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An EHS Insight eBook for Audit Pros

Complete Audits and Inspections in Half the Time……………….3

Increase Productivity in the Field and at Your Desk………………6

Ensure Consistency Across the Organization………………………….8

Improve Transparency and Accountability …………………….…….10

Identify Areas Needing Improvement…………….……………….....12

Facilitate Compliance…………………………………………………………..14

6 Benefits Your Audit Management Program Should Deliver


Everyone loves to save time.

Plan, complete, and report on
audits in much less time.

BE A FASTER, Companies now have the option
of implementing a configurable
BETTER AUDIT solution designed to increase
audit effectiveness and reduce
PROFESSIONAL time spent on reporting and
recordkeeping. Specialized
audit software makes it
possible to handle necessary
compliance tasks, and

A udit management is
changing the way companies
complete audits in half the
time, increasing productivity
throughout the entire process.
improve performance in many
areas, such as operations,
quality, environment, health &
safety (EHS), and training.
These days, companies are
looking for new ways to
improve efficiency and
productivity of the audit
process. Audits and inspections For instance, companies can
traditionally take much longer now snap and share photos,
to complete than they have to. highlight findings using
That’s mostly due to ineffective annotations, associate
or poorly developed systems. Corrective Actions and
Modern tools, including Preventative Actions (CAPA)
software, can speed the with findings, and generate
process and improve the audit reports quicker than ever.
results. Auditors and inspectors Once the audit is complete,
can now adopt a solution that’s users can seamlessly generate a
designed to automate complete audit report with
repetitive audit and inspection notes, photos, and action items
related tasks. for greater transparency.

6 Benefits Your Audit Management Program Should Deliver 4


Plan, conduct, and report on

audits and inspections from
anywhere using a mobile
device, even when offline.

MANAGE AUDITS & Plus, all devices will have access
to the same data regardless of
INSPECTIONS ON where they are being used,
enabling users to select the best
THE GO device for each job. Besides the
mobility, tablets and
smartphones also make it easier
to capture photos during your
audits and annotate them

he biggest technology trend
in recent times is mobility. You
can now say goodbye to the
days of being chained to a
desk, losing access to files
while out of the office, and
juggling different devices for
different tasks. Mobile
solutions for audit management
make multi-tasking a breeze.
It is now possible to work from Teams are more connected
anywhere. With mobile access than ever, making collaboration
you can perform audits using a a painless and productive
smartphone, tablet, or web experience. With a platform-
browser, and you can get work independent design, you can
done whether or not there’s rest assured that you will have
access to local data networks. the same experience no matter
You can conduct and complete how you're connected. Get out
audits and inspections while into the field, visit any
offline, and when a connection location, and be confident you
becomes available, your files can get the job done
will automatically sync. effortlessly and professionally.

6 Benefits Your Audit Management Program Should Deliver 7


Use standard checklists for

common inspections or build
your own checklist.

USE CHECKLISTS The tool you use should enable
TO ENSURE you to select from a library of
predefined checklists to suit
CONSISTENCY your department’s needs or to
create your own, in which case
it’s a great time saver to be
able to import and export your

H aving control of your audit

management program is a great
Additionally, a robust audit
management solution allows
you to freely configure
feeling. That starts with having questions with a variety of
flexible options to define answer types, and should give
checklists to be used for you control over required
inspections and audits. The fields, photo attachments, and
audit and inspection checklists whether or not corrective
form the foundation of your actions should be included
program and are the key to based on the answer selected.
streamlining your program,
helping to make your team and
others more productive.

Using a predefined checklist

keeps everyone on the same
page, and ensures all
departments are reporting
against the same criteria.
Without a consistent checklist,
achieving reliable results and
comparing them across the
organization is impossible.

6 Benefits Your Audit Management Program Should Deliver 9


Transparency is a powerful
motivator. Improve
companywide performance
related to audits, inspections,
and corrective actions.

If assignees miss their deadlines,
TRANSPARENCY management needs to know.
DRIVES Managers also need to be able to
identify high priority actions that
ACCOUNTABILITY are at risk, so oversight and
direction can be provided at an
appropriate time, which will be
well before the item has become
past due.

M anaging an audit program

across multiple business lines
You need the ability to control
the entire process with workflows
that conform to your company’s
can be challenging without policies. This makes corrective
proper tracking tools. An actions more powerful and keeps
effective audit solution allows management informed ultimately
you to communicate with all facilitating the improvement
stakeholders in a centralized, demanded by the situation.
transparent manner. As a result,
accountability is improved, Make sure your audit program
providing clear expectations of provides a full set of features that
what needs to be achieved. empower you to:

A lack of transparency is one of • Assign actions and automatically

the most significant potential send email alerts to notify users
pitfalls that may be found in the
audit and inspection process, • Track actions through to
particularly regarding follow-up completion using reminders and
actions. When assignments have escalations to ensure timely
been delegated to the right completion
stakeholders, management must
• Uncover bottlenecks in the
be able to track them through
corrective action workflow
to completion.

6 Benefits Your Audit Management Program Should Deliver 11


What’s better than data?

Making sense of it.

Use audits and inspections data

to make better decisions.

SEE PROGRESS The Power of Data
AND IMPROVE • See trends using dashboards backed by

PERFORMANCE powerful analytics

• View your audits and inspections data

from your smartphone or tablet

• Track Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

related to corrective actions and audits

• View presentation-ready reports with
one click
owadays, companies are
realizing the value of turning
their data into actionable
insights. The combination of Your goal in reporting and
robust analytics and insightful presenting audit and inspection
dashboards give you and your related data is to help you
team the power to identify, maximize awareness,
address, and overcome the productivity, and engagement
toughest challenges facing your across the organization. This is
organization. essential in order to make better
decisions about where the
As you are presenting organization should focus its
performance statistics, you resources.
want to make sure all
stakeholders understand the You should use real-time visibility
current situation as well as the into your overall performance to
progress toward meeting enable intervention. By
objectives and targets. It’s leveraging the data, you’ll be
important to clearly convey your able to reach compliance and
messages in order to ensure that sustainability goals faster than
your key points are clearly before, and faster than your
understood. competition.

6 Benefits Your Audit Management Program Should Deliver 13


You’re trying to ensure the

organization is compliant, but
making it easy for others will
make it easier on you.

MAKE Be sure that your audit
management solution enables you
COMPLIANCE to do all of the following.
EASIER • Assess risk before becoming
• Plan and schedule audits based
on corporate objectives
• Review both individual and

A dopting an audit
management solution will

department performance
Generate audit reports with
demonstrate to your • Create audit checklists for
organization that your top inspections
priority is ensuring compliance • Manage audit protocols with
related rules are followed every custom scoring and tagging
day. The risks of fraud or
compliance issues within a Implementing a compliance-
business can all be reduced by driven audit solution allows you
consistently auditing and to design and conduct audits and
demonstrating the resolve of inspections that meet and exceed
the program. regulatory standards.

Using the right solution can Safety, quality, and other data
improve your department’s can be thoroughly analyzed to
productivity while reducing risk. identify and improve areas
Having all of your audit and presenting the greatest risk of
inspection related data and noncompliance.
evidence in a centralized system
streamlines your audit program, Don’t know where to start? Then
ensuring nothing is missed. contact us and we’ll help.

6 Benefits Your Audit Management Program Should Deliver 15

Do you have a solution that delivers these benefits?

EHS Insight does.

Get a Demo

1 877-571-7475

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