158
condition. These social determinants of health are defined
as “conditions in the environments in which people live,
learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range Conclusion
of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and It is the position of the American Association of
risks.”153 A positive physical and social environment can Diabetes Educators (AADE) that, at the cornerstone of
reduce or eliminate barriers within each self-care behavior, diabetes self-management education and support
facilitating the development of problem-solving skills. (DSMES), the AADE7 is the framework for achieving
behavior change that leads to effective self-management
Be a lifelong learner and learn from choices
through improved behavior and clinical outcome mea-
An individual’s health, as well as advancements in sci- sures. The AADE7 Self-Care Behaviors® provides a prac-
ence and health care, change over time, creating the need for tical model that informs decision making among
lifelong learning. People at risk for and with diabetes and individuals living with diabetes and related conditions and
related conditions, as well as their health care teams, benefit the members of their health care team in their shared drive
from being active learners who seek out information and are for improved health and quality of life. The use of tech-
assertive in their pursuit to understand new information. nology has transformed the approach to diabetes self-care
Learning from previous choices and then revising plans and implementation of the AADE7 framework. With the
based on information gained facilitates behavior change and practical framework integrating technology, diabetes care
mastery of problem-solving skills, creating a cycle of con- and education specialists have the professional expertise
tinual improvement in self-management.154 to lead and optimize health care delivery. The AADE7

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