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Dental Materials 19 (2003) 245±251

Determination of residual double bonds in resin±dentin interface

by Raman spectroscopy
M. Miyazaki a,*, H. Onose a, N. Iida b, H. Kazama b
Department of Operative Dentistry, Nihon University School of Dentistry, 1-8-13, Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 101-8310, Japan
Research Laboratories, Tokuyama Corp., 40, Wadai, Tsukuba-city, Ibaraki 300-4247, Japan
Received 30 January 2001; revised 6 September 2001; accepted 4 December 2001

Objectives: The quality of the hybrid layer is believed to be more important than the thickness of this layer. The purpose of this study was
to investigate a method to analyze the percentage of adhesive resin residual double bonds in the dentin±resin interface using laser Raman
Methods: Bovine dentin was treated with dentin adhesives and resin composite was bonded according to the manufacturers' instructions.
The specimens were sectioned parallel to dentinal tubules and the surfaces were then polished to 1 mm diamond pastes. Raman spectra were
recorded along a line perpendicular to the dentin±resin interface in steps of 0.2 mm. The measurement of residual CyC bond was made on a
relative basis by comparing the CyC unpolymerized methacrylate stretching vibration (1638 cm 21) against the CyO stretching mode of the
ester group (1719 cm 21). The percentage of residual double bonds including pendant and monomeric double bonds was calculated by
comparing the obtained ratio with that of uncured adhesive resin.
Results: The amount of residual double bonds in the hybrid layer varied from 10 to 25% compared to the uncured adhesives, a relatively
higher percentage was detected for Fluoro Bond (12.3±23.6%) and Single Bond (9.5±21.8%), and lower for Mac Bond II (10.6±18.0%) and
Mega Bond (10.7±16.3%). No relationship was seen between the percentage of remaining double bonds and the location within the resin±
dentin interface.
Signi®cance: Laser Raman microscopy used was a useful tool for measuring the residual double bonds in the dentin±resin interface.
q 2003 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Laser Raman microscopy; Residual double bond; Dentin bonding; Hybrid layer

1. Introduction If the super®cial dentin is completely demineralized and

the resin monomer in®ltration is complete, the hybrid layer
A strong and durable bond between resin restoration and consists of approximately 70 vol% of resin and 30 vol% of
tooth is needed to prevent microleakage and formation of collagen ®bers [9]. Mechanical properties of the adhesive
marginal gap. Excellent adaptation of resin to dentin with resin in the hybrid layer should play an important role in
monomer penetration has been reported with scanning and creation of a durable bond [10]. Due to the solubility para-
transmission electron microscopic studies [1±4]. The hybrid meter theory that controls resin in®ltration [11,12], and
layer is believed to be one of the most effective mechanisms the presence of collagen ®bers, there is a probability that
in dentin bonding [5]. Morphological examination of the incomplete resin penetration may occur [13,14]. The exis-
hybrid layer has revealed that the bond strength and sealing tence of a decalci®ed collagen layer not impregnated by
ability of bonding systems are not related to the thickness of resin at the base of the hybrid layer might weaken the
this layer but seem to correlate with the quality of the dentin dentin±resin bond [15]. Even if the full penetration into
substrate [6±8]. Although many advances have been made the decalci®ed dentin occurs, the degree of double bond
in understanding the hybridization process, several impor- conversion of adhesive resin in the hybrid layer is not
tant questions remain with respect to physical and mechani- known. The presence of intrinsic water in dentin and
cal properties of this layer. solvents such as ethanol and acetone in bonding agent
may affect polymerization of resinous components in the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 181-3-3219-8141; fax: 181-3-3219-8347. hybrid layer [16]. Inadequate polymerization of the
E-mail address: (M. Miyazaki). adhesive monomers or small oligomers might attract
0109-5641/03/$30.00 + 0.00 q 2003 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0109-564 1(02)00039-8
246 M. Miyazaki et al. / Dental Materials 19 (2003) 245±251

water, leading to their slow extraction and diminished bond-

Bonding systems used in this study (4-AET: 4-acryloxyethyltrimellitic acid, HEMA: 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate, UDMA: urethane di-methacrylate, 5-MNSA: N-methacryloyl 5-aminosalicylic acid, Phenyl-P:
2-methacryloyloxyethyl phenyl hydrogen phosphate, MDP: 10-methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate; Bis-GMA: bisphenol-glycidyl methacrylate, MAC-10: 11-methacryloxy-11-undecarboxylic acid,

00687 A
Lot. no.

ing properties. However, due to thin thickness of the hybrid

layer, insuf®cient information with respect to the quality of
the resin±dentin interface is available. The presence of
oxygen is known to inhibit the polymerization of resin
composite. The bonding resin, which is placed in a very

Pal®que Estelite
Clear®l AP-X
thin layer, might be more susceptible to oxygen inhibition
Lite-Fil II A

Filtek Z250
of the polymerization. It has been reported that air thinning
the bonding resin prior to light irradiation signi®cantly

reduced dentin bond strength [17]. The thicker layer is

necessary to make the inner region of the bonding resin to
be less in¯uenced by oxygen inhibition. The effect of
oxygen was responsible for the formation of an inhibited
Lot no.



zone on the surface of the resin in contact with environmen-

tal air. The thickness of the oxygen inhibited layer is related

to monomer composition, mode of activation, and viscos-
ities of the resin [18].
Adhesive (main components)

It was the purpose of this study to investigate the degree

FB Bond (4-AET, HEMA,

Bonding Agent (MAC-10,

Bond (MDP, HEMA, Bis-

copolymer water, ethanol,

Single Bond (Bis-GMA,

of remaining uncured methacrylate carbon±carbon double

HEMA, polyalkenoic

bonds (RDB) in the resin±dentin interface including the

UDMA, Filler, CQ)

GMA, ®ller, CQ)

hybrid layer by use of layer Raman microscopy. The


hypothesis tested here was that the RDB in the resin±dentin

interface are different among the resin±dentin interface.

2. Materials and methods

A: 079726 B:079732

2.1. Specimen preparation

A: 005 B: 003
A: 038 B:048

The combination of the bonding systems/resin compo-

sites used were three self-etching primer systems Mac
Lot no.

Bond II/Pal®que Estelite (Tokuyama Co., Tokyo, Japan),


Clear®l Mega Bond/Clear®l AP-X (Kuraray Co., Osaka,

Japan), and Imperva Fluoro Bond/Lite-Fil II A (Shofu
Inc., Kyoto, Japan), and a total-etch adhesive system Single
Conditioner (main components)

Bond/Z250 (3M Dental Products Division, St Paul, MN,

Etchant (35% phosphoric acid)
FB Primer (4-AET, HEMA,

USA) as listed in Table 1. The same adhesive resins without

Primer (5-MNSA, HEMA,

Primer (MAC-10, HEMA,

photoinitiators were provided by each manufacturer as

controls to calculate the percentage of RDB. A dental
photo-curing unit (Optilux 500, Demetron/Kerr, Danbury,
water, ethanol)

water, ethanol)

water, ethanol)

CT, USA) was connected to a variable transformer in order

to adjust the light intensity to 600 mW/cm 2 as measured
with a dental radiometer (Model 100, Demetron/Kerr).
Mandibular incisors extracted from 2 to 3 year old cattle
and stored frozen for up to 2 weeks were used as a substitute
for human teeth in this study [19±21]. It has been reported
that the adhesion to the super®cial layer of dentin showed no
Imperva Fluoro Bond

Clear®l Mega Bond

signi®cant differences between human and bovine dentin,

and the dentin bond strength decreased with the depth of
Mac Bond II

Single Bond

dentin because of the lower density of dentinal tubules [21].

CQ: camphorquinone)


Because the differences in tubule diameters and the number

of lateral branches may have some effect on dentin bond
strength [22], bovine super®cial dentin was used as a substi-
tute for human dentin.
Table 1

After removing the roots with a low-speed saw (Isomet,




Buehler Ltd, Lake Bluff, IL, USA), the pulps were removed,
M. Miyazaki et al. / Dental Materials 19 (2003) 245±251 247

Fig. 1. Typical Raman spectrum obtained from Si plate. Because the semiconductor such as Si is very simple consisting of only one Raman peak, this peak was
used for calibration the equipment before measurement.

and the labial surfaces were ground on wet 240-grit silicon with the backthinned CCD camera provided a spatial reso-
carbide paper to expose dentin. Final ®nish was accom- lution of 0.6±0.8 mm determined as follows.
plished with 600-grit silicon carbide paper followed by The spectral resolution of the laser Raman microscopy
ultrasonic cleaning with distilled water for 1 min. The was determined by use of a silicon solid plate, ion-coated
dentin surfaces were treated with primer/etchant and adhe- with thin Au. The plate was placed on a precision X±Y
sives were applied according to manufacturers' directions. stage and moved across from Au-coated to Au-uncoated
Resin composite as listed in Table 1 was condensed into a areas using 0.2 mm steps. Spectra of Si (520 cm 21) were
Te¯on mold (4 mm diameter, 2 mm high) and exposed for obtained at positions corresponding to each measuring
40 s. After 24 h in distilled water at 37 8C, the specimens point and the relative intensities of the spectra were calcu-
were embedded in self-curing epoxy resin (Epon 812, lated (Fig. 1). Using curve ®tting data of this spectrum, the
Nisshin EM, Tokyo, Japan) and stored at 37 8C for 12 h. spatial resolution was 1.6±1.9 mm, hence the spectral reso-
After setting, the epoxy-embedded specimens were sec- lution was determined to be spatial resolution of 0.6±
tioned parallel to dentinal tubules. The sectioned surfaces 0.8 mm. Variations of Raman intensities of partially the
of the cut halves were polished to high gloss (Ecomet 4/ Au-coated silicon plate as a function of measuring points
Automet 2, Buehler Ltd) using silicon carbide papers of are shown in Fig. 2. From the acquired data, a differential
600-, 1200- and 4000-grit, successively. Then, the surface rate was calculated, and the spatial resolution of the test
was mirror polished on a special soft cloth (Technofron, instrumentation was determined as 0.6±0.8 mm. This device
Heraus Kulzer GmbH, Wehrheim, Germany) with diamond was also designed as a confocal microscope and sampling
paste (Hyprez Diamond Compounds, Engis Corp., Morton depth of the Raman scattering from the 1 £ 1 mm 2 area was
Grove, IL, USA) to a particle size of 1 mm. Three specimens calculated as 2 mm.
originating from different bovine teeth were prepared for
each adhesive system. 2.3. Residual double bonds calculation

The specimen was placed on the X±Y stage and the laser
2.2. Laser Raman microscopy beam was focused on the specimen surface through a 100 £
microscope objective. The specimen was moved relative to
Raman spectra of the unpolymerized adhesive resins and the layer spot position by steps of 0.2 mm from the dentin
polymerized resins in the hybrid layer were obtained with a towards the adhesive resin, and the spectra were obtained at
computer-controlled laser Raman microscope (System positions corresponding to this interval across the dentin±
2000, Renishaw, UK), equipped to analyze the dentin± adhesive interface. When the measurement was performed
resin interface. The sample was excited at a wavelength of on dentin, the laser beam was focused on intertubular
632.8 nm with the output level of 75 mW by a He±Ne laser dentin, avoiding dentinal tubules ®lled with adhesive
(GLG-5900, NEC Co., Tokyo, Japan) through an optical resin. Raman spectra of the uncured adhesive resins were
microscope. The focus of the laser beam in conjunction also recorded as the control. Measurements were repeated
248 M. Miyazaki et al. / Dental Materials 19 (2003) 245±251

Fig. 3. The Raman spectrum of cured MB in the region of 1560±

1800 cm 21. A few intense peaks were observed in this area.
Fig. 2. Obtained Raman intensities of Si as a function of each measuring
point from Au-coated to Au-uncoated areas by 0.2 mm steps. Differential
rates were calculated from the acquired data, and the spatial resolution of equations:
the test instrumentation was determined as 0.6±0.8 mm.
RDB %† ˆ Rcured =Runcured
three times with different specimens for each bonding where
CyC absorbance area of hybrid layer
The acquired spectra in the region of interest (1500± Rcured ˆ
1800 cm 21) were analyzed using a curve ®tting program CyO absorbance area of hybrid layer
with the Raman microscope software (Renishaw Raman
CyC absorbance area of uncured resin adhesive
Software ver. 3.3.1., Renishaw, UK). Before curve ®tting, Runcured ˆ
a strong peak at 960 cm 21 (P±O stretching mode of hydro- CyO absorbance area of uncured resin adhesive
xyapatite) was eliminated from the obtained spectrum to
Care should be taken that the obtained percentages were
reduce the background effect, and then the spectrum of
based on the assumption that the linearity of the ratios
pure bovine collagen dentin was subtracted. The measure-
between uncured and cured states existed.
ment of RDB was made on a relative basis by comparing the
The area of dentin, hybrid layer, and adhesive resin were
CyC unpolymerized methacrylate stretching vibration
determined by observing changes in Raman intensities at
(1638 cm 21) to that of the CyO stretching mode of the
960 cm 21 (P±O stretching mode of hydroxyapatite) and
ester group (1719 cm 21).
1450 cm 21 (CH scissoring vibration of alkyl group). The
A band whose intensity does not change during polymer-
intensities of the peaks were plotted relatively from dentin
ization should be selected as a reference band. In this study,
to resin [26±32].
the CyO stretching mode of the ester group at 1719 cm 21
The gradual increase in intensity of the Raman peak at
was used as an internal standard, because some of the adhe-
960 cm 21 (hydroxyapatite) from resin to dentin side of
sive resins do not use aromatic ring containing monomers as
the resin±dentin interface was observed. On the other
base resins. It has been reported that the CyC stretching
hand, the intensity of the Raman peak at 1450 cm 21 (organic
mode at 1640 cm 21 can be in¯uenced by overlapping with
substrate) across the interface gradually decreased, indi-
the CyO stretching mode at 1719 cm 21, whose intensity has
cating gradual impregnation of bonding resin into the
tended to broaden during polymerization [23]. The
demineralized dentin. From the gradual changes of these
frequency of the CyO is affected by intra- and intermole-
Raman peaks, the width of each area was determined.
cular hydrogen bonding, so that the CyO vibration some-
One-way analysis of variance and Duncan multiple range
times is observed as a broadened doublet [24]. To eliminate
test was used to statistically evaluate the RDB among the
this effect, the area ratio after curve ®tting was used to
bonding systems used a ˆ 0:05†:
calculate the intensity of the bands [25].
The intensities for the individual bands (1638 and
1719 cm 21) were then obtained from the peak areas by the 3. Results
curve ®tting software, which was designed to calculate a
best-®t curve. In this way, the ratios of the two band areas The Raman spectrum of cured adhesive resin of Mac
were calculated at each measuring point, from dentin side to Bond II adhesive in the spectral region of 1560±
resin side of the dentin±resin interface. The percentage of 1800 cm 21 is shown in Fig. 3. Several intense peaks in the
RDB in the hybrid layer was calculated using the following Raman spectrum were observed. The band area at
M. Miyazaki et al. / Dental Materials 19 (2003) 245±251 249

Fig. 5. Percentage of residual double bonds in the hybrid layer of the

bonding systems used in this study.
Fig. 4. Representative intensity curves of the selected Raman bands
scanned across the resin±dentin interface. Since the C±H alkyl groups
also appeared in the collagen spectrum in dentinal substrate, the changes or other preparatory procedures that might damage the inter-
in relative intensities of this peak were considered from the dentin to the face. In contrast to conventional IR microscopy, water is a
resin side. weak Raman scatterer so that Raman spectra can be
acquired from moist dentin specimens. Despite these
1638 cm 21, which is assigned to CyC stretching vibration advantages, the background from ¯uorescence dominates
of methacrylate was compared to the area at 1719 cm 21, the weaker Raman signal. The ¯uorescence is due to elec-
which is assigned to CyO stretching vibration of ester, tronic excitation of the organic component when irradiated
used as an internal standard. Intensity curves of the selected by laser radiation. To help overcome the problem of high
Raman bands scanned across the resin±dentin interface background noise, a He±Ne laser was used as an excitation
obtained with the P±O peak at 960 cm 21 and the C±H source in this study. In addition, the light generated from a
peak at 1450 cm 21 (Fig. 4) allowed the estimated depth He±Ne laser (632.8 nm) does not contribute to initiating the
of resin impregnation into dentin. Since the C±H band polymerization reaction of visible-light cured resins that use
obtained at 1450 cm 21 also appeared in the collagen spec- campohroquinone as a photoinitiator [34].
trum, the changes in relative intensities of this peak were Several approaches are employed for measurement of
considered from the dentin to the resin. These depths were conversion in resin composites; the majority of analytical
2.2±2.4 mm for Mac Bond II, 2.0±2.2 mm for Mega Bond studies have been done with the use of Fourier-Transmit IR
and Fluoro Bond, 6.4±6.8 mm for Single Bond. (FTIR) [35±38]. As a vibrational technique like FTIR,
Fig. 5 shows the changes in percentages of RDB in the Raman microscopy has been used to investigate conversion
hybrid layer of each bonding system. The percent of residual pro®les of resin composite [23,24,39±41]. Since Raman
double bonds detected in the hybrid layer ranged from 9.5 to microscopy involves scattering rather than absorption, and
23.6%, and was different among the bonding systems used laser emission can be focused on the specimen surface,
in this study. A relatively higher percentage of RDB was specimens of any geometry and thickness can be analyzed
detected for Fluoro Bond (12.3±23.6%) and Single bond without destructive procedures. The molecular vibration
(9.5±21.8%), and lower for Mac Bond II (10.6±18.0%) frequencies observed by FTIR and Raman microscopy are
and Mega Bond (10.7±16.3%). No relationship was seen nearly the same, and Raman scattering due to a symmetrical
between the percentage of remaining double bonds and vibration (such as CyC) is more sensitive than FTIR
the location within the resin±dentin interface. scattering [33].
The micromechanical entrapment of resin in the
demineralized dentin substrate is of importance to create a
4. Discussion hybrid layer. The dentin±resin interface has been investi-
gated by use of micromorphological techniques and the
The laser Raman spectroscopy is a useful analytical tech- importance of resin penetration through the entire depth of
nique for study of the bonding structure of samples and decalci®ed dentin has been emphasized. After in®ltration of
determining their composition. Using this technique, the the resin monomers into the decalci®ed dentin, subsequent
problems associated with morphological analysis of the polymerization of monomers is required to create a stable
dentin±resin interface with infrared spectroscopy (IR) can bond. If the polymerization of these monomers is not
be avoided [33]. The specimens can be observed under complete, hydrophilic monomers or small oligomers might
normal atmospheric conditions without ultra-thin sectioning be extracted or hydrolyzed by the presence of nanoleakage
250 M. Miyazaki et al. / Dental Materials 19 (2003) 245±251

[13]. The quality of the hybrid layer and uniformity of resin needed to determine the relationship between the amount of
impregnation are important factors to understand contribu- remaining double bonds and bond strength durability.
tions of the hybrid layer for dentin bonding mechanism.
The presence of water inside the dentin substrate might
interfere with the polymerization of resin adhesives [16]. Acknowledgements
Residual resin monomers may act as a plasticizer to alter
the mechanical properties of adhesive resin as well as hybrid The authors are indebted to Mr Kimura (Tokuyama Co.,
layer, leading to lower dentin bond strength. From the Tokyo, Japan) for his technical assistance. This work was
results of this study, the amount of RDB of the adhesive supported, in part, by grant in aid (C)(2) 12671861 from the
resin in the hybrid layer varied from 10 to 25%, which is Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture of Japan.
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