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Name: Fadhlan Muhaimin Khairul

Class: PBI B
Id Numb: 20400120040

The Effects of Social Media for Students

Public usage of social media as a communication tool is widespread. We all must be

familiar with social media. People who join social networks can make acquaintances from all
around the world. Social networking applications like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others
are currently accumulating a significant number of new members. Social networking websites
are widely used by teenagers and even young children. Social media users are affected by it in
both good and bad ways.

Social media has many benefits for students, including making it easier for them to
communicate with others, giving them access to a wide range of information, allowing them to
meet whomever they want without having to meet in person, and allowing them to share
information with other students. Meanwhile, the negative impacts of social media for students
include students who cannot share their playing time with their learning activities, so this social
media can hinder their daily activities. In addition, if students are too focused on social media,
they will forget their study time. Most importantly, with social media, it allows students to rarely
socialize with their surroundings.

Dependence on social media makes students lazy to study. Parents should be firm in their
response. The use of social media will have a positive impact if used wisely. On the other hand,
if used excessively, it will have a negative impact, especially for students. We as students, must
be able to use social media effectively and responsibly. We can be wiser in using social media,
by selecting which social media is good and limiting ourselves in its use.

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