M-444 Summary For Interpreters (Rev

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Revised 3.31.


M-444 Summary Paragraphs for Contracted Interpreters

USCIS Asylum Officers may request that an interpreter read the below paragraphs when a noncitizen
indicates they do not understand the credible fear process but there is a complete M-444 in the referral
packet to USCIS.

You have been placed in expedited removal proceedings because the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) believes that you may not have the right to stay in the United States.
However, you indicated that you fear return to your country, so I will interview you for credible
fear. At the credible fear interview, I will ask you questions about the reasons you fear return to
your country. It is important that you tell me about any harm you may have suffered in the past
or any harm you fear in the future. To demonstrate a credible fear of persecution or torture, you
must show that you have a credible fear of being persecuted because of your race, religion,
nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion, or a credible fear of
being tortured in your country.

You may request an officer of a specific gender. You may also ask to speak to me separately
from your family. You may have a consultant of your choice with you at your interview, or
present telephonically. If you need additional time before your credible fear interview to
contact someone, let me know and explain the reason you need more time. I will determine
whether your circumstances merit providing you with additional time. DHS will provide an
interpreter for the interview if you require one. The interpreter will be sworn to keep the
information you discuss confidential. You may request another interpreter if you are not
comfortable or if you do not understand them.

If I determine that you have a credible fear of persecution or torture, you will either receive a
charging document for a hearing in immigration court or you will be scheduled for an Asylum
Merits Interview with a USCIS asylum officer. At the immigration court hearing or USCIS Asylum
Merits Interview, the immigration judge or asylum officer will determine whether to grant you
asylum or whether you are eligible for other protection from removal. You will receive
information about the date, time, and location of this hearing or interview. If I determine that
you do not have a credible fear of persecution or torture, you may ask to have an immigration
judge review the negative determination. If you decline this review, or after immigration judge
review, you are still found to not have a credible fear of persecution or torture, you may be
removed from the United States.

Do you have any questions about what I just explained?

Do you understand the credible fear determination process?

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