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1 1
B - P2Q

2 C 1

3 strong attractive forces/strong 1

ionic bonds in lithium nitride

weak (attractive) forces between 1

molecules in NF3

4(a) soft because weak forces 1

between layers/sheets/rows

layers can slip/slide 1

good conductor because 1

electrons can move/mobile

4(b) it is soft: pencils or lubricant or 1


good conductor: electrodes or 1

brushes (in electric motors)

5(a) 6Li + N2 = 2Li3N 2

species (1) balancing (1)

5(b) N ion drawn correctly 1
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charges correct (minimum 1 × 1

Li ion and 1 nitride ion)

6(a) every silicon atom is 1

bonded/attached to 4 oxygen
atoms or every oxygen
bonded/attached to two silicon

6(b) Any two from: 2

high melting point/boiling point
colourless crystals/shiny
poor/non-conductor of
insoluble in water

7 3 × shared pairs between N and 1


only 2 non-bonding electrons on 1 COND on first point

N, 6 non-bonding electrons on
each F

8(a) ions / cations and anions 1
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8(b) solid 1
(particles / ions) close together

(particles / ions) regularly 1

arranged / in rows / lattice

9 1
A - X and Y are atoms of
different elements.

10 1
C - the total number of neutrons
and protons in the nucleus of an

11 A 1

12 1
B - Argon has fewer protons
than potassium.

13 have same proton number / 1

same element / same atomic

different number of neutrons / 1

nucleons / mass number

14 number of nucleons = 45; 1
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number of charged particles = 1


15 1
B - 1 and 3

16(a) diffusion 1

16(b) silicon(IV) oxide is a solid, 1

whereas carbon dioxide is a

16(c) photosynthesis (1) 5

chlorophyll / chloroplasts (1)
sunlight / UV (light) (1)
6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2
M1 species correct
M2 balanced

17 a substance made from two (or 2

more) elements (1)
chemically combined (1)

18(a) radioisotopes 1

18(b) Fl 114p 172n 114e (1) 2
Fl 114p 175n 114e (1)
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19(a) calcium / Ca 1

19(b) 7 1

19(c) 4 1

20 C4H10 is covalent (1) 2

KF is ionic (1)

21 all bonding pairs correct and no 2

extra incorrect non-bonding
electrons (1)
4 non-bonding electrons on O
completing oxygen octet (1)

22 silicon / Si 1

23 one bonding pair (1) 2

six non-bonding electrons on
each atom (1)
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24 (ionic): made of, positive and 2

negative ions / anions and
cations / oppositely charged
ions / unlike charged
ions / different charged ions
regular / sequence / pattern /
alternating / repeated / framework/

25 3+ 1

26 similar: number of protons AND 2

electrons (1)
different: number of neutrons

27(a) same number of (or 2) outer 1


27(b) (Sr has) outer electrons in the 1

5th shell

28 one shared pair between each 2

H and C (1)
three shared pairs of electrons
between the C atoms and no
other unpaired electrons (1)
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29 oxygen 1

30 high melting point or high boiling 3

dissolve in water
conduct (electricity) when molten
conduct (electricity) in aqueous

31 sodium chloride 1

32(a) M1 11 4
M2 18
M3 2.8.8
M4 –1

32(b) A AND B 1

32(c) Li / Lithium 1

32(d) it has, a complete / full / 1

8 electrons, in the outer shell

33(a) chlorine / argon 1

33(b) sodium 1
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

33(c) argon 1

33(d) sulfur 1

33(e) aluminium 1

33(f) silicon 1

33(g) chlorine 1

34(a) gas / gaseous 1

34(b) M1 1 shared pair of electrons 2

M2 6 non-bonding electrons on
each atom to complete an

34(c) 2Na + F2 → 2NaF 2

M1 NaF anywhere
M2 equation fully correct

34(d) chlorine less reactive than 1

fluorine ORA

35 M1 6 protons in all three rows 2

M2 6,7 and 8 neutrons
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36 number of protons (1) 2

protons in the nucleus (of an
atom) (1)

37(a) M1 same number of electrons 2

M2 (same number of) electrons
in outer shell

37(b) Mg + 2HCl → MgCl 2 + H2 2

M1 MgCl 2 as product
M2 fully correct equation

37(c) M1 test: lighted / burning splint 2

M2 result: (squeaky) pop

38 M1 (lattice of) positive 3

ions / cations
M2 (delocalised / sea of)
M3 attraction / attract between
positive and negative

39 M1 electrons 18 3
M2 neutrons 24
M3 protons 20
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40 M1 electron AND −1 3
M2 proton AND (in the) nucleus
M3 neutron AND 1 AND 0 / nil

[Total: 105]

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