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(1° slide)- What does "Anti-Semitism" mean ?

This term is used to designate prejudice, discrimination and hatred against
the Jewish people. As it were, it assigns the Jews an exceptional position
among all other civilizations, devaluing them as an inferior group and
denying that they are part of the nation in which they reside. Antisemitism
is considered a form of racism.
Anti-Semitism appeared at different times and in different forms : as
religious persecution, social, political and economic exclusion, torture and
(2° slide)- Example
Religious prejudice is also manifested through attitudes of intolerance and
attempts to invalidate other people's beliefs, religion and religious rituals.
This type of prejudice, depending on the intensity that occurs, can lead to
violent demonstrations, persecution and wars.
This prejudice already comes from many years ago, as in the Middle Ages,
and continues also more recently, as the period of the Holocaust of the
Jews in Germany that happened between 1933 (nineteen thirty-three) and
lasted until 1945 (nineteen hundred and forty five) ;

(3°slide)- Holocaust, example

The Holocaust period is the best example that in my opinion shows us the
concept of Anti-Semitism. At that time, people who had a different
religion, in this case Judaism, were punished, mistreated and killed. In
Germany, Jews were taken to the Aushwitz concentration camp, where
they were forced to work in terrible conditions, many times they were not
fed and at the end of all this work, the lives of many Jews ended up in the
gas chambers, where they were sent to die. While they were there, it was
lucky if they went to sleep at night and still woke up the next day.
(4° slide)- Graphs
Now, I found this graph that shows the number of anti-Semitic incidents
recorded in the United States in recent years. Here we can see that
unfortunately the number of cases has increased over the years. I also
found this graphic about Germany and we can see that year after year the
bad thinking of the Jews still continues.

(5°slide)- Martin Niemöller

One of the most prominent people in the fight against anti-Semitism was
Martin Niemöller. He was a German shepherd, a public enemy of Hitler
and became known for his anti-Nazi speech.

(6° slide)- Anne Frank's Diary

I chose to talk about this topic because I recently read Anne Frank's Diary
and it's about her life in this period of time because she is also Jewish so
she also went through many conflicts because of her religion. I don't like
to read much and I loved this book, so I highly recommend it to anyone
who likes to talk about this subject.


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