Child and Adolescent Abuse and Neglect Research

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This series of Ill-year updates in child and adolescent psychiatry began in july 1996 Topics are selected
in consultation with theAACAP Committee on Recertification, bothfor the importance of new research
and its clinical or developmentalsignificance. The authors have been asked toplace an asterisk before the
5 or 6 most seminal references.

Child and Adolescent Abuse and Neglect Research:

A Review of the Past 10 Years. Part I:
Physical and Emotional Abuse and Neglect

Objective: To review the clinically relevant literature on the physical and emotional abuse and neglect of children and ado-
lescents publish ed during the past 10 years. Method: Literature published between 1988 and 1998 was reviewed follow-
ing a systematic search of Med/ine, Psychlnfo, and the National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect. Results:
During the last decade there has been substantial progress in understanding the symptomatology associated with mal-
treatment. However, prevention and intervent ion research studies are relatively rare and frequent ly have important meth-
odolog ical limitations. Conclusions: Child maltreatment research in the next decade needs to focus on understanding
factors leading to resilient outcomes and on assessing the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic and psychopharmacologi-
cal treatment strategies. Increased resources are needed to support child maltreatment research studies and investiga -
tors. J. Am . Acad. Child Ado/esc. Psychiatry, 1999,38(10):1214-1222. Key Words: physical abuse , physical negl ect,
emotional abuse , emotional neglect, research .

The last decade has witnessed an in creasing recogn ition child functioning. This article reviews research pertinent
by child mental health professionals that child physical to the mental health care of physically and emotionally
and em otional m alt reatment are m ajor public healt h m altr eated children and adolescents published during
issues. As the field matures, research has infor med clini- the past decade (1988 - 1998) selected from M edline,
cal pr actice with a mo re sophistica ted understanding of Psycblnjo, an d the National C learinghouse o n C h ild
th e correlates of abuse and neglect, including th e poten- Abuse and Neglect database. A subsequent article will
tial impact of m altreatment on multiple domains of cover sexual abuse.


From theDivision ofChildandAdolescentPsychiatry, North Shore-LongIsland
Although m an y definitions of maltreatment exist,
Jewish Health System, Manhasset, NY Dr. Kaplan is also Professor of Clinical
Psychiatry and Dr. Pelcouitz is also Clinical Associate Professor of Psychology in physical abuse and neglect are generally referred to in this
Psychiatry, New York University School ofMedicine. review as defin ed in the mo st recent National In cidence
The authorsthank theSchott Foundationfor itssupport ofourfamily violence
Study (N IS-3) (Sedlak and Broadhurst, 1996). The NIS-
research effOrtsand Barbara Beckerand KristineAllenandfor theirassistancein
thepreparation ofthis manuscript. 3 defines physical abuse as present when a child younger
Reprint requeststo Dr. Kaplan, Department ofPsychiatry, North Shore Uni- th an age 18 years has experienced inju ry (ha rm standard)
versity Hospital-NYU School of Medicine, 300 Community Drive, Manhasset, or risk of injury (enda ngerme nt standard) as a result of
NY 11030.
0890 -8567/99/381O-1214© 1999 by the AmericanAcademy of Child and
havin g been hit with a hand o r other obj ect or having
Adolescent Psychiatry. been kicked, shaken, thro wn , bu rn ed , stabbed, or choked

1214 J. AM . ACAD . C H I LD ADO LESC. PSYC HI AT RY, 38 : 10, OCTOBE R 1999


by a parent or parent-substitute. Physical neglect refers to CPS agencies of known maltreatment cases. In 1996,
harm or endangerment as a result of inadequate nutri- physical neglect was involved in 57.7% of maltreatment
tion, clothing, hygiene, and supervision. Emotional cases, while physical abuse involved 22.2% and emo-
abuse includes verbal abuse, harsh nonphysical punish- tional maltreatment was involved in 5.9 % of cases.
ments (e.g., being tied up), or threats of maltreatment, However, emotional maltreatment in both surve ys is
while emotional neglect covers failure to provide ade- likely underreported because of most agencies' primary
quate affection and emotional support or permitting a emphasis on the physical safety of children.
child to be exposed to domestic violence. In 1996, reporters of child maltreatment to state CPS
were most often educators and legal, social service, and
medical professionals. The fewest reports came from
There are 2 major sources of national epidemiological anonymous reporters, relatives, victims, and friends/
data on child maltreatment. The NIS-3 sampled child neighbors (DHHS, 1998).
protective services (CPS), law enforcement, juvenile Gender and age distributions indicate that unlike sex-
probation, public health, hospital, school, day-care, ual abuse, there is little difference between boys and girls
mental health, and social service agencies for a 3-month in the overall incidence of physical and emotional mal-
period during 1993. Using the harm standard, the inci- treatment. However, gender distributions may vary with
dence of physical abu se was estimated to be 5.7 per the age of the victim, such as a greater representation of
1,000 children , an increase over the 2 previous incidence female victims of adolescent physicalabuse (Powerset al.,
studies of 1986 and 1980 (Table 1). The incidence of 1990). With regard to maltreatment incidence by age,
physical neglect per 1,000 children increased at an even the national surveys indicate that physical abuse peaks in
greater rate, while similar increases in emotional mal- the 4- to 8-year-old range. Emotional maltreatment has
treatment were also seen. been reported to peak in the 6- to 8-year-old range and to
Whether these statistics reflect actual increased inci- remain at a similar level through adolescence.
dence of maltreatment or an increased sophistication in To aid child protective agencies triage cases and deter-
detection and/or reporting has been debated. However, mine the levelof case supervision required, great empha-
the significant increases in severity of injuries from child sis has been placed on determining a child's risk for
maltreatment between 1980 and 1993 for all levels continued maltreatment. Risk factors found to predict
except fatalities suggests an actual increase in the inci- recurrent abuse include the following: young age of vic-
dence of maltreatment (Sedlak and Broadhurst, 1996). tim, number of previous CPS referrals, and caretaker
The second major source of child maltreatment infor- characteristics such as emotional impairment, substance
mation is represented by Child Maltreatment 1996: abuse, lack of social support, presence of domestic vio-
Reports From the States to the National Child Abuse and lence, and history of childhood abuse (English et al., in
Neglect Data System (U.S. Dep artment of Health and press). Unfortunately, these risk factors are often not
Human Services [DHHS], 1998). This report, as well as carefully assessed by CPS caseworkers.
its earlier versions, presents data compiled from state In addition, although numerous models have been
investigated, attempts to predict which children reported
TABLE 1 to CPS are at risk for severe or fatal maltreatment have
National Incidence Study (NIS) Data: Estimated Incidence been unsuccessful. What is known is that younger chil-
of Child Maltreatment Using the Harm Standard
dren are at the greatest risk, with more than 75% of mal-
Type of treatment fatalities in 1996 involving children younger
Maltreatment NIS-3 (1993) NIS-2 (1986) NIS-l (1980)
than age 3 years (DHHS, 1998). Uniform Crime Reports
Abuse of child and adolescent homicide by parents between
Physical 5.7 (381,700) 4.3 (269,700) 3.1 (199,100) 1976 and 1985 indicate that male and female children
Emotional 3.0 (204,500) 2.5 (155,200) 2.1 (132,700)
Neglect were at equal risk during the first week of life, but that
Physical 5.0 (338,900) 2.7 (167,800) 1.6 (103,600) male children were victims in 55% of homicide cases
Emotional 3.2 (212,800) 0.8 (49,200) 0.9 (56,900) from week 1 to age 15 years and 77% of cases between
N ote: Incidence of maltreatment per 1,000 children (total num- ages 16 and 19 years. Mothers almost always perpetrated
ber of maltreated children in parentheses). homicides occurring during the first week of life, and



either parent was equally likely to fatally injure his/her nomic status and negative life events (Okun et al., 1994).
child from week 1 to 13 years. However, fathers com- Adolescents with abuse histories also report impaired
mitted 63% of parent-perpetrated homicides occurring stylesof interpersonal attachment, engage in more aggres-
in 13- to 15-year-olds and 80% of those occurring in 16- sion in their peer relationships, and exhibit more abusive
to 19-year-olds (Kunz and Bahr, 1996). The NIS-3 esti- or coercive behaviors in dating relationships (Wolfe
mated that 1,500 children were fatally abused in the et al., 1998).
United States in 1993, but child homicides are often Although studies have infrequently examined neglect,
ruled as accidental deaths and the actual incidence of recent data suggest that physically neglected children
fatal abuse may be much greater. also have deficits in social functioning, including greater
conflict with friends and fewer reciprocated friendships
(Bolger et al., 1998). There is evidence that the interper-
The psychiatric and psychological problems associ- sonal problems of maltreated children are related to dif-
ated with physical abuse and neglect are extremely varied. ficulty in understanding appropriate affective responses to
Overall, research studies have found that physical abuse interpersonal situations and to limited social problem-
and/or neglect is associated with a large number of inter- solving skills (Haskett, 1990; Rogosch et al., 1995).
personal, cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and substance
Cognitive/Academic Impairment
abuse problems and psychiatric disorders, and increased
mental health services utilization has also been reported Studies during the last decade have consistently doc-
for maltreated children (Garland et al., 1996). It is impor- umented impaired cognitive abilities and poor academic
tant to note that child maltreatment research often fails achievement in maltreated youth. Language skills have
to identify the exact type(s) of maltreatment experienced been most frequently scrutinized, with deficits reported
by subjects. This is due to limited information from for both receptive and expressive language (Coster et al.,
state child protection agencies, unreliable subject self- 1989; Fox et al., 1988; McFadyen and Kitson, 1996).
reports, and the frequent co-occurrence of different forms There is some evidence that neglect results in greater def-
of physical and emotional abuse and neglect. Further- icits than abuse (Culp et al., 1991b). These findings are
more, multiple risk factors for poor functioning (in important because expressive language difficulties have
addition to maltreatment) are frequently present in sub- been associated with risk for aggressive and conduct-
jects' environments. These problems may limit studies' disordered behavior, particularly in abused children
conclusions concerning the specificity of effects of var- (Burke et al., 1989). The academic performance of mal-
ious types of maltreatment. treated children reflects their cognitive impairments; both
abuse and neglect have been associated with large deficits
Interpersonal Problems
on both mathematics and language tests, with neglect
Consistent deficits in the social functioning of abused having the strongest association with poor achievement
children and adolescents have been found in analyses of (Eckenrode et al., 1993; Wodarski et al., 1990).
information from multiple informants (parents, teachers,
and peers) (i.e., Dodge et al., 1994). In the case of abused
infants, these deficits can may be seen as insecure (par- Aggressive and delinquent behaviors are among the
ticularly disorganized) patterns of attachment (Cicchetti most frequent correlates of physical abuse. Lewis (1992)
and Barnett, 1992) which may set the stage for later peer hypothesized that physical abuse exposure increases the
rejection and for intimate relationships marked by revic- risk for the expression of aggression by increasing levels of
timization or the victimizing of others. Physically abused impulsivity and irritability, engendering hypervigilance
children also have been found to be more disliked and and paranoia, and curtailing the recognition of pain in
less popular than their nonabused peers (Salzinger et al., both self and others. Relative to peers, abused preschool
1993), and even with close friends they exhibit less inti- children have been found to engage in frequent aggressive
macy, more conflict, and more negative affect than non- behavior (Klimes-Dougan and Kistner, 1990) and to
abused children do with friends (Parker and Herrera, more often attribute hostile intent to their peers' behav-
1996). The peer difficulties of abused children are pre- iors (Dodge et al., 1990). The increased aggression exhib-
sent even with control for variables such as socioeco- ited by physically abused school-age children is also



associated with increased rejection by peers (Salzinger referred samples and comparison groups, greatly im-
et al., 1993) and a greater likelihood that abuse victims proving the quality of research. However, cross-sectional
will be "blamed" by others for being abused (Muller et al., research designs predominate, limiting causal inferences
1993). As abuse victims develop, they are at risk for engag- between abuse and disorders. For example, depressive
ing in violent, criminal behavior in both adolescence disorders may be a direct or indirect consequence of
(Herrenkohl et al., 1997) and adulthood (Widom, 1989). abuse, depressed children may be more frequently tar-
geted for abuse, or depression may be related to causal
Suicidal Behavior and Risk-Taking
factors in abusive environments other than the abuse
An increasing number of studies have reported an itself. Longitudinal studies are needed to further our
association between physical abuse and risk for suicidal understanding of the relationship between abuse and
behavior, particularly in adolescents (Garnefski et al., psychiatric symptomatology.
1992; Kaplan et al., 1997; Riggset al., 1990). Risk-taking, Additional resources are also needed to study parents
often related to suicidal behavior, has also been investi- with Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) who com-
gated in abused populations. Physically abused youth mit physical abuse in the course of intentionally fabricat-
are more likely than their nonabused counterparts to ing illnesses in their children. The existing research, based
take part in behaviors endangering their health, includ- on a small number of cases, suggests that victims of
ing cigarette smoking, substance use, and sexual risk- MSBP experience significant psychological and psychiat-
taking (Riggset al., 1990). Sexual risk-taking may explain ric symptomatology in both childhood and adulthood
why physical abuse and neglect have also been associated (Bools et al., 1993; Libow, 1995). Because most cases of
with teenage parenthood for both males and females MSBP go undetected, the actual incidence of this type of
(Herrenkohl et al., 1998). abuse is unknown. However, a prospective study survey-
ing all consultant pediatricians in Great Britain and
Psychiatric Disorders
Ireland reported the incidence to be 2.8 per 100,000 for
In light of the difficulties described above, it is not sur- children younger than age 1 year (McClure et al., 1996).
prising that abuse victims are at increased risk for a variety Due to the often extreme abuse inflicted by parents with
of child and adolescent psychiatric diagnoses, including MSBP (e.g., broken bones, poisoning), their children are
depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, conduct disorder, at great risk for serious physical and psychiatric morbidity.
oppositional defiant disorder, attention-deficit/hyper- There is little research devoted to psychopathology in
activity disorder, and substance abuse (Famularo et al., neglected children, and what does exist is often contra-
1992; Flisher et al., 1997; Kaplan et al., 1998; Livingston dictory. For example, Wodarski and colleagues (1990)
et al., 1993). The reported rates of each disorder often reported that according to parents and teachers, physical
vary with subjects' age, socioeconomic status, family char- abuse was associated with behavior problems, but physi-
acteristics, and severity of abuse. However, some of the cal neglect was not. This contrasts with previous reports
most consistent findings are that approximately 8% of that neglect may be the most harmful type of maltreat-
children and adolescents documented as physically ment with regard to psychopathology (Erickson et al.,
abused have current diagnoses of major depressive disor- 1989). Although the contradiction may be due to differ-
der, approximately 40% have lifetime major depressive ences in sample characteristics or to the exact nature of
disorder diagnoses, and at least 30% have lifetime disrup- the neglect, it is clear that additional research on physical
tive disorder diagnoses (oppositional defiant disorder or neglect is needed.
conduct disorder). These prevalence rates are several
Psychobiological Correlates
times higher than those found in community samples of
children and adolescents (see Lewinsohn et al., 1993). Studies of the biological correlates of abuse and neglect
Although posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may be are still relatively rare, especially studies that include
present in cases of extreme physical abuse, it does not children or adolescents as subjects. Adults with PTSD
appear to be commonly associated with mild physical related to severe childhood physical and/or sexual abuse
maltreatment (Pelcovitz et al., 1994). have been found to exhibit decreased hippocampal size,
Unlike earlier research, recent studies of psychiatric which may help to explain memory impairment in vic-
disorders in abused children have more often used non- tims of severe physical and sexual abuse (Bremner et al.,



1995, 1997). In children, psychiatric inpatients with a analyses have indicated that emotional abuse is a
history of physicaland/or sexualabuse have been reported stronger predictor than physical maltreatment of a wide
to exhibit frontotemporal and anterior brain electro- array of problems, including internalizing and external-
physiological abnormalities (Ito et al., 1993). More izing behaviors, social impairment, low self-esteem, sui-
advanced quantitative EEG examination of severely cidal behavior, as well as current and previous psychiatric
maltreated children has also found altered brain devel- diagnoses and hospitalizations (McGee et al. , 1997;
opment, indicative of decreased cortical differentiation Mullen et al., 1996; Vissing et al., 1991). With regard to
(Ito et al., 1998). suicide, Mullen and colleagues reported that a history of
Hormonal changes have also been associatedwith phy- physical abuse increased a subject's odds of attempting
sical abuse, including changes in the hypothalamic- suicide by almost 5 times, while a history of emotional
pituitary-adrenal axis (Hart et al., 1996). More specifically, abuse increased the odds of a suicide attempt by more
Hart and colleagues reported elevated afternoon cortisol than 12 times. Emotional neglect has received less atten-
levels in maltreated children, as well as an unexpected tion, but perceived emotional rejection by patents has
pattern of increased afternoon cortisol levels in depressed been associated with poor adolescent and young adult
maltreated children which was not found in depressed outcomes in at least 2 areas: substance abuse (Campo
non maltreated children. Differences in growth hormone and Rohner, 1992) and delinquency (Simons et al., 1989).
levels of physically maltreated and comparison children
have also been documented, indicating that delayed
growth is a possible correlate of maltreatment (jensen
et al., 1991) Psychotherapeutic Approaches
In other areas, Glod and colleagues (1997) reported Until recently, most treatment studies focused on
that physically abused children exhibited impaired sleep reducing maltreatment by providing abusive or neglect-
efficiency with increased activity during sleep and pro- ful parents with combinations of social support, anger
longed sleep latency, and Scarinci and colleagues (1994) control, and parent training focusing on appropriate child
investigated the relationships between child abuse and management strategies (Wolfe and Wekerle, 1993). High
pain perception in adult female patients with gastroin- rates of depression, substance abuse, and antisocial be-
testinal disorders. Subjects abused during childhood had havior seen in abusive parents (Egami et al., 1996) will
significantly lower pain threshold levels in response to likely decrease the effectiveness of these types of inter-
finger pressure than nonabused subjects, more frequently ventions, highlighting the need for diagnosis and treat-
blamed themselves for their pain, and reported more ment of parental disorders.
maladaptive pain coping strategies. However, preventing further abuse is only one aspect
of treatment, and abuse-related problems in victims must
also be addressed. Therapeutic day-care programs have
Research indicates that emotional maltreatment (also most often been utilized in the treatment of young vic-
referred to as psychological maltreatment) occurs in an tims of physical abuse and neglect, providing safe, nur-
overwhelming majority of physical abuse cases but also turing environments and abuse-specific interventions.
occurs independently of other types of maltreatment This combination appears to have the potential to
(Claussen and Crittenden, 1991). As a result, emotional improve impaired social and cognitive skills and to in-
abuse and neglect are likely the most frequent forms of crease self-esteem (Culp et al., 1991a).
maltreatment experienced by children and adolescents. The literature on psychotherapy for abused children is
Unfortunately, emotional maltreatment has not been a dominated by play therapy approaches, while the use of
focus of research until recently because it was often anger management, social skills training, and cognitive-
thought to be less damaging than physical maltreatment, behavioral techniques has also been described. Unfortu-
and it can be more difficult to quantify compared with nately, the effectiveness of these approaches has generally
physical evidence of trauma. The existing research sug- not been empirically evaluated. In a review of treatment
gests that emotional maltreatment may actually have a research for physically abused children, Oates and Bross
stronger relationship to long-term psychological func- (1995) cite only 13 empirical studies between 1983 and
tioning than other forms of maltreatment. Regression 1992 meeting even minimal research standards. How-



ever, one recent study by Fantuzzo and colleagues (1996), PREVENTION OF CHILD MALTREATMENT
using several methodological improvements, explored Efforts at primary prevention of physical child abuse
the use of peers to help socially withdrawn physically and neglect have focused on targeting at-risk parents,
abused and/or neglected young children. Play sessions such as teenage parents (Britner and Reppucci, 1997),
with socially adept peers resulted in increased interactive impoverished single parents (Wolfe et al., 1995), parents
play and decreased solitary play in maltreated children. expecting their first child (Afflecket al., 1989), substance-
Although most clinicians agree that abused children abusing parents (Blau et al., 1994), or parents with
should be routinely assessed to determine treatment cognitive limitations (Feldman et al., 1992). Most pre-
needs, the reality is that social service agencies and juve- vention programs use home visits to provide some basic
nile courts refer only a minority of victims for treatment social support and education concerning normal child
(Chapman and Smith, 1987). As a result, the psycholog- development and parenting strategies. The latter may
ical and psychiatric problems commonly associated with be particularly important because corporal punishment
maltreatment will likely go untreated unless access to by a parent is associated with later physical abuse by
appropriate mental health servicesfor victims is increased. that same parent (Giles-Sims et al., 1995), and corporal
The development of new psychotherapeutic interven- punishment has been linked to aggression in children.
tions may benefit from a recent focus on identifying fac- This increases the probability that physically disci-
tors leading to adaptive outcomes in high-risk children. plined children will eventually be aggressive toward
Some characteristics of maltreated children exhibiting their own children (Straus and Kantor, 1994), resulting
resilient social and behavioral functioning have already in the intergenerational transmission of abuse.
been identified, including self-esteem, the ability to mod- The actual rate of transmission of physical abuse from
ulate impulses and feelings, and the ability to adapt behav- one generation to the next is still debated. Early retro-
ior to meet environmental demands (Cicchetti et al., spective reports estimated a high transmission rate, usually
1993). Longitudinal family studies examining a range of between 75% and 100%. However, studies with prospec-
psychological and biological variables will further the tive components find considerably lower transmission
understanding of resilience to maltreatment, enabling rates. Egeland and colleagues (1988) reported that
the development of enhanced treatment strategies. approximately 38% of mothers who experienced severe
maltreatment as children physically and/or emotionally
maltreated their own children . However, these rates are
Efficacy studies of psychopharmacological treatments underestimates to the extent that abuse in either gener-
for abuse-related trauma symptoms utilizing children as ation goes undetected or unreported. If Egeland and col-
subjects are extremely rare. In one of the few studies leagues had included cases of suspected maltreatment,
examining psychotropic medication for the treatment of their transmission rate would have been greater than
PTSD in children, Famularo et al. (1988), using a treat- 70%. Overall, the findings highlight the need for pre-
ment reversal design, found that propranolol lessened vention efforts to focus on identifying targets of maltreat-
hyperarousal and hypervigilance in victims of abuse. Terr ment and providing services to enhance their parenting
(1991) has suggested the use of propranolol or other ~­ skills even before they become parents.
blockers for traumatized children as an adjunct to behav- Reviewing home-visitation prevention programs, Olds
iorally based treatments . Clonidine has also been reported and Kitzman (1993) concluded that intensive and com-
to reduce symptoms of aggression, hyperarousal, and prehensive programs are helpful in changing the behavior
sleep problems exhibited by abused preschool children of parents at risk for perpetrating maltreatment, improv-
with severe PTSD (Harmon and Riggs, 1996). It is ing the home environment, and decreasing child behav-
important to note that the results of both pharmacologi- ioral difficulties. There is now some evidence that the
cal studies cited here should be considered with caution. benefits of home-visitation programs are durable. A long-
The authors of both studies considered the results as pre- term follow-up of a relatively intense nurse visitation
liminary because of the extremely small subject samples program reported that comparison mothers were almost
and the utilization of open medication trials. In addition, twice as likely to be reported for child abuse/neglect over
neither study differentiated between physically and sexual a 15-year period compared with high-risk mothers par-
abused subjects. ticipating in the program (Olds et al., 1997).



A more limited number of studies have examined pre- large number of risk and resilience factors present within
vent ion efforts targeting children directly. These studi es the child, his/her parents, and their sociocultural environ-
indicate that even preschool children can learn and retain ment will be important in und erstanding, preventing, and
concepts such as the definition of physical abu se and treating psychopathology in victims of maltre atment.
how to disclose abuse (Peraino, 1990). The extent to Finally, the toll which child maltreatment inflicts on our
which these conc epts generalize to actual abusive situ- society highlights the need for increased resources being
ati ons is generally un known, although recent studies made available to support child maltreatment research
reported that both a school-based prevention program studies and investigators. Increased support is also needed
(Oldfield et al., 1996) and an intensive media program for the training of child and adolescent psychiatrists and
(H oefnagels and Baartman, 1997) resulted in signifi- other child mental health professionals in child maltreat-
cantly more abuse disclosures. ment prevention, intervention, and research.
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Ne fazodone-Induced Liver Failure: Report of Three Cases . Jaim e Aranda-Michel , M D , Alison Koehler, MD, Pabl o A. Bejarano,
M D , John E. Poulos, M D, Bruce A. Luxon, M D, Chaudhary M ob in Kh an , M D, Loo i C. Ee, M D, W illiam F. Balistre ri, MD,
Fredrick L. Weber Jr., M D
Background: Liver failure is a rare but devastating result of drug toxicity, Obj ective: To describe three cases of subfulmi nant liver fail-
ure that were probably caused by nefazodone, a new antidepressant that is a synt hetically derived phenylpiperazine. Design: Case
series. Setting: Two un iversity medical centers and a child ren's hospital. Patients: Three women 16 to 57 years of age. Intervention: Two
pat ients underwent liver transplantati on ; the th ird was listed for transplantation but subsequen tly im proved . Measurement: Liver
biopsy. Results: N efazodo ne was adm inistered for 14 to 28 weeks before the on set of sym pto ms . The duration of jaundice befor e onset
of enceph alopa thy ranged from 4 to 6 weeks. All cases of liver failur e had sim ilar histolo gic appe arance, with prominent necrosis in
th e centrolobular areas (zone 3). One patient had successful liver transplan tat ion , on e underwent transplantat ion but d ied, and one
improved with out transplantation. The tem poral onset of disease after the start of nefazodone th erapy suggested severe hepatocellu-
lar injury caused by the drug. Conclusions: Because nefazodon e seems to cause severe hep atocellular injury in an idiosyncratic manner,
rou tine liver chemis tries sh ould be performed before starti ng nefazod on e th erapy an d patients sho uld be mon itor ed regul arly.
Therapy should be discon tinued if liver enzyme con centrations become abn ormal. Ann Intern Med 1999;130:285 -288.

1222 ]. AM. ACAD . C H I LD AD O LESC . PSYCH IATR Y, 38 : 10, O CTOBE R 1999

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