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Project 1: Mamaearth

Market Opportunity Analysis

Segmenting, Positioning and Influencing Consumer
Learner Name: Parijat Thanki
Q1. Map Mamaearth’s position on a perceptual map against its competitors.
Explain why you chose each dimension for the perceptual map. (Word limit: 120

You can follow these steps:

a. Think about what parameters you can differentiate on? Mention the two most essential
factors of personal care brands on the perceptual map. These will act as the axes for your
perceptual map.

b.Create a perceptual map for oral care product players (You must show Mamaearth + other
competitors in the sector). Add the image of your map to the solution PPT.
Answer 1

Mamaearth – Goodness Inside

As the tagline suggests, from its inception this

company stands for providing Toxin Free
Natural Products. So, to analyse where
Mamaearth stands in the oral care industry,
the Horizontal Axis is mapped from Natural
Products to Chemical infused Natural
Products. As there are many brands who claim
to be Natural but has Sodium Lauryl Sulphate
(SLS) and Fluorides. These chemicals help in
building up the foam while brushing, but is
harmful to Teeth, Gums, Bones and
Environment. The Vertical Axis is mapped to
compare Prices, as it will help to understand
where Mamaearth stands and if at all there is
any need to change the pricing.
Q2. Define the various market segments Mamaearth can target in the oral
care market. Mention at least three segments with a rationale for each.
(Word limit: 275 words)
Answer 2

In the Indian Urban Market, customers from Tier I to Tier III cities can be reached through various distribution channels.
In addition to that Urban customers are particularly more conscious of product ingredients, which makes them suitable
target for Mamaearth’s natural toothpaste. The product is readily available on D2C platforms like their own website and
popular e-commerce platforms. To ensure successful delivery, the target customer should be tech-savvy, and the location
should be accessible to delivery partners.


Individuals aged 25 to 45 years should be the primary focus due to their financial independence and family-oriented
Segmentation lifestyles. This age group is highly exposed to digital media and actively seeks chemical-free products for their well-
being. As Mamaearth heavily invests in digital media promotion, this segment holds significant potential.


The toothpaste caters to health-conscious consumers seeking natural and chemical-free alternatives to maintain a healthy
lifestyle. Mamaearth can attract customers who prioritize their well-being by using 100% natural products.


The company can initially target existing customers who are frequent buyers of Mamaearth's products. These customers
are already advocates of natural toxin-free products and would likely embrace the toothpaste. Additionally, consumers
concerned about the environment and sustainability would be drawn to Mamaearth, by being a part of the brand’s
sustainability campaign.
Q3.Build Mamaearth’s marketing mix (4Ps). You will have to mention the rationale
behind each of these. As a recap, the 4Ps of marketing — Product, Price, Place, and Promotion
— are distinct factors that marketers can influence in order to create a meaningful product or
service and market it to a defined audience.
Note: Please draft at least 30 -70 words for each of 4Ps.
Answer 3
Mamaearth's diverse product range shares a common focus on quality, with all products being made from natural resources and free from
chemicals and toxins. For their adult toothpaste launch, the company should prioritize the SLS & Fluoride Free variant, leveraging their brand
equity in the natural products space. Despite existing market players, Mamaearth's reputation will aid in capturing a significant market share.

Mamaearth's premium pricing has not hindered its success, as customers associate it with better quality and purity. This perception has made
Mamaearth a leading FMCG company. Even for oral care products, maintaining the premium pricing strategy will continue to attract customers
who value the brand's commitment to quality and purity.

The company sells through its website, e-commerce platforms, and retail stores. At Offline market places, toothpaste should be placed
separately in malls/hypermarkets to attract customers without direct competition. Creating a dedicated Mamaearth section raises awareness and
targets the right audience effectively.


Mamaearth prioritizes digital promotion, especially through influencers, to reach its target audience effectively. Leveraging user-generated
reviews from common people could further boost the company's success. Sending out small SKUs as free sample along with orders of other
products can introduce more customers to chemical-free toothpaste. As Indian Consumers are still being introduced to such concept.
Q4.Analyse consumer behaviour and list the external factors that can influence
Mamaearth's potential consumers’ buying decisions. Mention at least three factors,
along with the reasoning behind each factor. (Word Limit: 275)
Answer 4

Factor 1: Technological Factors

Digital Channels are the main source of sales for Mamaearth. Innovations in Online platforms and digital marketing would give an edge to the
company in increasing the sales. Apart from that, the Technology is ever evolving, any advancement in Manufacturing Technology, Supply
Chain and Product development would affect the company positively.

Factor 2: Environmental Factor

Mamaearth preaches to be extremely environment conscious and focused on sustainability. These attracts customers who advocates the same
ideas and would attract them positively increasing the sales.

Factor 3: Social Factor

Younger Generation is becoming more and more Environment concerned and this can lead to increase in the sales of Mamaearth products.
They are shifting towards Organic products rapidly and that is the USP of Mamaearth.

Factor 4: Economic Factors

Mamaearth is a premium product, and hence, Customers’ purchasing power plays an important role in the growth of the company. In such
situation, conditions like inflations and currency exchange rates can influence the sales. Inflation would affect a customer’s buying capacity,
and Exchange rates might affect the prices of Mamaearth’s products, considering the company would be importing certain raw materials from
abroad and is also exporting products to the international customers.
Q5. Identify the key unique value propositions (USPs) (at least five) of Mamaearth’s
products to prospective consumers and then based on that, formulate a positioning
statement based on that. As a recap, the framework of a positioning statement is
given below:

As a recap, the framework of a positioning statement is given below:

‘For [target market], Mamaearth is [frame of reference/competitive set] that [key benefits, unique
value claim] because [reasons to believe, evidence]’.
Answer 5

Mamaearth’s Key USPs

1. Natural and Toxin free Toothpaste

2. Huge Product Portfolio (Diverse range of Products)
3. International Safety Certifications
4. Sustainable & Environment Friendly
5. Strong CSR

Mamaearth’s Positioning Statement

Mamaearth is the go-to brand for health-conscious families looking for natural and toxin-free Oral care products. With a diverse
range of gentle and effective solutions, the products are carefully formulated using certified organic ingredients and undergo
dermatological testing for utmost quality and safety. What sets Mamaearth apart is their unwavering commitment to sustainability
and transparency.
“When you choose Mamaearth, you not only nurture your family's well-being but also play a vital role in safeguarding the planet
for the generations to come.”
Q6. Now that you have finalised Mamaearth’s marketing mix, you must formulate a
digital go-to-market strategy. Mention at least five key elements of your strategy
on how you will go about marketing the product. (Word Limit: 370)
Digital Marketing Channel 1: SEO & SEM

Using relevant keywords under the product descriptions will improve organic results and drive more traffic to the website. At the same time paid
advertising using SEM on Google SRP and Social Media Ads would help in promoting the brand to more targeted audience.

Digital Marketing Channel 2: Content Marketing

Providing content on the benefits of using natural toothpastes, the side effects of the chemicals like SLS and Fluorides, the environmental impact
that this chemicals make after getting into drain would create more awareness. This content marketing strategy would educate people as a lot of
us have no idea what harm our regular toothpastes are causing to us.
Digital Marketing Channel 3: Social Media Marketing

Short “Infotainment” Videos/Reels around Dental Care and Hygiene, Impact of SLS and Fluorides on our health, Benefits of Natural Ingredients
that are being used in Mamaearth’s toothpaste can be added to the Social Media.

Digital Marketing Channel 4: Influencer Marketing

Collaborating with influencers and celebrities who are known for advocating the same values as the brand can help Mamaearth reach a larger
audience. Additionally the brand can also opt for real life customers as influencers, as people many times trust these reviews more over
Celebrities’ content. As people are also now getting aware about the Paid Partnerships that influencers are getting into.
Digital Marketing Channel 5: E-Commerce presence

Mamaearth’s majority of sales come from E-commerce websites. Having the entire product portfolio available on major E-Commerce websites,
along with good quality of display pictures, ingredient list, International safety certifications like “MedSafe” would create more trust while
buying the products.
Q7. Paste the link to your video presentation below. Remember to give Access to

Link to Video:

Note: A link on how to provide access to anyone

has been attached in the notes below.

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