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Environmental Engineering-I

Khanpur Lake Cleanup Project
Submitted to:
Engr. Bilal Asif

Submitted by:
Group 1
Group Participants:
20-CE-21 Muhammad Usman
20-CE-33 Zakariya Zaman
20-CE-37 Muhammad Awais
20-CE-61 Muhmmad Umair Raza
20-CE-157 Yousef Sheikh Parvez
20-CE-177 Danish Zahid
20-CE-185 Rasool Noor Shah
20-CE-189 Muhammad Shafi

Department of Civil Engineering University of Engineering and

Technology, Taxila
Khanpur Lake/ Dam Cleanup


20-CE-157 Yousef Sheikh Pervez

20-CE-177 Danish Zahid
20-CE-21 Muhammad Usman
20-CE-29 Hassan Akhter
20-CE-37 Muhammad Awais
20-CE-33 Muhannad Zakriya Zaman
20-CE-61 Muhammad Umair Raza
20-CE-185 Rasool Noor Shah
20-CE-189 Muhammad Shafi
20-CE-09 Muhammad Usman


Khanpur Lake/Dam, located in Haripur District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, is not

only a significant natural resource but also a cherished tourist destination. Its scenic beauty,
pristine waters, and surrounding hills attract numerous visitors throughout the year.
However, recent observations have raised serious concerns about the escalating levels of
pollution and littering in and around the lake. The once-clear waters now suffer from
increasing contamination, primarily due to the indiscriminate disposal of solid waste,
sewage discharge, and agricultural runoff. Plastic bottles, bags, and other debris can be
seen scattered along the shoreline, diminishing the aesthetic appeal and posing threats to
the fragile ecosystem. This alarming trend not only jeopardizes the water quality and
aquatic life but also tarnishes the overall appeal and ecological balance of the area. Urgent
measures are needed to address these issues, including stricter waste management policies,
public awareness campaigns, and enhanced enforcement of environmental regulations.
Preserving and restoring the pristine beauty of Khanpur Lake/Dam is essential to ensure its
long-term sustainability and maintain its status as a treasured natural asset and popular
tourist attraction in our region.


The objective of our cleanup project for Khanpur Lake/Dam is to restore its natural beauty
and promote a clean and healthy environment. Through the removal of litter and debris,
our project aims to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the lake and create a welcoming space
for visitors and the local community. Additionally, we seek to raise environmental
awareness by educating individuals about the detrimental effects of littering and pollution
on the lake's ecosystem. By actively engaging the community through volunteer
participation and educational initiatives, we strive to foster a sense of responsibility and
ownership towards the preservation of Khanpur Lake/Dam. Our objective is to create a
cleaner, more sustainable environment that can be enjoyed by present and future

Khanpur Lake/Dam: Overview

Khanpur Lake/Dam is a prominent natural reservoir located near Khanpur town in the
Haripur District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. It is formed by the damming of the
Haro River and serves as a vital water source for irrigation, domestic use, and power
generation in the region. The lake, set against the picturesque backdrop of the Margalla
Hills, spans over an area of approximately 15.5 square kilometers and has a maximum
depth of around 76 meters.

Beyond its functional significance, Khanpur Lake/Dam has emerged as a popular tourist
destination, attracting visitors from far and wide. Its crystal-clear turquoise waters,
surrounded by lush green hills, create a breathtakingly scenic panorama. The serene
ambiance and cool breeze make it an ideal spot for recreational activities such as boating,
fishing, and picnicking.

The area around
Khanpur Lake/Dam is
also home to diverse
flora and fauna,
contributing to its
importance. The lake
provides habitat for
various bird species,
including migratory
birds that visit during the winter season, adding to its allure for birdwatchers and nature

Moreover, Khanpur Lake/Dam holds cultural and historical significance as it is believed to

have ancient archaeological sites submerged beneath its waters. The presence of these
submerged relics adds a sense of mystery and intrigue to the lake's appeal.

However, despite its natural and

cultural significance, Khanpur
Lake/Dam faces challenges such
as pollution and littering, which
pose threats to its ecological
balance and aesthetic beauty.
Efforts are being made to address
these issues through cleanup
projects, environmental awareness
campaigns, and sustainable tourism practices to preserve this valuable natural resource for
future generations.

Overall, Khanpur Lake/Dam stands as a captivating blend of natural beauty, recreational

opportunities, and ecological importance, making it a cherished destination for both locals
and tourists seeking tranquility and natural splendor.

Need for Cleanup of Khanpur Lake/Dam:

Following are some key points highlighting

the need for the cleanup of Khanpur Lake:

1. Pollution:
Khanpur Lake is facing increasing
pollution levels due to human
activities, including improper waste
disposal, sewage discharge, and
agricultural runoff. The accumulation of pollutants in the water threatens the lake's
ecosystem and compromises water quality.

2. Littering:
The lake and its surrounding areas are often marred by littering, with plastic bottles,
bags, and other debris being improperly discarded. This not only detracts from the
natural beauty of the lake but also poses risks to wildlife and aquatic organisms.

3. Ecological Impact:
Pollution and littering have a detrimental impact on the lake's ecological balance.
Contaminants can harm aquatic plants and animals, disrupt the food chain, and
degrade the overall health of the ecosystem. A cleanup is essential to restore and
maintain the ecological integrity of the lake.

4. Aesthetic Appeal:
Khanpur Lake is renowned for its scenic beauty, but the presence of litter and
pollution diminishes its aesthetic appeal. A cleanup effort is necessary to restore
the lake's pristine charm and create a visually pleasing environment for visitors.

5. Sustainable Tourism:
Khanpur Lake is a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors who seek its
natural splendor. To ensure the sustainability of tourism, it is crucial to maintain a
clean and well-preserved environment. A cleanup initiative can enhance the visitor
experience and promote responsible tourism practices.

6. Wildlife Preservation:
The lake serves as a habitat for various bird species and supports aquatic life. By
addressing pollution and littering, the cleanup project can help protect the
biodiversity of the lake and preserve the natural habitats of these species.

7. Community Well-being:
Khanpur Lake holds significance for the local community, providing water
resources for irrigation, domestic use, and hydropower generation. A clean and
healthy lake is vital for the well-being of the community, ensuring access to clean
water and sustaining livelihoods.

8. Environmental Education:
The cleanup project offers an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance
of environmental conservation and waste management. It can engage the local
community, schools, and organizations in learning about the impact of pollution
and fostering a sense of responsibility towards protecting the lake.

By addressing these pressing issues through a cleanup initiative, Khanpur Lake can be
restored to its natural splendor, ensuring the preservation of its ecological balance, aesthetic
appeal, and the well-being of the local community and visitors.

Objectives for Cleanup of Khanpur Lake/Dam:

1. Environmental Restoration:
The primary objective of the cleanup
project is to restore the environmental
integrity of Khanpur Lake/Dam. This
includes reducing pollution levels,
improving water quality, and mitigating
the impact of littering on the ecosystem. The project aims to create a healthier and
more sustainable environment for aquatic life and the surrounding flora and fauna.

2. Litter Cleanup and Waste Management:

The main objective of our cleanup project is to actively remove litter and waste
from Khanpur Lake/Dam and its surrounding areas. Through organized cleanup
drives and targeted efforts, the project aims to significantly reduce the amount of
litter that pollutes the shoreline and water bodies. The objective is to restore the
natural beauty of the lake and create a cleaner environment for visitors and the local

3. Community Engagement and Awareness:

The project aims to actively engage the local community in the cleanup efforts. It
seeks to raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation and
the impact of pollution on the lake ecosystem. Through educational programs,
workshops, and awareness campaigns, the project aims to foster a sense of
responsibility and encourage sustainable practices among the local community and

4. Collaboration and Partnerships:
The cleanup project emphasizes collaboration with various stakeholders, including
local authorities, community organizations, and volunteers. By working together,
the project aims to leverage collective efforts and resources to achieve the common
goal of restoring and preserving Khanpur Lake/Dam.

5. Sustainable Practices and Long-term Solutions:

The project aims to go beyond short-term cleanup activities and focus on
implementing sustainable practices and long-term solutions. This includes
developing waste management systems, promoting recycling and responsible waste
disposal, and advocating for the adoption of environmentally friendly practices in
the surrounding areas. The objective is to create a lasting impact that will ensure
the continued cleanliness and preservation of Khanpur Lake/Dam.

By addressing these objectives, the cleanup project for Khanpur Lake/Dam aims to enhance
the environmental quality, promote ecological balance, and contribute to the overall well-
being of the lake and its surrounding ecosystem.

Planning and Preparation

Our group embarked on a meticulous planning and

preparation process for the cleanup project of
Khanpur Lake/Dam. Here is an overview of our

1. Identify Goals and Objectives:

We began by clearly defining our goals and objectives for the cleanup project. Our
primary aim was to reduce litter and restore the natural beauty of Khanpur
Lake/Dam while promoting environmental awareness and community engagement.

2. Assess the Current Situation:

We conducted a comprehensive assessment of the lake and its surroundings to
understand the extent of litter and pollution. This involved surveying different
areas, documenting the litter hotspots, and assessing the impact on the ecosystem
and wildlife.

3. Seek Permits and Permissions:

Our group took the necessary steps to obtain the required permits and permissions
for conducting the cleanup project. We reached out to local authorities,
environmental agencies, and relevant stakeholders to ensure compliance with

4. Develop a Cleanup Plan:

We developed a detailed cleanup plan that outlined specific strategies, timelines,
and responsibilities. Our plan included dividing the cleanup areas, organizing
volunteer teams, and implementing waste collection and disposal procedures.

5. Secure Necessary Equipment and Supplies:

We made sure to secure all the necessary equipment and supplies for the cleanup
activities. This involved procuring gloves, trash bags, litter pickers, and safety gear
to ensure the safety and efficiency of our volunteers.

6. Arrange Waste Disposal:

We collaborated with local waste management authorities to arrange proper waste
disposal for the collected litter. We identified designated waste collection points
and coordinated with recycling centers to ensure the environmentally responsible
disposal or recycling of the collected waste.

7. Ensure Safety Measures:

Safety was a top priority for our group. We conducted safety briefings, provided
necessary safety equipment, and adhered to established safety protocols throughout
the cleanup activities to protect our volunteers and participants.

8. Evaluate and Document the Project:

We developed an evaluation plan to assess the success of our cleanup project. We
documented the visible improvements in the lake's cleanliness, and gathered
feedback from participants. This allowed us to document our progress and identify
areas for improvement in future cleanup initiatives.

Through our group's meticulous planning and preparation, we were able to execute the
cleanup project effectively, achieving our objectives of reducing litter, restoring the lake's
beauty, promoting environmental awareness, and fostering community engagement.

Cleaning method/approach

For the cleaning of Khanpur

Dam, our approach primarily
involved manual cleaning
methods. Our team of dedicated
students took on the
responsibility of meticulously
removing debris, sediment, and
vegetation from the reservoir.
We recognized the significance
of ensuring that every nook and corner of the dam was thoroughly cleaned, including hard-
to-reach spots and sensitive sections that required special attention.

With a strong emphasis on precision and attention to detail, our team carefully undertook
the task of manually clearing the accumulated debris and sediment from the reservoir. We
employed various techniques such as hand-picking litter, using rakes and shovels to remove
sediment, and manually pulling out vegetation that had overgrown in certain areas.

By adopting a manual cleaning approach, we were able to address specific areas of concern
with a high level of precision. This enabled us to ensure that all traces of debris, sediment,
and vegetation were effectively removed, leaving the dam in a clean and well-maintained

Our dedication and commitment to manual cleaning methods were driven by our desire to
maintain the optimal condition of Khanpur Dam. We recognized that a thorough cleaning
process would not only enhance the dam's visual appeal but also contribute to its
functionality and long-term sustainability.

Safety Measures

Site Inspections:
As part of our cleaning project, regular site inspections were conducted to assess the
condition of Khanpur Dam and identify specific areas requiring attention. These
inspections helped us prioritize our cleaning efforts and allocate resources effectively.

Task Allocation:
To ensure an organized and efficient cleaning process, tasks were allocated among team
members based on their skills and capabilities. Each individual was assigned specific
responsibilities, such as debris removal, sediment clearing, or vegetation control, to
streamline the workflow and maximize productivity.

Team Communication and Supervision:

Clear and effective communication played a vital role in the success of our cleaning project.
Regular team meetings were held to discuss progress, address challenges, and share
important updates. Supervisors provided guidance and oversight to ensure that tasks were
being carried out according to the plan.

Emergency Response Plan:

We prioritized safety during the cleaning project by developing an emergency response
plan. This included identifying potential risks or hazards, establishing communication
protocols in case of emergencies, and ensuring that all team members were aware of
emergency procedures and first aid protocols.

Regular Breaks:

Recognizing the physical demands of the cleaning project, we scheduled regular breaks for
team members. These breaks allowed individuals to rest, hydrate, and recharge, ensuring
their well-being and maintaining their productivity throughout the cleaning activities.

By incorporating site inspections, efficient task allocation, effective team communication,

an emergency response plan, and regular breaks, we aimed to create a well-organized and
safe working environment for our cleaning project at Khanpur Dam. These measures
helped us optimize our efforts, maintain a high level of productivity, and ensure the well-
being of our team members throughout the duration of the project.

Waste Management and Disposal Approaches

During our cleaning project at Khanpur Dam, we implemented effective waste

management and disposal strategies to minimize environmental impact. Here are the
approaches we took:

1. Waste Segregation

We emphasized the importance of waste segregation right from the start.

Volunteers were trained to separate different types of waste materials, such as
plastic, glass, metal, and organic waste. This segregation allowed for easier
recycling and proper disposal.

2. Safe Disposal

Hazardous waste materials were handled and disposed of according to regulations,

ensuring the safety of the environment and personnel.

3. Collaboration with Authorities

In our efforts to ensure proper waste management, our team collaborated closely
with local waste management authorities. We worked in tandem to adhere to the
specific waste disposal guidelines and regulations set for Khanpur Dam. By
actively engaging with the relevant authorities, we ensured that our cleanup
activities aligned with the established protocols and minimized any potential
negative impact on the environment. Through this collaboration, we aimed to
demonstrate our commitment to responsible waste disposal practices and contribute
to the overall preservation of Khanpur Dam's natural ecosystem.

4. Responsible Transportation

With limited resources, our team prioritized responsible transportation for the
trash collected during the cleanup project. Since we only had our car at our
disposal, we maximized its capacity to transport the collected waste to appropriate
disposal sites. By consolidating the trash efficiently and utilizing the available
space in our vehicle, we aimed to minimize the number of trips required, reducing
fuel consumption and emissions. Our focus on responsible transportation reflected
our commitment to environmental sustainability and our dedication to minimizing
our carbon footprint throughout the cleanup process.

5. Environmental Protection

To prevent any negative impacts on the surrounding ecosystem, our waste disposal
practices carefully avoided environmentally sensitive areas or bodies of water. We

were mindful of the potential consequences of improper waste disposal, such as
pollution or habitat disturbance. By selecting appropriate disposal sites away from
these sensitive areas, we aimed to safeguard the natural environment and minimize
any potential harm to the local ecosystem. Our responsible waste disposal approach
reflected our commitment to preserving the ecological balance and ensuring the
long-term sustainability of Khanpur Dam and its surrounding environment.


In conclusion, the cleaning process at Khanpur Dam was successfully carried out with a
focus on safety, waste management, and environmental awareness. Through the
implementation of realistic safety measures, we prioritized the well-being of our team
members and ensured a secure working environment. The adoption of effective waste
management and disposal approaches allowed for responsible handling of waste materials,
including segregation, recycling, and proper disposal. Additionally, our outreach and
awareness initiatives aimed to engage the community, raise environmental consciousness,
and promote the long-term preservation of Khanpur Dam. Together, these efforts
contributed to the cleanliness, sustainability, and enhanced ecological health of the dam
and its surroundings.


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