Indian Society Teaching Plan

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Teaching Plan: Indian Society CSE 2024

Indian Society
Approach Paper



Teaching Plan: Indian Society CSE 2024

• Salient features of Indian Society, Diversity of India.
• Role of women and women's organization, population and associated issues, poverty
and developmental issues, urbanization, their problems and their remedies.
• Effects of globalization on Indian society.
• Social empowerment, communalism, regionalism & secularism


This paper called Social issues/ Indian society is largely about the understanding of the fabric
of India to be more specific, the Social fabric of India.
A society is a collectivity of multiple individuals who are marked by social solidarity, have
some common organization and share some common ends. What then is the characteristic
of the Indian society? Linguistically, the name India could be traced to the river Indus. The
Indian society is however much more than just its linguistic origin. Its uniqueness lies in the
bedrock of its ideological and value commitment, as reflected in the preamble to the
constitution of India:
WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN
SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;
IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do HEREBY
Here-in Fraternity deals with brotherhood and the Unity and Integrity of India which has
both a territorial and a psychological connotation to it. This is the basis of social solidarity of
our Indian society.
Our common organization is to be grounded in the concepts of Justice, Liberty, Equality
and Fraternity.
The common set of goals are anchored in our commitment to the ideals of having a
Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic
The diversity of this Indian society is reflected in the milieu of its social institutions: Religion;
caste; class; gender; education; family, marriage and kinship; political system; economic
system etc.

Teaching Plan: Indian Society CSE 2024
Our concern with the understanding of religion lies not only in its functional and
dysfunctional analysis, but also in the modern trends being exhibited – secularism and
secularization; fundamentalism; and communalism.
Caste being a prominent historical and contemporary reality in India, its enmeshed nature
with the social structure and complex caste-class-political nexus makes it indispensable to
understand its complexities. Added to this is the understanding of contemporary caste
based movements which create deep ripples in the current socio-political framework and
the everyday lives of people.
Class is much more than money. The nouveaux rich (newly rich) are not the same class as
the blue-blooded, money being same. Our concern lies both in the origin of class in India, as
well as the type and nature of such classes eg. Rural and urban class; agricultural class and
industrial class; upper, middle and lower class etc.
Gender is a socio-economic construct woven around the biological fact of sex. This socio-
economic construct has to be understood in terms of its ever changing hues and chapters,
in its gradual dynamism and the forces that shape it. We are also concerned with its vast
range of implications, especially with concepts of gender parity and women empowerment.
Through the study and understanding of these and more diverse social institutions and their
interplay, the IAS aspirant is able to relate to and build upon the web of interdisciplinary and
multi-dimensional knowledge that one is, but expected to be equipped with. However, this
understanding is not just restricted to that – i.e. becoming the basic infrastructure for the
superstructure of knowledge to be built upon it, but also enshrines a sense of true purpose
to learning, helping put perspective to the orientation of the internal moral compass.
This segment of Paper-1 deals with a multiplicity of issues that the Indian society is
confronted with. These issues range from women empowerment to the speedy process of
urbanization, from regionalism and secularism to population issues. In so dealing with these
social issues, a holistic understanding of the Indian society is generated, especially of its
multifaceted diversity. The approach of this segment is to define the features of existent
social constructs and realities, while understanding their causes, effects and their dynamism.

Teaching Plan: Indian Society CSE 2024

S. Reference Sources
Salient features of Indian Society, • VI NCERT- Social Science, Social and
1 Political Life-1, Chapters-1,2
Diversity of India: Culture;
• VIII NCERT Social Science, Our Pasts-
2 Diversity of India: Caste III, Chapter-4
• VIII NCERT Social Science, Our Pasts-
3 Diversity of India: Tribes II, Chapter-7
• XI NCERT- Introducing Sociology,
• XII NCERT-Indian Society- Chapter-
Diversity of India: Family and 3,6
marriage • XII NCERT- Social Change and
development in India, Chapter-

Poverty and developmental • IX NCERT Economics, Chapter-3

issues • XII NCERT-Indian Society- Chapter-5

• Definitional understanding
5 • Reasons
• Approach towards addressing
• Universal Basic Income
Urbanization, their problems and • XI NCERT- Understanding society,
their remedies Chapter-2
• XII NCERT- Social Change and
6 • Definitional understanding
development in India, Chapter-1
• Reasons
• Characteristics
• Problems
Role of women and women’s • VIII NCERT Social Science, Our Pasts-
organizations III Part 2, Chapter-9
• X NCERT Social Science, Democratic
• Issues of differential
Politics-II, Chapter-4
participation in workforce
7 • Issues of pay parity
• Violence against women
• Patriarchy and position of
• Objectification and
commodification of women
8 Communalism

Teaching Plan: Indian Society CSE 2024

9 Regionalism • X NCERT Social Science, Democratic

Politics-II, Chapter-4
• VIII NCERT- Social and Political Life-
10 Secularism
III, Chapter-2
• IX NCERT- Contemporary India-1,
Population and associated issues
• Population growth, • XII NCERT-Indian Society, Chapter-2
11 distribution, density • XII NCERT – Indian People and
• Demographic transition Economy, Chapter-1,2,3,4
• Sex ratio • XII NCERT- Fundamentals of Human
• Literacy rates Geography, Chapters- 1,2,3,4

Effects of globalization on Indian • XII NCERT- Social Change and

society. development in India, Chapter-6

• UPSC exam is very dynamic. Multiple sources have to be referred to prepare for the exam.
• TO SIMPLIFY the task for our students, the institute has compiled the best parts from all the
above mentioned important reference books and sources in the BLUE WORKBOOKS.
• The purpose is to provide all the exam oriented material in one place.
o Important reading material from various good sources
o Previous years UPSC questions
o Practice Questions
o Space for making notes and writing model answers.

– There will be one (1) Descriptive type test comprising 5 Qs and of 1 hour after completing
this theme.
– The time and date of test will be intimated to you by your teacher.
– The test will be thoroughly evaluated under the supervision of your teacher.
– The purpose of that test is to reinforce your classroom learning and help you measure
learning outcome.
– We strongly recommend you to give all tests and learn from its discussion and evaluation.

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