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Name: Laguindab, Fatima Haninaire D.

ACT120 COST (Uu)

I am committed to upholding the mission, vision, and goals of the Accountancy Department by
actively pursuing academic excellence and fully engaging in the learning process. As a student of
MSU, I recognize the importance of representing the institution positively and will strive to excel
academically while also participating in extracurricular activities that align with the department's
VMGO. Additionally, I will contribute to creating a supportive learning environment and
participate in initiatives aimed at achieving the department's vision of becoming a center of
excellence in accounting education in the BARMM region. Drawing from my experience in the
bridging program, where I benefited from mentorship provided by senior students, I am
committed to paying it forward by offering mentorship to current students. Through sharing my
experiences, providing assistance, and actively contributing to the department's success, I aim to
ensure its continued growth and reputation.
I will actively seek opportunities to collaborate with faculty, fellow students, and industry
partners to enhance the learning experience and contribute to the advancement of the department.
By staying updated on industry trends and developments, I will ensure that my academic pursuits
are relevant and aligned with the evolving needs of the accounting profession. Moreover, I will
strive to embody the values of integrity, professionalism, and lifelong learning that are central to
the department's mission. Through my actions and contributions, I am dedicated to upholding the
reputation of the Accountancy Department and furthering its mission of producing competent
and ethical accounting professionals who can positively impact society.
In conclusion, I am deeply committed to upholding the mission, vision, and goals of the
Accountancy Department through my dedication to academic excellence, active participation in
departmental initiatives, and contribution to a supportive learning environment. By offering
mentorship, staying engaged with industry developments, and embodying the values of integrity
and professionalism, I aim to contribute positively to the department's continued success and
reputation as a center of excellence in accounting education. I am eager to embark on this
journey and make meaningful contributions to the department, my peers, and the accounting
profession as a whole.

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