SQL Quiz3

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SQL Weekly Quiz 3


Dataset_Name: Transaction_Data

Q1. You have a table named Transaction_Data with columns transaction_date,

product_name, and quantity_sold.

Write a query to find the total quantity sold for each product on the latest transaction

Marks 5 Time 3 Minutes

SQL Weekly Quiz 3

Marks 5 Time 3 Minutes

SQL Weekly Quiz 3
Question 2

Dataset_Name: Transaction_Data

Q2. In the Transactions_Data table, there is a column named unit_price.

Write a query to calculate the cumulative revenue for each product over time, considering
the transaction date. Arrange the result by product and transaction date.

Marks 5 Time 3 Minutes

SQL Weekly Quiz 3

Marks 5 Time 3 Minutes

SQL Weekly Quiz 3
Question 3

Dataset_Name (Sample): Orders

Q3. Write a SQL query to find the top 3 customers who have made the highest total
purchase amount.

Marks 5 Time 3 Minutes

SQL Weekly Quiz 3

Marks 5 Time 3 Minutes

SQL Weekly Quiz 3
Question 4

Dataset_Name (Sample): Revenue

Q4. Write a SQL query to calculate the monthly growth rate of revenue. Display the month
revenue, and the percentage growth compared to the previous month.

Marks 10 Time 5Minutes

SQL Weekly Quiz 3
Solution 4

Dataset_Name (Sample): Revenue

Marks 10 Time 5Minutes

SQL Weekly Quiz 3
Question 5

Dataset_Name (Sample): Employees

Q5. Write a SQL query to identify and list all the duplicate names
(Combined first name and last name) in the employees table.

Marks 5 Time 3 Minutes

SQL Weekly Quiz 3
Solution 5

Dataset_Name (Sample): Employees

Marks 5 Time 3 Minutes

SQL Weekly Quiz 3
Question 6

Dataset_Name (Sample): Orders

Q6. Write a SQL query to find the top 2 customers with the highest average time
between consecutive orders.

Marks 10 Time 5 Minutes

SQL Weekly Quiz 3
Solution 6

Dataset_Name (Sample): Orders

Marks 10 Time 5 Minutes

SQL Weekly Quiz 3
Question 7

Dataset_Name (Sample): Products

Q7. Write a SQL query to find the category with the highest average discounted price for
products where the original price is greater than $75.

Marks 10 Time 5 Minutes

SQL Weekly Quiz 3
Solution 7

Dataset_Name (Sample): Products

Marks 10 Time 5 Minutes

SQL Weekly Quiz 3
Question 8

Dataset_Name (Sample): Employees

Q8. Write a SQL query to find the employees who have the highest salary within their
department and have been hired for more than 6 months.

Marks 15 Time 6 Minutes

SQL Weekly Quiz 3
Solution 8

Dataset_Name (Sample): Employees

SQL Weekly Quiz 3
Question 9

Dataset_Name (Sample): Sales

Q9. Write an SQL query to calculate the cumulative sum of quantities sold for each
product, resetting the sum for each change in the product.

Marks 15 Time 6 Minutes

SQL Weekly Quiz 3
Solution 9

Dataset_Name (Sample): Sales

SQL Weekly Quiz 3
Question 10

Table: Orders

Table: Customers

10. Write an SQL query to find the top 2 customers with the highest total amount of
orders, excluding customers from the USA, and whose registration date is within the last

Marks 20 Time 8 Minutes

SQL Weekly Quiz 3
Solution 10

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