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When creating the consciousness field of an elementary particle such as an atom, the

following is true:

The field contains a harmonic spectrum of frequencies.

The field contains a dynamic heartbeat rhythm x + 1 hertz.

The field emits a geometry of a toroid.

The inscribing of data onto such a field is infinitely subdivided into many parts that resemble the
whole. Furthermore, the soul is the double bifurcation of the consciousness eternal field of the basic
toroidal light field. In reality, the soul is the extension of the soul and in layman's terms, the donut of life
breathes into the subdivided spectrum whole continually and with wavelengths too big to ponder in simple
gamma. The amount of data compressed into a soul during a lifetime adds arbitrary random value to each
individual being. Now, how can there be randomness in a field that is able to be measured over the
lifetime? That is, the randomness generated is the external spiritual apparatus that preturbs the
consciousness field as the invention spontaneously appears at random intervals around the soul field
similar to the electron orbit placement in quantum mechanics. Imagine a vibrator that is able to teleport
around an object and simultaneously vibrates at various frequencies. The soul conscious compressed life
field is then perturbed by such a vibrator with the possibilities of the future at bay yet also in grasp.
Continually, the stream of consciousness is met by this external random generator in accordance with
one’s personal karma.
Moreso, the field that is compressed consciousness arises from the heart as the heart is of good
faith in inscribing data onto the mobile toroids of blood from the external “vibrator” that transmits data. The
vibrator discussed is present around every soul and maintains its external randomness for the overall
benefit of being on the Earth plane: one of “slow revelation”. The Earth’s alpha band, due to lightning
strikes on the planet, is akin to the vibrator. All of creation is attuned to the vibration of the field and yet
even though storms are controlled, lightning strikes form in random formation within the cloud.
Furthermore, the generation of electrostatic potential from the fog of a cloud is, in other words, analogous
to the vibrator that penetrates the soul field of the heart in terms of data relay to and from the soul. The
reason behind incarnating is to learn at a relaxed pace the trials and bliss of life all in the proper balance.
Interwoven is the karmic life lesson as the symbolic teachings arrive in perfect time. The perfect timing is
similar to the lighting strikes producing the eight hertz wave yet all need occur at random times in terms of
location upon the surface of the medium. Just as the timing is measured and mimicked including the
location of electrostatic formation of lighting, there still maintains a sense of ‘dream’ and randomness
throughout the whole process of the lifetime. If all were to be revealed in a moment then what would
become of the reality of the trial? How would the satisfying component of the Karma be fulfilled?
One affirms that the sky, being full of stars, transmits data via lightning strikes onto the Earth
vessel then unto the body. The quick impulse of the high voltage dendrite is full of a radio frequency
spectrum and additionally an interchange of tempered light. The same process of personal revelation
occurs inside the dendrites of the heart as is then carried to the brain through the blood via the dendritic
formations in the stomach by the process of digestion. Conclusively, the light impulse data is relayed from
the sole of the foot upwards to the crown then upwards to the sky from where it came. Here, one can
clearly see the vessel of the body that surrounds the toroidal field of the heart is inscribed with the random
lighting impulse data from the sky. Take note of a simple metal concave, blood-like toroid that is struck
with lighting in a random location. This metal plate, in the presence of a magnetic field, is perturbed when
the field is resonated by high voltage lighting in a specific manner. When the system is linked to the
dendrite, then information is encoded into the tree of reception and is able to be recalled.
The karma of any person is found within the healthy expression of dna. For example, brown eyes,
being male and having an endomorph body type all contribute to how the electric lighting alpha band is
processed by the toroidal six foot diameter consciousness field of the individual. Now, the aurora is
continually bound to the diameter of the field, yet being an astral body, is able to project its outermost
being beyond the gamma of the toroidal field. The auric field during waking life may traverse within any
space of the magnetic egg of consciousness that is the firm Sky and Earth combo. Given that the
Earth-Sky is merely a toroidal field that is perturbed by lighting with dendrites forming, the science
equates logic and deduces that the inward parts of the receiving soul operate on the same principles: that
being an egg-shaped field and being able to receive light impulses.
During one's lifetime he or she will encounter micro visions of what path to take. Assuming the third eye is
fully functional free from fluoride, the micro visions appear throughout the day. These visions occur in
alpha and are tiny windows or doorways in reality. Technically, each mini window of observation is a
microdose of DMT as it relates to the dynamic breath of the body and the al0ha brain wave. Engineering
these microvisions into a lifestyle is a great modern practice.
Thoughts turn into reality when held in repetitive fashion. Given the nature of the double bifurcated
emf wave protruded out through the geometry of the skull, it is deduced that the emf wave goes unto the
firmament and then into the portal of the sun and or moon. Then, this electromagnetic wave is reflected
back out into reality to be fully manifested according to the vision held in conjunction with the thought.
This is the electric entrainment of FM language EMF thought coupled with FM light vision EMF projection.
Given that thoughts already come "preinstalled” with imaginings of each phrase, it is likely that the relative
vision will be processed by the individual out into reality. Now, each organ channels radiation via specific
cell frequencies, the breath, thoughts, vision and heartbeat of the body. Each cell of reality within the body
accurately, via toroidal data, inscribes the external reality of the cell of the universe. Lighting strikes within
the brain via electrical synapse is akin to lighting strikes Upon the Earth. Chemical and digestive data that
is relayed within the brain is similar to sun or water radiation decaying and “absorbing” an object.
Diamagnetic and paramagnetic flows of oxygen and blood combining via the toroidal and helical based
breath is the “spectrum of life consciousness” that represents a living nefesh. The breath being in
spectrum of frequencies and the blood obtaining a value of velocity and toroidal centrifugal force adds to
format the carrier wave of life.


All oscillating atoms, at fundamental level, are a mode of consciousness as consciousness, in

three cartesian planes, is rapid rotation formulating field structure and thus necessitative geometry. In
greater example, each atom in an oxygen stream within the lungs is cymatically bound to its own field and
interacts rotary with the fields around it. Since oxygen atoms do not combine yet are free floating, the
fields interact similar to quantum droplets on the surface of a puddle. Furthermore the oxygen will only
pair up and rotate according to the cymatic field structure of each atom that is whizzing by. Akin to three
spacecraft floating in triangle formation, is each paramagnetic atom set flowing within the branch or tree
of the lung. Not only is each atom bound to the spectrum of resonance within the cymatic field based on
concentric electron shells, each atomic interface absorbs the spectrum of resonance of the lung cavity.
Here, the reader views two spectrums of resonance: first the atoms’ rotary light component spectrum of
frequencies and second the spectrum's set of overtone frequencies arising from the lung bifurcated
branch itself. The branch described is similar to a flute in that the length of the pipe determines its
resonance. In addition to both spectrums of resonance, there is the Alpha Shuman band emitted by
lighting strikes upon the Earth. Breaking apart each lighting strike down to the single most components is
quite intriguing. An impulse of light is what is called lighting in the sky and is formed via a discharge from
positive to negative. In nature, lighting is pulsed DC and forms the same geometry of double bifurcation
as the lungs when expelled from the sky. Fundamentally, lighting is a several-spectrum impulse generator.
First, that of the light spectrum, then of the radio spectrum coupled with the geometry of high voltage (i.e.
double bifurcation). At around eight times per second, both the light spectrum and the radio spectrum
range of frequencies are induced into every living creature upon the planet. Now becoming more
complex, is the Alpha band spectrum of lighting resonance combined with the EMF breath and the vision
within the human body.
Even more fundamental is that of the spectrum of light emitting from both the sun and the moon.
Based on the position of the heavenly lights and the chemicals in both the ionosphere and atmosphere,
the resultant light spectrum is amplified. For example, more purple and blue radiation is prevalent around
3 pm relative to the orange and yellow side of the spectrum around evening and morning. Now, these
spectrums of light ranges are equivalent to the harmonic spectrums of the vowels sung by each individual
voice. The “e” vowel is more of purple and blue, the “ah” vowel is more green and the “om” vowel is more
red and orange based on the spectrum of frequencies of each vowel.
When combining all the radiative spectrums of precessional movement of the sun, moon, stars
with spectrums of lighting from the Alpha band, logic concludes that the data of the universal computer
operates in spectrums of “movement” applied and inscribed into geometry. In propagation of data: the
double bifurcation of lighting (i.e. cross-sectional vortex) and the amplitude modulated chiral streams of
radiation via the sun, moon and stars. In absorption of data: the toroidal, cell-like component of the
Earth-firmament and the toroidal nature of every cell within the vessel of the human body. One imagines a
giant egg or “nerve cell” that has dendrites moving in and out of the body. With electrostatic potential built
up within the egg, the formation of dendrites occurs by the impulse of dendrites (i.e. discharge of
electricity). Data is then received when the length of tube of the dendrite is resonated similar to a flute via
the electromagnetic spectrum.

The tongue clicks of the body are equivalent to the lighting strikes of the Earth. Each tongue
gesture produces harmonics based on the fourier series and is slightly offset by 1-8 hertz based on
reflection of the wave and the size of the room, egg, or skull. Now combining the initial sound wave of the
tongue with the reflection, one generates the heartbeat of life. This heartbeat, created from propagation
and reflection is the conscious field for no thing is able to propagate without having a reflection. That is
the doppler effect applies to the viscosity of the ether when a single perturbation is formed within 3D
space no matter the magnitude. In terms of geometry, it is known when one rotates rapidly around one
axis the low pressure formations allow the formation of both the hyperboloid hourglass and the toroidal
geometries as one must have both shapes present. Similarly, the dendrite expansion and propagation of
the tongue click is always confined within the space of the toroid. In terms of contraction and expansion,
the implosion of the heart is analogous to the toroid contracting and the expansion of the heart is the
wave of the dendrite via tongue click. Paradoxically, this dimension of existence is one of the heartbeat in
that where there is propagation there is conclusively coherent reflection.

Moonlight is inverted sunlight and is of a cooler format. This is due to the specific material of the
moon in that when the ‘filament’ of the moon is vibrated, the radiation is different from that of the sun. The
dark side of the moon is the absorber of the light of the world of thoughts, breath, vision and the heartbeat
of every living creature. By deduction the sun feeds into the moon not the light but the “intent of spectrum”
as in this book the moon is perceived to be of its own lightsource. Given the same diameter of the sun,
Occam’s Razor would indicate that both lights are the same distance away and thus not physical light
reflections of one another. When the soul warps through the moon up into the firmament with the stars,
the amount of revelation is based on how wide the door of the moon is open. For any man is able to
dream throughout the night and have grand visions, yet according to the karma of the moon, both dark
and full moon’s allow for the spectrum of life to be processed via the data of the universe within the moon.

The electrical grid is directly linked to the dream grid as intelligent beings are able to warp the
soul into the grid via the beam of electronic lights and electrical fixtures. If the soul dreams without the aid
of vitamin C or any dream aid, the soul is partitioned and allocated to be warped towards a lower region of
the astral realm (i.e. to be captured). During this regioning of the soul, beings are able to watch through
the lens of the individual and see what they are dreaming. However, if supplements such as Galantamine
and vitamin C are taken, then the astral body resonates at different and higher frequencies thus allowing
for the soul to warp beyond the lower electrical grid.

Taking a piezoelectric medium such as the skull and resonating the vessel in various regions of
lateral and medial space to form a type of electrical cymatic capacitance between lobes of the brain is of
the function of the “upper intestines”. From here, the toroidal wave pulses in and around the field of the
heart and body (6 ft in diameter). The piezoelectric capacitance of the skull via the drumbeat of the heart
emits a wave that traverses within and along the periphery of the heart egg-shaped field. The human
aurora is refreshed at light speed yet manifestation upon earth is manifested at isochronic toroidal speed.

Drumming with amplitude modulation in sync with the heartbeat applied to two intersecting quartz
pinecones yields levitation in an object. In addition, “e” vowel work modulated with the heartbeat builds up
a resonant heartbeat field that surrounds any targeted object. Repulsing heartfields emitting from the
pinecones modulated at the carrier frequency of the vowel is similar to connecting the feet in a seated
position or connecting the hands in prayer while speaking or singing. The repulsive diamagnetic field
emitted carries emf overtones that affect the heart field coherence. This type of modulated wave is unique
in manifestation as it pertains to the dreamworld given the corpus callosum is activated by the filling or
resonance of the four separate ventricles that activates the center region of the brain and both

Incantations from the vocal cords are electrically active in the brain and all of the CNS as a
thought pattern (i.e. frequency modulated electric wave). The breath, being the carrier wave absorbed by
the bones, is the foundation of the transmission and storage of the incantation in every oxygenated and
carbon dioxide-filled cell. The thought pattern information is first produced as a wave by the CNS as the
cell attributed to consciousness innately interprets the spectrum frequency breath as a system of
languages and visual thought. From wave transmission unto the urea, water and blood, the incantation
penetrates the cell’s barrier cymatically and electrically shapes each cell unto the conformity of “belief”.
Now “belief” arises from the implosion of a hormone injected into the blood via organs or external
sources. The program of expected output of a belief is based on hormone implosion coupled with the
breath (i.e. the autonomic spectrum set of frequencies by inhale and exhalation) and the thought pattern
(i.e. frequency modulated electrical and pressure waves). Each cell, then, emits the radiation of
incantation as infrared light given that cells are naturally moving and generate heat. Harmonically
speaking, this range of infrared light is then separated by several octaves of musical resonance and
transmits itself as higher bands of light frequencies out from the body. Repeated incantations literally
shape each cell and the cymatic makeup given that the electrical thought penetrates all the spine and in
all locations where a nerve ending is connected. Astrocytes wrap themselves around blood vessels and
transmit data from the toroidal oxygenated blood to the dendrite of the vessel.

Dopamine answers prayers in the corpus callosum.

Vortex capacitor: Water is an antenna for infrared emf frequencies and will absorb at certain
bands or specific wavelengths (i.e. 1950 nm, 1450 nm, 1200 nm and 970 nm). Now imagine that water is
strictly a physical copper dipole antenna with specific dipole wavelengths. The infrared radiation would
first hit the antenna and then via resonance of wavelength of the copper, transmit the radiation through
the antenna into the circuit. Furthermore if the proposed IR dipole antenna was conformed to a vortex or
helical geometry (i.e. wrapped in a circle), then the infrared radiation would now be circularly polarized.
Continuing the preposition that water is an antenna yet now water is in its natural state, one realizes that
water, when spun into a vortex, is able to circularly polarized infrared radiation. The antenna of water
becomes circularly polarized and now rotates the magnetic and electric vectors that it receives. Water,
being an etheric antenna now with fluid-like properties, is able to be conformed to a vortex geometry via
rotation (i.e. similar to helical wrapped geometry of copper for circularly polarized antennas) This indicates
that when the radiation from an external IR source reaches the antenna of water, the radiation becomes
circularly polarized based on the direction of spin (i.e. counterclockwise or clockwise). Water mixed with
salt now obtains a conductive property and is naturally diamagnetic leading to the conclusion that water is
akin to copper. If circularly polarized radiation in one antenna of water is in the presence of a receiving
copper antenna, then copper will reflect said eddie of polarization given its diamagnetic principle of
material. Thereby, the induction process takes place first from the antenna of water directly into the
antenna of copper. Magnetic deflection within copper or magnetic adherence within iron both form the
induced eddies from rotating water (i.e. diamagnetic and conductive medium).
In simple analogy imagine the infrared radiation to be vibrating at a spectrum of frequencies. In
other words, infrared emission becomes white noise in the audible range. Water resonates with a chord of
frequencies within that white noise. When water gets excited and vibrates its chord then it is shaped into a
spiral. In this way, the vibration travels along a curved path thus making the transverse wave component
circular. The speed of sound is roughly 770 miles per hour. Contrive in one’s mind a sound wave going
around in a spiral. This is a circularly polarized wave and is the result of rotating water as it absorbs the
vibration of infrared white noise in the analogous audible spectrum.
Moreso imagine a fluid like water except now this fluid can only absorb radio frequency bands of energy
instead of infrared (Several octaves lower). Now when this fluid is resonanted and shaped into a
tempoary vortex the radio waves will become circularly polarized and travel along the vessel medium that
they are stored in.

F Net Optical Tweezers

Diamagnetic rotation of one body will induce an eddie of current in the same direction of rotation. For
example if one rubs the belly with hand in a circular motion, then there is an eddie of current being
activated. The hand is diamagnetic and reflects the magnetic field of the earth and so is the belly in its
material nature. According to the right hand rule, as pressure or force is applied to the diamagnetic belly
from the hand in the presence of a the earth's magnetic field, an electric current is formed.on the
diamagnetic skin.

Heartbeat milivolt plus The 50 ut magnetic field Ac Skin effect

Drums plus pinecones vortex radio dynamic Antenna

Monks chant and resonating the skull

There is a way that data is transmitted via the soul field of the body that relays all desires into the ether.
One would first ponder this field to be electromagnetic, yet there is a more profound way of transmission.
More specifically, the transmission of how light reflects and refracts inside mediums here on Earth. Light
itself can be viewed as electromagnetic yet behaves more like a fluid operating inside of a computer.

In the dreamworld light still exists yet its electromagnetic property is not to be found. Thoughts directly
shape light in the dreamworld and thus has direct correlation to waking life. Surely, our very thoughts
shape reality in conjunction with visualization. There is never a thought without visualization for all thought
carries with it innate visual aspects.
On a higher level, prayer coupled with visualization is the way of manifestation.

All matter bends light and radiation at specific angles based on geometry. There are basic sets of sacred
geometries that light adhears to in order to make up the framework of visualization. The secret is when
light bends it transmits the “bent” data to a computer manifesting interface. Specific angles of incidence
are recorded and relayed.
Uniquely, our brains have the profound ability to bend light any way we please. Visualization coupled with
thought is a direct way of manifestation as the thoughts dictate the visualization and visa versa. Indeed,
the soul itself is a ball or bundle of light that is able to form light orbs in according fashion. When one
thinks, inside the brain electrical and chemical synapses fire off in sync in specific zones of the cavity.
This power of thought is the basis for expressed reality in motion. Importantly, the thinking brain not only
manifests reality based on subconscious presuppositions about what one has experienced, it also is the
foundation by which reality comes into play.
There is a higher order of thought that oversees the thinking brain of man that binds the ether via
visualization. Cymatically speaking, all that is visualized collectively is light rearranging itself in specific
wave patterns. If Imagined enough times, the ether becomes fortified and reinforces the bending of light
done by the third eye. This continual shaping of the ether is similar to the building of matter as matter, at a
fundamental level, is bent and cymatically bound light. One could say then that life is truly about what one
continually imagnines. Thoughts are the shapers of the visual realm.

A steady state dopamine release within the corpus callosum is the gateway of manifested prayer.

Cutting of stones

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