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Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

Region X
Division of Gingoog City
Brgy 11, Gingoog City
Writer: Joylene V. Cagasan
School: San Juan Central School

Content Standards: The learners demonstrate understanding of the different

components of weather using simple instruments.

Performance Standards: The learners should be able to practice precautionary

measures in planning activities.

Learning Competency and Code: Identify safety precautions during different

weather conditions (S4ES-IVg-8)

Quarter: 4 Week:7 Day: 8

I. Objectives:
At the end of the 60-minute period, the learners should be able to identify
safety precautions during different weather conditions with 75% proficiency

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Safety Precautions during different weather conditions
Materials: pictures, Chart, Picture, Ball, Envelope, Box
Strategies: 7Es Learning Model, Cooperative Learning
Integration: MAPEH - Singing a song with proper rhythm/Slogan Making
ESP- Kindness and Helpful
Health- Healthy Measure
References: Science 4 Teacher’s Guide, pp.327-335
Curriculum Guide August 2016
III. Learning Tasks:
Teacher’s Activities Learner’s Expected Responses
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Prayer
Holy Spirit, Amen…
Let’s all stand for our morning prayer.
In the name of the Father, the Son,

2. Greetings
Good Morning Everyone! Good Morning Teacher Joy!

How are you today? We’re all good Teacher!

Good to hear that!
You may all now be sited.
Is anyone absent for today?

Classroom Rule
Everyone let’s all read our Classroom
The 4P’s and R
The 4 P’s & R: 1. Be Positive
2. Be Productive
1. Be Positive 3. Be Polite
2. Be Productive 4. Be Prepared
3. Be Polite
5. Be Respectful
4. Be Prepared
5. Be Respectful

These classrooms rules correspond with the

Behavioral Chart. This means you can earn points in
your respective group if you will observe our classroom
rules. The group will have the most number of sun, rain
and windy will receive additional points in class
participation. This row will be the Sunny Group, this
row will be the Rainy Group and this row will be the
Windy Group.
Yes, Teacher!
Am I understood class?
B. Development Activities
1. ELICIT (5mins.) “Picture Prompt Strategy”
Integration of MAPEH: Singing of a Weather
Song “To the tune of Bingo”.

There was a time when we felt hot

There was a time when we felt hot
And sunny was the weather
And sunny was the weather
S-U-N-N-Y, S-U-N-N-Y, S-U-N-N-Y
S-U-N-N-Y, S-U-N-N-Y, S-U-N-N-Y
And sunny was the weather.
And sunny was the weather.
There was a time when were wet
There was a time when were wet
And rainy was the weather
And rainy was the weather
R-A-I-N-Y, R-A-I-N-Y, R-A-I-N-Y
R-A-I-N-Y, R-A-I-N-Y, R-A-I-N-Y
And rainy was the weather.
And rainy was the weather.
There was a time when we felt cold
There was a time when we felt cold
And windy was the weather
And windy was the weather
W-I-N-D-Y, W-I-N-D-Y, W-I-N-D-Y
W-I-N-D-Y, W-I-N-D-Y, W-I-N-D-Y
And windy was the weather.
And windy was the weather.

Let’s have an activity. It is called Picture Prompt. I have

here picture on the board. You are going to describe or
say something about your nice and not so nice
experiences about it.

(Pupil’s say their

experiences about

Teacher it’s a sunny,

What’s the weather in these pictures?
rainy and windy day.

Very Good!

For further understanding about this concept.

2. ENGAGE (5 mins.) “Sun Relay Strategy”

Let’s have a game. The game called Sun Relay.

I will play the music and you pass the sun to your
classmates, when the music stop the one who
hold the sun will strip and read the task given.
Am I understood class? Yes, Teacher!

1st Strip: Give one activity you

do during windy days.

2nd Strip: Give one activity you

do during sunny day.

3rd Strip: Give at least two things

that can be used during rainy

4th Strip:
Situation: it’s raining
outside.Anna and Mary are
going home. Mary can’t go
because she didn’t bring an
umbrella but Anna have one.
What Anna will do?

ESP Integration: Kindness and Helpful

Yes, Very Good! Anna help Mary so, she share
her umbrella to Mary. Is it good to be kind and
helpful to other people? Yes, teacher!

That’s good to hear!

Why it is important to be kind and helpful? Teacher, being kind and helpful
towards other people can make us feel
good, makes us feel warm and it’s like
you accomplished something for
What help can we extend to the following situation

What help would you do

when your friend does
not have an umbrella?
I share it to him/her.

What help would you do

when the man is thirty?

I give him water.

What help would you do

when your neighbor is
affecting by flooding
caused of heavy rain?
I will help my neighbor to clean their
What help would you do
when your father is
preparing to fixed the
roof before the windy
I will assist my father by giving him the
days came.
tools that he need.

What help would you do

when your little brother
have a fever?
I will give him a medicine.

Very Good!

3. Explore (20 mins.) “Group Activity”

Health Integration: Healthy Measure

To widen more your knowledge about our

topic, let’s have another activity. I will divide

the class into 3 groups. Sunny group, rainy

group and windy group. Choose a leader,

reporter and encourager. Wear your visor

according to your rule. I will give each group

an envelope, inside of it have pictures and a

guide questions. Post your output on the

Yes, Teacher!
chart and report it in front of the class.

Sunny Group

Am I clear class? Kinds of Weather Sunny

Condition: Days

Safety Precautions

Healthy Tips: -Try to avoid

activities as much
as possible.
-Drink lots of water.
-Stay out of the sun.
-Eat healthy foods
to keep you

Rainy Group
Kinds of Weather Rainy Day
Safety Precautions

Healthy Tips: -Don’t get wet so,

you don’t get sick.
-Eat soup to keep
you warm.
-Use raincoat and
umbrella, it shelter
you from the rain.

Windy Group
Kinds of Weather Windy
Condition: Days



Healthy Tips: -Use thick clothes to

keep you warm.
-Listen to advisories
on radio or TV
about the weather.
Guide Questions: -Stay indoors away
1. What kind of weather condition it is? from windows
2. What are the safety precautions shown from keep you safe.
the picture?
3. What are the healthy tips you do to protect
oneself from these kind of weather condition?
4. Why do we need to follow safety precautions
during different weather conditions?
4. Explain (5 mins.)
( short video presentation)

Now, are you done? (Pupils present their output.)

Let’s hear the presentation of output.
I will check later if your output is correct.

Thank you children!

Let’s give ourselves a Dionesia Clap
1,2,3(clap) 1,2,3 (stamp) Very Good
Very Good, Very Good!
To be safe and to avoid any harmful

Class, why do we need to follow safety accident.

precautions during different weather

Very well said!

Extreme weather is a normal occurrence, but

frequency and acclimation don't make these weather
events any less dangerous. Prepare for inclement
weather by learning safety precautions for general
weather, tornadoes, hurricanes, thunderstorms, and

Weather Can Be Dangerous

They say a little rain never hurt anyone, but
sadly that isn't true. Although most of the weather we
experience in our daily lives is not particularly
dangerous, even light weather has its risks. Rain can
cause a car to hydroplane and crash, and spending too
much time in the sun can cause sunburn. But the
biggest risks come from the most extreme weather,
such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and lightning.
In fact, hundreds of people die every year in the United
States from extreme weather - and that doesn't include
the thousands who are injured. The best way to avoid
being a statistic is to stay informed and be prepared.
And no, this isn't just for Boy and Girl Scouts.

General Precautions
The single most important thing you can do is simply
check the weather forecast. Many injuries happen
because people are not aware of extreme weather until
they're right in the middle of it. Watching TV, checking
online, or listening to the radio can help you stay
Unfortunately, sometimes just being informed isn't
enough. What things can you do to keep you and your
family safe? A lot depends on the exact type of
weather, but there are also a few safety precautions
that are always a good idea.
First, you should have a disaster plan ready for you
and your family, no matter your location - school, work,
and at home. Another idea is to create a disaster
supplies kit containing flashlights, a hand-cranked
radio, water and dried food, a first-aid kit, and various
other useful items. There are long lists of emergency
items available on the Internet just a Google search
away. You can also have the local evacuation route
mapped out, with a copy of the map in your kit.

5. Elaborate (10 mins.) “Hyperlink and Show

Me Strategy”
I. Generalization
For you to learn further about the safety precautions
during different weather conditions, let’s do another
activity called “Show Me”. I will show you pictures and
choose the right answer.

Take a look at this…

Direction: Identify the safety precaution during

different weather conditions.
(Teacher called the pupil’s)
Take the picture from the board
Let’s see if your answer is correct .
(Pupil’s participate actively)
II. Application
Synthesis: “Pick Me
Strategy” Teacher wears a hat etc.

I have here a Pick Me Box. Each one of you will

pick the strip of paper inside the box. The one Teacher use raincoat and umbrella.
who got the word “Pick Me” written on it will answer the
Teacher wear think clothes like
sweeter or coat.
1. What are you going to do to be safe during a
hot/sunny weather? Teacher we need to follow safety
2. What are you going to do be safe during rainy precautions to be safe and prevent
unnecessary injuries and illnesses.
3. What are you going to do be safe during windy
4. Why do we need to follow these safety

Excellent Children!
IV. Evaluation (10 mins.)

Direction: Read and understand each

statement. Identify safety precaution during different
weather conditions. Put (/) if the statement shows
safety precautions during different weather condition
1. /
and put (x) if it is not.

___________1. Wear hat or umbrella to 2. X

protect ourselves from the heat of the sun.

___________2. Burn dried leaves after 3. /

sweeping the ground.

___________3. Take protection to your

homes in case of high winds.
4. /
___________4. Always use umbrella and
raincoats to stay dry when walking under the rain.
5. /
___________5. Use wide-brimmed hat when
working in the fields.
V. Extend:

Art/ English Integration:

In a long bond paper, make a slogan which tells
about keeping ourselves safe and protected
during different weather conditions.

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