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The Final Workbook of

The Class Management System


Submitted by:
Sharmika Das Banhi
Student ID: 210204
Rownak Jahan Rinti
Student ID: 210214
Taohiduzzaman Firoz
Student ID: 210214
Computer Science & Engineering Discipline
Khulna university, Khulna

Course: Information System Design Laboratory

Course No.: CSE - 2212

Submitted to:
Aminul Islam
Assistant Professor
Computer Science & Engineering Discipline
Khulna University, Khulna.

1. The System Service Request(SSR) of the Class Management System 3
2. Interview Scripts of the users 4
2(a) Interview of a student 4
2(b) Interview of a teacher 7
2(c) Interview of a director 10
2(d) Interview of a user 13
3. Baseline Project Plan of Class Management System17
3(a). Project Scope Statement of Class Management System 18
3(b). User stories of Class Management System 20
3(c). Use Case Diagram of the Class Management System 25
3(d). Data Flow Diagram of the Class Management System 30
3(e). Entity-Relationship (E-R) Diagram of the Class Management System 32
3(f). Forms, Reports, and Interfaces with Narrative Overview of Class
Management System 34
4. Feasibility Studies of Class Management System 46
4(a). Economic feasibility analysis & risks and tangible and intangible cost and
benefits 46
4(b). Break-even analysis with the proper diagram of the break-even point on a
2D graph. 49
5. Management Procedure & methodology of Class Management System 50
6. Project Charter of Class Management System 51
7. Project Schedule with activity list, Gantt chart, and network diagram of
Class Management System 53
7(a) Activity list 53
7(b) Gantt Chart 54
7(c) Network Diagram 55
7(d) PERT Analysis 56
8. Business Documents 57

.System Service Request
System Service Request
REQUESTED BY: Sharmika Das Banhi DATE: 10.09.22 LOCATION: Gollamari, Khulna
CONTACT: 01707024864

✓ New System ☐ Immediate: Operations are impaired

☐ System Enhancement ✓ Problem exists, but can be worked around

☐ System Error Correction ☐ Business losses can be tolerated until new

system installed
Recent growth of BrainBloom has caused a greater volume of work for the Core Team
members. This volume of work has greatly increased the volume and complexity of the data we
need to deal with and understand. We are currently using manual methods and a complex
electronic spreadsheet to maintain our activities. This method of analysis has many problems: (1)
The process of manual data management is prone to errors (2) The volume of data and the
complexity of analyses conducted in the system seem to be overwhelming our current system.
I request a thorough analysis of our current activities with the intent to design and build a
completely new information system. This system should handle all the student’s activity,
reporting of collaborative with materials, and generally enhance the perception and strengthen
the profile of knowledge in several sector in our country. I feel that such a system will improve
the functioning of BrainBloom, particularly in our ability to better serve our community.
IS LIASON Rownak Jahan Rinti
Mobile: 01777006321 Email:
SOPNSOR: Rownak Jahan Rinti Advisor, BrainBloom

--------------------TO BE COMPLETED BY SYSTEMS PRIORITY BOARD-------- ------------- ✓

Request approved Assigned to Sharmika Das Banhi

☐ Recommend revision Start date 12.09.23

☐ Suggest user development

☐ Reject for reason

2.Interview script:
2(a) Student Interview script
Interviewee: Interviewer:
Esrat Jahan Esha Sharmika Das Banhi
Student, CSE Discipline Rownak Jahan Rinti
Khulna University, Khulna Taohiduzzaman Firoz
Location: Date: 30/07/23
Classroom,1235 Academic Start Time:2.20 pm
End Time:3.00 pm
Khulna University, Khulna
• To understand the interviewees’ level of experience in managing study materials.
• To identify the challenges students, face in organizing and accessing study materials.
• To understand the potential benefits of the system from the students’ perspective.
• To gain feedback on how the system can be designed for easy navigation, efficient
organization and user-friendly interface.
• Not to create any problematized situation for the interviewee.
Agenda: Approximate Time:
Introduction: 30 seconds
This interview is to collect the opinion
about the new online platform
‘BrainBloom’ from the Senior Students.
Overview of interview: 1 minute

➢ Topics to be covered
• Necessity of new information system.
• Understand the students’ level of
experience. • Essential features and
functionality she expects from the system.
• Potential benefits of the system from
the students’ perspective.
➢ Permission to take note from the 1 minute
➢ Questions 8 minutes
4 minutes
➢ Questions From the interviewee
➢ Summarizing 2 minutes

General Observation:
The interviewee has sufficient experience in managing study materials before and she faced a
lot of challenges through the process. She thinks that by using study forum management
system, student will be benefited as it is time-saving, clutter reducing and more effective
studying system. By using the system students can be more productive and creative.

Unsolved issues/Topics not covered:

We covered every topic we could remember.

Questions Notes
Question 1: Answer:
Can you describe your experience in managing I’ve been managing my study materials for
study materials for your courses? various courses using a combination of
physical notes and digital documents on my

The interviewee has sufficient experience in
managing study materials.

Question 2: Answer:
Are there any pain points or challenges you One of the biggest challenges is keeping track
face in the process? of all the materials for different subjects. It’s
time consuming and find specific notes when
they’re scattered across different folders or

She experiences many challenges to manage
Question 3: Answer:
How do you think a study forum management A well-designed system would save time,
system can benefit students and improve their reduce clutter and make studying more
academic performance? efficient. It would also foster collaboration
among students, as we could share valuable
resources easily. it would be specially
studentstudent and teacher-student centric
education system.
She thinks this system will help students.

Question 4: Answer:
In your opinion, what would be the most The system should allow students and
efficient way to update study materials and professors to upload new materials, and a
new content to a study material system? notification system can inform us about
updates in real time. Encouraging students to
share their notes, summaries and additional
resources through the platform.

Teacher-Student collaboration will be the best
way to manage study content.

Question 5: Answer:
What do you think about to add question- Having a question-answering section would
answering section in the system? be fantastic. It could be a platform where
students can ask and answer academic related
questions and clarifying doubts.

According to her thought question-answering
section will make students benefited.
Question 6: Answer:
Does adding of programming contest, quiz As a computer science student, I’d absolutely
contest, math puzzle solving contest in the love programming contests. It’s a fun and
system will be effective? competitive way to improve coding skills and
learn from others solutions. It is an excellent
idea to include it.
Quizzes would be an effective way to
reinforce our understanding of various
subjects. It could have timed quizzes or
challenges to keep things exciting.
Math puzzle solving contests would be a fun
break from regular studying while still
exercising our brains. I think it’s a brilliant

According to her opinion this category will
make students creative.

2(b) Teacher Interview script

Interviewee: Interviewer:
Mr. Aminul Islam Sharmika Das Banhi
Assistant Professor Rownak Jahan Rinti
Computer Science & Engineering Discipline Taohiduzzaman Firoz
Khulna University, Khulna
Location: Date: 31/07/23
Academic Building,1 Start Time:2.20 pm
Khulna University, Khulna End Time:3.00 pm

• To understand the interviewees’ level of experience in Providing study materials.
• To identify the challenges teachers, face in organizing and accessing study materials.
• To understand the potential benefits of the system from the teachers’ perspective.
• To gain feedback on how the system can be designed for easy navigation, efficient
organization and user-friendly interface.
• Not to create any problematized situation for the interviewee.
Agenda: Approximate Time:
Introduction: 30 seconds
This interview is to collect the opinion
about the new online platform
‘BrainBloom’ from the Senior Students.
Overview of interview: 1 minute

➢ Topics to be covered
• Necessity of new information system.
• Understand the teachers’ level of
experience. • Essential features and
functionality he expects from the system.
• Potential benefits of the system from
the teachers’ perspective.
➢ Permission to take note from the 1 minute
➢ Questions 8 minutes
4 minutes
➢ Questions From the interviewee
➢ Summarizing 2 minutes

General Observation:
The interviewee has sufficient experience in providing study materials before. He thinks that by
using study forum management system, student will be benefited as it is time-saving, clutter
reducing and more effective studying system. By using the system students can be more
productive and creative.

Unsolved issues/Topics not covered:

We covered every topic we could remember.

Questions Notes
Question 1: Answer:
How do you currently provide students’ study Currently, I manage study materials using
materials and resources for your courses? google classroom and provide study materials
to the CR also.

The interviewee has sufficient experience in
managing study materials.

Question 2: Answer:
What challenges do you face in organize and No, I don’t face too much challenges at all. I
updating study materials for your students? can easily upload them in my google

He experiences not too much challenges to
manage materials.
Question 3: Answer:
In your opinion, what do you think about to As we all teacher use different media for
allow students and professors to upload study providing study materials, there may be a lot
materials in an information system? of media need to handle for students. By
using a study forum management system, we
can easily upload them there and students can
easily avail them. Observation:
He thinks this system will help students.

Question 4: Answer:
What features do you believe are essential for An effective study materials management
an effective study forum management system should have a user-friendly interface
system? for both instructors and students. It should
allow easy uploading, organizing, and
categorizing of materials. Previous year
question solving can also be added.

He thinks this system need to add some
features that will make student centric
Question 5: Answer:
In your opinion adding of programming Having a question-answering section would be
contest, quiz contest, math puzzles and fantastic. It could be a platform where
question answering section in the system students can ask and answer academic related
is effective or not? questions and clarifying doubts.
Programming contests is a competitive way to
improve coding skills and learn from others
solutions. It is an excellent idea to include it.

He thinks these sections will make student
creative and figure out their latent talent.

2(c) Director Interview script

Interviewee: Interviewer:
Sharmika Das Banhi Rownak Jahan Rinti
Director, BrainBloom Taohiduzzaman Firoz

Location: Date: 31/07/23

Classroom,1231 Academic Start Time:5.30 pm
End Time:6.00 pm
Khulna University, Khulna
• To verify the knowledge of interviewee about the information system.
• Why the information system should need to be implemented.
• What new features should add in the platform to make it more effective.
• How the platform helps students to be more productive.
• Not to create any problematized situation for the interviewee.
Agenda: Approximate Time:
Introduction: 30 seconds
This interview is to collect the opinion
about the new online platform
‘BrainBloom’ from the director of the
1 minute
organization. Overview of interview:
➢ Topics to be covered
• Necessity of new information system.
• What are the thoughts and beliefs of
the president about the new information
system. • What are the tools to manage
materials related to any course.
• Communications tools & their uses
• Director’s analysis on student
perspective to use the information system. 1 minute
➢ Permission to take note from the
8 minutes
4 minutes
➢ Questions 2 minutes
➢ Questions From the interviewee
➢ Summarizing

10 | P a g e
General Observation:
The interviewee has sufficient knowledge about the new information system as, she
experiences this system many times. Although he is somehow satisfied with this online system,
he seems quite worried whether all of the students will be able to adopt this online process. But
he beliefs student will be more benefited and productive by using the system.

Unsolved issues/Topics not covered:

We covered every topic we could remember.

Questions Notes
Question 1: Answer:
Why do you think it’s a visionary step to We dream for such a community where
introduce ‘BrainBloom’ as an effective online everyone can be able to get their study
study platform? materials and course related tools easily. Every
student can ask questions freely, learn with
ultimate joy and explore their inner potentials
through brainstorming circumstances. So, our
vision is to make a permanent platform where
students from different year, different
discipline can be benefited. They can
participate many types of quiz contest can
perform mathematics spontaneously and
facilitate various learning
modules to enhance their thinking abilities
The interviewee has sufficient knowledge
about the new information system.
Question 2: Answer:
What are the current features that Notable features that ‘BrainBloom’ provides
‘BrainBloom’ provides towards the students? are:
• Course materials such as pdf, slide
given by course teachers.
• Notes taken by senior students.
• Make Questions and Publish Solutions.
• Avail students to ask frequent
questions and any user like students and
teachers can give them answer.
• Arrange Programming contest.
• Arrange quiz contest.

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She experiences this system many times.
Question 3: Answer:
How do you approach privacy and data We ensure privacy concern by
security concern while managing the study • User authentication and access control.
forum, ensuring the protection of sensitive • Encryption.
information related to students and teachers? • Compliance with data protection law.
• Data backup
• Educating users about privacy

She manages the security concern smoothly in
the system.

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2(d) User Interview script
Interviewee: Interviewer:
Redwan Sharmika Das Banhi
Student, CSE Discipline Rownak Jahan Rinti
Khulna University, Khulna Taohiduzzaman Firoz
Location: Date: 02/08/23
Classroom,1235 Academic Start Time:2.20 pm
End Time:3.00 pm
Khulna University, Khulna
• To gain insights into how the user currently accesses, organizes, and manages study
• To understand the specific requirements and preference of the user.
• To design a user-friendly system that enhances the overall experience for users.
• To ensure that the system compiles with legal requirements when sharing study
• Not to create any problematized situation for the interviewee.
Agenda: Approximate Time:
Introduction: 30 seconds
This interview is to collect the experience
about the new online platform
‘BrainBloom’ from the user Students.
1 minute
Overview of interview:
➢ Topics to be covered
• Necessity of new information system.
• Understand the users’ level of
experience in using the system.
• Insights into the users’ currently access
on the information system.
• Essential features and functionality
user expects from the system.
• Potential benefits of the system from
the users’ perspective.
1 minute
➢ Permission to take note from the
interviewee. 8 minutes
➢ Questions 4 minutes
➢ Questions From the interviewee

13 | P a g e
General Observation:
The interviewee has sufficient experience in managing study materials using our study forum
management system. User faced a lot of challenges before using the process. User thinks that
by using study forum management system, he becomes benefited as it is time-saving, clutter
reducing and more effective studying system. By using the system students can be more
productive and creative. He expects slight upgrade in the system.
Unsolved issues/Topics not covered:
We covered every topic we could remember.

Questions Notes
Question 1: Answer:
How do you currently access and organize Now I am using your study forum
study materials for your courses? management system for accessing study
materials because here all the lecture,
presentations are well organized and easy to
User is now using BrainBloom study forum
management system.
Question 2: Answer:
How this system is helping you at present? Before using this system, I’ve been managing
my study materials for various courses using a
combination of physical notes and digital
documents on my computer. One of the
biggest challenges were then to keep track of
all the materials for different subjects. It’s
time consuming and find specific notes when
they’re scattered across different folders or
notebooks. But your system is saving our
time, reduce clutter and make studying more
efficient. It is also fostering collaboration
among students, as we can share valuable
resources easily. It is specially student-student
and teacher-student centric education system.
By using this system user is satisfied and
thinks students will be benefited by this.

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Question 3: Answer:
Are there any specific features or It would be great to have a search function
functionalities you would like to see in our that allows us to find study materials based on
system? keywords or specific criteria. Also having the
option to bookmark or save important
materials for quick access would be useful.
He expects slight upgrade in the system.

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3.Baseline Project Plan:

A. Project Overview
This project is for making the current offline system of study forum management system
online. Besides the current features provided by this organization, new and improved features
can be introduced by this project.
• To unify and support students through effective communication, organized study materials,
competitive activities, and knowledge-based environment.
• To support mathematics research through the participation in mathematic quiz.
• To support competitive programming nature to issue programming contest
• To enrich general knowledge by quizzes and build a student-teacher cooperative environment
by question answering.

B. Recommendation
I recommend thorough analysis of ‘BrainBloom’s’ current activities with the intent to design
and build a completely new information system. This system should handle all the activity,
reporting of collaborative projects, and generally enhance the perception and strengthen the
profile of knowledge in our country. I feel that such a system will improve the functioning of
‘BrainBloom’, particularly in our ability to better serve our community.

System Description
A. System Description
Our vision is to make a permanent platform where students from different levels can
get study materials and participate to many quizzes and contests spontaneously and
facilitate various learning modules to enhance their thinking abilities. We dream of
such a community where everyone can ask questions freely, learn with ultimate joy and
explore their inner potentials through brainstorming circumstances.
B. Alternatives

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Feasibility Assessment
A. Technical Analysis:
The Project Management Team has full potential to use RAD technique to provide basic
functionality for end-users, then incorporated additional features during each iteration of the
development process.
B. Operational Analysis:
The proposed system will improve the functioning of all the activities, reporting of
collaborative projects. The proposed system directly supports BrainBloom’s goal to generally
enhance the perception and strengthen the profile of knowledge in our country. BrainBloom
members are enthusiastic about automating some of the work they do at this system.
C. Legal and Contractual Analysis:
The computer where the database resides is password protected and only authorized users can
access the database. Software licenses will be properly maintained. The proposed system does
not present any legal or contractual issues.
D. Schedules, Time Line, and Resource Analysis:
• An MS project file and Gantt chart detail the activities and timeline for this project.
• The project team has agreed on a project timeline. Tasks will be completed on time.
• Team members will follow standard procedures for reporting progress, documenting
work, and communicating with other members.
Management Issues
A. Team Configuration and Management Project Management
Sharmika Das Banhi, Taohiduzzaman Firoz
Sponsor: Rownak Jahan Rinti,
Mobile: 01777006321,
B. Communication Plan Main channels of communication:
Google Collab, G-mail, Team Meet Up.
C. Project Standards and Procedures Project Manager:
A Cloud Based Storage System, is a work management software that has
unlimited file storage and makes it easy to share product documentation with
your team and stakeholders. All of its multiple project views share one source of
information to keep everyone on the same page.

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3(a)Project Scope statement

BrainBloom Prepared by: Sharmika Das Banhi

Project Scope Statement Date: 9.10.2023

General Project Information

Project Name: BrainBloom
Sponsor: Rownak Jahan Rinti
Project Manager: Sharmika Das Banhi
Problem/Opportunity Statement:
The growth has outpaced the Education department’s ability to efficiently manage and
distribute study materials. An improved method for organizing, accessing, and delivering study
materials is necessary to meet the educational objectives and enhance the learning experience
for students.

Project Objectives:
• To establish a comprehensive Study Forum Management System that efficiently organizes
and manages study materials for various courses and subjects.
• To facilitate easy access to study materials for students, teacher, and administrative staff.
• To improve the tracking and distribution of study materials, ensuring timely availability.
• To enrich students’ latent talent by issuing many quizzes and contest.
• To enhance the learning experience by providing a user-friendly platform for students to
access study materials.
• To make student-teacher correlation by question and answering section.
• To reduce administrative workload by automating the study material management process.

Project Description:
The Study Material Management System project aims to create a user-friendly platform that
streamlines the organization, access, and distribution of study materials within an educational
institution. The system will allow teachers to upload course materials, including lecture slides,
handouts, video tutorials, assignments, and reference documents. Students will have access to
these materials through a well-structured interface. Student will also able to participate in
many quizzes and contests and can post questions if they face any doubt during study and
students and teachers can solve the doubt by answering. Administrative staff will be able to
manage user accounts and oversee the system's operation.

Business Benefits:
• Improved organization and accessibility of study materials.
• Enhanced learning experience for students.
• Efficient tracking and distribution of study materials.
• Reduction in administrative workload through automation.
• Better utilization of educational resources.

Project Deliverables:
• Study Material Management System with user authentication.

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• User-friendly interface for students, teachers, and administrators.
• Secure storage and retrieval of study materials.
• User documentation and training materials.
• Testing and quality assurance reports.
• Implementation plan and support for system deployment.
Estimated Project Duration:
The estimated duration for this project is 7 months, considering the development, testing, and
deployment phases.

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3(b) User Story Card:

Front page Back page

Story Identifier: SFMS001 Story Name: Confirmation:

Study materials access Acceptance criteria examples:
As a student Functional Requirements:
Study Material Access:
I want to access study material 1.Can students easily access the section for
study materials from the platform’s main
so that I can be benefited.
2.Is there a clear pathway for students to find
study materials for their enrolled courses?
Content Categorization:
1.Can students sort study materials by courses
and subjects?
2.Are study materials clearly labeled with
relevant course names and topics?
Lecture Slides:
1.Can students view and download lecture
slides for their enrolled courses?
2.Is the process of accessing lecture slides
straightforward and without technical barriers?
Quick Search:
1.Is there a search functionality that enables
students to find specific study materials using
keywords or course names?

1.Can students rely on the platform to have
study materials ready for review in a timely
Access from Multiple
1.Can students access study materials from
both desktop and mobile devices?
1.Are study materials accessible only to
registered students and authorized faculty?

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Front page Back page

Story Identifier: SFMS002 Story Name: Confirmation:

Question post on BrainBloom Study Forum Acceptance criteria examples:
Management System Description:
As a student, Post Creation:
1.Can students create new posts containing
I want to post questions and their questions in the study forum?
seek clarification on the BrainBloom platform 2.Are students able to input the question
details, subject, and relevant tags?
So that I can receive help from teachers and Rich Text Formatting:
peers when I encounter difficulties. 1.Can students use basic formatting options
(such as bold, italic, bullet points) to enhance
the presentation of their questions?
Tagging and Categorization:
1.Are students able to assign relevant tags or
categories to their questions for better
organization and searchability?
Editing and Deleting:
1.Can students edit their own questions after
posting them?
2.Are students able to delete their questions if
1.Can other students and teachers reply to
questions posted by students?
2.Are threaded discussions enabled, allowing
for deeper conversations?

User-Friendly Interface:
1.Is the interface for posting questions
intuitive and easy to understand?
1.Do questions and responses load quickly to
ensure a smooth user experience?
2.Does the system maintain responsiveness
even during peak usage?
Privacy and Security:
1.Is student privacy maintained by not
displaying sensitive information in public
forum posts?

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Front page Back page

Story Identifier: SFMS003 Story Name: Confirmation:

Study materials upload Acceptance criteria examples:
Description: Authentication:
1.Can teachers log in using their credentials
As a teacher, before uploading course materials?
2.Are teachers required to have an authorized
I want to be able to upload course materials account to upload materials?
for my students, Material Upload:
1.Can teachers upload various types of
So that I can provide them with resources to materials, such as lecture slides, documents,
enhance their learning and understanding of and multimedia files?
the subject. 2.Is there a mechanism to associate the
uploaded materials with specific courses or
Metadata and Description:
1.Can teachers provide a title, description,
and relevant metadata for each uploaded
2.Is there a way to include information about
the content covered by the material?
File Format Compatibility: 1.Are there
restrictions on file formats for uploaded
materials, ensuring compatibility for students
to access?

1.Do materials upload efficiently and quickly
to provide a smooth user experience?
2.Does the system ensure responsiveness even
during periods of high material uploads?
1.Are teachers notified of successful material
uploads, along with any potential errors?
1.Are proper access controls in place to
prevent unauthorized users from uploading
2.Is sensitive information within materials
protected from unauthorized access?

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Front page Back page

Story Identifier: SFMS004 Confirmation:

Story Name: Programming Acceptance criteria examples:
Contests, Math Puzzles, and Quiz Contests Functional:
issue Description: As an administrator, Contest Creation:
1.Can I create new programming
I want to have the capability to issue contests within the system?
programming contests, math puzzles, and 2.Is there a way to define contest titles,
quiz descriptions, and associated dates?
contests, Problem Set Management:
1.Can I select and assign a set of
So that I can promote engagement, challenge programming problems to each contest?
students' skills, and provide a platform for 2.Is there a method to specify problem details,
academic competitions. input/output formats, and time limits?
Puzzle Creation:
1.Can I create new math puzzle challenges
within the platform?
2.Is there a mechanism to set up puzzle
descriptions, rules, and solution requirements?
Puzzle Access:
1.Can I make math puzzles accessible to
specific student groups or make them
available to all students?
Quiz Setup:
2.Is there an option to set up quiz titles,
questions, answer choices, and correct

1.Is the process of creating and issuing
contests, puzzles, and quizzes
2.Can I manage contests and puzzles without
encountering confusion or technical
1.Is access to contest creation and
management limited to authorized
2.Are contests and quizzes protected against
unauthorized access or tampering?

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Front page Back page

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Story Identifier: SFMS005 Story Name: Confirmation: Acceptance criteria
Programs, modules and student reports examples:
manage Description: As an Functional:
administrator, Program Creation:
1.Can I create new academic programs in the
I want to have the ability to manage programs system?
and modules 2.Am I able to assign a name, description,
within the system, and relevant metadata to each program?
Module Management:
So that I can ensure that the content is 1.Can I create, edit, and delete modules
organized, up-todate, and aligned with the within each program? 2.Is there an option to
curriculum. specify module names, descriptions, and
associated materials?
I also want to be able to manage student Association of Courses:
reports 1.Can I link courses to specific modules
effectively, within a program?
2.Is there a way to ensure that courses are
So that I can monitor their progress, identify logically organized within modules?
areas needing improvement, and provide Performance Metrics:
necessary support. 1.Can I view data on individual students'
grades, attendance, and engagement?
2.Am I able to compare student performance
across different courses and modules?
Custom Reports:
1.Can I generate custom reports based on
specific criteria, such as time period or
2.Is there a way to export these reports for
further analysis?

1.Is the interface for managing programs,
modules, and reports intuitive and user-
1.Do actions such as creating programs,
modules, or generating reports occur
1.Is access to program and module
management restricted to authorized

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3(c)Use Case Diagram:

Figure: Use Case Diagram For ‘BrainBloom’ Study Forum Management


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Description of Use Case Diagram

Use Case: Log in

Actors: Teacher

Purpose: Log into the system

Overview: Allow users to make an account in the system.

Normal Flow: 1. User fills in the necessary information.

2. User sets a password.
3. User enters into the system.

Use Case: Upload Course Material

Actors: Teacher.

Purpose: Upload video tutorials by teacher.

Overview: Allow users to upload video tutorials.

Normal Flow: 1. User upload video tutorial.

2. User makes it visible to the corresponding persons.
3. User changes a video if needed.

Use Case: Upload Course Materials

Actors: Teacher.

Purpose: Upload course materials by teacher

Overview: Allow users to upload course materials.

Normal Flow: 1. User upload course materials.

2. User makes it visible to the corresponding persons.
3. User changes a course material if needed.

27 | P a g e
Use Case: Give solution of questions

Actors: Teacher.

Purpose: Give solution of questions asked by students.

Overview: Allow users to give solutions of asked questions by students.

Normal Flow: 1. User upload questions solution asked by students.

2. User makes it visible to the corresponding persons.
3. User changes solutions if needed.

Use Case: Registration

Actors: Student

Purpose: Register into the system

Overview: Allow users to make an account in the system.

Normal Flow: 1. User fills in the necessary information.

2. User sets a password.
3. User enters into the system.

Use Case: Access video tutorial.

Actors: Student.

Purpose: Access video tutorials uploaded by teachers.

Overview: Allow users to get access of uploaded video tutorials.

Normal Flow: 1. User access video tutorials.

28 | P a g e
Use Case: Access course materials.

Actors: Student.

Purpose: Access course materials uploaded by teachers.

Overview: Allow users to get access of uploaded course materials.

Normal Flow: 1. User access course materials.

Use Case: Ask question

Actors: Student.

Purpose: Ask question if have confusion.

Overview: Allow users to ask questions to prevent confusion.

Normal Flow: 1. User asked questions of their confusions,

2. User expect to get solution.

Use Case: Give solution of previous years questions

Actors: Student.

Purpose: Give solution of previous years questions.

Overview: Allow users to give solutions of asked questions of previous years.

Normal Flow: 1. User upload questions solution of previous years.

2. User makes it visible to the corresponding persons.
3. User changes solutions if needed.

Use Case: Issue Quiz & Contest.

Actors: Administrator.

Purpose: Issue Quizzes & Contests for students.

Overview: Allow users to issue quizzes and contests.

Normal Flow: 1. User issue quiz & contests.

2. User makes it visible to the corresponding persons.
3. User changes solutions if needed.

29 | P a g e
Use Case: Access student report.

Actors: Administrator.

Purpose: Access student report.

Overview: Allow users to access students report.

Normal Flow: 1. User access students report.

2. User makes it visible to the corresponding persons.
3. User changes if needed.

Use Case: Update Program & Module

Actors: Administrator.

Purpose: Update program & modules of the system.

Overview: Allow users to update programs & modules.

Normal Flow: 1. User update programs & modules of the system.

2. User makes it visible to the corresponding persons.
3. User changes modules if needed.

30 | P a g e
3(d) Data Flow Diagram:
a. Context Diagram:

Fig1: Context diagram of ‘BrainBloom’-Study forum Management system.

For better view: Context Diagram.

31 | P a g e
b. 0-level Diagram:

Fig1: 0-Level diagram of ‘BrainBloom’-Study forum Management system.

For better view: 0-Level Diagram.

32 | P a g e
3(e) Entity-Relationship Diagram:

Fig1: Entity-Relationship diagram of ‘BrainBloom’-Study forum

Management system.

For better view: E-R Diagram.

33 | P a g e
Entity Description of E-R diagram:
Entity Description
Student A student is an individual who is enrolled in the system.
Students have access to course materials, video tutorials,
questions, solutions, previous years' questions' solutions,
quizzes, and other educational resources.
Teacher A teacher or instructor is responsible for delivering educational
content, conducting lectures, creating course materials,
uploading video tutorials and interacting with students.
Administrator An administrator is responsible for managing the overall
operation of the study material management system. They
oversee student reports user accounts, course materials, video
tutorials, and ensure the system runs smoothly. Administrator
also create and manage quizzes, contests, and other learning
activities, update programs and modules.
Course Material Course materials are resources such as textbooks, lecture notes,
presentations, and reading materials that are used for teaching
and learning within specific courses.
Video Tutorial Video tutorials are educational videos that provide step-by-step
guidance on specific topics or concepts related to courses. They
enhance the learning experience by visual demonstration.
Question Questions are sets of queries or problems related to course
content. These can be used for assessments, assignments, and
Solution Solutions are answers or explanations provided for the
questions. They help students understand how to solve
problems and learn from their mistakes.
Previous years’ questions’ A repository of solutions to questions from previous years'
solution exams or assignments, used as a reference by students and
Quiz & Contest An interactive assessment or competition tool that allows
students to participate in quizzes, contests, or assessments.
Programs & Module Programs and modules are updating versions of system,
modification and editing occurrence take place in a system.
Student Report A report generated for individual students, summarizing their
academic performance, quiz scores, progress in
programs/modules, and other relevant information.

34 | P a g e
3(f) Forms, Reports, and Interfaces with Narrative
Overview of Class Management System:
Narrative overview:
Form: Study Fourm Management System student login
Users: Students
Tasks: Take necessary information to verify identity. Then after getting the confirmation key
from the system, sign him/her up in the system.
System: Microsoft Windows, Android, Linux and IOS.
Environment: The Study Material Management System operates in a dynamic educational
Digitalization: It converts traditional educational materials, such as textbooks, lecture notes,
and assignments, into digital formats.
Accessibility: The system is accessible via web browsers on laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
Data Management: Stringent data security measures are in place to safeguard sensitive
educational materials and user data.

35 | P a g e
Fig1: Student Sign up or Log-in screen of ‘BrainBloom’ Study Forum Management System

Narrative overview:
Form: Study Forum Management System student homepage
Users: Students
Tasks: Shows the options available for the students & shows necessary information.
System: Microsoft Windows, Android, Linux and IOS.
Environment: The Study Material Management System operates in a dynamic educational
Digitalization: It converts traditional educational materials, such as textbooks, lecture notes,
and assignments, into digital formats.
Accessibility: The system is accessible via web browsers on laptops, tablets, and
Data Management: Stringent data security measures are in place to safeguard sensitive
educational materials and user data.

Fig2: Student Homepage of ‘BrainBloom’ Study Forum Management System

36 | P a g e
37 | P a g e
Narrative overview:
Form: Study Forum Management System student homepage
Users: Students
Tasks: Shows the options available for the students & shows necessary information.
System: Microsoft Windows, Android, Linux and IOS.
Environment: The Study Material Management System operates in a dynamic educational
Digitalization: It converts traditional educational materials, such as textbooks, lecture notes,
and assignments, into digital formats.
Accessibility: The system is accessible via web browsers on laptops, tablets, and
Data Management: Stringent data security measures are in place to safeguard sensitive
educational materials and user data.

Fig3: Student Hom (Within Study Materials) of ‘BrainBloom’ Study Forum Management

38 | P a g e
Narrative overview:
Form: Study Forum Management System student homepage
Users: Students
Tasks: Shows the options available for the students & shows necessary information.
System: Microsoft Windows, Android, Linux and IOS.
Environment: The Study Material Management System operates in a dynamic educational
Digitalization: It converts traditional educational materials, such as textbooks, lecture notes,
and assignments, into digital formats.
Accessibility: The system is accessible via web browsers on laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
Data Management: Stringent data security measures are in place to safeguard sensitive
educational materials and user data.


Student Homepage (After selecting information of page 3) of ‘BrainBloom’ Study Forum

Management System

39 | P a g e
Narrative overview:
Form: Study Forum Management System student homepage
Users: Students
Tasks: Shows the options available for the students & shows necessary information.
System: Microsoft Windows, Android, Linux and IOS.
Environment: The Study Material Management System operates in a dynamic educational
Digitalization: It converts traditional educational materials, such as textbooks, lecture notes,
and assignments, into digital formats.
Accessibility: The system is accessible via web browsers on laptops, tablets, and
Data Management: Stringent data security measures are in place to safeguard sensitive
educational materials and user data.

Fig5: Student Homepage (Within Question & Solution) of ‘BrainBloom’ Study Forum
Management System

40 | P a g e
Narrative overview:
Form: Study Forum Management System student homepage
Users: Students
Tasks: Shows the options available for the students & shows necessary information.
System: Microsoft Windows, Android, Linux and IOS.
Environment: The Study Material Management System operates in a dynamic educational
Digitalization: It converts traditional educational materials, such as textbooks, lecture notes,
and assignments, into digital formats.
Accessibility: The system is accessible via web browsers on laptops, tablets, and
Data Management: Stringent data security measures are in place to safeguard sensitive
educational materials and user data.

Fig6: Student Homepage (Within Quiz and Contest) of ‘BrainBloom’ Study Forum
Management System

41 | P a g e
Narrative overview:
Form: Study Forum Management System Teacher log-in page
Users: Students
Tasks: Take necessary information to verify identity. Then after getting the confirmation key
from the system, sign him/her up in the system.
System: Microsoft Windows, Android, Linux and IOS.
Environment: The Study Material Management System operates in a dynamic educational
Digitalization: It converts traditional educational materials, such as textbooks, lecture notes,
and assignments, into digital formats.
Accessibility: The system is accessible via web browsers on laptops, tablets, and
Data Management: Stringent data security measures are in place to safeguard sensitive
educational materials and user data.

Fig7: Teacher Sign up or Log-in screen of ‘BrainBloom’ Study Forum Management System

42 | P a g e
Narrative overview:
Form: Study Forum Management System Teacher homepage
Users: Students
Tasks: Shows the options available for the teachers & shows necessary information.
System: Microsoft Windows, Android, Linux and IOS.
Environment: The Study Material Management System operates in a dynamic educational
Digitalization: It converts traditional educational materials, such as textbooks, lecture notes,
and assignments, into digital formats.
Accessibility: The system is accessible via web browsers on laptops, tablets, and
Data Management: Stringent data security measures are in place to safeguard sensitive
educational materials and user data.

Fig8: Teacher Homepage of ‘BrainBloom’ Study Forum Management System

43 | P a g e
Narrative overview:
Form: Study Forum Management System Teacher homepage
Users: Students
Tasks: Shows the options available for the teachers & shows necessary information.
System: Microsoft Windows, Android, Linux and IOS.
Environment: The Study Material Management System operates in a dynamic educational
Digitalization: It converts traditional educational materials, such as textbooks, lecture notes,
and assignments, into digital formats.
Accessibility: The system is accessible via web browsers on laptops, tablets, and
Data Management: Stringent data security measures are in place to safeguard sensitive
educational materials and user data.

Fig9: Teacher Homepage (Within Course of several Discipline) of ‘BrainBloom’ Study

Forum Management System

44 | P a g e
Narrative overview:
Form: Study Forum Management System Teacher homepage
Users: Students
Tasks: Shows the options available for the teachers & shows necessary information.
System: Microsoft Windows, Android, Linux and IOS.
Environment: The Study Material Management System operates in a dynamic educational
Digitalization: It converts traditional educational materials, such as textbooks, lecture notes,
and assignments, into digital formats.
Accessibility: The system is accessible via web browsers on laptops, tablets, and
Data Management: Stringent data security measures are in place to safeguard sensitive
educational materials and user data.

Fig 10: Teacher Homepage (After selecting information of page 11) of ‘BrainBloom’ Study
Forum Management System

45 | P a g e
Narrative overview:
Form: Study Forum Management System administrator homepage
Users: Students
Tasks: Shows the options available for the administrator & shows necessary information.
System: Microsoft Windows, Android, Linux and IOS.
Environment: The Study Material Management System operates in a dynamic educational
Digitalization: It converts traditional educational materials, such as textbooks, lecture notes,
and assignments, into digital formats.
Accessibility: The system is accessible via web browsers on laptops, tablets, and
Data Management: Stringent data security measures are in place to safeguard sensitive
educational materials and user data.

Fig7: Teacher Sign up or Log-in screen of ‘BrainBloom’ Study Forum Management System

46 | P a g e
Narrative overview:
Report: Study Forum Management System About Us
Users: Students, Teachers, Administrator
Tasks: Shows the vision of the system and talk about the system.
System: Microsoft Windows, Android, Linux and IOS.
Environment: The Study Material Management System operates in a dynamic educational
Digitalization: It converts traditional educational materials, such as textbooks, lecture notes,
and assignments, into digital formats.
Accessibility: The system is accessible via web browsers on laptops, tablets, and
Data Management: Stringent data security measures are in place to safeguard sensitive
educational materials and user data.

Fig7: About Us screen of ‘BrainBloom’ Study Forum Management System

47 | P a g e
4.Economic Feasibility
4(a) Feasibility Analysis:
Tangible Cost:
One Time Cost Analysis:

One Time Cost Analysis

‘BrainBloom’ Study Forum Management System
Year 0
1. Hardware:
a. PC 60675.00৳
b. Monitor 15000.00৳
c. Network device 5000.00৳
d. Router 2000.00৳
e. Printer 10000.00৳
f. other materials 5000.00৳

2. Development Cost: 15000.00৳

3. Service Cost: 3000.00৳

4. Site Visiting: 2000.00৳

5. Other costs: 1000.00৳

Total One Time Cost: 118675.00৳

Fig: One Time Cost Calculation of ‘BrainBloom’ Study Forum Management System

48 | P a g e
Recurring Cost Calculation:
Recurring Cost Calculation
‘BrainBloom’ Study Forum Management System
Year 1 to 5
1.Software Maintenance: 12000.00৳

2.Website Hosting: 40000.00৳

Total Recuring Cost: 52000.00৳

Fig: Recuring Cost Calculation of ‘BrainBloom’ Study Forum Management System

Tangible Cost Calculation:

Tangible Cost Calculation
Study Forum Management System Project
Year 1 through 5
1. Cost reduction or avoidance ৳10,000
2. Increased flexibility ৳5,000
3. Donation ৳5,000
4. Improvement in management planning or control ৳10,000
5. Improvement in communication ৳10,000

TOTAL tangible benefits ৳50,000

49 | P a g e
Intangible Benefit & Cost Calculation:

Intangible Benefit Calculation

Study Forum Management System Project
Year 1 through 5
 Less communication gaps.  Better performance of
 Improved student-student & student- the students.
teacher relationship.  More efficient
 Feasible management of study materials information passing.

Intangible Cost Calculation

Study Forum Management System Project
Year 1 through 5
 Improved processing efficiency  Usage of resources
 Communication gap.  Asset utilization
 Resource control.
 Investigate more alternatives

High Large Project Low risk (very Low risk

Familiarity susceptible to
Low Structure High Structure
with mismanagement)
Technology or Small Project Very low risk (very Very Low risk
Application susceptible to
Area mismanagement)
Low Large Project Very high risk Medium risk
with Small project High risk Medium low risk
Technology or
Risk Analysis:
As our project is small and high structure the risk is very low.

50 | P a g e
4(b) Break-Even analysis:

51 | P a g e
Fig: Break-Even fanalysis of ‘BrainBloom’ Study Forum Management System
Fig: 2D graph of Break-Even analysis

5.Management Procedure & methodology of Study Forum

Management Procedure:
As an Information System development group, we recommend adopting the Agile methodology
for the development of the Class Management System. The Agile methodology is particularly
well-suited for projects like ours, where the requirements are subject to change, and frequent user
feedback is essential. This approach emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and iterative
development, making it an ideal choice for delivering a system that meets the evolving needs of
our users. It is a methodology where it ensures breaking projects down into several dynamic
phases, commonly known as sprints. One of the unique aspects of software development is that
teams can focus on customer needs much more closely than other industries. With the rise of
cloud-based software, teams can get feedback from their actual customers quickly.
Since customer satisfaction is a key driver for software development, it’s easy to see why it was
included in the Agile process. By collaborating with customers, Agile teams can prioritize
features that focus on customer needs. When those needs change, teams can take an Agile
approach and shift to a different project. So, this methodology is used in our system.

52 | P a g e
6. Project Charter:
Project Charter
Project ‘Brainbloom’ Study Forum Management System
Created By Sharmika Das Banhi Date 15.09.23
Phone 01707024864 Email
Mission This project is for making the current offline system of study forum
management system online. Besides the current features provided by
this organization, new and improved features can be introduced by this
• To unify and support students through effective communication,
organized study materials, competitive activities, and knowledge-based
• To support mathematics research through the participation in
mathematic quiz.
• To support competitive programming nature to issue programming
• To enrich general knowledge by quizzes and build a student-teacher
cooperative environment by question answering.
Objectives Currently BrainBloom is conducting only in the locality of Khulna
University. By replacing this with an online comprehensive platform
the organization can expand its network through all over the country.
Our vision is to make a permanent platform where students from
different levels can gain knowledge and have organized study material
spontaneously and facilitate various learning modules to enhance their
thinking abilities.

Deliverables • Organize study materials in a appropriate way.

• Make Questions and Publish Solutions.
• Issue quizzes and contests.
• Maintain A Database to Store Files Related to the system.
Stakeholders Project Management Team:
Sharmika Das Banhi, Taohiduzzaman Firoz.
Sponsor: Rownak Jahan Rinti
Mobile: 01777006321
Communicatio Main channels of communication:
Google Collab, G-mail, Team Meet Up.

53 | P a g e
Documentatio Project Manager:
A Cloud Based Storage System, is a work management software that
n has unlimited file storage and makes it easy to share product
documentation with your team and stakeholders. All of its multiple
project views share one source of information to keep everyone on the
same page.

Project manager Sponsor

54 | P a g e
7. Project Schedule with activity list, Gantt chart, and
network diagram of Study Forum Management
Activity List
Project No: 001 Full Project Name: BrainBloom Study
Forum Management
Date: 21.09.23 Project Manager: Sharmika Bas Banhi

7(a) Activity List:

Activity List Activity Attributes
Activity Activity Name: Date: Predecessors’ IDs
1 Defining 10/09/2023 N/A
2 Interview 10/09/2023 N/A
3 Designing 10/09/2023 N/A
interview form
4 Schedule 10/10/2023 3
5 Conduct 10/12/2023 4
6 Review current 10/12/2023 7
7 Collect reports 10/12/2023 N/A
8 Review reports 10/16/2023 7
9 Summarize 10/17/2023 5,8
10 Project 10/18/2023 1
11 Feasibility 10/18/2023 1
12 Management 10/19/2023 10
13 Interface 10/18/2023 N/A

55 | P a g e
7(b) Gantt Chart:

Fig: Gantt Chart of BrainBloom Study Forum Management System

56 | P a g e
7(c) Network Diagram:

Fig: Network Diagram of BrainBloom Study Forum Management System

57 | P a g e
7(d) PERT (Program Evolution Review Technique) Analysis:
weeks) (ET)
(o + 4r + p /6)
o r p
Requirement Collection 1 5 9 5
Screen design 5 6 7 6
Report design 3 6 9 6
Database design 1 2 3 2
User Documentation 2 6 7 5.5
Testing 4 5 6 5

Fig: PERT Analysis of BrainBloom Study Forum Management System

58 | P a g e
8. Business Document:

Fig: Business Documents of BrainBloom Study forum management system

59 | P a g e

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