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Module 2

1. . Define control laws and explain how they can reduce steady-state error and lags in aircraft


(Control laws are like instructions that tell the aircraft how to respond to pilot commands and sensor
signals. They help the plane move smoothly and accurately. By using different techniques like
proportional, derivative, and integral control, they make sure the plane stays stable and reacts
quickly to changes. For example, they can help reduce delays in the system and fix any errors that
might occur during flight. In short, control laws are like the brains behind the aircraft's movements,
ensuring everything goes smoothly from takeoff to landing.)

- Control laws are algorithms that relate control surface demand to pilot's inputs and various sensor

- They help regulate aircraft motion parameters such as pitch, roll, and yaw.

- Control laws typically include proportional, derivative, and integral terms to shape and improve
closed-loop response.

- Proportional plus derivative control provides phase advance to compensate for system lags,
enhancing loop stability and damping aircraft response.

- Proportional plus integral control eliminates steady-state errors and reduces following lag by
increasing loop gain at low frequencies.

- These control laws ensure that the aircraft maintains stability, responds accurately to inputs, and
minimizes errors in various flight conditions.

2. Explain the roll rate command system in aircraft control.

- When a pilot commands a roll rate, the aircraft responds by rapidly initiating a roll movement.

- The control system adjusts the ailerons to create a rolling moment, opposing aerodynamic forces.

- As the roll rate approaches the commanded rate, the system reduces aileron deflection.

- The controller gain ensures that the steady-state roll rate error remains small.

- Compared to open-loop systems, closed-loop control provides faster and more precise roll

- Across different flight conditions, the aircraft maintains a consistent roll rate with a high controller

- Simplifying assumptions help analyze and improve the aircraft's roll dynamics, considering factors
like moment of inertia and time constants.

- The explanation focuses on basic principles, disregarding complexities like cross-coupling and
actuator lag.

Assuming pure rolling motion and the actuators have a transfer function of unity, the open
loop transfer function is

3 . Describe the frequency response of a typical Fly-By-Wire (FBW) actuator.

The frequency response of a typical Fly-By-Wire (FBW) actuator, along with the other
discussed elements:

1. Actuators:

 Response resembles that of a low-pass filter.

 Output/input ratio decreases with increasing frequency.
 Phase lag increases rapidly with frequency.
 Can exhibit sudden changes in response due to rate limiting.
 Rate limiting must be avoided to maintain stability margins.

2. Sensor Dynamics and Noise Filters:

 Sensor dynamics, like those of angular momentum rate gyros, have a

bandwidth around 60-70 Hz.
 Phase lag at low frequencies is relatively small but can affect higher frequency
 Noise filters on sensor outputs may introduce additional phase lags.

3. Latency in Computational Processes:

 Arises from digital processing of control laws and sensor data.

 Includes sampling delay and transport delay, causing time delays and phase
 Phase lag increases with frequency, exacerbating destabilizing effects.

4. Notch Filters:

 Used to attenuate specific frequencies associated with structural resonances or

 Selectively reduce amplitude of frequencies within narrow bands.
 Enhance stability and control by damping out undesirable resonant frequencies.

In summary, the frequency response of FBW systems is influenced by various factors

including actuator dynamics, sensor characteristics, computational latency, and the use of
notch filters. Understanding and managing these elements are essential for designing robust
and stable FBW flight control systems.

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