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SQL Weekly Quiz

Identify the Error in Below Sql Code:

product_name, price
FROM products
WHERE category = Electronics;

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SQL Weekly Quiz

Whenever you filter in SQL you use where condition

Filtering can be on a Numeric Variable or Character Variable

Whenever you put filter on a character Variable , you have to use inverted


Category = Electronics is incorrect

It should be Category =“Electronics”

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SQL Weekly Quiz
Identify the Error in Below Sql Code:

FROM products
price > (SELECT AVG(price) FROM products);

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SQL Weekly Quiz
Q2 Solution
The potential issue is related to
how the subquery behaves when the AVG(price) value is NULL. I

f there are no records in the "products" table, the subquery result

will be NULL, and the price > NULL condition will not evaluate as
true for any rows.

To handle the possibility of a NULL result in the subquery, you may

want to use the COALESCE or IS NULL check, depending on your

Correct Code

SELECT product_name FROM products WHERE price >

COALESCE((SELECT AVG(price) FROM products), 0);

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SQL Weekly Quiz
Identify the Error in Below Sql Code:

employee_name, salary
FROM employees
WHERE salary > 50000
AND department = 'Marketing'
OR department = 'Sales';

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SQL Weekly Quiz
In SQL, the AND operator takes precedence over the OR operator.

This means that the query will return rows where the salary is greater than 50000 and
the department is 'Marketing', or it will return rows where the department is 'Sales'
regardless of the salary.
If the intended logic is to retrieve employees with a salary greater than 50000 in either
the 'Marketing' or 'Sales' department, you should use parentheses to explicitly define
the logical grouping:

Correct Code

SELECT employee_name, salary

FROM employees
WHERE salary > 50000
AND (department = 'Marketing' OR department = 'Sales');

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SQL Weekly Quiz
Identify the Error in Below Sql Code:


FROM employees
ON employees.department_id
WHERE location_id = 1;

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SQL Weekly Quiz
THE Code is all correct and will run smoothly

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SQL Weekly Quiz
Identify the Error in Below Sql Code:


FROM employees
LEFT JOIN departments
employees.department_id =
AND employees.location_id = 2;

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SQL Weekly Quiz

In Sql joins,

Use Where to filter not and.

So And should be replaced by Where

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SQL Weekly Quiz
Choose the Right Option:

SELECT customer_name, order_date

FROM customers
JOIN orders ON
customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id
WHERE order_date > '2022-01-01'
AND order_status = 'Shipped';

What is the Error in the Above Code:

A. The JOIN condition is incorrect.
B. The WHERE conditions are not logically connected.
C. The ORDER BY clause is missing.
D. The SELECT clause is missing an aggregate function.

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SQL Weekly Quiz
B. The WHERE conditions are not logically connected.

The WHERE conditions are connected using the logical AND

operator, which is appropriate for filtering rows based on
multiple conditions. However, the error lies in the potential
logical implication of the conditions. The order_status =
'Shipped' condition might conflict with the order_date > '2022-
01-01' condition.

If an order has an order_date after '2022-01-01', but its

order_status is not 'Shipped', it won't be included in the result. If
you intend for both conditions to be satisfied independently,
then there is no issue. However, if you want to consider orders
that were shipped after '2022-01-01', you might want to use
parentheses to ensure proper logical grouping

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SQL Weekly Quiz
Choose the Right Option:

SELECT product_name, AVG(price) AS average_price

FROM products
WHERE category = 'Electronics'
AND stock_quantity < 10
GROUP BY product_name;

What is the Error in the Above Code:

A. The GROUP BY clause should include the "price" column.
B. The WHERE conditions are logically incorrect.
C. The AVG(price) alias should be used in the GROUP BY clause.
D. The HAVING clause is missing.

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SQL Weekly Quiz

D. The HAVING clause is missing.

In this query, you're using an aggregate function

(AVG(price)) in the SELECT clause and grouping by
product_name. When you want to filter the results
based on the result of an aggregate function, you
should use the HAVING clause.

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SQL Weekly Quiz
Choose the Right Option:

SELECT employee_name, department_name

FROM employees
LEFT JOIN departments ON employees.department_id
WHERE salary > 50000
AND department_name = 'Sales';

What is the Error in the Above Code:

A. The LEFT JOIN condition is incorrect.
B. The WHERE conditions include a mix of unqualified and qualified
column names.
C. The ORDER BY clause is missing.
D. The GROUP BY clause is required.

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SQL Weekly Quiz

B. The WHERE conditions include a mix of unqualified

and qualified column names.

In the WHERE clause, you are using both the

unqualified column name department_name and the
qualified column name salary. To avoid ambiguity and
ensure clarity, it's recommended to consistently use
either qualified or unqualified column names.

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SQL Weekly Quiz
Choose the Right Option:

SELECT supplier_name, AVG(price) AS average_price

FROM suppliers
JOIN products ON suppliers.supplier_id =
WHERE price > 100
GROUP BY supplier_name;

What is the Error in the Above Code:

A. The JOIN condition is incorrect.
B. The GROUP BY clause is missing a column.
C. The HAVING clause is required.
D. The WHERE condition should use the AVG(price) column.

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SQL Weekly Quiz

D. The WHERE condition should use the AVG(price)


In this query, you are using the AVG(price) alias in the

SELECT clause to calculate the average price, but in the
WHERE clause, you are trying to filter based on the
price column directly. When filtering on an aggregated
value, you should use the HAVING clause instead.
Here's the corrected code:

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SQL Weekly Quiz
What is the Error in Below Code

department_name, employee_name, salary,

RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY department_name

ORDER BY salary DESC) AS salary_rank

FROM employees
WHERE salary_rank <= 3;

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SQL Weekly Quiz
The error in the provided SQL code is due to the incorrect usage of the salary_rank alias in
the WHERE clause. In SQL, you cannot refer to an alias defined in the SELECT clause
directly in the WHERE clause because the WHERE clause is logically processed before the
SELECT clause.
To fix this, you need to use a subquery or a common table expression (CTE) to filter the
results based on the alias. Here's one way to correct the code using a subquery:

SELECT department_name, employee_name, salary, salary_rank

SELECT department_name, employee_name, salary,
RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY department_name ORDER BY salary DESC) AS
FROM employees
) ranked_data
WHERE salary_rank <= 3;

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