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I am going to give you a situation and ask you to act it out.

You want to invite

your friends' family to dinner.
Call your friend and leave a message to invite them.

Model answer
Hello, this is Haye in speaking. I'm calling you to invite you to dinner next
The dinner is next Saturday at my place. Are you available next Saturday?
Is there any special food you want to have for dinner?
I think it will be great if you and your family could come together.
I'll get everything ready. You just need to show up and enjoy the meal.
Please let me know if you can come or not.
You know my number. Please call me back.

My birthday party will be on this coming Sunday.Can you come to my party?

I'm having a housewarming party this Saturday. Will you come and join us?
I'm going to throw a Christmas party. I want to invite you over for the party.
The homecoming will be held on May 25th. Why don't you come?
We're going to celebrate Daria's promotion. You are more than welcome to come to
the party.
I would like you to join me at the game.
I wonder if you can go see a movie with me.
If you have time in the afternoon, why don't we go to the park together?
Can you give me more information about the cell phone you bought before?
I'm going cycling. Do you want to go with me?
My cell phone camera is out of order. Can I borrow your camera?
I'm going to go to the newly opened fitness center. Would you come with me?
I'm going to the concert of my favorite singer next month. Would you like to go
with me?

What is the price of the product?

Can you tell when the game will be released exactly?
Is there any way I can buy at a discounted price?
Do you have any brands you would like to recommend?
I want to buy the latest model. What is the most recent model?
What do I need to know before I buy this product?
I want to know the other functions of this product. Could you tell me where the
information desk is?
Is there a tourist information center nearby?
Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to this place?
Do I need a student ID to use this library?
What should I do to use this copy machine?

You want to spend some time with your friend during the weekend. Call your friend
and invite him or her to some weekend activities.

Model answer.
Hello. This is Young Hee speaking. How are you? I'm going to go on a picnic in the
park with friends this weekend and I am calling to see
if you can go with us. Are you available this weekend? The picnic will begin at 2
o'clock. Is that okay?
People will bring food to share. If you do not mind, can you bring something too?
If it is difficult, you can just come and enjoy the picnic.
We'll get everything ready. Please call me whenever if you decide. Bye.

I'm going to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You are in the library
and need to use a computer.
Ask the librarian three or four questions to use a computer in the library.
Model answer.
Hello. I have to use a computer now, but I don't know what to do. I am new here. I
need your help, please.
Do you have a computer lab here? Do I need an ID to use the lab? How long can I use
a computer for?
Is there any fee for using one? I would like to thank you for your assistance. I
feel much better.
Now, I'm going to give you a situation and ask you to act it out.

Let's suppose that you have gone to a clothing store. Ask three or four questions
about some items you are looking for in the shop.

Model answer.
Hello. How are you? I am here to buy some clothes. Before I buy anything, I have
some questions.
First, I need to buy clothes for my mother's birthday gift. Do you have some items
that you can recommend?
I also need to buy jeans for myself. Do you have black jeans here? Which floor
should I go to to look for them?
I appreciate your help. It helps a lot.

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